Lawrence Greatrake (1793-c.1840) Harp of Zion... (Pittsburgh, 1827) |
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Lawrence Greatrake (1793-c.1840) The Parallel and Pioneer... (New Lisbon, Ohio, 1830) |
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BY LAWRENCE GREATRAKE, Minister of the Regular and purely Calvanistic Baptist Church. NEW LISBON: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF PALLADIUM. 1830. |
[ 33 ] REV. CHAP XIV. (In this chapter there is an animated description given of the joy of "the saints of the Most High" on account of time having come when, "The Mystery of Iniquity" shall cease to make MERCHANDISE of the gospel and of the Church of the living God: When God will raise up and send forth generations of HIS OWN missionaries -- "his angels" -- to gather together his elect from the four winds of heaven. -- Hence, it is said, in the 6th verse of this chapter: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people." From which language we are given to understand, that the time is coming, when the everlasting gospel will not be preached on the earth, or in any nation, kindred, tongue or people, though myriads of corruptions of the true gospel will be proclaimed and strewed over the earth; as, in fact, it is in a great measure the case in the present age: All of which corroborates what we have had occasion to say and reiterate in the foregoing pages: to wit -- that the everlasting gospel will be as effectually made void by the combined traditions, inventions, &c. of Catholic and Protestant Christendom as ever the law of Moses was made void by traditions and inventions of the Scribes and Pharises of old: and, thus, the two witnesses (Law and Gospel) will be slain and cast out into the streets of infidelity and Christendom's inventions and theological jugglery, and trampled under foot for the space of three and a half days or years.)REV. CHAP XV. (In this chapter we have presented a representation of as it were, the preparations in heaven for the dispensation of those judgments in Divine Providence, denominated, the seven last plagues, and by and through the operation of which an end will be put to all opposition to the everlasting gospel -- the traditions, inventions, &c. of Christendom be destroyed, and the world of mere professors and open sceptics be swept from the face of the earth.)REV. CHAP XVI. Having, as we conceive, shown, how "The Beast -- Babylon the Great -- the Mystery of Iniquity -- the Mother of Harlots -- The Abominations of the whole Earth," * has operated and continues to operate, throughout both Catholic and Protestant Christendom for the corruption of the gospel and desolation of the church. -- And having shown that this corruption, pervasion and suppression of the truths of the gospel will go on until all the earth, including every nation, kindred, tongue and people shall worship the beast, or become a party in corrupting, perverting, and suppressing the fundamental truths of the gospel, upon the doctrine of expedience, prudence and policy, EXCEPTING those "whose names are written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." And having shown, that all this will take place under an imposing form of godliness, and that mankind will think, that in doing these things they* The Jezebel if fond of titles, from the Papa of Rome down to the President and Presidentess of the Bible and Mite Societies of Protestant Christendom. -- Her merited titles are found in the Apocalypse: the above are a sample. 34 will be rendering acceptable service to God: We come now to notice, that series of judgments by and through the operation of which Jehovah will avenge himself upon those corrupters, perverters, and suppressors of the truths of his everlasting gospel -- "avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him," and overthrow all the devices and inventions, enterprises, and combinations of man in the name of his gospel, exterminate human traditions in his church, resuscitate and send forth, far and near, "the faith once delivered to the saints," -- gather together his elect from the four winds of heaven; embody them "in the unity of the Spirit and bonds of peace" -- having one Lord, one faith and one beauty and glory of the whole earth! and thus usher in and consummate the Millennial inheritance of his saints -- the latter day glory of Time!Those dispensations of judgment, by and through which these things are to take place, are symbolically written and detailed in the 16th chapter of Revelations; which we now proceed to analyze -- Verse 1. "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." The church of god is, alternatively, spoken of in the scriptures, as a tabernacle and a temple, in allusion to the tabernacle and temple under the old Testament dispensation, both of which were types of the church. The Tabernacle, which was carried about with the Israelites in their journeyings through the wilderness representing the unsettled, wandering circumstances of the Church, until the latter day glory, and the Temple representing her at rest; when she shall become the beauty and glory of the whole earth, as also her more immutable and consummated establishment in heaven: * There she is emphatically, pre-eminently and forever a Temple! Out of the Temple or Church, then, in heaven, the Apostle heard the great voice saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out, &c. -- This great voice, no doubt, was, "The voice of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah," whose voice the dead themselves obey -- who speaks and it is done -- who commands and it standeth fast. -- He commands the seven angels to go their appointed ways and execute his judgments. -- Angels, we are to remember, are "ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them that shall be heirs of salvation." -- They had charge over the elect HEAD, and their charge equally extends to the elect members, or the mystical body of the Lord Jesus Christ -- the elect Head. God does not devolve upon his saints the dispensation of vengeance on their enemies, their persecutors and slanderers. The angels * The author feels justified in saying, that he conceives, there are more real christians or the elect of God the recipiants of grace, out of, what is called, the church, than there are in it: At all events they are, as they ever have been, a scattered people, that they may be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. -- But in our day all who are born into the churches through the instrumentality of professing parents, or all who can be wooed, frightened or bribed to herd together as a body of professors and are called churches, are considered at the elect of God -- the sheep of Christ. -- Let, however, the truth, the doctrine of grace, be once preached among them and the grunt and the hiss ploclaim them to be an entirely different class of creatures. But in every city, town, village and neighborhood the ministers of the multitudinous sects must have, individually, so many members to furnish the ways and means of support; and, if they can, so many more members to gratify their vanity by excelling other churches in appearances as to numbers and official SKILL. And then, with what tenacity do they cleave to their flocks -- O how their hearts are knit to them. -- They persuade their people that they are christians -- their people support them for it. -- But let the doctrine of grace be heard and, like Ithuriel's wand, it transforms these saints to friends. 35 are the executioners of his judgments on behalf of the saints. -- At the sound of the voice from within the temple the seven angels went forth, having the seven vials or bowls (The last is the most correct rendering of the term) of the wrath of God, to pour out upon the earth. By the earth we are to understand, all mankind who shall have been, impenitently, open or secret despisers of the word of God, or maintaining a direct or indirect opposition to the truth of the gospel; and who shall have been, in any measure and form, a party in or accessary to the corrupting, perversion or suppression of the doctrine of the gospel, upon the principles of prudence, policy, expedience and self interest; and the introduction of human traditions, inventions, enterprises and combinations, as substituting the preaching of the gospel, as a means of salvation, and a standard of judgment as to person or thing in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ! Or, in the language of Revelations, upon all who shall have worshipped the old Beast or the young ones: -- the Mother of harlots or her daughters -- or received their marks on their foreheads or in their right hands.Verse 2. "And the first angel went, and poured out his vial or bowl, upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and them that worship his image." It is to be continually borne in remembrance, while we pursue our reflections upon the Revelations, that every prominent idea therein is clothed in a symbol. -- Hence, this judgment which is spoken of as "a grievous sore" is to be considered as an emblem, and as such referable to the swelling and diffusing ulcers which brake out of the bodies of the Egyptians, when God sent his plagues on Pharaoh and his people. * As those biles, and blains constituted a feverish, irritable, painful and torturing sore on the bodies of the Egyptians, so, when this first vial or bowl shall be poured out, it will produce a correspondent effect on the minds of the worshippers of the beast. -- And, as we know, that nothing under the heaven has so great a tendency to produce irritation, fretfulness, pain and agony to the mind of man as the failure of his temporal projects, prostration of his earthly hopes, and disappointment of creature enjoyments; we may safely conclude, that his judgment will operate in that way: and that in the language of Jehovah (in Deuteronomy, xxviii. 16 to 19) we may say, "cursed shall they be in the city, and cursed shall they be in the field, cursed shall they be in their basket and in their store. Cursed shall they be in the fruit of their body and fruit of their land, in the increase of their kine, and the flocks of their sheep. Cursed shall they be when they come in, & cursed shall they be when they go out. The Lord shall send them cursing, vexation and rebuke, in all that they set their hand unto to do, until they be destroyed and perish quickly: because of the wickedness of their doings whereby they forsook him. The Lord shall make the pestilence † cleave to them until he have consumed them off the earth. Their heaven over them shall be brass & the earth that is under their feet shall be iron. The Lord shall make the rain of their land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon them until they be destroyed." Under these circumstances there will be a fulfilment of Jehovah's threatening by the prophet Isaiah, (v, 8, 9.) "Wo unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they might be placed alone in the midst of the earth. In mine ears, saith the Lord of hosts, of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair houses shall be without inhabitant. Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath (7 gallons of wine) and seed of a homer (8 bushels) * Exodus ix. 8, 9, 10, 11. † See Rev. xvi. 17. "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air." 36 shall yield an ephah," (3 pecks.) -- From the foregoing we learn, that mankind -- the earth -- the worshippers of the Beast -- will be cursed in the city or their commercial transactions. Merchants will be disappointed in, and robbed by one another until all the commercial ligaments are torn asunder. Husbandmen will be cursed in their fields; they will no longer yield their wonted fruits. -- 10 acres of vineyard will afford but one bath or seven gallons, and the seed of a homer, or 8 bushels, will yield but an ephah, or three pecks. Manufacturers, merchants, artizans and all classes of society will be equally participants of discomfiture and disappointment in their temporal affairs; the lord shall send them cursing, VEXATION and rebuke, in ALL that they set their hand unto to do. Not only shall they be cursed, vexed and rebuked in all their earthly projects, but also in the fruit of their body, or in the persons of their offspring: in their coming in their domiciles & in their going out therefrom. That is, their children the fruit of their body, will be ingrates to their parents; husbands will be betrayed by their wives and wives abandoned by their husbands; and thus all shall be political anarchy, commercial embarrassment, temporal losses and crosses, social, relative and domestic wretchedness! Under these circumstances the minds of men will be lashed to tempest fury -- they will like so many foaming daemoniacs in a living Golgotha. -- Those who are the best read in the scriptures, and the most observant of human nature will feel fully satisfied, that a dispensation of Providence by which mankind would be blasted to a great extent in their earthly pursuits and gratifications, would render them fac similies of fiends incarnate. -- "fierce as ten furies, terrible as hell." -- How forcibly is this illustrated in the Israelites, who, under the judgments of God of injustice to them, by taking up a parable, saying: -- "The Fathers have eaten our sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge." (Ezekiel xviii. 2.) Another illustration of this infuriated, daemon-like spirit is found in the case of Job's wife who challenges and taunts her husband, under his earthly losses and degradation, tyranny, and then commit suicide. Another instance is furnished in the death of the apostate Julian, (as he is called) who, having been baffled in his ambitious design and attempt to rebuild Jerusalem, and when dying from a wound received in battling for the re-possession of the ruins of that city, flung a handful of his own blood towards heaven, gnashing his teeth, and exclaimed, thou Nazarene, thou hast conquered! Another instance is found in the dying moments of Emerson, a celebrated infidel of the last century, who, raising himself up in his bed when he felt the chill of death curdling round his heart, exclaimed, in a terrific spirit of opposition to the will of heaven, "God! God! God! I wont die," and fell back on his bed a corpse. But every man's breast is a living commentary upon the truth and fact of this spirit's existence in the human heart. All that is necessary to awaken and rouse it up in murmurings, repinings and blasphemy against God is, such dispensations in providence as shall blast their earthly expectations and creature enjoyments. -- Hence, even the patient Job, when made the subject of affliction to a degree beyond the measure of supporting grace given unto him, cursed the day of his birth, and the womb that conceived him. And "the man after God's own heart," under a certain weight of affliction blasphemously said, "I have washed my hands in innocency, I have cleansed my heart in vain: It is a vain thing to serve God." (Job iii. 1. Psalm lxxiii. 13.) In a word, what irritation, fretfulness, murmurings and repinings are mankind at large, the subject of, under the present and more common discomfitures and disappointments in their earthly pursuits and creature enjoyments: so much so, that they are represented as the troubled sea, continually casting up mire and dirt. Under the operation, then, of this first vial or bowl,37 mankind will become like raging waves of the sea; foaming with passion, vexation and despair: they will give themselves up to the commission of every species of violence; and homicide, parricide, infanticide, suicide, and crime of every grade will multiply and abound to an unprecedented degree through and among all classes of mankind. Under these circumstances of mankind will be fulfilled, the language of the Apostle where he says: "This KNOW also, that in the LAST days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous (of power, fame, office and money) boasters (of their own devices, inventions and doings) proud, &c. -- Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof." (2 Tim. iii, 1 to 5.)This sore is said to fall upon the men who have the mark of the Beast, as well as upon those who worship his image. -- By those who worship the image of the beast is meant, all within the pale of the ostensible or visible catholic church; over whom the image or Pope is universal Bishop -- an infallible teacher -- the vicegerent of the Most High: these worship the image! Those who have the mark of the Beast are those, of other churches, or elsewhere, who approve of, abet and commend those corruptions, perversions and suppressions of the truths of the gospel, and those traditions, inventions and combinations of men by which the Catholic and other churches became possessed of "great power and authority." Such men have the mark of the beast though they may belong to Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Baptist or any other religious denomination. Verse 3. "And the second angel poured out his vial (or bowl) upon the sea; and it became the blood of a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea." By the sea, we have already shown, is emblematically meant, a community of men in a state of tumult. -- Hence, the wicked are said to be like the troubled sea: -- the tribe of Benjamin is said to be, "unstable as water;" and a multitude of errorists to be, "as raging waves of the sea," (Jude xix.) This emblem, then, as here used, is significant of political and religious tumultuation; more particularly of the latter. Who, that soberly and intelligently contemplates the world at this time, but what is convinced, that much political agitation exists throughout what is denominated, the christian world. and that what does exist is, but the first sightings of a terrific storm! But more emphatically is the religious world, (as it is called) marked by excitement and tumult. In that the wind blows from every point of the compass, the horizon is clothed with almost impervious clouds -- they thicken and spread daily, and bid fair to shroud the world in religious darkness that may be felt, and at the same time it is heaving and tossing like the troubled ocean when his billows lash the angry clouds. In other words -- "We live in times marked by intense activity and restlessness of mind -- in stirring and adventurous days." -- The intellectual powers of man are in universal and incessant agitation. * They rest not either night or day. -- A spirit of enterprise and independence is gone abroad, which rushes into every region of knowledge, and which is ready to commit itself to every untried variety and combination of things: and which knowledge, in fact, hath no other tendency than to inflate and puff up the native lawlessness and arrogance of the human * The universality of the spirit of controversy or inquiry, as it was called was the distinctive characteristic of both periods of time embraced, in the Revolution in England under Cromwell, and of France under Danton, Marat and Robespierre: Those terrific civil and religious explosions were mere evening zephys to what is coming out of existing and progressing controversies: -- We hear many politicians and ecclesiastics expressing their conviction, that the world is upon the eve of a glorious Revolution -- Yes, glorious as hell and human depravity can make one!! Eyes they have but they see not! 38 mind; and constitutes it abstract foolishness in the estimation of God, though it be clothed with the appearance of heavenly zeal and pious effort for the salvation of all men! From this general ferment fumes upon fumes rise up to bewilder the brains of men, t fill them with an insane confidence in their own powers, till they are ready to fall down before the creations of their own fancy, and wonders of their own right hand; and call it, as did the Israelites when they danced around their golden calf, "a feast unto the Lord," though a stench and an abomination to him. -- It is in vain that the volume of nature and of grace call upon them to desist from seeking, in this arrogant and godless temper, for the abode of wisdom and the place of understanding. -- It is in vain that "the depth says, it is not in me, and that the sea, saith, it is not in me." -- It is in vain that the word of God saith, "It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps: that none can bring a clean thing out of an unclean: that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God: that it is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, and that salvation is of the Lord!" This unquiet spirit hath seized on the mind, it will continue its search through every realm and province of creation; it will continue its experiments in every untried vanity and combination of things, to the suppression, corruption, and perversion of the truths of the gospel -- the exclusion of God's simple and only ordained means of salvation. -- God being thus forgotten, and his gospel most infamously corrupted, perverted and suppressed, in the midst of the works and imaginations of men, he will at last take up his own cause. And after all these achievements in science, and all these seeking of inventions, and all these popular projects, these fashionable, benevolent and religious enterprises, and imposing combinations for the salvation of the world; and after all these "lo heres and lo theres," we shall be filled with shame for glory, and the cup, of the Lord's right hand shall be turned to us! We shall find, that we have sown to the wind of our own vain and lawless imaginations to reap the whirlwind of disappointment, confusion and shame. -- Yes, by the pouring out of this second vial or bowl, all this eagerness for mental excitement and conflict, all this lusting after what is new & strange, that now so widely pervades all ranks and degrees of men, shall die away. These religious paroxysms shall cease, these untried experiments shall terminate, these combinations shall be dissolved, these restless spirits shall become extinct. The whole will be succeeded by a death-like stillness, and religious society shall become as coagulated blood. The grand results of all these religious devices, inventions, enterprises and combinations will be, to furnish mankind with, what they will suppose, an irrefragable evidence, that the christian religion is "a cunningly devised fable" -- that all religion is unnatural -- that there is no God -- that matter is God and God is matter, and that it is no matter whether there be a God or not. These, then are to be the awful results of vainglorious and wide-lauded inventions of the religious world at the present day. The prophecy of the philosopher of Lanark will then be fulfilled, but not upon his principles, or in commendation of his social system" -- Christendom will then reject all scripture as a revelation from God, and become worse infidels than the Owenites themselves. -- Then there will be a terrific fulfilment and illustration of Christ's language in reference to proselytism and convert making: "Wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye (then) make him two fold more a child of hell than yourselves:" Matth. xxiii. 15, That is, they convert the Gallio, careless sinner into an open or secret enemy to and opposer of the truth of the gospel; and by introducing him to the ostensible church of Christ afford him the fullest opportunity thus to oppose the gospel in its essential doctrine. -- Then shall be fulfilled and illustrated the language of Rev. xviii.2, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." -- Much of this is all39 ready fulfilling and exemplified around us. Thousands and tens of thousands of our generation have, the native infidelity of their hearts confirmed by the confusion of christendom. Indeed, the extravaganzas, the pride, the vanity, the pomp selfishness, jealousy, rivalry, and the multifarious conflicting and opposite notions, together with the devices, inventions, enterprises and combinations that obtain in the different religious denominations of christendom, do more to confirm the innate infidelity of our common nature, than all the writings of Shaftsbury, Bolingbroke, Hume, Gibbon, Voltaire, and Tome Paine, together with those of the whole host of sceptical writers, an Owen's system put together, have ever accomplished. As we have already remarked, sea and land are compassed to make proselytes, and when they are made they are only careless sinners converted into open or covert haters and opposers of the truth of the gospel, and dastardly calumniators of all who preach that truth -- the whole counsel of God, and mere tools in the hands of others to carry up the religious Babel that is now building in Christendom. The protestant churches, as well as the Catholic, are already more or less, yea, in an unprecedented degree, "the habitation of devils, a hold of every foul spirit, a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." That is, if opposition to the doctrine of grace, the truth of the gospel, be the spirit of the devil; if every foul spirit means a corrupter of & trampler upon the truth of the gospel; and uncleaned and hateful bird, mean carnal, unregenerated churches, such a habitation; aye, as sure as ever Mary Magdalene was the habitation of seven Devils.Verse 4. "And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains and they became blood." It is rivers that furnish the waters that make hte sea, and fountains which furnish and send forth the waters that make those rivers! It is said in the scriptures, in reference to the benificent acts of Jehovah in the dispensation of his providence, that "he visiteth the earth and watereth it: he greatly enricheth it with the river of God which is full of water," Psalm ixv. 9. And, again, it is said: "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High," Psalm xlvi. 4. And, again, it is written: "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb," Rev. xxii. 1. As in the first of the foregoing citations, the benificence of Jehovah, in the despensations of his providence, and through the instrumentality of the elements of nature, whereby the earth is made to yield her increase, is signified; so in the two last citations, allusion is made to and a figurative illustration given of the grace of God, in the economy of salvation, whereby the truths of the gospel are made purifying, refreshing and fertilizing to the souls of the inhabitants of Zion, as pure rivers are cleansing to those who have therin, and refreshin and fertilizing to the earth. -- Hence, it is said in the 5th verse of this chapter. "And i hear the angel of the waters say," &c.; which angel of the waters is, a symbolical representation of all truly evangelical ministers who, through the doctrine which they preach, sanctify and cleanse the lives, affections and thoughts of the house of Jacob and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. To this end Jesus says to the Father, "Sanctify them through thy truth, they word is truth," John xvii. 17 -- and the Apostle says, in reference to the church, that "christ also lived it and gave himself for it: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word" -- i.e. -- through the agency of the Spirit and by the word as an instrument, in the economy of salvation, with the elements of water in the economy of nature, Zach. xiv. 8. As, then, the truths of the gospel are compared to the river which make glad the city of God, &c.: So false doctrine, human traditions, the devices, inventions, religious enterprises and combinations 40 of man out of the truth of the gospel are compared to foul and loathsome waters, Ezek. xxxii. 2.So that the instrumentalities that run to and fro in the earth, deceiving and being deceived in the name of the gospel of Christ, constitute rivers in this emblematic sense, as evangelical ministers constitute a river. In the former case they are said to be rivers because their doctrines are many, in the latter case they are said to be a river that makes glad the City of God, because their doctrine is one. -- With these explanatory remarks before use, and we feel justified in saying, that the rivers spoken of in the 4th verse are emblematic of the myriads of instrumentalities that now are, and which for nearly 18 centuries have been, more or less, moving and running to and fro in the earth, in forming, feeding and maturing that "Mystery of Iniquity," that did already begin to work in the days of the Apostles, and that has been working ever since with progressive desolation to the truth in, what has been called, and is still titled, christendom: and which instrumentalities exceed in number, and excel in plausible appearance all that have ever preceded them. The fountains are those societies & combinations of societies, which have sent, & shall continue to send forth, their endless variety of instrumentalities, or rivers, for the inundating of the world with the flood of heresies, delusions and refuges of lies in the name of the gospel of Christ; and for the purpose of making proselytes to their different systems of christianity. These instrumentalities are now visible under the names of missionary, tract, bible, Sunday school, mite, anti-intemperate, &c. societies, agents, tools and factotums. Mankind, generally, will, ere many years have passed from this time, despise and reject the multifarious agents, mendicants and missionaries of these societies, as the Egyptians loathed and cursed the armies of frogs, locusts and lice that swarmed their land, invaded their domiciles and polluted their chambers. They will indignantly exclaim: Avaunt! Ye herd of Jesuits! It is now three score, four or five score years since ye, with throats of brass and adamantine lungs, began to thunder in our ears, that we were upon the threshhold of a political, moral and religious millennium -- in the young dawn of the Latterday glory: to urge us to make you contributions of gold and silver to accelerate * that glorious era, and to make universal that illustrious event. We now find that ye were gross deceivers, lying prophets, and arrogant imposters: -- that all your traditions, inventions and combinations; all your missionary, tract and other societies have only evolved an accumulation of crime and created ten fold disorder; and left us but the mortifying reflection, that our fathers and ourselves have been exhibiting the credulity of infants, or the drivelling imbecility of idiots in attaching any confidence to your predictions, your promises, your vauntings and illusive projects! -- Ye promised unity and peace throughout your self-styled christendom and, lo, we have the discordance of bedlam, the confusion, of Babel, and the uproar of jarring elements! -- Ye promised us a hundred fold in this life, if we would lend to the Lord our gold and silver † that he might have the means of saving the heathen and the ends of the * One of the most prominent features of Antichrist is, that he "thinks to change times and laws," (Dan. vii. 25.) Protestant christendom is full of and reeling drunk with this vain and arrogant imagination. The very babies are taught to rattle, as it were, their mite boxes over their heads swimming with the idea that their coppers are earnests of salvation to heathens' souls. while their little hearts swell and flutter with pharisaic pride, that they are forwarding the great salvation as to time and subject! † These BORROWERS may in the end be served as a certain Sultan of Egypt once served the Jews: Some centuries since the Sultan alluded to summoned the leading and the wealthiest of the Jews to appear before him: They appeared, and were asked, if they believed the whole of Moses' writings to be true? They instantly 41 earth, and, behold, ten acres of vineyard yield but one bath, or seven gallons of wine; and the seed of an homer, or 8 bushels, yield but an ephah or 3 pecks! Behold, our houses are desolate -- our families divided -- our wives infidel, our husbands, profligate, our children ingrates, &c. we are tormented even before our time. Avaunt! we say, we have learned from sore experience that ye are tribes of theological ignoramuses & spiritual quacks, practising upon our ignorance & credulity, at the same time we must exonorate you of the charge of that particular item of infidelity involved in the neglect, of providing for your own households: we must give you credit for unrivalled attainments in the art of self-preservation. -- Go, we say, ye theological imbeciles, ye croaking mendicants, ye princes of imposters! return to your Assemblies, your Conventions, your Conferences, and Associations who spawned & sent you forth, and tell them, that we esteem them nests of theological knaves; that we have no more credulity for them to play upon, no more patience to exercise, no more gold and silver to bestow. They have lived and fared sumptuously long enough at our expense: We shall no longer furnish them with the means to gather from the scum of society those whom they call, "poor, pious young men," to be drilled as tools and factotums for their merchandise making use of the gospel. -- Some such sentiments and feelings will be expressed by mankind, generally, towards these societies and agents, &c. when the second vial or bowl is poured out. -- And thus these inventions, enterprises and combinations now obtaining in the religious world will be dissolved -- these rivers will be dried up. These agents and tools of Missionary, tract, Sabbath school, &c. societies will return to their respective societies without any of the all-potent, all-converting gold and silver: And then those societies, or, as the prophet says, "companies," will vanish like "the baseless fabric of vision." -- Then these rivers and fountains will be dried up -- they will become as the blood of a dead man. -- Yea, the individuals composing those Councils, Assemblies, Conventions, Associations, and Conferences, together with the hosts of agents and tools appertaining to their religious and philanthropic societies (as they are called) will themselves become sceptics and constitute the van of infidelity -- "The army of aliens:" That this will be the case -- or the transformation which these zealots will undergo, is evident to all who know, that in proportion to the excitement that obtains among mankind under the influence of error and false zeal, so is that infidelity when that zeal is confounded.Verse 5, 6, 7. "And I heard the angle of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, wast and shall be, because thou hast judged thus: For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy: And I heard another of the alter say, even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments." By "the angel of the waters" is here meant, evangelical and faithful ministers, who, throughout the scriptures, are frequently spoken of as angels, and personified under the character of an angel: For instance, it is said of John the Baptist, "Behold I will send my angel (or messenger) before me," &c.: -- "Unto the angel of the church in Sardis write," &c.: "and to the angel of the church in responded, yes. Then, said the Sultan, I find from your own acknowledgements that the Jews or Hebrews borrowed large of the Egyptians of gold and silver, when the former went out of Egypt under Moses and Aaron; and I now expect and demand of you to refund us Egyptians some part of the loan. -- The crafty and money loving Israelites had to pay an enormous sum by way of compromise to the Sultan! So, by and bye, the world will serve our pious churches: They will be made to disgorge what they have borrowed, with the interest simple and compound. 42 Philadelphia write," &c.: and Jesus saith, in allusion to the latter day glory, in which the ransomed of the Lord shall return to Zion; "and he shall send HIS angels (ministers) with the great sound of a trumpet, and they SHALL gather together HIS elect from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other." -- "The angel of the waters" is not only a personification of an evangelical ministry (as is the angel flying in the midst of heaven in Rev. xiv. 6) but this very personification of that ministry in the singular person is highly significant as representing the essential and perpetual unity or faith and doctrine among the Lord's ministers, messengers or angels. Nor is the selection of an holy angel as personification of that ministry less significant of the holy or divine nature and holy motives of evangelical ministers; in constradistinction to the carnal, selfish, earthly motives of that host of professed ministers who make merchandise of the church, who sell the truth of the gospel, and are ashamed of the WORDS of Christ. "The angel of the waters" is, a figure taken from the officer of the temple of Jerusalem, whose business it was to supply the temple of water for the baths and other reservoirs, which, altogether, took about 480 hogshead each day. This officer was called, "the angel of the waters." And as he furnished water for the washing & purifying of the bodies of the priests, worshippers & vessels of the temple, & by which they were ceremoniously sanctified; so, evangelical ministers have ever furnished the spiritual temple, tabernacle or church of God, in her militant state, with those truths of the word of God and gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which, as waters cleanse and purify their own souls, and the souls of all who "Believe with the heart unto righteousness." -- Hence, Jesus prays, in reference to all whom the Father had given him; "Sanctify them through they truth: they word is truth:" and he says t Peter, except I wash thee, or "if I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me." -- The prophet Zachariah says, in allusion to the promulgation of the gospel by the apostles and immediate disciples of Christ; "And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem;" and the apostle says, in language which we have already cited, that "Christ loved the church and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word." We are, then, to understand, "The angel of the waters" as symbolical of evangelical ministers: and such ministers shall bear testimony that God is righteous in the dispensation of these judgments. -- But, the apostle, it appears, heard also another voice out of the alter bearing testimony, not only to the righteousness of these judgments, but to the veracity and faithfulness of God in the infliction thereof. -- For a satisfactory understand of the character of "the voice out of the alter," it is necessary to refer to the 6th chapter of Revelation, where it is said (ver. 9, 10, 11,) "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were GIVEN unto everyone of them: and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, UNTIL their fellow servants also and their brethren that SHOULD be killed AS THEY WERE should be FULFILLED." From this passage of the Revelation, in connexion with the former, we are given to understand, that the angel of the waters represents, all those ministers and faithful brethren who have been, or who shall hereafter be killed in their reputations or bodies, since the writing o the Revelation: and that the angel or voice that spake from under the alter represents, those prophets, apostles, evangelists and "holy men of old," who had suffered and been killed for the word of God and the testimony which they held, previous to the writing of the Revelation. The case is alluded to and illustrated by the Lord Jesus Christ in the parable of the unjust Judge, Luke xviii. in which he says: "And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him,43 though he bear long with them? * I tell you that he will avenge them speedily † -- The idea, that being literally slain or killed is the scope of import attached to the subject or case before us is entirely erroneous. The apostle under his sufferings and persecutions, presents himself as, dying daily. -- It is were mercy itself to kill a man's body compared with stabbing and wounding his character, and mangling and murdering his feelings. Hence, the apostle Jude represents "the Lord's coming with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, not only of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, but of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinner have spoken against him;" both in his own person and character and the persons and characters of his saints and faithful ministers; for, inasmuch as they do those things to at least of them they do them unto him. Nor may it be forgotten, that the Lord Jesus Christ hath declared, that if the master of one house hath been called Beelzebub much more shall they of his household be called so: that if they (his enemies) have persecuted the Lord & master they will also persecute his servants: Add to which, an apostle declares, that "If any man (without exception!) will live godly in Christ Jesus, he SHALL suffer persecution;" and Jesus pronounces a wo on that man or those disciples of whom all men speak well. Indeed, the scriptures abound in example, precept and promise as testimony to the same effect: but the religious world, at the present, as in former times, is full of pious effort to put a negative upon these as well as upon all other essential truths of the word of God. ‡ She by her conduct, virtually declares, that two or two thousand can walk together though they are not agreed: that Christ can have fellowship with Belial; -- light with darkness; and that it is the duty of privilege of the disciples and ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ, to please all men and to secure the approbation of all men. But let God be true and every man a liar! And so it will be found, in this as well as all other points of difference between the word of God and the notions of men; and that those who are truly believers in and contenders for "the faith once delivered to the saints," will be hated of all men, though the most Julian-like of their haters, and jesuit-like of their persecutors will be found robed in an imposing form of godliness. Though the civil laws of Christendom interpose in our age* Or, though he suffer them to be persecuted through many, very many generations. † "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us-ward," &c. says an apostle (2 Pet. iii. 1 to 10) therefore the language of encouragement in Rev. vi. 10, 11. ‡ Christ and his apostles were dubbed with every vile epithet -- our preachers with an almost endless variety of honorable titles! Christ and his Apostles made themselves poor that others might be spiritually enriched though their sacrifices and labors: our preachers are striving to make themselves rich! The former had not where to lay their heads, the latter fare sumptuously every day and repose on bed of down! The former realized not a farthing for their Sabbath days' labors, the latter have individually from 10 to 60 from 60 to 1000 from a 1000 to 7000 § dollars for their Sabbath days' labor! Christ and his Apostles were considered as disturbers of the peace; our preachers are esteemed as the conservators thereof. Christ, his Apostles and his missionaries had to "flee from city to city" under the lash of persecution, and thus they carried abroad the gospel, our preachers and our missionaries dont go from city to another without a formal and polite invitation and with an assurance, that the quid pro quo awaits them -- funds are provided before hand for our missionaries; Christ and his Apostles never begged of the world gold or silver, our preachers are ceaseless in their begging. But hell and heaven scarcely present a broader and more vivid contrast -- we can only add -- Christ and his Apostles preached the truth of the Gospel, our preachers endless lies in its name! § One Arch-Bishops' (of England) annual income is 320,000 dollars! 44 For the security of an evangelical minister's life, yet he is made to suffer a thousand deaths in his character and feelings by the remorseless myriads of popular professors, who are only careless sinners converted to sectarianism, and thus, as ostensible members of the church, constituted privileged detractors and slanderers of every truly Calvinistic preacher. * This, then, is the kind of death that the witnesses now die. So that the religious world, as it is called, has only improved in the refinements of cruelty and murder, since the days in which dungeons, gibbets, faggots and stakes were in use, ostensibly, for the Lord's sake! Whea, however, the third angel shall have poured out his vial or bowl, then old Testament and new Testament saints and faithful ministers will simultaneously and universally proclaim the righteousness of God in those judgments, and that he is true, according to his promise, in the infliction therof. To this case the apostle Peter writes when he says "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some me count slackness; but he is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Pet. iii. 9. In the verses which we have transcribed, from the 6th chapter of Revelation, we find the souls of them that were under the alter vehemently calling upon the Lord to judge and avenge their blood: These souls were those prophets and holy men of old, "who were stoned, sawn asunder; who were tempted, slain with the sword, who wandered about in sheepskins & goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented," &c. Heb xi. 37. In answer to these souls, the Lord said, that they should rest or wait yet for a little season -- i.e. rest or wait for a little season in his promise to avenge them: That season or time was to be, UNTIL their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that SHOULD be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." And the apostle Peter gives us to understand, that the Lord postpones his judgment of the world until all spiritual Israel are saved. -- Until all come to repentance whom Jesus is exalted a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance and remission of sins to -- THEY ARE ISRAEL!!! Acts v. 31. Thus God continues the world of sinners in existence, until through their instrumentality by natural generation, the elect shall, one and all, be brought into existence, "preserved in Christ Jesus and called." Jude i. Therefore is God said to be, long-suffering to us-ward (i.e. for the elect's sake) not willing that one them should perish, or fail to be brought into existence, by a premature destruction of the world of sinners. -- Hence, another apostle says, in reference to the saints -- the elect -- "All things are yours, whether Paul or Apostles, or Cephas, or THE WORLD, or life or death ; all things are years, and ye are Christ's and Christ is God's." I Cor. iii. 21 to 23. These witnesses, then, under the old Testament and new Testament dispensations, will be the most appropriate judges of the righteousness of God in the dispensation of these judgments or vials of wrath. They will remember all that they shall have suffered under the Jewish economy; from the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and in Protestant Christendom. -- A formidable part of them will well remember, how the gospel was made merchandise of in protestant Christendom: How, there too, the fundamental truths of the gospel were denied in toto, or suppressed and trampled upon; and how subordinate constituents of the doctrine were corrupted, twisted, and wire drawn until the word of God was made to appear as a cunningly devised fable or loathsome mass of absurdity, inconsistency and__________ * Never did falsifiers & calumniators swarm among any class of professors more numerous, impudent or more jesuitical than they do among the General Assembly Presbyterians and Fullerite Baptist missionaries, tract, Sabbath school, anti-intemperate, &c. societies, agents, and factotums: Truly they are college bred in these respects, and the least one of them entitled to the degree and diploma of "Master of Arts!" We could fill a volume with what we have personally known of their falsehoods and their calumnies. But "the mystery of iniquity" must work -- till the cup be filled. 45 self contradiction. -- These witnesses will recollect how the pulpit of even those denominations in protestant christendom, whose ostensible faith embraced the fundamental truths of the gospel, were open to receive any half insane or ignorant missionary, tract, Sabbath school or revival-making-monger that brayed through the world, though as heretical as Simon Magus himself; at the same time that these denominations shrink from a faithful witness -- a truly Calvinistic preacher, as they would have shrunk from the exhalation of the upas, or from the siroc blast. * They will well remember, how human inventions, traditions, enterprises and combinations were made to supersede the gospel of Jesus Christ as a standard of judgment both as to person and thing in the ostensible church of Christ. In a word, they will have thousands of volumes of reminiscences of the Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant Churches' open or covert hatred to and persecution of "the faith of God's elect" the doctrine of sovereign and discriminating grace: and this will constrain them to exclaim, "Thou art righteous O Lord, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are WORTHY." -- Once more we remark, that by the shedding of the blood of saints and prophets, we are not less to understand the torturing the feelings and mangling the character of faithful witnesses, than the literal killing of their bodies; hence a prophet says -- "We are killed all the day long:" and an apostle says, "I die daily." The world -- the worshippers of the image of the Beast, and all who have his mark, will, in the operation of the vials or bowls of the wrath of Almighty God, which we have already noticed, become the subjects of reciprocal hatred, distrust, slander and persecution in all the relationships of human life: † They will be given up to anarchy, violence and bloodshed; to confusion, desolation and despair, in reference both to their temporal and eternal interests. And thus God will not only be righteous in the dispensation of his judgments, but true in the fulfillment of his promises. -- Under these circumstances, however, the world will have no heart to oppose the promulgation of the gospel -- they will be controlled by an awe of consequences as was wicked Baalam: Satan will begin to have his chain contracted preparatory to his lying bound for his "thousand years" Nevertheless, this cessation of hostility to the everlasting gospel is not to be looked for until the whole of the vials or bowls of wrath are poured out and in full operation: Then shall the stout heart of infidelity and carnal professors quail, and be brought down to a reluctant and churlish forbearance of all opposition to and perversion of the gospel. All of which we shall see more fully in our reflections upon subsequent parts of our subject.Verse 8, 9. "And the fourth angel poured out his vial or bowl upon the sun; and power was given him to scorch men with fire: and men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues; and repented not." __________ * Let any such minister reside in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, &c. on the east side of the mountains, or in Pittsburg, Zanesville, Columbus, Cincinnati, &c. on the west side of the mountains, and he will find himself estimated by the churches as much as a swine estimates a pearl in its snout. -- There are individuals, no doubt, with whom he would be differently estimated -- but they, comparatively, are a drop in the bucket. † Yes, ye General Assembly Presbyterian and Fullerite Baptist Missionary, Tract, Sabbath school, &c. mongers, ye will find your well taught lying slandering proselytes, school progeny, &c. will themselves deal out to you a two fold measure of the contumely and calumny that you are prompting them now to deal against all who will not abet your devices and religious flummery! § He would be buried in some mud puddle of slander 46 By reference to a prophecy of Jesus Christ we have some distinct light thrown upon these verses, to wit: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matth. xxiv. 29 to 31. The days of tribulation here spoken of had, unquestionably, imposing appiication to and illustration in that period of time, wherein Jerusalem and other cities of the Jews were beseiged by the Roman armies under Titus and other generals; and during which the Jews suffered unparalleled misery from internal, civil and mititary broil, the assaults of the Roman soldiers from without and appalling famine within: But though thus applicable to the foregoing evants, we presume that prophecy will have still more and a final application to and illustration in judgments embraced in the operation of the vials now under consideration. When the seige of Jerusalem terminated in the destruction of that memoralable city, "the sceptre departed from Judah, & a lawgiver from between his feet;" or, the national existence of the Jews terminated: they were peeled, scattered, blotted out of the number of the nations of the earth: And thus was their SUN, or political government darkened and extinguished: Their ceremonial observances and typical sacrifices, or religious ritual, was soon abandoned after the destruction of their holy city. And thus, according to the prediction of Daniel, "the oblation and sacrifice were taken away:" which sacrifice and oblation ceased to be of any service to the Jews after the crucifixion of Chrlist -- he nailed them, as types of himself, to his cross: and though the Jews continued after Christ's death to attend to the Levitical ritual -- to offer the oblation and sacrifice, it was attended With no benefit to them -- it could not avert their impending destruction: and after their extinction as a nation they voluntarily ceased to offer any sacrifice or oblation, as they perceived, that God no longer regarded their offerings or heard their supplications. -- In this figurative sense, then, the moon was darkened. And, as a consequence of the Sceptre departng from Judah and a Lawgiver from between his feet, and of the oblation and sacrifice being taken away, the stars fell from heaven: or, in other words, the political, civil and ecclesiastical rulers fell or were cast down from their high places and seats of authority. As additional authority for the foregoing intepretation of the three symbols let us remember, that God in his government over his ancient people, the Jews, was said to be, their "Sun and their shield;" and that the ceremonial institutes of the Jews are represented as a shadow, Heb. x. 1, and hence the church under the New Testament dispensation is said, to have the moon (Jewish oblation and sacrifice) under her feet, Rev. xii. 1. We also find leaders and rulers spoken of throughout the Scriptures as stars: "They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as stars," Dan. xii. 3. "He that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand," which seven stars are the rulers or ministers of the seven churches of Asia, Rev. i. 16. "And on her head a crown of twelve stars:" which, twelve stars represent the twelve Apostles, Rev. xii. 1. "And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the ground;" that is, a third part of the ministers or leaders in the church were destroyed by the Dragon or Pagan Rome, * Rev. xii. 4. Having, therefore, made it manifest, that Jesus made use of Sun, Moon and Stars as symbolical of general government, religions observances and civil and ecclesiastical rulers and leaders, we now proceed to notice "the sun," spoken of in the 8th and 9th verses of the chapter now under consideration,__________ * There is not a symbal in these lectures, and perhaps not in the whole book of Revelation, but what the scriptures interpret as to import: So true it is, that scripture best interprets scripture. Space precludes us from citing the interpreting passages as we would wish! Search the Scriptures! 47 as an emblem of political, and ecclesiastical government as now generally obtaining throughout Christendom. -- That government is essentially similar in its political principles, intertiational law and civil jurisprudence. It has much if not entirely the same rules of honor and decorum: While the same moral precepts and religious tenets and observances are found to prevail in one part of Christendom as in another; thouogh modifications and discrepancies under which it operates in different nations give different results to the sum of benefit derived therefrom: In view of which we estimate the different countries in which it exists and operates as more or less free and happy. In other words -- "All the forms of government in Europe and in the Americas, and different views of the doctrine of the Bible, different forms of worrship, and different kinds of government established in their churches, are all so many parts of one great moral system." -- On this moral system, then. a judgment will descend when the fourth angel shall pour out his vial. That judgment will embrace political fermentation and contentions, fierce jealousies and rivalry among religious denominations, sects and fraternities, which shall inflame, scorch & burn men's minds to Julian-like rage and jacobinal fury. -- The consequence will be, universal civil & religious broil and bloodshed, and the overthrow of all government, political and social and domestic. -- Already this fire begins to smoulder, proclaiming the crater that exists within the bosom of civilized society, it will ere long issue in a political & religious irrtuption that will reduce the now self-styled christendom to Revolutionary France's riot, confusion and anarchy. -- Then shall be filled, in the last and fullest degree, that prophecy of Christ already cited. -- Then shall the sun or general government of Christendom be darkened: then, shall the moon or that partial light of the gospel -- a light which merely makes darkness visible -- then shall that moon or mere semblance of gospel light, be extinguished. -- Then the stars, or political and ecclesiastical rulers and leader, shall fall, as Satan, like lightning from heaven: Kings, Lords, Excellencies, Honorables, &c. in the political world; and Papas, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, D. D's, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, &c. &c. in the religious world will become, the mere tennis balls of an infuriated lawless populace, hurled from their high places and seats of authority to degradation, contempt and penury, and thus, like their celebrated progenitors, the Scribes and Pharisees, receive the greater damnation, or weight of judgment: for, in proportion as had been their exaltation so will they severely feel and maddening writhe under the extremee of abasement. * -- Thus, even in our own country, we find a large mass of the inhabitants beginning to feel indignant at the burden of imposts which political and ecclesiastical rulers are laying and increasing upon them: THOSE under sanction of a liberal, PATRIOTIC construction of the constitution and for internal improvements and national prosperity. THESE under sanction of a charitable, philanthropic construction of the gospel, in harmony with the spirit of religious enterprise that is abroad in the world, and for the noble object of accellerating the appearance of the "Latter Day Glory." -- In both cases there are the most plausible or appaarantly patriotic and pious motives that demagogues could profess to act from, as well as the most seducing to the well meaning & credulous of human society. These things will go on, even in our own country, until a political and ecclesiastical aristocracy shall command and control the avocations of mens' lives, and the finances or monied capital of the country so far as will enable them to reduce the mass of the population, to mere "hewers of wood and drawers of__________ * They will thus receive their reward for slirring up and inflaming the passions and ignorant religious zeal of mankind by their inventions, &c.: they will then learn, to their confusion, shame and woe how deep and how terrible is the ocean of human depravity. 48 water." * -- Under these circumstances the "red right foot" of civil commotion will be stamped and the country roused to furious opposition. -- Then will even our own general government be overthrown, or darkened: then will the stars, or civil and ecclesiastical rulers and leaders, fall from heaven, or their high places and seats of authority, -- Then there will be an exclamation of, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen! That great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones and pearls." † In the recollcetion of the series of political and religious jugglery and imposition that have been practiced upon her even America will spurn the of existence of a general & of State governments as well as the existence of ecelesiastical societies. -- If these things are in a state of progress in our own highly favored country, much more is it the case in all other parts of what is called Christendom! -- there the "mystery of iniquity" is almost matured -- the harvest is bowing for the sickle."Thus the Jews, before Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, were divided and subdivided into political and religious parties; they were excited by jealousy of and inflamed with rage against each other, and were so scorched with animosities and contentions, that they became their ewn worst tormentors," -- And is not this emphatically the case in our day throughout protestant christendom? What splitting, dividing & subdividing among political parties & religious denominations! What clashing of interests, what jealousies & anomosities among ambitious political & ecclesiastical leaders! It is only necessary for this scene of political and religious jealousy, rivalry and consequent animosity to gain strength and estension to produce the confusion of Babel and the uproar of warring elements. It will come! Then will all christendom's dignitaries, from the Papa of Rome, down to the Tract presidentesses, fall like lightening from heaven, and all the office, title, honor, authority and emolument of religious societies come to an end. -- When they find themselves reduced to such circumstances, or all their honors and subsistence in and by the gospel taken away __________ * It is already most manifet, that MONIED, political, Commercial, manufacturing, legal, medical, literary and ECCLESTASTICAL, aristocracies are in existence and multiplying in numbers and increasing in influence in our own country. -- As they exist thus far measurably separate, they are but so many republican baronies -- a partial approximation to the feudal governments of Great Britain and other parts of Europe some centuries since. -- When concentrated, or Merged into one general interest, they will prove a Domitian or a Heligobalus in the political, and a 7th Gregory in the religious world. -- Very soon we shall see in own [sic - our] country religious denominations electiitg their creatures to political office, and these, creatures when put in to office legislating for the interests of those religious societies that elected them. § This scene will extend and accumulate weight until the joint impositions and tyranny of these political and religious aristocracies will sting, goad and rouse the mass of the community to take terrific, vengeance on those who have thus abused their confidence and imposed upon their ignorance and credulity. -- All this may be slow in maturing but it will be sure -- long in coming but it will be more like the bolt of heaven. † Kings, Lords and Rulers, Politicians, Statesmen, Lawyers, Physicians, Magistrates, Merchants, as well as ecclesiastical rulers and all the prominent classes ef society make use of the gospel, or a profession of the gospel -- or support something appended to the gospel, as religious enterprise, and that as a matter of merchandise or profit to themselves in reputation or temporal interest: All their advantages, influence and security in there respects will be destroyed, and then they will exclaim and lament -- "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," &c. § The Presbyterians are about to bring 500,000 voters to the polls -- the Baptists about to form an United States Baptist Convention. where political spectators and stock-jobbers may find another 500,000 voters -- Sabbath schools about to be incorporated, &c. &c. -- as a SPRINKLING of the holy leaven! 49 way, and all their darling, pride-gratifying, vainglorious and wide lauded devices and enterprises rendered abortive of good and teeming with every evil, EVEN they will then form the vanguard of blasphemers. -- For the present it is certainly quite natural for the Papa of Rome, his Cardinals, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, &c. &c. clerical dignitaries, down to his catechists and acolytes, to laud and cherish that gospel, and that order of things in the religious world which secures them those high places and seats of authority and furnishes them with all "things that are dainty and goodly, and that clothes them in linen, and purple and scarlet and decks them with gold, and prcious stones and pearls!" Rev. xviii. 14 to 16. It is also quite natural for the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Deacons, Arch-Deacons, Prebends, Arch-Prebends, &c. of the established churches to be well pleased with that gospel which vields them an annual income of, from 72,000 pounds sterling or 320,000 dollars, to 200 pounds sterling, or about a 1,000 dollars. -- It is quite natural and easy for learned D. D's, Presidents, professors, &c. of colleges, theological and other seminaries to laud THAT gospel and that order of things, in the religious world, which places them in those "high places" and sumptiously provides for them while they are revelling in all the enjoyments of intellectual pursuits and recreations. -- It is very natural and easy, we say, for them to exercise great faith in the millennial aspect of the times, and to heap up swelling words about the glory and happiness which the world is soon going to realize through their wonderful works! But their millennium amounts only to making the world somewhat more intellectual in its tastes and pursuit, and of establishing and perpetuating themselves as the stars of science and the rulers of the empire of mind! It is very natural and easy for the pastors, missionaries, authors, publishers, printers, bookbinders, booksellers, Tract, &c. agents in and of the religious world, to exercise great faith in the millennial aspect of the times, when they find personal and family subsistence, respectability and influence in the world, literary fame and the whole et cetera of their earthly interests and gratifications to stand connected with this millennium. *It is still more natural and easy, for that vast multitude of loose, detached and lazaroni materiel, which the different religious denominations have gathered from the surface of society and made their missionaries, pious mendicants, agents, managers, ‡ &c. it is, we say, still more easy for them to believe that the young dawn of the millennium is now blushing upon us. -- By Millennium they understand, that order of things by which they have been exalted above that level for which nature designed them in the community, and by which they calculate upon being perpetuated in that fictitious, exaltation. † But above all it is natural and easy for the vast majority of professors in christendom to believe, that the "latter day glory" is about to be ushered in, when it is understood, that, this stupendous event is to be brought about, at least greatly facilitated, by human __________ * The conclusion of this sentence brings to our recollection the Buffaloe Bishop, alias, Alex. Campbell and his new titled periodical -- yclept "The Millennial Harbinger." -- He has made, in all probability, from 20 to 30,000 dollars by HIS religious publications under the title of "Christian Baptist," "Debate," &c.; and the love of "the mammon of unrighteousness" being his ruling passion, he fondly, dreams and firmly believes (upon what he conceives to be THE BEST evidence in the world) that the millennium is at hand! So the scriptures represent, that there will be no lack of those who shall consider, every eddy "of gain" in their use of the gospel, as a voluminous wave of "godliness!" † The vanity of office in the religious world is above all description. Most superlatively is this exemplified among the Campbellite, fraternity. A church of a few members will have six or eight BISHOPS!! ‡ Nothing can be fraught with more forbidding consequences to religious and civil liberty than, the growing ingathering from the surface of society, into the different and religious denominations of (as they are called) "poor pious young men." 50 inventions, enterprises and combinations: Here the genius of Arminianism luxuriates -- here, as to a common centre, all that is pharisaic, self-righteous and merely formal in godliness tends. Of these notions they quaff to intoxication, exhibiting the religious world already the subject of a drunkard's reveries and a drunkard's vauntings, paroxysms and beatings of the air, -- While this order of things continues all those interested classes of society can talk very delectably about faith and hope, temperance and patience, and every grace of the spirit and virtue of the christian. -- But when their Babylon shall fall -- when they shall be stripped of all they now enjoy; then the secret native fountain of their depravity and unbelief will be broken up, and blasphemy will rush like a cataract from their hearts, and they will foam like so many daemoniacs in rebellious dispositions against the government of God, and incessantly blaspheme his name. ("The history of the Israelites, in their journeyings through the wilderness of Sinai, affords a striking instance of it. They were continually speaking against Moses and against God,' whenever they were afflicted." Numbers xxi. 5.) They will not consider their sins, especially their wicked corruptions, perversions and suppressions of the truths of the gospel, and the carnal, selfish use that they have made of the word and Church of God, together with the substituting of their own inventions, enterprises and combinations, as a standard of judgment and instrument of salvation, for the gospel of Christ, as the cause of their torment, but they will charge God with injustice and cruelty. Like Pharaoh and his host, they will know of no repentance -- repentance shall be hid from their eyes. The furnace of their afflictions, in contention upon contention, in tumult upon tumult, in degradation upon degradation, that furnace will glow more and more fierce: they will feel parched and shrivelled in all their hopes of earthly enjoyments and temporal ease; and yet "no penitential sighs or cries will be heard:" no tears of godly sorrow will be seen to flow; "but the ears will be stunned, every sense will be annoyed, and the scene rendered doubly horrible, by the voice of blasphemy against him who alone has power to lessen or increase these plagues." Such will be something like the results of the pouring out of the fourth vial. The foundations of political, commercial, religious, moral, social and domestic order will be destroyed, and all that is lawless and profligate in human life will become the "signs of the times." This picture is drawn by the pencil of Jehovah; the features of the original already begin to make their appearance to the eye of intelligent and dispassionate reflection. We shall conclude our remarks on the 8th and 9th verses by refering to the 18th chapter of Rev. from the 9th to the 19th verses inclusive, for a fuller description of the confusion and anguish of soul that shall reign in the world after this fourth vial is poured out; and by transcribing a few verses from Isaiah applicable to and generally descriptive of the whole scene: to wit: "Inflaming yourselves with idols (your own inventions) under every green tree, slaying the children [of] the valley under the clefts of the rocks, &c. &c. I will declare thy righteousness, and thy works, for they SHALL NOT PROFIT THEE: When thou criest let thy COMPANIES (religious and philanthropic societies) deliver thee: but the wind (of civil and religious broil and commotion) shall carry them (the companies) all away: vanity shall take them; *__________ for the ministry, the Sabbath school, &c. &c. societies' service: They are, to these religious denominations, what the Swiss guard were to the Court of France, or the Hessian troops and scalping Indians have been to the British government. These denominations make them, and they can unmake them -- these instruments FEEL it, and are therefore prepared to become agents and tools in any and every attempt to exalt their masters, even at the sacrifice of all political and religious immunities and rights. * Those who have had intercourse with these COMPANIES, and have observed them dispassionately, know, that they are Clothed with pride, and very balloons of vanity 51 but he that putteth his trust in ME (in contradistinction to those companies or societies) shall possess the land, and. shall inherit my lofty mountain."Verse 10, 11 "And the fifth angel poured out his vial or bowl upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed, their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." "The fifth curse fell upon the SEAT of the Beast. By the seat of the beast is not meant any particular local situation. It is, properly speaking; the throne of the Beast, and refers more particularly to that part of the moral world where he has the greatest degree of authority. The throne is a symbol of government, and signifies the chief seat of the Beast's power. He has his throne in the Church of Rome and every other church, where the gospel is corrupted, human institutions obtain, and false worship is practised. The Beast's government is not bounded by the limits of states or territories, of islands or continents; but by the influence which he exerts over the human heart." -- Hence, as Jesus is a king, revealed in the hearts of his people, "the hope of glory," and as he. rules and reigns in their hearts, and works in them to will and to do of his own good pleasure; so, Satan is represented as the prince of the power of the air, working in the children of disobedience, leading them captive at his will." Satan, in the government of this Beast, is represented as existing and operating prior to the establishment of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, under the appellatives of the "Mystery of Iniquity" and of "Antichrist:" Then he is spoke of as "the Beast" -- then as "the Mother of Harlots" -- then as “the whore of Babylon,” -- then as "the great city of Babylon." It is the same "Mystery of iniquity" that is recognized as existing and operating under those several symbolical appellatives. -- One of his characteristics is, that, "He sitteth,in the temple of God, sheweth himself that he is God -- changing times, seasons and laws." Daniel vii. 25. That is, he sits in the ostensible or visible church or temple of God, and not only assumes all the blasphemous titles and dictation which characterize the Church of Rome, but in the protestant churches he assumes the prerogatives and authority of God by suppressing the fundamental truths of the gospel, and ordaining means of his own instituting for the salvation of all men, even to the exclusion of those means appointed of God -- making void the gospel of Christ by his traditions, inventions, enterprises and combinations. "He is not content with the dominion of one portion of the earth, but has established his authority in every country where christianity is known." The apostle represents, the seat, throne or kingdom of this Beast to be full of darkness when this vial was poured out, and that the subjects of the beast were miserable and were gnawing their tongues with pain. It will be recollected that the vial containing,the noisome and grievous sore, the one containing the overwhelming infidelizing drying up of the rivers and fountains of waters; the one containing the, death of every living soul in the sea, and the one containing the great and scorching heats, all were operating while the subjects or worshippers of the Beast had no light to enable __________ -- A thousand instances of that pride and that vanity might be narrated: We have space only for one -- to wit: At a certain Missionary meeting in Maine, after their Magnificencies, the President, Vice-President, Directors, Manager, &c. officers had eulogized and voted thanks to one-another until their modest brows glowed like the blush upon the cheek of one of the frail sisterhood it was then moved, by a worthy D. D. of the name of Beeman, that a vote of thanks should be given to God Almighty: which pious and considerate motion was seconded, by a Rev. Mr. Brown of Vassalborough -- and the vote, we suppose, was unanimously granted! -- from Maine to Georgia, from Cape Hatteras to Baton Rouge, in all their companies the same loathsome pride and vanity and vile flattering of each other are, to be found. -- We have seen it a hundred times told! 52 them to change their condition. Under these circumstances "they gnaw their tongues for pain, the blaspheme the God of heaven, and do not repent of their deeds." If Purgatory pains or the torments of hell could have any thing to do in the changing of the heart, it would find an exemplification in the operation of these judgments. But the reverse is the case -- an increase of pride, rebellion and hardness of heart! And is there no symptoms of religious darkness, at this time, in Protestant Christendom? That question has again and again been answered in these pages. * -- Men grope for the wall at, what they call, noon day: They are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth -- theological Reubenites, unstable as water; -- "wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." In fact, such are the almost endless diversities in the opinions of men with respect to the word of God, that there are multitudes who who think that the scriptures have no meaning; but that every man can find authority in them for whatever religious opinions he may choose to adopt. From this state of things -- from this confusion of tongues, more infidelity is generated in the heart, or, at least, solicited in the avowed sentiment and conduct of men, than from all other sources put together: It is, as we have elsewhere remarked, and in stern, naked fact, christian teachers and professors who are infidelizing the world instead of evangelizing it -- rendering it like the waves of the sea, foaming out its own shame. To suppose, however, that the scriptures, have no definite meaning, and that every professing denomination, society, church and individual can find authority in them for whatever religious opinions they may choose to adopt, as well as for all the Babel-like notions and tenets that they are now promulgating in the name of those scriptures, is an insult to the God of truth, who has given his word to be, a lamp at the feet and a light to the path of his people, and who, himself, hath declared, that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for all things: for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in rightousness, that the MAN OF GOD may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." There is less knowledge of the spiritual meaning of the scriptures in this day than there was in the days of the Reformation; and, considering the relative number of professsors, the scriptures are less read now then they were then. But Protestant Christendom boasts of circulating the bible divested of all human commentary! This, we have already shown to be false as sin, by refering to the endless variety of religious periodicals and papers that are circulating with the bible by the different sects composing protestant Christendom. The religious world is literally inundated with them. -- They are literally crammed into mens' houses and strewed on the public roads: nay, as in the case, of the Tract society's operations for instance, families and individuals are reprobated and hung upon the gibbets.of infamy and the slow moving finger of scorn pointed at, and the envenomed fangs of slander transfix them who refuse tract and other periodical publications. As we said before, these publications engross the whole of the reading time and attention of the vast majority of professors, hence their ignorance of the scriptures to which we have adverted. -- All the knowledgde that the multitude of christians have of the Bible is, at most, embraced in a few dozen of scraps of passages which are made to refer to the duty, and doing and meritof the sinner in his own salvation; † or, to his duty, doing and merit in the salvation of others ‡ -- It may perhaps be thought by many, that nothing but sectarian__________ * In what is called the Baptist church in the United States there are not less than twelve different sects or fraternities; and among them every fundamental truth of the gospel is denied! The Baptist Church began these modern religious devices and inventions, and terribly shall they answer for it. -- O Fuller! thou excrable name! † Arminianism. ‡ Fullerism. 53 jealousy has induced modern Christendom to circulate the Bible without notes or commentary immediately attached to it; or that she concluded, that if the Bible was circulated with her diversified, conflicting and soul harrassing exposition of its text, that it would close the door to all confidence in her missionary enterprise, and to the reflecting part of the heathen world themselves appear, rather a laughable caricature of christendom than an instrument of moral amelioration and salvation in the hand of the Father of mercies and of lights. -- Again: We may remark, that if it were liberal, meritorious, prudent and pious circulate the bible amoung the heathen, or others in the world destitute of it, without note or commentary, it would be equally so to circulate it among the professing community of mankind without note or commentary! -- Once more: If it be unnecessary or disserviceable to the cause of salvation among the heathen, or those destitute of the scriptures, to circulate the bible among them with a written or printed commentary or commentaries, immediately or remotely attached to it, it must be equally unnecessary or disserviceable to connect an oral or viva voice commentary or commentaries with its circulation: Of course, what is called the preaching of the gospel is disserviceible or unnecessary!! -- But the true reason is found in the fact, that when the religious world concluded to circulate the bible without commentary the Calvinistic general interpretation thereof had been established and sustained, as the essential truth, through a flood of opposition, depth of machination, array of philosophy and science (falsely so called) a popular show of literary refinement, sophistical argument, distortion of scripture and appeal to the mere natural and fleshly feelings and carnal reasoning of the world: THAT Calvinistic general interpretation, * we say, had been established and sustained in despite of all this opposition of earth and hell, and that by the most transcendent abilities, consummate erudition, clearest reasoning, finished argument and extensive variety and amplitude of scripture declaration. -- Satan, to get rid of this interpretation (an interpretation ever hateful and abhorrent to natural men of all and every grade of intellect) proposed through his liberal minded and charitable children, to circulate the bible free of all commentary. At the winding up of the great, fitful and mazy drama of human life it will be found, that the Bible never was designed by its author for any thing more of essential benefit than to render the man of God -- the election of grace thoroughly furnished unto all good works: the croakings of Arminianism about "do and live," and of the Semi-Arminians, of terms and conditions and OFFERS of salvation, and of the Fullerite detestable jargon of double, treble, quadruple and ad finitum degrees of damnation to the final impenitent and Apostate world, who did hear or read, or who could have heard or read, the gospel, and refused to exercise a SAVING faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (though Jesus Christ neither died or prayed for them!) to the contrary notwithstanding. † For the present it is fearfully evident, that the religious world is__________ * Once for all: Ye intelligent Deists, ye genuine republican politicians, do not ascribe the ambitious & tyrannical projects and combinations among "General Assembly Presbyterians" and Fullerite Baptists to a general Calvinistic interpretation of the gospel. It is true those Iscariots PROFESS a cordial belief in such an interpretation of the gospel, as they profess, politically, pure republicanism. But they are consummate JESUITS and † Lest the bowels of you Arminians and Fullerite Baptists & Presbyterians should becurdled, with sorrow, or petrified with horror in view of such multiplied damnation on those who have heard or read, or could have heard or read your gospel, we would remind you, that your ministers and your TRANSLATORS never did preach and never did translate the gospel of Christ! Let this comfort your anguish riven souls! 54 full of darkness and the confusion incident to darkness, and that that darkness is connected with unprecedented practical depravity. "Whatever errors have characterized christendom in former ages have descended, like an overwhelming torrent, on bur unhappy age, and the stream of the waters of life is mingled with the turbid flood, so that it cannot easily be discerned." -- In a few more years, at farthest, christendom will have the measure of her errors, delusions and refuges of lies, in the name of the gospel of Christ, filled to the brim, and will therein exemplify precisely the curse contained in this vial of the wrath of God. For the present, there are but few, comparatively, who see the growing darkness: -- by and bye it will, like the Egyptian darkness, be felt. Mankind will then begin to understand and realize their condition: -- their horror and torment will then commence. -- They shall then begin to be convinced, and their conviction shall increase by every new dispensation of Providence, that this judgment has fallen upon them, because they have hated the light -- the doctrine of grace -- the fundamental truths of the gospel: because they have corrupted, perverted and most infamously suppressed the most prominent truths of the word of God, and made their own traditions, inventions, &c. a standard of judgment in lieu of that word. They will then begin to have "a fearful looking for of vengeance and fiery indignation" which are to devour them as God's adversaries. Well may we, therefore, say "a little while the light is with you, walk while you have the light, for the NIGHT cometh in which no man can work" -- Alas! how many there are, even now, throughout Christendom, who in view of that Christendom's confusion are exclaiming; "Judgment is far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: We wait for light but behold obscurity, for brightness, but we walk in darkness. We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: We stumble at noon day (in these boasted of and revival making days -- this vaunted dawn of the Latter Day Glory) as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men. We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: We look for judgment but there is none; (no judgment, even now, in a general way in christendom by the gospel as a standard, but by human inventions, &c.!) for salvation, but it is far from us." Isaiah lix. 9 to 11. It is here worthy of special notice, that in the 58th chapter of Isaiah it is said, concerning those very characters who are here represented in this horrible condition; "They seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinances of their God. They ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. -- Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou SEEST not? Wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and Thou takest no knowledge? (Answer!) Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and EXACT all your labors: Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: Ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high!" Isaiah lviii. 2,3, 4. Here we see, that the horrible condition of religious darkness which we have been noticing is to be found with the most rigid observance of the externals of godliness, and an apparent delight in their devotions, is if they had not forsaken the truths of the gospel and ordinances of God. They seem to ask the Lord for direction in all their ways; but at the same time it is no less obvious that their heart is going after COVETOUSNESS! they exact the full price of all their labors of love, which, in their modesty, that price is estimated by themselves. They fast for the sake of striving more effectually with each other as sects, and with the view of gaining the ascendancy; supposing, as they do, that the broader they can make their devotional appearances, the greater will be their influence among the credulous and unthinking multitude. And they fast and strive to make their voice to be heard on high -- they have weekly, monthly and annual concerts of prayer: *__________ * Never was their a closer resemblance between two professing communities, 55 They covet money, power and popular fame: They sell the truth of the gospel and yet keep up a "form of godliness." This, this is a vivid though brief portraiture of Christendom in our day. -- To men of intelligence nothing is more evident than that in proportion as religious tenets and observances are false and earthly, and addressing the mere feelings, religious pride and vanity of mankind, so is their devotedness to and zeal therefor. Paganism, Mahometanism and Catholicism in their histories, respectively, demonstrate the truth of the foregoing remark: -- Nor does Protestant Christendom at this time furnish less than a share of evidence of the truth thereof. -- Tract, missionary, Bible, Sabbath school, together with numerous anti societies, charity balls, philanthropic dinners, theatrical charities, ladies fairs, &c. are the religion of the multitude in christendom; while mere psalm and hymn singing till midnight, or rigid observance of the Lord, day, or being baptized by immersion or sitting down regularly at the Lord's table and making due contribution to the support of a preached gospel (thouch de facto the gospel is never heard from those whom they support as preachers) constitute the religion of a vast minority in christendom. In all these instances the fiery zeal of the professors is only surpassed, by the malevolence and guile of their hearts towards the essential truths of the gospel, in the persons and character of those who fully and faithfully preach them, and the ignorance of their minds as to the general doctrine of that gospel, and of which these truths are constituents. -- How can it be otherwise than they should be thus ignorant when every thing of gracelessness and biblical ignorance, in the form of "poor pious young men," counting house blades, flirting girls and wanton widows, are invested with the office of public teachers! -- In reference, to these very times Jesus hath said -- "When the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth." Luke xviii. 1 to 8. And an Apostle says: "This also KNOW, in the last days perilous times SHALL come, &c. 2 Tim. iii. 1 to 5. Those "last days" constitute that period of time when the fifth bowl or vial of wrath will be poured out and operating in the world, -- when "darkness shall cover the earth" And gross darkness the people."Verse 12. "And the sixth angel poured out his vial on the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." In this verse we have one of the most pertinent and comprehensive symbolical representations of the religious use that has been made of the gospel of Christ in former and in present times. -- "The Euphrates is a well known and much celebrated river of Asia, which rises in the mountains of Arminia, and after pursuing a southerly direction for more than 1500 miles empties into the Persian Gulph. In ancient times it was considered of such importance, that, in the old Testament, it is generally called the River, as if no other stream was entitled to this appellation. It waters some of the finest and most fertile countries in the world, but their fertility is much increased, and perhaps chiefly derived, from artificial canals cut through its banks, and numerous reservoirs, by which its waters are retained, and conveyed through the different countries in its vicinity. -- On this river stood the ancient city of Babylon, which is said to have been divided into two equal parts by the stream. The Euphrates was the channel by which wealth, population and power constantly flowed into this celebrated Metropolis. -- The river was navigable, the country was fertilized by its waters and the city of Babylon was the heart of all its productions. -- This city __________ than exists between the Scribes and Pharisees (as pourtrayed in the 23d of Matthew) and Protestant Christendom in our day. The amount of difference is: the former were hypocritical professors in the name of Moses the latter in the name of Jesus Christ! -- Read and re-read Matth xxiii. 56 was surrounded, and rendered almost impregnable by a wall of 350 feet in height and 87 feet in breadth. -- It is, therefore, that Babylon could never have been taken by an enemy, had it not been for the entrance that was made by the stream of the Euphrates. -- Cyrus, king of Persia, and Darius, the Mede, the uncle of Cyrus, combined, with other kings or Potentates who came from the east, to besiege and capture this great city. After having beseiged it for two years they found the means of entrance through the channel of the river. -- A canal was dug at some distance from and at both ends of the city; the water of the river was thus drained off from its proper bed, and the two divisions of the army that were posted at each end, marched along the channel and met in the centre of the city. -- That was the night on which the hand writing on the wall warned Belshazzar of his approaching fate; but inattentive to the divine admonition, and faithful warnings of Daniel; the whole city, buried in drunkenness and debauchery, became an easy prey to the invading foe. After this period Babylon never recovered her ancient splendor: her high walls at length mouldered into ruins; her population gradually diminished until at length she became a habitation for the birds of prey, and the wild beasts of the desert."The ancient Babylon is intended to represent the modern or Spiritual Babylon! We may once more remark, that the New Testament Scriptures warn us of the existence and operation of "the mystery of iniquity" in the name of the gospel of Christ: That the gospel and the church of the living God will be made merchandize of, and this to a point of time yet in the womb of futurity, and terminating the 1260 years already noticed in these lectures. Now then, all religious denominations who have corrupted or who do or shall hereafter corrupt, pervert and suppress the truth of the gospel; or who have or shall connect with their corruptions of the gospel, human traditions, inventions, enterprises, experiments and combinations, they, by so doing, create a spiritual Euphrates, while all the churches and religious societies that they build thereon are only so many parts of the mystical Babylon. There is no one in and of Protestant Christendom but what will readily admit that on such a spiritual Euphrates were the churches of Rome, of Constantinople, of Jerusalem, Alexandria and Antioch, together with scores or hundreds of other contemporary but minor churches built. That it is equally so with Protestant churches is, we conceive, demonstrated in the foregoing pages. -- The corruptions, perversions and suppressions of the truth of the gospel were never carried to greater extent in Catholic than they are in Protestant Christendom: how could they be, when every important truth of the gospel is denied over and over again in protestant Christendom! Besides, it is evident, that Protestant Christendom is using all or more than the arts of the Mother of Harlots to seduce the world into spiritual fornication: verily, the Mother is sitting at the feet of her daughters and learning of them the art and mystery of convert making. -- Here is the Episcopal church making the whole inhabitants of a nation her members by legislative enactment of the civil power: Here are numerous Dissenting Paedobaptist churches making and perpetuating tens of thousands of members by the introduction of puting babies into their visible body. Here are some of the better Baptist churches, and those of whom we would hope the things that accompany salvation, who are superinducing a profession in the Baptist church by giving an unwarrantable importance to the ordinance of baptism, while many, yea hundreds if not thousands, of other Baptist Churches are making baptism, regeneration and salvation. *Now, what would be the wealth, the power and the __________ * Baptism by immersion is, in its proper place, a beauteous ordinance -- So, is the human eye in its proper place is a beautiful object, torn from its socket and it [is] a most unseemly and disgusting. -- The manner in which the Campbellite, or, self-styled, "Christian Baptists" estimate and speak of baptism by immersion is enough 57 numbers of the Episcopal, those Dissenting Paedobaptist and Baptist churches, if these unhallowed and anti-gospel devices were not resorted to? That wealth, power and theirr numbers would be comparative nihility! * These corrupt practices and carnitl expedients, together with the thousand streams of false doctrine and false worship that meanders and bubbies through the christian world, make up the spiritual Euphrates, on which every religious denomination now in Christendom is built, and upon the bosom of which all their wealth, power and population is borne. As authority for this general interpretation of the symbol we remark, that the true church of God is frequently represended as a city (Psalm xlvi. 4 and Heb. xii. 22) which is said to have a river running through it -- the river of water of life: So, this "city of Babylon"" has also her river, large and deep, extending its waters in all directions: But they are polluted waters, fouled to the most abominable, stench, and proceed from the throne of the beast. -- The more numerous the heresies, corruptions, perversions and suppressions of the truths of the word of God, or doctrine of the gospel, the more general, and more fashionable and popular does a profession of religion become, and, consequently, the gteater does the spiritual Euphrates swell and the higher does it rise, bearing more rapidly and amply wealth, honor, population, pomp and splendor into the spiritual Babylon! -- Nor is the spiritual Euphrates without its artificial canals: † What they were or what they now are in Catholic Christendom, we have not time or space to detail -- Absolution -- Indulgence -- Confession -- Mass for the repose of the dead, or deliverance from purgatory were a part of those canals whose streams had a considerable share in enriching the Church of Rome -- THEIR MOTHER! In Protestant Christendom these canals are found, in the form of Bible, Missionary, Tract, Sabbath school, Temperatice, Mite, &c. &c. Societies, all of which are pouring increasing wealth into that part, or half of the mystical Babylon denominated "Protestant Christendom." -- We shall not have space to give that relation, or make out that estimate, of these artificial canals and reservoirs, connected with and flowing into the spiritual Euphrates, and enriching the mystical city Babylon, which we could wish. Some general remarks upon the subject is all that we can offer at this time. -- Since the canalling, or these works of internal improvement palpably commenceed in protestant christendom, and until within a few years agone, a differeqce of opinion, as to the expediency of and authority for these works, was not only tolerated with impunity, but considered as a mark of liberal forbearance and christian charity. -- The works, however, have gone on; power, wealth and numbers have accumulated in their favor as they have progressed: uncertainty as to the authority for and varied PROFIT from them likes rapidly vanished; so that now it is not only the most infamous infidelity to doubt the authority or the profit, but treason against heaven and earth to opppose or object to them, or even to wince under the onerous and ever multiplying taxation and impost which they__________ to make fiends incarnate blush. "But they foam out and glory in their own shame." * Those Baptist ministers who are somewhat sound in the faith, and who, have something of a pastoral charge from which they are fed and clothed, are as afraid of and as treacherous towards an evangelical minister of some little talent who may visit them, as was David of and towards Uriah. -- Sirs -- I know you, and have felt your kindnesses and attentions east, west, north and south! -- The same remarks will apply to the more sound of other ministers of professed Calvinistic churches. † This canalling business will, ultimately, prove hot water both to Church and State! It is not likely that in either will the business be confined to its present limits -- the political and religious aristocrats conceive, that they have got the vantame ground: and that a few more links and blows will finish the chain and rivet the manacles! -- But, Sirs, take care, that your canal and reservoir &c. political and ecclesiastical digging does not prove a grave to myriads of you or of your delectable successors! 58 entail: at the same time, double, treble, quadruple and ad infinitum degrees of damnation are to be poured out in cataract like fury upon all who persist in opposition to them; or dare to doubt their origin. † -- This is moving on "the flood-tide of successful experiment" with a vengeance! In a few years more it will not only be, double, treble, &c. degrees of damnation in the world to come, but the potent addenda of, dungeon and rack, faggot and flame in this world for all who may dare to oppose or who refuse to labor in their internal works. -- To proceed. -- The Bible Society, as first in magnitude, first in fame and, what is vastly better, first in productiveness, has a claim to the first consideration, and may be titled Canal No. 1.THE BIBLE SOCIETY: In reference to this, we remark: Such a society was not wanted in Protestant Christendom when, or since it was originated! Every family in that Christendom might have had a copy of the Bibie, without its existence and operations, and that too, for less than what it has cost the christian world to publish copies through that Estabiishment -- as will be manifest in the sequel. But to proceed to a very brief expose of this society's recepts and disbursements in Great Britain and America up to the year 1827. -- The, British Bible Society, accordingto the "Eleventh Report of the American, Bible Society," page 17, had received 1,355,000 pounds sterling, or six millions, sixteen thousand two hundred dollars! It had, according to the same Report, distributed 4,000,000 of Bibles and Testaments! The American Bible society says, that the COST PRICE of a common Bible is 60 cents, and of a common Testament 22 cents, or an average cost of Bible and Testament of 41 cents. -- Taking the American Bible Society's publications of the scriptures as data and one-half of the copies of the scriptures distributed by the British Bible Society were Testaments. -- This being understood and the account will stand thus -- British Bible Society. To "AMOUNT of RECEIPTS," up to the year 1827 as pr. "Eleventh Report of the American Bible society (page 17) -- £1,355,000 or $6,1016,200 00 Contra. By 2,000,000 of Bibles at 60 cents pr. copy -- 1,200,000 00 By 2,000,000 Testaments at 22 cents 440,000 00 } 1,640,000 00 Difference 4,376,200 00 Here are FOUR MILLIONS three hundred, seventy-six thousand, two hundred dollars; out of SIX MILLIONS unaccounted for, if it cost the "British Bible Society" no more to publish Bibles and Testaments, than it does the "American Bible Society!" This British Bible society had been in existence (up to '27) twenty-two years, and, according to the above statement, they have distributed to the amount of seventy-four thousand five hundred dollars worth of Bibles and Testaments per year and for which they have received two hundred seventy-three thousand four hundred sixty-three dollars, sixty-three cents, per annum; or, one hundred ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars a year, more than what the Bibles and Testaments cost, at the American Bible Society's price for common Bibles and 'Testaments! Some idea of how the 4,376,200 dollars have been disposed of may be gathered from "the British Bible Society's Report" for the year 1826 -- There they say __________ * They are ever craving yet ever poor. -- To imagine or devise a new tax for their Lord's treasury is considered a stroke of genius, and the art of disguising it shows the adroitness of the financier. † We leave the reader to give his subject an application to the political affairs in the United States. 59 that the contributions did not exceed £40,336 and the expenses incurred by the society in managing that sum was £8,450 -- that is, more than 20 per cent.--£40,333 is in dollars 179,078 52 } thirty-seven thousand five hundred and £8,450 is in dollars 37,518 00 } eighteen dollars expenses incurred in the manayetnent of forty thousand three hundred and thirty-three pounds! -- the items of expences are -- ![]() Such have been the receipts and disbursements of the British Bible Society up to the year 1827, and such is a specimen of the annual expenses of the society, for simply conducting or managing the business, as given by themselves. -- We will now notice something of their translations, as stated by themselves, in their Report for 1826 -- 1st. The publishing of the Welch Bible -- the first undertaking in translations in 1806. -- This was by a Mr. Thomas Charles, an itinerent minister among the Methodists; and done in such a bungling way that the translation after it was published had to be suppressed. -- Here, no doubt, thousands and and tens of thousands of dollars were squandered -- lost! 2d. The printing of an Irish Bible: For the translation of this the society fixed upon a Mr. McQuig, Who had formerly been a preacher among the Wesleyan Methodists, and who had been expelled from this connexion for repeated misconduct. This version was also rejected as a vile corruption of the scriptures. Here went thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to no purpose. 3d. The version of the Gospel of St. John in the Mohawk language: This __________ * This is the man of whom the Society in their Twelfth Report, page 13, say: -- "Leander Van Ess, seeks no earthly emoluments." -- $1,600 per annum no emolument! But he dont seek it -- fool if he did, when he can get it without seeking! -- How the Society can fib. 60 came forth at the expense of the society; it was transited by Captian Norton, a Cherokee by birth and education, and ignorant of every word of Hebrew, Greek and Latin.4th. Next they publish a Calmuck version of the New Testament. They acknowledge, themselves, that the translators are uneducated men: that the Calmuck has yet received no literary cultivation, and that "the common aids for acquiring a language, such as dictionaries and grammars, are entirely wanting." 5th. Dr. Carey says of his own translation of the Scriptures into the Bengalese dialect, that it had been, "the product of seven years severe labor and study:" In revising the first for a second edition, Dr. Carey himself informs us, "that he found himself compelled to alter almost every verse, in order to render it conformable to the Indian idiom: In the first edition (says he) the words were Bengalese, but the idiom (how nobly must the Bengalese readers have been edified!) was English." 6th. The Chinese version of the New Testinient by Mr. Morrison in 1813 under the patronage, of the Bible Society -- he himself says: "I beg to inform the Society, that the translation of the Testament carrying on it this place (Canton) into the Chinese language has been completed, and I hourly expect the last sheet from the press. -- Allow me to notice, that I give this translation to the world not as a perfect translation. That some sentences are obscure, that some. might be better rendered, I suppose to be a matter of course in any new translation made by a foreigner; and in particular in a translation of the Sacred Scriptures where paraphrase is not to be admitted. All who know me will believe the honesty of my intentions and that I have done my best." -- Eleventh Report app. page 26. In a letter dated the 8th June 1815, a year and a half after the former letter, Dr. Morrison says: "The Chinese dictionary in which I am now engaged, will gradually mature my knowledge of Chinese." Thirteenth Report, app. page 16. -- What a bible Society! Rather, what a Diable Society, thus to trifle with the word of God: But they wanted to boast and they coveted larger contributions, they had, therefore, to appear to be dome something great. -- It's obvious that Dr. Morrison executed his version as a mere exercise while learning Chinese. 7th. This Bible Society's foremost supporters on the Continent of Europe are notorious for entertaining heretical or infidel opinions. The sagacious managers of this Society, therefore, exult in having enlisted under its banners the self-styled philosophers and neologists of the Continent; but we must request them to moderate their triumphs: for while the directors fondly imagine that they use their philosophical supporters as tools to promote their own views; yet de facto in this design they have been completely outwitted: the tables have been turned upon them; they have been the dupes of a set of Encyclopedists, and who have quietly availed themselves of the influence and resources of the society, in promotion of their own purposes. -- And so many of such characters use the Tract, Sabbath school, &c. &c. societies. They know that these things will produce Bedlam in Christendom, & thus prove the most efficient means of undermining the bible itself, and of overwhelming the christian religion with ineffible contempt and degradation. And is it for men who know and revere the truth -- and who can "see the signs of the times" to stand quietly by while measures are carried on by ignorant and perverse men and mere boys, or vain and flirting women and girls, which have no tendency but to diffuse among the inhabitants of the earth mean and meagre shadows, or distorted and thrice imbued Arminian caricatures of the word of God, and sweep as very siroon the hope of the gospel from the face of the earth? heaven forbid! 61 So much for the "British and Foreign Bible Society" -- We could fill a volume in similar criticism upon it, and then the half would not be told that ought to be told to its infamy! We shall only add: If this institution be a work or God where shall we look for a work of the Devil!Of "the American Bible Society" we have a little more to say at present, than that she speaks of the "British and Foreign Bible Society" as "the work of God" (See Report for 1826 -- page 17) and that she appears to be in pious labour to imitate the former: and to present an analysis of the financial part of "the Eleventh Report of the society" -- This we proceed to do. A general analysis the Eleventh Report of the American Bible society presented May 10th, 1827. ![]() From this analysis we find, that one hundred, thirty-six thousand eight hundred and twelve dollars and fifty-nine cents of "THE RECEIPTS" are unaccounted for: that is, about 35 dollars in the hundred they have found necessary to retain for their pious services over and above what they, themselves declare to be the cost price of the bibles and Testaments which they have published in 11 years and up to 1827! The last year (1829) their "Report" represents them as having received about 200,000 dollars. * -- Suppose that for an 11 years to come they realize that sum per annum: It will amount to two millions two hundred thousand dollars;of which, according to their own statement of anterior Receipts and Disbursements, they will pocket, seven hundred thirty-three Thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars: To what tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars profit they may politically and commercially speculate or gamble with these RECEIPTS, heaven only knows. -- Our limits admonish __________ * We have not their Report by us, but state from recollection in this instance. 62 us to leave the subject: we do so, as we would abandon the presence of the most consummate Iscariotism, or retreat from the most putrescent carrion: simply adding, that if this is not a canal of the spiritual Euphrates there never was one, neither are there such things, literally, as the Hudson and Erie Canals.Missionary Societies -- alias Canal No. 2. Of these soceties we can, at present, say but little, because we have only 100 pages octavo to embody our lectures in. -- It is net possible to say what these societies in Great Britain, in America and other parts of the world, have within thirty or thirty-five years past, collected of gold and silver for their support and operations -- millions upon millions of dollars withuot the shadow of doubt! We shall simply offer some general reflections upon them.1st. If they have been as hortest as our Bible Societies they have only appropriated to the use, indulgence and influence of the Directors, Managers, &c. thereof about 500,000 dollars in the million! * 2d. If they are to be judged of in reference to their operations among uncivilized nations for what they have been in civilized countries, and in their RENDERINGS of the gospel whether in translations or preaching, then they have been the veriest Simon Maguses, and downright pestilence in a religious point of view: But the fact, no doubt is (reference to the remarks concerning the bible Society will demonstrate it) that they have been, if possible, unmeasurably more corrupt and ignorant in their translations than even in their preaching -- "confusion worse confounded" -- Alp of heresy, corruption and perversion of the word of God heaped upon Alp! 3d. The aggregate of Christian missionaries sent out into the world negative, a thousand times told, every fundamental truth of the gospel in their contrariant, conflicting, and antipodes doctrines, speculations and opinions advanced in the name of tho gospel -- how worthy of the prayers and of the gold and silVer of "the household of faith" are such missionaries! † 4th These missionary funds, in a general way, amount to nothing more than shear malke-weight in the salaries of "poor pious young men" who have been appointed to ministerial, Sabbath school, Tract, &c. labors in this, that and the other part of the country, & from whose labors the little beasts, that spawned them expect and derive ultimately, salary and interest. 5th. The author has known of these missionaries (say Presbyterian and Fullerite and Campbellite Baptist societies') from the state of Maine to Georgia, and from the Atlantic to the out skirts of the Mississippi Valley, and solemnly, and as there is a judgment to come, he never knew one of them to be any thing like "an able minister of the New Testament" -- any thing like a pure Calvinistic preacher, any thing like "an Israelite indeed," any thing like an honest open, undisguised man in the gospel which they profess to believe in and to serve. -- On the contrary, he feels well assured, that Leviathan may as well be sought for in a mud paddle as an able evangelical minister among them; and that there is no more moral or spiritual affinity between them, and "the remnant __________ * These National Bible, and other religious societies will, in the end, prove like the South-seas scheme got up in England many years since: like that, when they have gulled the religious world out of its money to "the sticking point" of its faith, they will take the benefit of the insolvent laws -- they will commercially fail with hundreds of thousands of dollars to their advantage! † Add to Which, they are but mere apologies for men, both physically and intellectually. Muffled up in fur cloaks, caps, gloves and moccasins in mean temperature of atmosphere. Such are they, while their cara sposas are corset stricken DEARS -- just life and energy enough to vegetate -- to furnish and bless the world with one or two miniature resemblances of themselves, and then they are exeunt from the stage of life. -- Gone (it is supposed) to double, treble, &c., glory. 63 according to the election of grace" -- "the salt of the of the earth" -- "the light of the world" -- "the Church of the living God," than there are emotions of maternity in the breast of an Egyptian mummy. -- Ye ineffable Jesuits! I know you -- and did I feel it my duty I would hold up some of your names as infamous commercial, Bank and private SWINDLERS; as adulterers, palpable drurkards, proven liars and habitual slanderers. For the present you are spared that I may not be charged with an attempt to revenge myself on you for the past traduction, and in proof of my contempt of you and the most malevolent and multiplied of your diabolical machinations against the truth in the persons and character of those who preach it.Tract Society -- Alias Canal No. 3. This Society, if our recollection serves us, represents its annual income to be about 75,000 dollars! De Alembert, Diderot, Voltaire and their associates were the originators of Tracts within the limits of Protestant Christendom. -- Infldelity is its Father, Mother, midwife and sponsors! We do not know, or at least for the moment recollect, the origin of tract societies in America: but so far as the ostensible Baptist church, has been Concerned therein we know that a petty clerk and a petty printer in the City of Washington had the honor of commencing its operations: Both of them, we also know to be as fervent haters of the doctrine of GRACE, or the faith of God's elect, as ever Jew was of Samaritan, and we may presume from sources equally peurile and paltry have the American Tract and all the auxiliary societies originated.Again: -- The heterogeneous mass of religious notion, speculation and tenet in the multitudinous tracts; is, itself, enough to disgust every intelligent and reflecting mind, at the same time that it is most lamentably well adapted to interest all that numerous portion of the community, who are prone, The total grist unsifted: Husks and all!" Again: The incessant appeal made to the cupidity and avarice of men, and to the vanity, show and flirtation of women is still more loathsome than the heterogeneous doctrine of their tracts. -- As for instance, offering and giving fifty dollar premiums for the best written tracts refering to some favorite point or principle of this religious experiment: The Tract titled "Female Influence" * -- The one on "Temperance," and, perhaps, the one called, "The Dog Rover," furnish a specimen: These and kindred tracts are put into the hands of any thing and every thing of impertinence, loquacity, intrigue and idleness in the form of fashionable belles, old maids," young widows and mere children, - and serve them as a passport to every body's house, intrusion into every one''s family, and interference into every body's domestic concerns. Again: -- The arrogant, tyrnnical proceedings of those Societies in their notorious attempts to dragoon whole communities into their service is, itself __________ * As we have before remarked, "The will of women," in the estimation, "is the will of God." Yes, ye foxes, female influence, as you call it, will be more terrible to you and your POSTERITY than Sampson's brands to your prototypes! Well are you inflating and forming their minds for the subliminated gas of WRIGHTISM! It is, already working and will work with a vengeance to you! 64 sufficient to condemn them. -- Instance the operations of the Society at Headquarters (New-York) who, every now and then, are unpacking and turning out their agents of all sizes, character and color to visit and compel the families of the city to receive their cocatrice eggs, and in case, more or less of them refuse to foster the soawn, they, who thus reject them, are to have "a black mark" put upon them as families and individuals -- their characters are to be impugned -- they their temporal weal prostrated, by the most cold-blooded, unyielding, and fiend-like opposition to them in all their honest and laborious attempts to gain a subsistence for themselves and their dependant families. * What characterizes, New-York, is characteristic, more or less, of every auxiliary society throughout the whole country. At the same time those swarms of impertinent distributers have their 20, 25 or 30 pr. ct. commission upon all the tracts they can sell, truck or any way distribute. -- The more Tracts the Society can dispose of the more they can boast, and the more money than can presume to demand: The same may be said of the Bible Society's operations! Hence, though thousands and myriads of bibles, Testaments and Tracts are lying uncalled for on the shelves of the stores or in the houses of agents, throughout the country, yet having got them sent from the manufactories, to these depositories they are represented as distributed to the spiritual blessing of the country, and larger claims upon christian benevolence for gold and silver predicated thereon. -- For the present we simply add, that 75,000 per annum is tolerable toll for Canal No. 3.Sabbath Schools -- alias -- Canal No. 4. If this canal yields immediateiy no great deal of money, it furnishes hands to work the theological and religious tow boats of Protestant Christendom: It gives them hereditary or regular supplies of well disciplined hearers and members of their synagogues (called churches) as well as agents, tools, &c. for their Bible, Tract, &c. beggings and distributions: and in these respects they may be considered a sort of ample "Feeder!" -- But to proceed.1st: These Sabbath schools violate the Sabbath day: If they do not, then school keeping may be tolerated in all its forms. Colleges, Academies and subordinate seminaries may prosecute their studies on the Sabbath in common with other days. 2d. It is altogether an unnatural proceeding for parents to surrender their children, into the hands of strangers to receive the first rudiments of religious instruction. 3d. The children that are pupils of these schools have the affection and reverence due to their parents transferred to strangers, whose vanity induces them to lead the minds of the children into an idea, that if it had not been for their most philanthropic exertions on their behalf that they would have been MISERBLES in this world and that to come; and this idea leads the children to think, that their natural relatives and friends were monsters of cruelty and of negligence towards them. This debt of gratitude is to operate upon the children through their lives, and to render them obedient and accomodating and contributory to the churches under whose pious patronage their Sabbath school teachers taught them "the way of THEIR Lord." 4th, The pride, vanity and pomp displayed in parading these children, with streamers flying in the wind, and in embodying them at intervals, to the number of one to eight or ten thousand in some organ sounding chapel, there __________ * As we have before intimated, this is the spirit of the whole of existing religious societies: Thus they all operate for their Lord's treasury. -- Go on ye synagogues: add scorpion after scorpion to your thong; multiply andi drive your goads, your slaves will the sooner settle accounts and pay receipts in full with you. -- Go on! 65 to witness and confound the pall-bearing step and Wolsey like hauteur of the clergy for heavenly solemnity, the elongated phiz of pharisaism and the demure of Arminianism for the devotion of saints; and to hear fulsome addresses made to the principals and teachers of these schools; and farther to hear themselves spoken of as "brands plucked out of the burnings," and the happy subjects of a religious education, &c.: and from all of which they are inflated with the idea, that they are really a generation of junior saints -- children of God and heirs of his kingdom, while, as we before hinted, those that made them, all this the children are "to SERVE all the days of their lives!"5th. The most of the teachers of these Sabbath schools are grossly ignorant of the scriptures themselves, and no more competent to open them yp and unfold them, in their spiritual meaning, than they are competent to interpret Egyptian hieroglyphics: While all of them are filling the children's minds with the grossest Arminian notions of the gospel, and thus, if possible, rendering them two fold more averse and hostile to the truth of the gospel when they may hear it afterwards and from other sources; as well as prompting them to insolence and abuse of those who preach that truth. * 6th. It is entirely questionable, whether there is a Sabbath school in existence whose teachers, managers, &c. would or could bear to hear one really gospel or Calvinistic sermon: for the most part they hate to abhorrence such doctrine. † If these things be so, we may say to the families of christendom in the language of Scotia's poet, and in reference to these schools For clever diels they'll make 'em." __________ * Hundreds are the instances which the author has known to this is point. † We perceive that it is proposed in the "Columbian Star," for the Baptist churches in Philadelphia, "and the region round about" to send out a drove of Sabbath school agents to our wilds for purpose of establishing Sabbath schools all over the great Valley. Now, Sirs, take our advice -- for we are adequate to give advice in the case -- take, then, our advice; that is, keep your agents at home; if they are good men and have "the power of godliness," heaven knows, and we know that you want them, as a professing community, to keep you from universal putrescence! -- But you have a thousand dollars funded for this enterprise, and have already sent forth a couple of scouts; § you are therefore committed and must go on! Well be it so. But then it will devolve upon its to inquire as to who are to become our children's teachers! Yes, we still, perhaps, leave the liberty to do that! § Was it one of these gemmen, that called at the author's house last Sabbath, to see if he would enrol his children under these new banners! If so, we tell him, not we would rather wrap them IN THEIR SHROUDS, than suffer them to fall into the hands of such theological buzzards! Again: Will the Editor of "the Columbian Star" promise us that the Sabblath school agents that are to be sent out to us heathens in the Mississippi Valley, are of equal, or any thing approximating to equal MODESTY with himself their pecuniary demands for their pious labors? -- Will they not exact more than "2,000 dollars per annum as a specific salary, and an imposing dwelling house free of rent, and a school that shall be PLEDGED to give them a thousand dollars per annum, and if it realize any more, the excess to be theirs, add to which, the Editorship of a religious Newspaper that shall yield them 500 dollars per annum -- Say, altogether, 4,000 dollars per annum for EACH OF THEM! -- If so, send, O send the dear delectable SHOAL! Such MODELS of evangelical and Ministerial disinterestedness and self-denial must certainly prove refreshing to our vision as tufts of green herbage to the sirec scathed eye of the traveller o'er the deserts of Arabia. While their Editorial dissertations or ministerial harangues upon the blessedness of denying ourselves for the Lord's kingdom will fall on our ears in sounds sweeter than the music of the spheres! -- So every thing antipodes to all that is heartless, hollow, false and hypocritical; that we may stand in fear and trembling, lest the rude people in
__________ this great Valley should "lift up their voices, saying, 'the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men:'" ‡ and sacrifice should be offered to them. -- But, Sir, Mr. Editor of "the Columbian Star," we warn you against being a party in this device -- you have gone pretty much the length of YOUR chain -- if you attempt to load us old fashioned western Baptists with any more of theological impositions and jugglery than we already writhe under, you will find more than a Camel in the way; -- The hour of resistance (at least) if not the hour of vengence upon those who are ever shearing is at hand. -- Again, we say, beware how you protrude your feelers here! For as the Lord and our soul liveth if you dont you and they shall both be SHORN! * The Author has nothing to do with Masonry, Nevertheless he must acknowledge, that among the multitude of human beings that he has been acquainted with none loom higher or more vividly in every thing of refreshing moral and manly attribute than do numerous masons (alias Free masons) of his personal acquaintance, -- We may also add, that we have known personally and particularly several (if not numerous) of the leading seceding masons, and of therm we are constrained to say, that their oaths, & their honor never were of any kind of value longer than it was supposed by them, to be their interest to break them! -- Among this Iscariot clan stands JOSHUA A. BRADLEY -- than whom a more jesuitical FULLERITE † Baptist minister, a more syllabub theologian, or a more dastardly INGRATE, to the masonic fraternity, never crawled through society. -- To see, then, such a man's letters against the masonic society in circulation was, itself, enough to blast all confidence in ANTI-MASONRY. -- The viper! -- For twenty-five years he was fostered in their bosom! twenty years ago he knew of all the evil in the institution that he now knows! He would have been pure nihility, as a minister, had not masons given him their countenance and support wherever he sojourned -- he would have had to turn a scavenger (that avocation appears to be about the summit level of his capacity) for a subsistence if it had not have been for the masons: Most emphatically were all these suggestions exemplified in his year, or so, of sojourn in Pittsburgh. -- But it appears the masons were becoming too well acquainted with, some SECRETS that he was by no means desirous of them being initiated into, and he left them and joined the anties in all the moral dignity and mental independence, of a Knapp versus Crowninshield! Dread God! what a mass of such every thing selfish, disingenuous, false and Iscariot-like is gathering upon and sinking the best portions of human society! Already is it felt as an horrifying incubus, against ‡ Acts xiv. 13, 15. † All, all Fullerite ministers, we repeat, are jesuitical, whether in the social circle, in a church, in an Association or in any other connexion! As toad stools are toad stools all the world over so are Fullerites, lying deceitful professors and ministers. 67 schools, the want or tracts or Bibles, or missionaries, or prayer meetings or female influence, &c. -- To every thing they refer it but the right source! It is asked, what that is? We answer -- to the purpose of God! in which he will overwhelm the genius of ARMINIANISM, now so arrogantly and universally at work throughout Protestant Christendom, with a sea-like and eternal confusion and shame by leaving the devices, traditions and combinations of the religious world to operate or evolve more moral infamy than ever was elicited from human hearts before -- and thus forever stamp LIE in all possible infamy upon the very os frontis or forehead of Arminianism. -- But, as before suggested, is there no other intemperance except that of using ardent spirits to excess? No excess in eating' Doctor Boerhaave (if our memory serve us, it was he) gave it as his opinion, that fourteen-twentieths of the disases of which mankind are the subjects originate from excess in eating! Is there no excess in literary pursuits? What scores, hundreds and thousands send themselves to a premature grave by intemperance or excess in merchandizing or in professional business when we see the eyes of the merchant, the doctor, the lawyer and the divinein fine frenzy rolling" at an opportunity to impose to the amount of from 25 to 100 per cent upon the ignorance or necessities of others; † and that too, to make themselves and their families of__________ which many attribute, moral and political virtue and Christian integrity and fortitude themselves appear in vain to struggle. -- Or, as a certain periodical pertinently observes in reference to leading characters in the political and religious world: "Alas! poor human nature! Thou dost sink deeper and deeper, as time passes in his flight; Men appear to improve upon vice, while a praiseworthy emulation of christian integrity appears likely to die a natural death. -- Like bodies thrown into the sea, all that is sound sink down in society, while putrid carcases, which spread contagion, disease and death, become bouyant by the very qualities which render them in reality offensive, and float upon its surface the most prominent and most honored." * The most of these students, however, are like the calf that sucked two cows, the more he suckled the bigger calf he grew! † The author has seen again and again, two men as merchantile firms trading with their customers; the one was in the habit of giving to many if not all of the religious enterprises of the day, and he charged their customers 25, 50 and even a hundred per cent more for their goods than his partner did who had nothing to do with these pious frauds or holy institutions! - in short, it matters not who they are that thus give to religious devices of the day; whicher merchants, doctors, lawyers, tailors, Tavern-keepers, or any other class of the community, from the president of a bank to the keeper of a toll gate, for all they lend to the Lord, they will if they possibly can, make others refund them with interest simple and compound. Hence, are you a traveller? shun a tavern where you find Tracts, Missionary Magazines, "Heralds,"Stars," and other religious Newspapers, for they will even take away or rob your poor horse of half his oats ‡ (if you dont watch them close) to pay for those publications in aid of their Lord's treasury. -- Do you want merchandise? dont go to a store where the proprieter is a Tract, missionary, &c. monger, and has foresworn the sale of spirituous liquors (and every thing stronger than six barrels of cider boiled down to one!) he will make you contribute to indemnify him for what be has given to the Lord and for what he is losing by giving up the sale, of whiskey, &c.! Is he a tailor that you would employ; or as a seamstress, be employed by: shun those who are tract, &c. mongers, they will have double cabbage (in sooth, they took treble cabbage off ourselves lately) from your cloth, while they will grind the widow and the orphan, who may be employed by them, 33 1/3 to 50 per cent more than will the most ungodly! -- The author knows them, from Dan to Beersheba, and he would say to the reader; shun them, shun them as treble refined rogues!! -- that is, as a class of people -- there are, we hope, some honorable exceptions! ‡ It is but a few days since the author had his horse thus treated and he caught them flagrante delicto. 68 the privileged order, yclept, MOCK gentility, and to loom in the published lists of liberal contributors to the Lord's treasury! Is there no intemperance in getting up Temperance Societies, Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. &c. Societies, when we know, that it is by "this craft" that we get our living, and that if that living was not connected with these things we should be, in reference thereto, torpid as toads in an iceberg! No intemperance in multiplying Sabbath schools, Tract societies, &c. so that, among other uses, we may have the precious PUPILS, as agents, tools and factotums, to serve our turn in dragooning into our service, or slandering them into insignificance or non-resistance every man, woman and child in the community who may presume to oppose us. But time would fail us -- at least our limits prevent us from detailing a moiety of the intemperance characterizing "the signs of the times" in the religious world! We simply add, when pious Presbyterian and Fullerite ministers, alias, Parsons, (and there is no lack of them) individually pour down their throats * four glasses of Madeira wine (containing 100/400 of ALCOHOL -- poison! rank, deadly, damnable and DAMNING poison!) at a time; and then lick their lips, and twist their hands, and raise their heads, and heave their breasts and their eyes in a professed thanksgiving to God (as long as the 119th Psalm) for his CREATURE COMFORTS, and the next hour join to belie and slander others as intemperate who had taken a wine glass full of old rye, containing just half the alcohol -- poison, rank, deadly and damning poison, that their four glasses of wine contained. -- Where is the detestable, damning intemperance in such cases! †Again: The institution of Temperance Societies as appendages to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, or ordinance of his, ostensible church is, a blasphemous reflection upon that gospel, as being inadequate to accomplish that for which it was given "by inspiration of God;" i. e. "that the man of God might be thoroughly furnished unto all good works:" "that he might be taught to deny himself of all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world." 2 Tim. iii. 16, Tit. ii. 11, 12. As a moral experiment these instructions belong to the world and not to the church of God! She is not left to proect or operate moral experiments; her business, her duty, and her privilege are to be, "the ground and pillar of the truth" of the gospel; in the support and promulgation of which, moral and spiritual benefits, as the results are placed above all contingencies; for it is declared, that that "word of truth" "shall not return unto God void, but shall accomplish that whereunto it was sent." Isaiah lv. 11. But in these EXPERIMENTS on the part of the church, the everlasting gospel is libelled, prostituted, buffooned & burlesqued! If the children of this world have a disposition, at any time, to attempt to reduce the heat of their boiling over cauldron, they have our best wishes for the success of their experiments for the accomplishment thereof. Again: Why is there no __________ * The reader will please to forget in this association of ideas, any thing that may be written about throat in Rom. iii. 13. † So those serpents -- that generation of vipers, contemporary with Jesus Christ, as teachers of religion, and titled, "Scribes and Pharisees," reported and treated him: "Behold," said they, "a man gluttonous and a wine-bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners." -- The whited sepulchres the hypocrites were, upon all occasions, endeavoring to loom high above Jesus Christ himself as the godly, righteous and sober. -- As we elsewhere remarked, our generation swarms with the same characters! The former were perpetually attempting to impugn that doctrie of SOVEREIGN, distcriminating, grace which Jesus Christ preached by representing him as a bad man -- a fanatic -- by believing and slandering his moral character, just as our Missionary Presbyterians and Fullerite Baptists do in these days, in reference to those who preach the same doctrine! ‡ Notice the following language in the Tract, enitled, "Female influence and obligations." 69 within the limits of protestant Christendom in reference to their INTEMPERANCE, for it must be self-evident to every one, of every common observation upon human society, that there are more females killing themselves in intemperate habits, in indulgence in dress than there are of men who kill themselves in the excessive use of ardent spirits, mournful as the number of the latter class are. We are presented with myriads of terrific reprentations of misery entailed upon families from the drunkenness of the husband (if such a wretch may be called by such a title) and Father: every energy of imagination is roused to exertion and every variety of style is adapted to pourtray, in the most horrifying point of view, the political and moral, physical and intellectual, social and domestic desolations resulting from drunkenness: and to cap the climax, the eye is brought into requisition in the contmplation of the ghastly spectacle by having submitted to its notice eagravings, other pictures, representing the most antic, infuriated and bloody freaks of the slaves of drunkenness. * Now, if all this be very moral, very philanthropic and very pious, why not give us similar pictures as an appropriate and vivid representation of female intemperance in the use of strong tea and corsets, ice-creams and confectionary; and from the use of which their midnight theatrical & ball-room, masquerade & opera freaks, they superinduce disease & constitute themselves very pandora boxes. Why not tell us of the incubus-like dyspepsy, the legion-like hysteria, the moping hypochondria, the emaciating liver complaint and the loathsome pulmonary disease which the intemperance of the be-angelized ones bring upon themselves! Why not give us plates and pictures representing these females as phrensied hystericals, snarling dyspepsyists, sullen hypochondriaists, or helpless under the burthen of chronic disease! -- Why not describe to us the injustice and cruelty which offspring and husbands are the subjects of from these habits, this indulgence, this intemperance of the females. Why not take up a lamentation for and in behalf of the ten thousands of children who inherit liver complaint, pulmonary disease, &c. from their mother's intemperance, and for the poor husbands upon whom these be-angelized ones hang for years as palsy, inasmuch as their husbands have to provide for them housekeepers, wet and dry nurses, men servants and maid servants to substitute their services in the family and domestic avocations: aye & in nine instances out of ten, to pursue an uninterrupted course of injustice towards and imposition upon others to provide suitably for their rocking chair of bed-ridden cara sposas! Ah, ye philanthropists, ye pious experimentalists why do ye not lament and howl over this scene and succession of human suffering and self-immolation? You know the reason! it is, because you feel that female influence is the kite upon which you are to raise your personal, professional and religious influence! It will not do, then, to provoke their resentments or innovate upon their independence: no, like Majesty, they can do no wrong -- their will is heaven's will! Let them emaciate, disease and kill themselves; the priesthood are sure of their influence in behalf of the Lord's treasury treasury; while the Doctors have them as STANDING patients together with their rickity,__________ Page 7. -- "But should the soul of your husband, or your child, or your neighbor, perish for the want of that Christian influence which you might have exerted -- and who will dare to say that this may not be the case? -- what guilt would be yours! Think of this -- a soul irrecoverably and eternally lost through your neglect! And instead of one soul, it may be MANY!" O ye angels, O ye very virgin Marys, your influence individually, can save one or MANY souls though Clrist died not for them; and vour negligence, individually, may cause the souls of many to be eternally lost for whom Christ died and intercedes!! O ye angels -- ye precious Saviouresses have mercy, have mercy upon us! * Vide -- The tract on "Intemperance;" prefacing which is a plate representing the drunkard with daemoniac countenance and in the act of hurling a chair at the heads of his wife and children. 70 puny, and drivelling offspring; and the men must labor and must, lengthen out, if possible, the pulse of life to a hundred years for the purpose of providing for such generations of females and through their pious influence for the Lord's treasury, and through their bodily infirmities and diseases to provide sumptuously for generations of medical aristocrats. *Lastly: It is most manifest, that the clergy, including Missionary, Bible, Tract, &c. mongers conceive, that a good part if not the whole of the 30 millions of dollars expended in the United States for ardent spirits may be diverted into treasury of their Lord: hence the Temperance Societies † agents already begin to claim for their Lord's Treasury what the members of the temperance societies individually, had been in the habit of spending for ardent spirits! ‡ Fifteen or twenty millions of dollars per annum from the whiskey barrel would make a jubilee in Protestant Christendom -- it would prove to demonstration, that the Latter day Glory was begun -- it would make the Temperance Society, alias Canal No. 5, the best canal stock in the world: The dividend would, be without, precedent in the annals of modern theological enterprise and speculation: The abstinent society gentry might then drink champaigne, and their cara sposas and delectable progeny drink noyeau as a common beverage. As a general reflection, from the foregoing brief remarks upon the CANALS appended to that side of the spiritual Euphrates which waters, refreshes, invigorates and fertilizes protestant Christendom, we may observe, that they only furnish out additional evidence (if additional evidence were wanting) that protestant christendom makes merchandise of the ostensible church, that she commercially speculates with the gospel -- that she is Antichrist -- Mystery of Iniquity -- and Beast and City of Babylon as truly as ever the Church of Rome was: in view of which, and we have the following appropriate and emphatic language of inspiration to apply to her, to wit "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, ¶ and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. § And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, (of human traditions, inventions, &c.) and after many days shall they be visited," See. Rev xiv. 6, with "the everlasting gospel." "And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication; and the same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God: With her THE KINGS of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth base been made DRUNK With the wine of her fornication." (See Isa. xxiv. 20 to 23: Rev. xiv. 8 and 17-2.) If the substance of the foregoing pages be intelligently and legitimately applicable to protestant Christendom, then she is __________ * Many of the professors of the medical facility in the United States realize from 20 to 40,000 dollars per annum! Honestly!!! † Strictly speaking, these societies are, according to the letter of their constitutions, Abstinent Societies. Temperance is a scripture -- a gospel doctrine, whether it refers to meats or to drinks: abstinence, in reference to meats or to drinks,is no gospel doctrine. ‡ It is related of Vespasian, that he laid a tax upon wine for the replenishment of his exhausted coffers. Protestant Christendom is about to lay a tax on the, whiskey barrel for the replenishment of her Lord's treasury: Verily, one might conclude from her finaniceering operations, that her Lord was about to stand in need of the benefit of an insolvent law! ¶ If such are not the circumstances of the religious world at the present time, there never has been such circumstances within her borders! § The reader will please to refer to what is said, in reference to kings of the earth, under the 14th verse of this chapter of Revelation. 71 drunk -- reeling DRUNK with the wine of the whore or Babylon: and is it she that undertakes to project and execute projects for the extinction of literal drunkenness! Well, admitting she is most competent and that she will be most preeminently successful in her philanthropic enterprise in this case; yet if she can get even 15 out of the 30,000,000 of dollars that are or have been expended in the U. States per annum for ardent spirits, then she will be trebly drunk in the use of the wine of the whore or Babylon -- alias religious enterprise and theological jugglery. -- No, no. She is drunk enough already, rather (as a choice of two evils) let literal drunkenness prevail to its present distressing and wretched extent, than that protestant christetendom should be more religiously drunk. * Better to ruin the body with whiskey or aquafortis than the soul with the endless delusions and lies of the religious world. Let intemperance -- yea, the entire disuse of ardent spirits take place in the United States if possibly, it can be done without furnishing the ways and means for the religious world to become more and more drunk with the wine of the whore of Babylon: if that cannot be done, then let literat drunkenness exist, yea increase a hundred fold as a matter of desirable alternative.From the foregoing remarks it not only appears, that Protestant Christendom is a part of the mystical Babylon through which flows the spiritual Euphrataes, but that HER side of the river is well canalled, with every prospect of those canals being multiplied. -- As we may have remarked before in a note, to imagine or devise a new tax, or make a new canal is considered a stroke of genius, and the deviser is lauded as a theological Clinton. Instance the project for Sabbath schools, in the person of Raikes, spoken of as a beam or ray from the everlasting throne: and the project of Tract publication represented, as that which will give cause to and constrain myriads to bless the names of those who first gave shape anti operation to it, in a religious form, for millions of years in eterinty. † The offices and commissions attached to these spiritual canals are virtually sold, and constitute a rapidly increasing tax upon pride and folly. -- The whole is denominated, loans to the Lord, backed with liberal promises to ameliorate __________ *In London, some time since, a fashionable Lady sent one evening for a Physician of great celebrity to visit her in a sudden indisposition! Her carriage bore him in railroad like rapidity to her domicile -- he was, instanter, ushered to her chamber -- felt her pulse in death-like gravity and silence -- retired from the chamber, made signs for pen & ink, scrawled, as it was supposed, a prescription & then was taken home in the same carriage. In the morning the physician called again to see his patient, who, as the doctor entered her chamber,drew the bed clothes over her blushing face, &, in answer to the doctor's inquiry as to how she felt then, she stammered out an apology for her situation the evening before, promised never to repeat the act, and expressed unbounded admiration of his professional penetration by which he could discover instantly the nature of her indisposition. The fact was: that this Doctor was so drunk when he first visited this patient that he could not use his tongue while in her chamber, and when he had gone down stairs he had a pen, ink and paper given to him for the purpose of writing a prescription: but his pen refused to do its office as had his tongue, and in the mood of the moment he scrawled -- "Drunk, drunk, drunk" and left the house: this scrawl was taken to the lady, who supposed, that the sagacious doctor, having found out her complaint, deemed a night's rest the best and the only necessary restorative. In the morning the doctor rose with an indistinct recollection of what had transpired the evening before in reference to this new and important patient, and felt full of suffering in his professional reputation he hurried to her house, to offer an apology, and by double attention to make an atonement; when, lo, he found his very drunkenness had given him unrivalled exaltation in the estimation of the patient. -- Thus the religious world is prescribing for literal drunkenness when she is two-fold more drunk spiritually; and thus intelligently are her skill and prescriptions estimated. † There has been some consideralble controversy in Christendom as to what consitutes 72 the moral condition of all men and to save the heathen: and thus they find present resources in future expectations: liquidating the debts of colleges, theological Seminaries, churches, &c. and paying themselves and their agents, tools and factotums before hand. -- In a word. To trace the insensible progress of the public towards religious insignificance, is to write the history of the present times! Chtistendom is a proof, that religious denominations, sects and fraternities may multiply and vegetate as a church, without that church having any visible existence. *But it is said, that the water of this great river Euphrates was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. -- How this drying up of the 'waters of the literal Euphrates took place, and who were the kings of the east, we have shown in the beginning of our remarks upon the 12th verse of this chapter. -- The kings of the east are a personification of numerous powers that shall operate to the overthrow of all the corrupt practices in and merchandise making use of the gospel that now obtain or that shall hereafter obtain in Christendom. -- These powers are already in existence and are already operating, to a certain degree, to overturn the "Mystery of iniquity" -- to dmolish the mystical Babylon -- to punish the Mother of Harlots and her daughters. "Men of sense and discernment have generally begun to see, that the present reigning system of religious doings is not calculated to be of be of any real benefit to mankind. They know that it is full of fraud and hypocrisy, and therefore cannot be the course, which God has chosen to propagate the truth, and to establish the kingdom of his Son. † This class of mankind then (and they at this time amount to an army of no small size!) and who are really disposed to manifest some respect towards a consistent and intelligent system of religion though they may have no intention of becoming professors themselves, this class we say, together with Deists and easier sceptics, are now combining their power and arranging their forces for entering the Mystical Babylon. -- They have their leaders or kings in the persons of such men as Robert D. Owen, Jennings, the Editor of "the Reformer," the editor of "The Truth-Teller," the editor of the "Christian Baptist" and "Millennial Harbinger," and hundreds of other such characters, both mate and female, including Miss Frances Wright and the caustic Mrs. Anne Royal [sic - Anne Royall?]. ‡ These leading characters as well as thousands of others of the __________ "the new song:" it appears we are approximating to a discovery! Its burthen is to be, Sabbath school and, Tract, &c. projectors! -- To wait for death before we join your hymn? * Once for all: For twenty-five to thirty-five years Protestant Christendom (including Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian and numerous minor RELIGIOUS denominations) has been testing by growing extension and ever multiplying ramifications the traditions, inventions, enterprises and combinations now obtaining in the religious world; and that with the most notorious increase of religiotis confusion and practical iniquity throughout her borders: By their fruits they are to be known! But no, sic sentia, sic sentiam. So I believe and so I will believe, is the prison house of the vait majority of men and women who are herded and huddled together in protestant Christendom as professiors! Thunder they will call lightning and lightning thunder. Midnight noonday and noonday midnight. † They know, that the preaching of the Landervaster, the Koran, the Talmud, the Sybilline fare, fables, or any other tale produced from the lawless imaginations of men, is as likely to produce moral and spiritual benefit as the endless jargon in the ministry of Christendom! ‡ This woman may be rude, very rude -- she may be deeply sceptical; but she has more intellectual energy and more moral courage than a thousand of her bitterest persecutors. -- The writer bears testimony to the general correctness of her 73 same class, and as persons of intelligence, can perceive the theological jugglery and ecclesiastical impositions which obtain and are increasing in protestant christendom; and they have already came forward in multitudes of instances to sound the tocsin of alarm -- to warn the credulous and ignorant of the chains that are forged for and that now are being rivitted upon their political, religious and social liberties. So far these kings of the east, or this class of the community, personified by the kings of the east, act according to the law of natural and revealed religion. But as many of them as confound this theological jugglery and these ecclesiastical impositions with the gospel and treat it with contumely and opposition because it is abused, perverted and caricatured in the hands of Simon Maguses and Iscariots, they are justly obnoxious to the severest reflections from moral virtue and mental entegrity, as well as the wrath of God. -- Alas! there are incalcuable numbers sustaining such a character and occupying such ground reference to the everlasting gospel. Among this class of sceptics -- this army of the beast, there are some few who, as leaders or kings, combining with others, to demolish the mystical Bablyon, who, with the utmost effrontery pretend to be believers in the gospel, when their profession of belief is only made to furnish them with an opportunity to gratify their literary pride and promote their temporal interests in the publication of what they denominate religious periodicals. * All of the foregoing classes, then, constitute,__________ moral portraiture of the "General Assembly of Presbyterian," and "Fullerite Baptist churches' MISSIONARIES and TRACT mongers, whether male or female. -- They are all that she represents them to be, in a moral and a political point of view; and ineffably more serpent-like, and detestable in a theological point of view. -- The writer also knows, the "Generai Assembly Presbyterian and Fullerite Baptist" missionary, Tract, and Sabbath school mongering rabidness that hunted her at Washington, D. C. Every thing considered, and it is a matter of surprise that she escapol with life. -- Their blackguard Sabbath school progeny, Tract and Temperance agents, tools and factotums were set upon her, to provoke her to intemperance of ,expression, and then they drag her before one of their civil tribunals as being a nuisance or a common scold. Such is their mode of operations all over the country. -- Yet they cant about civility and decency of deportment and lanauage -- pretend to the most rigid regard to the suaviter in modo from, even, those whom they know, are brow ueated, insulted, falsified and slandered by their miscreant tools in every lane, at every corner and turn of life! -- These remarks may be applied to Alexander Campbell in their fullest import: He affects the greatest degree of the suaviter in modo (to men, however, who have been raised gentlemen, he is, in this case, a sheer personifcation of awkwardness!) in his personal address and writings; at the same time he knows and calculates upon his vulgar proselytes speaking and acting upon his crafty insinuations or innuendoes, as faisifiers of all he would injure: This they do, from Adamson Bently down to crazy Tate. * Of this class, we conceive, is the renowned Bishop of Buffalo alias Alexander Campbell. Hence, we find him taking up the gauntlet in polemics with Robert Owen: The difference between them in a theological point of view is, as the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee: while in mental integrity and every manly attribute we consider Robert Owen a very Saul compared with the other -- head and shoulders above him. -- Robert Owen stoop to impose himself upon a religious denomination, as one with them in sentiment, when he knew that he designed to subvert their faith and order! Robert Owen profess to believe in the Bible as a Divine Revelation for the purpose of making merchandise of it! Robert Owen, bill, coo and woo the credulous of the community to patronise him in a periodical publication for the purpose of gratifying his literary vanity, and of furnishing himself with the means of falsifying, insulting and abusing, at every point of the compass, individuals who might happen to incur his displeasure by stripping him of his disguise in the incipient stages of his theological Adventureship, and who were destitute of every correspondent means of self-vinidication and defence. -- He pledge himself to answer specific accusations as a 74 in the, aggregate, a furmidable army, and are commanded by individuals of no, mean capacities or common placed skill and manoeuvre. They therefore are exerting themselves already to destroy the influence of what they know to be__________ Theological imposter and Editorial calmniator for the purpose of 'getting the name of an accuser, and then sneak away from even Caesar's triubal into his Editoriai kennel to bark out his malevolent falsehoods through a religious periodical titled "Christian Baptist" or "Millennial Harbinger" or "Latter Day Glory," to satiate his revenge and evade the force of truth! Robert Owen calculate upon a multitude of fanatical proselytes to give trumpet tongued proclamation to his inuendoes, and low-lived suggestions against the character of others! He attempt to extinguish the sanctities of relative endearment between husband and wife and Father and children by base fabrications! He profess to be one of the must secluded, modest and unaspiring of men and of saints, and devoted WHOLLY to THE REIGN OF CHRIST" -- whose kingdom is not of this world, and at the same time danciag attendaace at battallion musters and tavern clubs, to make electioneering harangues to obtain for himself political preferment and office! Robert Owen assume the character of a christian Reformer, and denounce the existence of ministers as gratuitous,and in the end multiply BISHOPS in his own religious clan as frogs and lice in Egypt, so that ten or fifteen of his Bishops are found lighting at a time upon a poor deluded proselyte's house eating his family out of provisions and his cattle out of provender! He tolerate and excite a generation of deluded men, under the title of Bishops, to proclaim the water of a river or a creek Or a mud puddle to be "the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ flowing for the remission of sins, and that all who would go down into that water (drunk. or sober!) and become the subjects of immersion should have their sins washed away -- should come up therefrom 'holy as angels' -- should have the Holy Ghost given unto them in one, two, three or four days at most!" Robert Owen get up theological Debates in the name of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and publish new translations, together with prayers and hymns for his proselytes, and gull those proselytes individually into the purchase of a whole set of his theological Debates and publications as a sine qua non of salvation! He forge stories of supernatural illumination attending the ordinance of baptism by immersion, in and through his administration thereof, by way of superinducing whole families to t;uomitti themselves to the ordinance through his instrumentality, that he might vaunt and loom himself in his periodicals is a very Apostle! Robert Owen indulge himself in rhetorical flourish and vaunt in a State Convention about the ineffable inhalation and exhalation of the mountain breeze of political independence," at the same time gratititously (and as a professed Christian and christian minister!) buying and selling human beings! Robert Owen profess the most scrupulous, Zaccheus-like devotion to honesty and yet sell a negro that he knew was going blind as being sapa in corpora or sound in body! -- He assume an attitude of opposition to Masonry merey to cloak an act of peculation upon a mason to the amount of 700 dollars! -- He persuade Booksellers that his Debates were of ready sale in foreign markets -- induce them thereby to give him 300 dollars for the copy-right, to publish one edition of 3000 copies just to have them to look at! He, Robert Owen, profess to be a brother and fellow laborer with an old and Israelite-like Baptist minister, and wheedle him to become security for his son to the amount of a 1000 to 1500 dollars for books, which he had previously cajoled that son to engage to take under an assurance, that his Debates would sell rapidly and to great advantage in the Eastern,States: and, when after a year's trial, labor, expense, &c. of Father and Son to dispose of the trash, they found they had not sold as many as would pay their travelling expences: to, then, strip the old man and his family of every scrap of earthly property to secure his iniquitous claim against them as security for their credulous son! -- Robert Owen do these things or pass off his publications as being honored with the contributions of the deliciae literatae of the country, when those contributions were from proselytes ignorant as Marcus and, theologically not more than a and which contributions or communications he had vamped up to the appearance of intelligence, and in the publication thereof not only exhibited the appearance of having learned correspondents, but secured the most zealous efforts of those correspondents in the circulation of his periodicals that THEIR vanty might be the more largely gratified as public writers and theological illuminati! Robert Owen, we 75 false and injurious to the best temporal interests of society: their intelligence enables them to recognize in Protestant Christendom the existence and ominous operation of the same principles, and practices that made the Catholic Hierarchy__________ say, do these things! No, infidel as he is, he is as far above such conduct as the Zenith is above the Nadir -- no, he would rather roast at an auto de fe than approximate to the shadow of such doings: He profess to be, one of the most disinterested disciples and ministers of Christ, when he had never failed to make money out of every thing that he had done in the name of the gospel of Christ -- when his printing office was evidently his sanctuary, his writing desk his pulpit -- his Ledger his Bible, his subscription book his psalms and hymns, when gold was his God and when he had no faith in any but his banker! No, R. Owen would not and could not act such a part. -- While, then, it was some interesting reminiscences of the Buffalo Bishop that brought forth this allusion to his celebrated antagonist's character; we would avail ourselves of this opportunity to notify that Bishop, alias, Alexander Campbell, that, whenever he may please so far to improve or advance in publishing falsehood in reference to ourselves as to give us an opportunity therefor we will let him know to his cost, what R. Owen is not and what HE IS!! We shall then give him evidence, that we are of greater topographical intelligence, if not of more extensive "pedestrian celebrity" than even his erudite self is aware of. -- It is six years since we warned him of our being destined to "bruise his head" though we felt conscious that it would be his prerogative (serpent-like) to wound our feet! If we mistake not the prediction is likely to be fulfilled -- We shall gladly avail ourselves of any event that will bring it to issue! since writing the foregoing we have, for the first time, heard Alexander Campbell deliver one of his orations on the christian religion; His theme was the conversion of Paul as narrated in the 21st chapter of the Acts of the Aposties. -- The orator gave his audience no reference to his theme by chapter, section or paragraph! The orator called his audience, "christian friends." The orator then told them that they (his audience) were "in preternatural circumstances;" being neither CHRISTIANS or Jews, Mahometans or Pagans. The orator added: that they (the audience) consisted of all religions and no religion: The orator then said; that they (the audience) had been preached out of their common sense: The orator then said, that the volume of the New Testament is to be understood literally -- alpha and omega -- that it was most plain and easy of understanding: and then he said, that he had to go over all Paul's writings to ascertain the meaning of one word of Paul's! The orator said, that one single topic, and one only characterized the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and the Apostles -- that topic was REFORM The orator said: that Paul and other contemporary minisisters did such miracles as were sufficient to satisfy every reasonable man, of the truth, of the gospel. -- The orator said, that God gave salvation to men as he gave corn, and wine, milk and butter, &c. -- i.e. by and through men's own instrumentality. -- The orator said again: that his audience were in preternatural circumstances -- that he felt himself impotent, entirely impotent in reference to the production of faith in their minds while in such preternatural circumstances. The orator said: what could Paul do or say more than, that he believed in Christ as the Messiah? It was all he could do or say! The orator said; The man who believes that Jesus is the Christ and is baptized, knows as well that his sins are forgiven as that he knows what his name is! The orator said That every thing that God could do for the salvation of his (Campbell's) congregation had been done! The orator declared: that he had not gone, in his oration, one word beyond the scriptures! that when a man was baptized it was to obtain the remission of his sins! The orator declared also; that it appeared to HIM, that when a man was baptized it gave his soul an impetus or projectile motion by which it was pushed HALFWAY TO HEAVEN. * The orator said a hundred other marvellous things all * Query! If one dipping push a man half way to heaven, how far will two dippings push him! ==> Bishop Scott and others or the Campbellite clan have been dipped twice -- Where are they? In heaven of course! ==> The Dunkards baptize by three dippings! they, of course, must be pushed far beyond heaven! To where? -- Such is a specimen of Campbell's orations! 76 "the Mother of Harlots" -- "of Abominations of the whole Earth." And hence, the front and face of their opposition to Protestant Christendom's christianity at this time. -- And they will continue their opposition with increasing energy until the mystical Euphrates is dried up and the mystical Babylon will be demolished. While, then, this host of Deists and other sceptics, will be gradually terminating the theological jugglery and imposition tlint Christendom is playing off at the expense of the earthly minded and worldlings among mankind; there will be a gradual increase & goings forth of evangelical ministers, to & fro in the earth, to denounce on the one hand the traditions, inventions, &c. of Christendom, and on the other hand to proclaim the everlasting gospel in its truth, its whole truth and nothing but its truth; and with trumpet tongue to lift up their voice saying, to "the remnant according to the election of grace," "Come out of her my people that ye be not partaker of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities" (see Rev. xviii 1 to 24 -- reader! read that chapter attentively, in recollection of what we have written!) And "the remnant according to the election of grace" shall hear and shall come out of the, mystical Babylon, and they shall see, and they shall loathe, and shall abhor all those abominations that now support her and are, as yet, hidden from most of their eyes. In this way, then, will the spiritual Euphrates be dried up: that is, all CONTRIBUTIONS to the Mystery of Iniquity -- AntiChrist -- The Beast -- the Mother of Harlots and her Daughters -- The Great City of Babylon and the smaller ones or, THE ABOMINATIONS OF The WHOLE EARTH!" will be terminated! The Monstrum Horrendum, or Horrible Monster, must then fall, head, trunk and LIMBS! And then the Papal, Cardinal, Metropolitan, Archbishop, Bishop, Right Reverend, REverend, Arch-Presbyter and Presbyter, D.D., A.M., B.A., President and Vice President, Presidentess and Vice Presidentess, Director and Directress, Acolyte and Teacher, Catechist and Agent, &c. &c. merchants ot the mystical Babylon; or, "the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shaii see the smoke of her burning. Saying, alas, alas, that great city of Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come: And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth her MERCHANDISE any more." Rev. xvii. 9, 10, 11. Not only will the opposition of Deists and other sceptics, in connexion with an increasing generation of God's missionaries -- angels or ministers, produce a drying up of the spiritual Euphrates, and a preparation for the overthrow of mystical Babylon; but the growing con__________ quadrating with what we have noticed as one magnetic needle quadrates with another -- The orator suited the action to the word -- sometimes onclining in beauteous curve (the mathematical sublime!) over his desk -- theu elevating his hand to his os frontis and combing back his hair with his lily fingers, and peradventiure giving excitation to his sensorium by gentle tittillation of the sutures of his PLIAINT head; then compressing his nasal organs with his thumb and finger or taking the dimensions therewith of his protruding chin: anon, resting his foot on a chair in courtly elegance and ease and supporting his body thereon by the intervention of an arm bent to the utmost point of triangular elegance! The Orator concluded his splendid effort by assuriog his audience, that if there were any men or women present that desired to be IMMERSED, that he would be happy in being the instrument of baptizing them!! Exeunt Omnes. The writer would have replied to this oration of Mr. Campbell had it been what he (the writer) had reason to expect it would have been -- perhaps, we may add, if it had been worthy of Campbell himself: but, solemnly, to such peurile addresses, such theological reveries we cannot descend in controversy: The toleration of such puff-ball harangues in the name of the gospel of Christ, proclaims the community that tolerates them intellectual and theologicalimbeciles! With such communities the Buffalo Bishop is estimated as the greatest man in the world! 77 on the minds of men of the futility of Christendom's religious projects and enterprises will lead mankind to abandon all abettance of those devices and doings: not only so, the very preaching of what is called the gospel in christendom, together with the observance of the Sabbath and the administration of the ordinances will be attended with no benefit either in a moral or spiritual point of view; *' and then even all externals of devotion and religious observances will be totally abandoned! Thus the Jews after the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and up to the time of the destruction of their city, continued to offer sacrifices and to attend to all their forms of worship as they had sone before, But in the course of a few years a sensible change was produced. The ancient rites and ceremonies gradually lost their influence. -- So, what is called the preaching of the gospel (O Gospel! how art thou blasphemed, buffooned and burlesqued!) in Catholic and protestant Christendom, the observance of the Sabbath and administration of the ordinances, even they (to say nothing about the endless variety of relogious EXPERIMENTS now obtaining in Christendom) shall cease to have any moral or religious effect. -- For twenty to thirty years past has this been gradually exemplifying, while theological device upon device, and ecclesiastical jugglery after ecclesiastical jugglery have been multiplied for the purpose of keeping up religious appearances. But it is already overdone -- the power of it begins to decline by its frequent use -- it has spent its force, and the religious world betrays the delorium tremens of paralysis; so, that, as we have again and again had occasion to remark, RELIGIOUS ENTERPRISE and religious profession will soon generally cease throughout christendom -- Through these media, then, conjointly, will the spiritual Euphrates and its various canals be dried up.It is worthy of being remarked, that though the drying up of the literal Euphrates, and the capture and overthrow of Babylon were according to the purpose of God, and with special view of liberating his people, (the Jews) from their infamous and iron bondage in babylon, yet the kings of the East and their armies were, in a great measure, if not altogether, ignorant of true religion. It is more than probable, that they could not distinguish the captive Israelites in Babylon from the other inhabitants, but would have destroyed them all had they not been prevented. So, in our day, and in reference to spiritual Babylon (where spiritual Israel is now in captivity!) and the kings of the East, who are now assailing the mystical Babylon, now drying up the Spiritual Euphrates, they, for the most part, do not know an "Israelite indeed" from the ungodly, and the sinner, much less from that immense multitude who have a mere form of godliness. -- As, for instance, the Buffalo Bishop alias Alexander Campbell: that man knows no more about or of the essential attributes of a child oi'grace -- of a spiritual Israelite; no, no more than he knows of the quadrature of the circle, or of polar attraction, or of the Longitude. And if he were to write and print to the end of time, in the name of the gospel of Christ, be would prove, theologically, but as the shrivelled pap of a mummy to the lips of new-born infancy. -- He confounds Hebrews with Babylonians, theological jugglery with all that is precious in the faith of God's elect -- at the same time that he is one of the most consummate THEOLOGICAL jugglers that the sun of this century has __________ * To see the trick and manoeuvre resorted to by even professed calvinistic ministers or preachers to get members or communicants is enough to make hell blush if not heaven weep. -- And then there are associated with such ministers little, syllabub brained men as deacons, who, in true dog trotting style, are running to and fro in the cities, towns, &c. to see who and how many they can allure to their kennel, and make life time bow wows for their church interest! These remarks will apply to New-York as to Bostoon -- to Baltimore as to Philadelphis -- to Washington as to Frederick - to Pittsburgh as to Wheeling -- to Zanesville as to Cincinnati and all the world over! 78 shone upon? And yet he with many others like him, are formidable powers in operation against and for the destruction of the mystical Babylon. They have their reward in making a subsistence (in some instances a fortune -- as in the case of the Buffalo Bishop) realizing literary fame and Editorial celebrity: so that when God has accomplished his own purposes with them, he will say of them as of the literal kings of the East: "O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation, (not their righteousness) I will send him against a hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the SPOIL, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets. Howbeit he (the Assyrian, the kings of the east) \meaneth not so:" -- Yes, Catholic and Protestant Christendoms! you are trampling upon the faith once delivered to the saints -- upon the very heart-strings of God's elect, and in a measure upon the necks of infidels: the latter shall hold you a fierce struggle, -- the Assyrians shall ultimately prostrate you, despoil you of your MERCHANDIZE and trample you in the mire. -- Thou Antichrist! -- Mystery of Iniquity -- Mother of Harlots and Daughters -- Ineffable Beast and Abominations of the whole earth, you already have fearful prelibations or evidences of it. Already you begin to utter doleful lamentations and to stand aghast at the growing power of infidelity -- which like a cataract bids fair to desolate and drwon your pleasant borders; you are summoning up and putting into requisition your corps de reserve -- your last legions and manoeuvre against your enemy; but the die is cast -- your doom is sealed -- the day has come when you must reel to and fro like a drunkard, and ultimately fall to rise no more. -- Amen and Amen!Verses 13, 14. "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs, come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. -- For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles (or, doing wonders as it might be rendered) which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty." The dragon, as already frequently remarked in these pages, is a symbolical representation of eartly minded men, who, whatever may be their appearance or profession, are essentially sceptics or infidels as respects the fundamental truth of divine revelation. -- The Beast is, a symbolical representation of Roman Catholic, and Protestant Christendom, as corrupters, perverters, suppressers, and betrayers of the truth of the gospel, and as introducing their traditions, inventions, experiments and combinations as a standard of religious judgment and matter of tenuous observance, superseding the gospel. The false prophet is, the two horned beast, or generations of missionaries in Catholic and Protestant Christendoms, spoken of in the first lecture and under the 11th to the 15th verses of the 13th chapter of Revelation. Out of the mouth of this dragon, this Beast, and this false prophet, respectively, an unclean spirit like frogs is represented to come forth. -- As the frogs literally came up out ot the rivers of Egypt * and covered the land, invaded the domiciles, infested and polluted even the chambers of the Egyptians; plagued, perplexed and tormented them with their filthy presence and ceaseless croakings; so these three unclean spirits have proved and are more fully to prove spiritual or religious frogs, to Christendom. -- The self-styled philosophers and neologists, the Encyclopedists and Illuminiti the Atheists, Deists, Materialists and Free-thinkers of Europe * What troops of theological frogs, under the name of christian or Campbellite or Scottite Baptists are coming up out of the rivers in the Mississippi Valley to plague and vex the land! 79 and America, are represented by the unclean spirit that comes out of the mouth of the dragon. -- They are, empahtically, at this time like an army of frogs swarming over the land, invading houses, and croaking in the chambers their infidelity in the form of lecture and tracts, &c. -- To hear a Miss Wright or Owen lecture two or three thousand will assemble at a theatre or elsewhere at a time, and that too in our principal cities, and from the ranks of the most fashionable and leading characters of both sexes. -- The unclean spirit like frogs represented as coming out of the mouth of the beast are the innumerable corrupters, perverters and suppressers of the truth of the gospel, together with the traditions, inventions, experiments, enterprises and combinations of the religious world in the name of Jesus Christ, and in all of which they pollute the gospel, the church and the worship of God as Belshazzar impiously polluted the vessels of the Temple in using them at his unholy revellings: these things are also swarming in the land in the form of psalms and hymns, sermons and tracts, magazines and newspapers, reports and circulars, &c. -- The unclean spirit like frogs proceeding out of the month of the false prophet is, the myriads of missionaries (Sabellian, Arian, Socinian, Pelagian, Ariminian, Universalist, Sandemanian,Baxterian, Fullerite, Campbellite, &c. &c. under all their diversified forms of domestic and Foregn mission, Bible, tract. Sabbath school, &c. &c. agencies and operations) who, like the frogs of Egypt, are infesting every house and gaining access to every chamber and croaking out their "old wives' fables" telling their "filthy dreams," and narrating millions of lies about the revivals that they have made, and the souls that they have saved. -- Yes, it is at least questionable whether there are more lies told by the whole of christendom in any other form and through any other or every other media, than what are told in the form of religious profession and in the name of the gospel of Jesus Christ; it evolves a perpetual & universal contradiction one of another among the sects and fragments of sects, and a thousand times repeated negation of every truth and every ordinance of the gospel!These three spirits are not only unclean as respects their principles, sentiments and religious (for even deists have their religion) practices; but like frogs they pollute every thing that they touch. Hence, as we before intimated, the gospel in all its glorious truths and sacred ordinances is made to appear an horribly misshapen and loathsome object by the corruptions, traditions, inventions, &c. which they spawti upon it, rather than a transcript of Jehovah's sovereign DISCRIMINATING UNFRUSTRABLE, reigning and triumphant GRACE! -- The uncleanness of these spirits or armies of frogs is more fully developed in their respective, simultaneous and, when they conceive occasion requires, united slandering of the doctrine of grace and falsifying and calumiating of all who will boldly avow or faithfully preach it. * -- Here they are every thing foul, and would stain and pollute legions of holy angels themselves. -- It-is astonishing with what unblushing effrontery they concentrate one another's malignant slanders and give them an increased momentum; knowing, as they do, that what they report is, entire falsehood and vile calumny. -- In review of but a small part of this conduct that has come under our notice, and we consider them legitimately described under the appellative of, "Serpents and generations of vipers."-- Whether they can escape the damnation of hell or not it is not our province to say. But if the most ruthless, savage and diabolical attempts to bring the doctrine of GRACE into infamy, by speaking all mannerof evil of those who preach it, and charging to that doctrine the evil embraced in their own vile slanders, constitute any mark of reprobacy; then the "General Assembly Presbyterians" and Fullerite Baptist ministers, missionaries, Tracts &c. &c. societies' agents, __________ * The Deists and Episcopalians are the least given to this infernal practice as being the most of gentlemen -- add, the Union, Seceder and Covenanter churches. 80 tools, and factitums GENERALLY have that mark upon them, in characters terrific as those traced by an invisible hand against Belshazzar on the walls of his palace. *How far these three unclean spirits have been or now are identified with the existence and operation of the Roman Catholic Church we have not space to suggest: no protestant will deny, that they have been as prominent SPORITS in catholic as they have been in protestant christendom: heaven knows, that it is admitting enough! -- In view of the foregoing and we may truly say, that these three unclean spirits are the spirits of devils. -- But it is also said, that they work miracles or do wonders. What wonders are the Atheists, Deists, Materialists, &c. of that class of mankind professing to be accomplishing! Let the creed and the social systems of R. Owen, Miss Frances Wright, Parson Jennings and others answer. -- They represent the highest point of visible, moral and intellectual greatness and happiness to depend upon extraneous or surrounding circumstances, or a certain concatenation of events which they modestly assume to themselves the power of TRAINING, and so OF ever sinful men, to make a perfectly moral and disinterested being, and the earth as an Eden. -- What a pity it is, that some one, at least, of those penetrating geniusses had not existed antecedent to that concatenation of events by which the world, and all which it inherits were brought forth, so that they might have counselled and directed the Goddess CONCATENATION to the investment of the human mind with a native, all-controlling conviction, that man was to be the creature of circumstances in his moral and intellectual being. -- Rather, what a pity it is, that the Goddess Concatenation has not concatenated such circumstances, in reference to human life, as to make and perpetrate the race of man all perfect and their existence on earth all-felicitious. -- But this clean spirit having been duly brought forth & attained to superlative philosophical action, we may reasonably expect, that their blind or short-sighted Goddess' blunders will soon and efficiently be corrected. As to the miracles or wonders that the unclean spirits of the Beast and the false prophet are doing we have noticed them over and over again. -- In view of their WONDERS the multitude of professors are shouting as vociferously (and with as much intelligence!) as ever the Ephesians did in adulation of their great Goddess Diana. † It is said, that these unclean spirits go forth unto the kings of the earth, and to the whole world. In the amplitude of scripture meaning, a king is used to signify, not only a monarch who sits on the throne, but all who are possessed of influence and authority in any community. It is in this sense that, "kings and rulers" are used in the 2nd Psalm and in Isaiah xlix, 7. -- In this sense Christ useth it where he says, "they that wear soft clothing are in kings houses," Matthew xi. 8: And in the same sense the Apostle uses it when he says, "Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us." 1 Cor. iv. 8. The kings of the earth and of the whole world, then, are to be understood as being, the leading men in the nations, in the cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods of the earth and the world. -- Hence, it is of great importance to the Prince of darkness, the Father of delusions, devices and "lying wonders," that these kings should be induced to support his cause, for the mass of mankind will always follow them into good and evil. ‡ -- Here it is that we find the source. __________ * As before observed, among these censors morum -- alias slanderers, among the said Presbyterians, Fullerites, Campbellites and Methodists, the author has known of them to be, the most flagrant adulterers, adulteresses SWINDLERS and proven liars: but their churches found them serviceable! If these things are denied, the author will in a second edition give some of their names and residences. † Albeit, she is a Goddess not likely to have many worshippers among the Ladies of this and coming generations! Heathenism is declining! ‡ IMITATION has become the character of the religious world -- that is to say, they have no character; Women and womanish men govern. 81 from whence have originated, in Catholic and in Protestant Christendom, those religious institutions and philanthropic societies that attract the attention, elicit the applause and command the patronage of the leading characters in nations, cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods. The titles of Prince and Princess, Duke and Dutchess, Lord and Lady, Right Reverend and Reverend, Excellency, Honorable, Esquire, L.L.D., D.D., A.M., A.B., &c. as prefixed to the names of the officers and patrons of the Bible, Missionary, Tract, Sabbath school, &c. societies dhow, how largely and with what assiduity their influence has been sought by the beast in protestant Christendom. Their titled names blaze in all the reports, circulars, &c. of the leading religious societies, as well as in every fashionable rubric of the day. On thid principle the philospher of Lanark (Owen) seeks notoriety and patronage in the Congress of the United States! -- On this principle the Bpatist Convention, meeting at Washington some years since, waited on the President of the United States in adulatory address, and visited the tomb of the "Father of his country" and watered his ashes with their tears of gratitude, and made his vault musical with their classic lore! -- they were seriously in want at that time (as they continue to be) of the "things of Caesar's" to enable them to complete their magnificent college and theological seminary, which they had commenced the erection of at the Metropolis of the United States: to that end they were disposed to flatter the living, worship the dead or do service to the Devil! -- On this principle a Campbell or a Miss Frances Wright send copies of their respective publications to some of the leading characters in cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods where they hope to make converts, * and send them too without money and without price. On this principle we find Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. &c. agents, seeking the patrinage of the leading and influential characters in all parts of the country and of the civilized world; knowing, as they do, that if they can only get the patronage of such leading persons, pride, vanity and self-interest will soon prompt others to imitate those who are considered their superiors. -- We have not space to present a full portraiture of the subject, we must reduce it to miniture and as exemplified in the small towns or villages throughout the country. -- In each of these villages (with few exceptions) there is a "General Assembly Presbyterian" or Fullerite Baptist minister, a lawyer and a doctor (frequently a double and sometimes a triple set.) This professional trio constitute a triumvirate as terrible, within the sphere of its influence and operation, as was ever that of Octavius, Lepidus and Anthony to the city and Empire of Rome. †__________ * If Miss Wright could only succeed in discipling all the women in the country, and Campbell all the men, verily, there would no longer occasion" (according to Dr. Watts' lyric poems) for making matches in heaven -- they would be most felicitously made on earth! † As a specimen of the moral dignity of these triumvirates we narrate one of a thousand of similar occurrences. -- In Mansfield in Ohio, the missionary Parson is alarmed at the influence of a passing minister: "cries havoc, and lets slip the dogs of war:" The Doctor is first and loudest in the yell of calumny: He is put into the hands of the Sheriff as a vile calumniator. The Parson says, "If it should be proved that the Doctor has lied like Lucifer in the case, he (the Parson -- soul) supposes, that some, (not he -- O no, he is too, too charitable!) will be disposed to blame the doctor: But if the Doctor should not be proven a consummate liar, why, then the doctor will be worthy of all praise." -- The lawyer declares, that it will be extremely reprehensible for any one of the PROFESSION (i. e. Lawyers) to become counsel for the stranger! that the doctor is their fellow citizen, and has property, family and connexionss and common interests among them as a community -- Ratio ultima Pandamonia Can Pandemonium itself boast of more moral 82 The parson's pious CHARGE give[s] patronage to the doctor -- the doctor in his obstetric skill promises to deliver them of all troublesome visitants on the form of evangelical ministers, by dosing the latter's character with the calomel of inuendo and the jalap of open barefaced falsification, while the lawyer stands pledged to garnish the white sepulchre & to hold up the philanthropic doctor as a paragon of censors morum, and worthy of all praise in the expression of such zeal for the preservation of the community's principles and piety. -- The ladies of these triumvirates, together with a select few of certain widows that Paul speaks of, 1 Tim. v. 11, and females that have passed Lord Byron's "certain time of life" constitute the lady Bountifuls and pious Directresses of the feminine portion of these communities: They are, for the most part, perpetually visiting and occasionally distributing shillings and sermons, tracts and trousers, foolishness and flannel. Under the notion of a regard for the spiritual welfare of the Village, these ladies became mistresses of all its secrets, and hold the strings of all its intrigues. They thus gratify their love of scandal and their lust for power! * They continue to occupy a burthensome leisure, to banish the ennui of their idleness; and they secure in addition an imaginary place for themselves in Paradise. These triumvirates, with their pious helpmates, secure the patronage of the MOCK gentility of towns and villages, respectively, and thus operate and perpetuate their individual, family and professional influence; together with the eleemosynary religious institutions of protestant christendom. -- Not only so, but what with the over-reaching and exorbitant charges of the MOCJ gentility in those towns and villages, in the form of merchants, lawyers, doctors, tailors, tavern-keepers, † &c. together with tax impost for Bible and Missionary, Tract and Sabbath school, Dorcas and Magdalene, Anti-temperate, anti-masonic, &c. &c. societies, together with subscriptions to religious Magazines and Newspapers, Journals and biography, PORTRAITURES and PROFILE LIKENESSES of popular preachers and theological jugglers, together with tax upon tax for theological seminaries, infant schools, &c.; who, we say, with all these imposts and taxations, together with those of town and country, State and United States are in as fair a way of becomming, if, virtually, they already are not, a herd of mere "hewers of wood and drawers of water" as are any aother people under the canopy of heaven. ‡ -- It is time they should set up an harlot as the Goddess of liberty, as they did in Revolutionary France -- She who__________ majesty! -- Such, such is the chance for JUSTICE on the part of an evangelical, anti-sectarian minister in City, Town, Village and neighborhood in Protestant Christendom! Such is a specimen of what the Author has been familiar with of ENTERTAINMENT" from Presbyterian and Fullerite Baptist missionary Parsons, tract &c. mongers for seven years! * Some of those ladies have, in the absence of the author from home, visited our domicile with their tracts: Should we ever find them there upon this pious mission we promise to count their false curls and artificial teeth. For the time being we assure them, that we sublimate their tracts as far as fire can do it: recommending the opposite element to them in the form of a shower bath three times a day -- to moderate their zeal, to keep them cool! † As a trifling expression of this exorbitance of charge we remark: that we put up for several days at the tavern of one Morris in Washington, Washington county, Pa. during which period we preached several times: The charge or bill of "mine host" was, at the rate of 10 50/100 dollars per week for self and horse; and had "mine host" fed our horse as he ought to have done, and charged in proportion, his bill would have been 12 25/100 dollars per week! Some months afterwards, and while lecturing on the signs of the times in the same place, we incidelitly mentioned this charge or bill. The next morning the said Morris called upon us at a Mr. Bradfields § and puckering like a turkey * * * * and looking terrible as a mud puddle in a storm, demanded of us a certificate in Writing, and to be published in the Newspapers, that he had made to such exorbitant charge: such was the demand, backed, by an assurance, that if we did not give such a certificate 83 is at the beck and call of every one for the most detestable purposes is an appropriate personification of Protestant Christendom's liberty.We are given to understand, that these "three unclean spirits go forth unto kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty." -- So that all these devices and doings, traditions and inventions, enterprises and combinations of Deists and other sceptics, together with those of Protestant and Catholic christendom, and the "lying wonders" of Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. &c. societies, agents, tools and factotums, are are all but so much combination of earth and hell for one last dire struggle against the "Lord and his anointed." in the existence of his church and THE TRUTH and ordinances of the everlasting gospel. -- In this struggle it is to be expected __________ that we should go into the hands of the Sheriff! Here was a desperate alternative to be reduced to: We knew that we had this worthy man's billand receipt in our pocket-book to prove, that his charge was as we had stated, and therefore we could not accommodate the gentleman with such a certificate as he wanted: we would not aid him in publishing a BAREFACED LIE even against our worthless selves: on the other hand, we were given to understand, for such a sin as we had committed, the court and corporation and limos of the lady and sheriff and posse comitatis would glow with indignation and hold us in durance vile utitil reparation should be made to their injured fellow citizen & the insulted majesty OF LAW appeased in our punishment! Father Abraham! what saint-like MODESTY -- what resplendence of moral principle, gleams through and irradiates the whole of this proceeding of citizen Morris -- O how immeasurably distant are we and our children from slavery, when even a Tract, Missionary, Bible, Sabbath school, &c. mongering tavern keeper, tailor, storekeeper and the et. cetera brood, presume to practise their extortions on whom they can and then threaten to put a man into the hands of the sheriff if he dont give a written certificate, to be published, denying their charges or bills to be what they de facto are! § A gentleman -- and every way superior landlord: It is a pleasuse to put up with such a man, and to pay such moderate charges as his are! Nor can I say less of Tavern-keepers, as a class of people, than that I have generally found them most friendly, hospitable and liberal. In many instances, however, such Land-lords, are, sooner or later, depreciated in their dispositions and character through the influence of "General Assembly Presbyterian" or Fullerite Baptist, Tract, Sabbath school, &c. mongering wives. -- Which wives are, to appearance, horrur-stricken at the presence of any one who calls in question the piety of Tract, Sabbath school, &c. device and doing, and will treat such persons with the most insulting manners that they can assume: at the same time if a member of Congress, a Judge, Lawyer or some other individual of official consequence or plentiful pelf visits their houses, they (these Tract and Sabbath school pious wives) will decorate and adorn themselves with the best of their attire, and assume the attitude of waiters to those worthies, though they know that their guests are debauchees & have even seduced and run away with other men's wives! -- Such characters are found to receive a cordial welcome at the parties of the mock gentility of cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods; while the individual who even whispers any thing in opposition to the religious DEvICES of the age is denounced as being a monstrum horrendum! We could tell of persons, places and times exemplifying these things -- and much more like them! Such LADIES and such parties are very devils in falsifying and slandering! The leading political and ecclesiastical characters in the U. States -- alias, Republican America, are industriously engaged in persuading the mass of the inhabitants to believe, that they are most superlatively blessed in their temporal and spiritual rulers and guides, and that they lie myriads of degrees from any thing like slavery: When, in fact, by the multifarious and ever multiplying societieS, or self-created political & religious tribunals, they are made slaves in their character and property, and bankrupts in even their social LIBERTY -- they dare not eat and they dare not drink, and they dare not speak and they dare not think only under circumstances somewhat similar to the renowned Panza in the gubernatorial chair, or the wretches under the ghostly jurisdiction of the holy Inquisition! 84 that the Dragon, the Beast and the false Prophet, will unite to hunt down and crush an evangelical ministry. Few there be at present that are truly gospel ministers; that few will find Infidels and Catholics, Episcopalians and Methodists, Presbyterians and Baptists (so called) together with their Assyrian-like hosts of agents, tools and retainers banding together to oppose and if possible exterminate them; though among themselves, upon all other occasions, every thing discordant, malignant and conflicting obtains; rendering them rather theological gladiators than even cicilized beings. -- Yes, such ministers must claculate upon the kings of the earth and of the whole world, including the officers of Bible, Missionary, Tract, Sabbath School, Temperance, &c. &c. Societies, together with the leading characters of Cities, Towns, Villages and neighborhoods, and of the MOCK gentility of those Cities, towns, &c. opposing them by every variety of diabolical assault upon their feelings, their character and their scraps of temporal interests: -- they must calculate to enter into the kingdom of heaven through much and unremitting tribulation. -- But in a furnace of affliction and fiery trial unparalleled in the sufferings of the saints of the "Most High," they will still be enabled to say to the Dragon, the Beast and the false prophet combined: "Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The KINGS of the earth set themselves, and the rulers * take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in DERISION. † Then shall he speak unto them in his WRATH, and vex them in his sore displeasure." -- It is worthy of special notice, that this work of judgment is to take place at that period, when the heathen shall be given to the Redeemer for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. Then he will scourge those KINGS, or rulers and leaders in Nations, Cities, Towns, Villages and neighborhoods with a rod of iron, and as a potter's vessel will he dash them in pieces!Verse 15. "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame." Elsewhere Christ says, "For at such in hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh:" and again: he refers to the same subject under the parable of the the Lord of the vineyard, who sent his servants into a far country; & adds, "what I say unto you, I say unto all (all his people, in all generations) watch." -- The time to which the foregoing interjection and admonition refer is evidently after the three unclean spirits had gone abroad in the earth. -- Then the Apostle heard Jehovah say; "Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame." This language is in allusion to a well known custom among the priests who kept the watch of the temple. -- At every gate there was a sentinel who stood on guard during the different watches. In every watch the president, or commanding officer, went round to every post; and if he found any of the guards asleep, he tore or burnt oft their garments, and he left them naked. In this case there was evidence given as to who watched the temple from reverence and devotion to it, and who watched it merely for the eclat of the priest's officer, ‡ or a piece of bread." Thus the Lord Jesus will __________ * The reader will please to refresh his recollection with what we have written in reference to kings, leaders and rulers in our analysis of the 14th verse of this character! † If the Lord have these kings, rulers and leaders in derision no wonder that his peoplie are the subjects of somewhat similar feelings towards them, and the endless trumpery of their later traditions, inventions, enterprisms and combinations. In sooth, the gospel, in their hands, must appear to the really intelligent child of grace, as a pearl in a swine's snout! ‡ It is really disgusting -- ineffably loathsome, to see how pride and vanity operate 85 come hereafter and strip and expose all the sectarian pride, vanity, jealousy and rivalry, that have excited and moved the church of Rome, and that in these excite and move the protestant churches to make proselytes and converts under the affectation of holy zeal for the salvation of all men! Then the pride and vanity, profit and peculation connected with Bible, Missionary, Tract, Sabbath school, &c. &c. societies will all be made manifest. -- As for instance: -- The press is represented by protestant christendom as being "The most powerful engine, perhaps, which God has ever entrusted to mortals, for the general and rapid diffusion of knowledge," * -- But then we are not told how many myriads of of type founders, machinists, ink makers, paper manufacturers, editors, book-binders, Rev. book-sellers, agents, &c.&c. are indebted to the press for their temporal subsistence; or, how writers of sermons, religious essays, tracts, pamphlets, news-papers, magazines, &c. have not only their literary pride and vanity but their subsistence connected with the press, † We are not told, of the innumerable heresies circulated through that medium, and the infamous spposition which it presents to the preaching of a pure gospel. ‡ -- But when the Lord Jesus Christ shall come and strip the christian world (as it is called) of all disguise, it will then be understood clearly and fully whether the Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. societies are not established and sustained for the purpose of making proselytes to the different reiigious societies, and with a view of diverting all the means or monies of individuals and families, that are expended for what are called luxuries, to the support and indulgence of the leaders, rulers and their subordinates in those societies. -- It will also, and clearly and fully, be made manifest, how far the different religious sects, of christendom of past and in future generations, have professed a spirit of catholic communion and acted upon an accomodating principle of mutual exchange of pulpits and reciprocal eulogy through the media of their publications, for the sake of popular eclat and temporal interest. It will also be made manifest, how broad, hiw varied, how artful, how sectarian, how selfish and how diabolical have been the means and combination of means by which an open, honest, faithful and intelligent Calvinistic or evangelical ministry has been crippled And suppressed, and its ministers hunted, tormented, calumniated and trodden down to obscurity, penury and want. God has already began to bring to light the hidden works of darkness; and this developement will continue to progress, until hypocrisy shall be generally exposed, and mankind shall appear in their__________ to obtrude myriads of men to the assumption of the ministry: In the ostensible Baptist denomination this appears in boldest relief. Men who are entitled to petticoats are crowding the Baptist Associations as ministers, To be recognized and called Pastor, Bishop, &c. and known to have the charge of one, two or three petty, paltry, theologicaily nondescript Baptist churches is to make these little officials swell and strut like Wolseys: -- The Campbellite, Christian or Scottite § Baptists are the ascendants in this respect. * We leave always understood, that a soldier was the inventor of the art of printing, but these Solomons would make God the patentee: -- God has entrusted the printing press to the hands of man! To see, we suppose, if the follows would make good use of it! We rather conceive that it is time it was taken out of their hands. See, "American tract magazine," No. 6. Vol. 4, page 67, These wretches would ascribe any thing to God from, or by which they can make money. † This applies emphatically to the Buffalo Bishop. ‡ It is high time that something was done by way of checking the lawless, disorganizing and abusive operations of these periodicals. It is alreadly the prerogative § Bishop Scott maintains that the Buffalo Bishop derived his system of theology from him, and not he (Scott) his system from the latter, alias: Scott is the Gamaliel and Campbell the Saul, and not the converse of the case as has been supposed. 86 true colors to the eyes of one another. -- How horribly ghastly will be the spectacle! Hell-born and execrable the vision! * -- Here will be a full and final termination to the existence of Papas, Cardinals, Metropolitans, Arch-Bishops and Bishops, Arch-Prebends and Prebends, Arch-Deacons and Deacons, † Presidents and Vice Presidents and Professors of Colleges and Theological Seminaries, L.L.D's, D.D's, Masters and Bachelors of Arts; Religious, Philanthropic &c. Societies' Presidents and Presidentesses, Vice Presidents and Vice Presidentesses, Directors and Directresses, male and female Secretaries, Treasurers, Managers Missionaries, Preachers, Teachers, Acolytes, Catechists, agents, tools and factotums that now swarm the christian world. -- Here will be a full and' final termination to all the civil, religious, personal and society eclat and influence which have been obtained in the name and at the expense of the truth of the gospel -- a termination to all the honor and authority, office and title. temporal emolument and subsistence, earthly and carnal advantages that have been sought for and realized by Mankind in their USE of the Bible and those things that shall have been appended to the Bible as religious institution! -- Then there will be an almost universal and heart-appalling exclamation of; "Alas, alas, that great city of Babylon, that mighty city: for in one hour is thy judgment come:" And, as it is also said in the 18th Revelation, "The merchants of the earth shall mourn over her; for no man buyeth her merchandise ‡ any more: And the FRUITS that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all which were dainty and good (intellectual recreation, titles, honor, literary fame, temporal subsistence, &c.) are departed from thee, and thou shall find them no more at all." The merchants of these things which were made rich by her, shall stand aar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying "Alas, alas! that great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearl! ¶ For in one hour so great__________ of any knave in politics and religion to put himself at the head of every littie low-lived, vulgar political body or religious denomination, and, through the patronage of the one or of the other, to establish and circulate a periodical to falsify, calumniate and cry down every one manly, virtuous and independent in society. The evil may be checked for a season but never will be terminated until the press shall have operated as a very moral, political, religious and social siroon -- until it become controled and operated the basest of the human base. Something, if not much, of this is already exemplified. -- Yes, the whole circle of human Science, philosophy and arts will in the end be rendered instrumental in developing the native and unknown depravity of the human heart and extending and constimmating the degradation, infamy and misery of man on earth. * In this scene, there will not only be an unovering of the unfathomable deep of human, innate and universal depravity, and that to the confusion and dismay of infidel philosophers and the genius of Arminianism; but to the final and overwhelming conviction of the church of Christ, that th'e whole world is guilty before God - the carnal mind ENMITY to him, and that all flesh, out of Christ, is worthy of that torment whose smoke ascendeth up forever. -- How palpably superficial is the knowledge of christendom, of the depravity of human nature, consequently ignorant of and diabolically opposed to the doctrine of sovereign GRACE! † We mean; such Bishops and Deacons as now obtain in christendom! ‡ "HER merchandise:" i. e. No man will pay any thing more for the support of her Babel-like ministry, or to her Mission, Tract, Bible, Sabbath School, &c. &c. societies! ¶ What multitudes of the reading ministers and missionaries in the protestant churches beg the last dollar from the poor for their Lord's treasury, whose wives and daughters are fluttering in all the gaudiness of fashionable dress, and gliltering in rings and chains and bracelets and mufflers, &c. -- These innocents and these ANGELS will by and bye be adorned with sackcloth and herd with beasts. ==> See Isaiah iii. 12 to 26 inclusive: Yes, Ladies, read that portion of scripture and see his end of your influence and the part that you are acting in the fiful masquerade of the religious world. 87 riches is come to nought. And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships om the sea (religious societies -- in their cruises of experiment and adventure on the sea-like tumult of the world) by reason of her costliness (that is, the emoluments of religious invention, tradition, &c. in Christendom) for in one hour is she made desolate." verses 20 to 25. -- Thus Metropolitans, Arch-Bishops and all the splendid dignitaries of church and state, and all the intermediate classes of civil and ecclesiastical rulers, down to the most insignificant agent and instrument in the religious societies of Catholic and Protestant Christendom, will lament, wail and howl with disappointment, vexation and rage; because they can no longer make the gospel a political engine, an affair of State, or use it to sanction, enforce and perpetuate artificial distinctions in life, no longer use it as a matter of MERCHANDISE, in any of the departments or in promotion of any of the interests of the present life. -- Then the gauze of mere profession. --the form of godliness will be torn off of the multitude of professors, and their nakedness, or entire destitution of a living faith in the gospel, will be exposed to their confusion and shame.Verse 16. "And he gathered them together in a place called, in the Hebrew tongue, "Armageddon." These three unclean spirits which are the spirits of devils, are here represented as gathering together their respective armies, and ultimately uniting to fight the battle of the great day of God Almighty -- the battle of Armageddon. The Dragon, the Beast and the false prophet from whose mouths these three unclean spirits proceed are, as already remarked, symbolical representations of Deists and other sceptics in Christendom, and of the Catholic and Protestant churches, together with the generation of religious-semi-politico ecclesiastic, missionaries, mendicants, agents, &c. now swarming and hereafter to swarm the earth! -- They are all putting forth their utmost and most ingenuous efforts to multiply recruits and to fill their ranks, as well as to secure popularity and they have already some severe skirmishing among themselves and which will, in the process of time, result in the most infuriated and fearfully exterminating scene and series of battle. -- In the mean time it will be found that these three unclean spirits -- these armies of sceptics, Catholic and protestant churches, generations of missionaries, &c. will, as occasion may require, be united to oppose, to hunt down and trample under foot that ministry and all those who proclaim and contend for the faith of God's elect -- the faith once delivered to the saints -- the faith of the operation of God -- the truth as it is in Christ -- the whole determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God -- alias, the ever hateful and abhorrent doctrine * of, sovereign DISCRIMINATING unfrustrable, reigning and triumphant grace! † (So, the Jews were divided among themselves into fierce and blood-thirsty factions while their city was besieged by the Roman army! Those factions, full, of the most deadly hostility to each other, and dealing forth violence and death, anarchy and riot in every direction, supposed themselves, respectively, to be doing the work of God, and that they were the destined SAVIOURS of their nation. Yet when assailed by the Roman army those factions would suspend their civil and religious broils and promptly unite __________ * That is, ever hateful and abhorrent doctrine to the natural man, whether professor or non-professor! † Even now, Atheists, Deists, Arians, Socinians, Pelagians, Arminians, General Assembly Presbyterians, Fullerite Baptists and the endless etcetera of professors band together to drive out of city, Town, Village and neghborhood all such doctrine! 'Tis true as heaven! We know and have felt it! 88 to repel the Romans. -- Or, as Pilate and Herod were at variance and in opposition to each other, but become friends and and united in the crucifixion of Christ, so this army of Sceptics and army of Catholics and Protestant professors are united at all times to exterminate, if possible the doctrine of GRACE!)This COMBINATION against the truth of the gospel has already advanced so far that Deism and Arminianism * are saucily and in every quarter, vaunting triumph over that truth, and boasting of themselves as being too wise and rational, aye, and too powerful too, to tolerate any longer any such absurdity! The manner in which so much of this battle as refers to the army of infidels and of professors AGAINST the truth of the gospel will be conducted, will, not be an attempt upon the of those who, preach or contend for it, that the civil law wiii prevent, but it will be a general and joint series of assault upon the feelings, character & every scrap of temporal interest or earthly possessions of those who preach and those who contend for that truth. -- This scientific campaign against the everlasting gospel has not only began but it has progressed to a terrific extent! -- Who among professed Calvinistic ministers in our day will put the case to legitimate test! Who of them will venture to go forth to and fro in the earth detaching themselves from all mere sectarian interests, and all the influence of family connexions and personal friends, and social and relative sympathies and fleshy affections, and proclaim the truth -- the whole counsel of God! Whoever shall do this, (and they are likely for many years to be but few) thus go forth and preach the gospel, they, though they were pure or purer than the angels in heaven, will soon find themselves preceded and followed by as flood of foulest calumny -- transfixed with myriads of worse than Parthian shafts! -- This chivalrous, heroic conflict with the truth on the part of the armies of Sceptics and Christendom's professors, will go on until those "aliens" shall persuade themselves into a full belief that the ministry which proclaims and the souls who believe that truth have become extinct. -- By this time they will be veteran soldiers and will return to broil and battle with each other in double fury -- From falsifying and slandering each other merely as fellow citizes in political and commercial character, they will proceed to falsify and slander, hunt and torment each other as political, religious, philanthropic, benevolent sects and societies ministers, missionaries, agents, tools, factolums and members: † then they will falsify and calumniate each other as neighbors, as parents and children, as maids and matrons, as husbandsand wives: then as brethren in the bonds of infidelity and in OSTENSIBLE christianity! They shall be well steeped in and drenched with the loathsome flood of slander that they have used to drown the voice of truth in. From this thev will proceed to individual, from individual to family, from family to neighborhood, from neighborhood to society and anti-society, from society and anti-society to church, from church to religious denomination or sect, and from that to general personal violence, ruthless assassination and bloody and exterminating war -- war from the sword to the knife, from the knife to the blade, from the blade to the hilt. -- They shall have blood to drink, for they are worldly! -- Their nature's depravity will rage as the flames of tophet -- inextinguishable! An earthquake of judgments will shake & rendt these millions of living sepulchres, and falsehood and deceit, anger, wrath, malice, violence, and murder shall stream forth as lava streams forth in volcanic irruption, scathing and consuming and bearing from the earth the countless hosts of those two armies. -- During all this protracted conflict and long agony between these armies, Jesus Christ will be multiplying and sending forth "his angels (his missionaries) to gather together his elect from from the four winds of heaven." And though these "aliens," will, sooner or later, be sensible of the presence __________ * Under those two classes 99 out of a 100 in Christendom may be ranked! † No little of this already pervades and agitates Christendom! 89 and operations of those angels, yet it will be at a time when they shall glow and burn with such all-engrossing fury towards each other, that they will forego a pause in their deadly conflict even to hunt down the doctrine of GRACE, -- the everlasting gospel! -- These things will constitute "the battle of the great day of God Almighty:" Thus the army of infidels and of mere professors will be virtually annihilated, & the wickedness of the wicked be made to praise God, while the residue of their warth he will restrain. This battle is said to take place in Armageddon. "There are different renderings of this word from the Hebrew but it is generally believed to be derived from the ancient Megiddo. This appears to have been the name of a district of country in the land of Canaan, watered by the river Kishon; as well as the name of a city in that district. It was celebrated for great battles, vast destruction of the human family, and for great mourning and woful lamentations:" and as characterized by these things becomes a strong and vivid representation of "the battle of the great day of God Almighty when he will dash his enemies to pieces, and gather together his elect, and bring up his church out of this sin-stained, wo-worn world clear as the sun, fair as the moon and terrible as an army with banners."Verse 17. "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, it is done." As a consequence of the operation of the first vial in which the earth shall from generation to generation) refuse "to yield her increase;" and the operation of the sixth vial, in which the earth will become a very slaughterhouse of the human race: myriads, and tens of thousands of myriads of terraqueous and aqueous, &c. animal bodies will become the subjects of loathsome and contagious disease and premature death, from which will result the presence and operation of the seventh vial in the form of a pestilenial atmosphere. Not that we would exclude the idea of their being a direct and supernatural operation on the air by the finger of God. -- But in the presence and operation of all vials or bowls of wrath there will be so much of an appearance of their originating in and operating from natural causes that mankind will, in the lawlessness of their imaginations and infidelity of their hearts, ascribe them to the laws of nature, and conceive of them as more or less subject to their management and control, upon the principles of their science and combinations! There are many intimations in the Old Testament prophets, which point to something of this nature. We are told, "that in all the land, or, as it might be rendered, in all the earth, TWO PARTS therein shall be cut off and die; Zech. xiii. 8, 9, and that many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair without inhabitant," Isaiah v. 2. -- "The voice out of the temple; is, the voice of God out of his then growing church, which will be rising and assuming the character or a temple; and the ministers in and watchmen of which will perceive, understand and proclaim, the signs of the times." They will then "see eye to eye" -- they will then feel that the hour is come when God will avenge his own elect, and gather them together to the inheritance of a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. -- These ministers will then shout and reshout to one another, saying, -- "it is done" -- the vials of the wrath of God are poured out, and are in operation & shall operate to the full accomplishment of his holy indignation: Let us rejoice, for "the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand." Verse 13. "And there were voices and thunders, and lightnings; and 90 there a great earthquake, such as was not since men were, upon earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great."In immediediate attendance upon the, pouring out of the seventh cial, in connexion with the other six vials, a multitude of voices are heard, together with great, thunders: and lightnings are seen gleaming and flashing at every point of the compass. Now, considering this as symbolical or figurative language, and the following will be the import of the verse under consideration. 1st VOICES, are (in this case) expressive of confusion of tongues! Matth. xxiv, 24. 2nd THUNDERS are expressive of the feeling, and sentiments of anger and rage that the various political and religions divisions and subdivisions among mankind will have and give thundering expression to one for another. 3rd LIGHTNINGS are the endless variety and rapid succession of human device, & for what is called the moral amelioration of the world and the salvation of 4th EARTHQUAKE An earthquake is a great shaking or trembling of the earth or some part of it. Amos i. 1. It also expresses great alterations and changes in the community of mankind. Heb. xii. 26. The delivering of the Israelites out of Egypt is called a moving or shaking of the earth. Psalm lxviii. 8. And an extraordinary and unexpected alteration in the state of affairs civil or ecclesiastical is represented by an earthquake, Rev. vi. 12, and 16-18 -- Matth. xxvi. 27. If, then, the foregoing definition of the terms, voices, thunders, lightnings and earthquakes, as symbols, be just, we may remark, that they already find no trifling illustration in the political & religious circumstances of mankind. -- What voices -- what a confusion of tongues characterizes a profession of religion in the name of the gospel of Christ! And still more multifarious will the voices in that respect be -- still more confused and Babel-like will the doctrine, speculation and opinion become in the ministry of Christendom. -- There will be myriads of conflicting voices of political parties,leaders and quacks heard in propositions for new forms of government as being adequate to give some check to the hurricane of RELIGIOUS mania and political anarchy that shall obtain. The voices of such experimentalists as Owen, such theological adventurers as Campbell, or such lecturers as Fanny Wright will multiply beyond number, while the voices of Bible, of Missionary, Sabbath and infant school, Tract and Temperance, &c. societies will be heard; together with those of the Colleges, and other schools of literature, science and philosophy, including, the ever improving medical faculty; the voices, we say, of all such experimentalists, such Adventurers, societies, institutions and professions, together with ten thousand more, will be heard like the noise of many waters, and in thundering, deafening sound from the centre to the circumference of Christendom. They will all feel arrogant confidence that their prescriptions and their instrumentality are going to restore health, energy and happiness unto the bodies politic and ecclesiastical, moral and PHYSICAL! But why contemplate this subject through the glass of anticipation! It is literally present! our eyes and our ears are witnesses of its existence: We are already stunned with the noise of the voices in the political, religious, literary and professional world. -- These very inventions, experiments, enterprises & combinations of the political & relgious world; or, their prescriptions for the GROWING immorality & WRETCHEDNESS of the human family will prove entirely abortive of good; & as lights, treacherous and fleeting as the zigzag lightnings of a thunder storm, or the fantastic evolutions of a quagmire's lurid exhalation; 91 while these abortions * will scathe the hearts of the kings, rulers, leaders and zealots in the religious world, to their very cores with confusion, mortification and rage. -- Nor is the eartquake-like state and condition of the community of mankind within the limits of Christendom less manifest. And yet, palpable and fearful as these things are in their present statae of existence, they are, compared with what they will be hereafter, but as the warblings of a moss imbedded brook in contrast with the rushing torrent, and deafening roar of Niagara's earth-shaking cataract. Hence it is said; that there never was such vices and thunder and lightnings and earthquake since men were upon the earth; so mighty an earthquake and so great. The language of Christ in the 24th Matthew and of an Apostle in Hebrew 12 will have striking application to and full illustration in these, scenes: Christ says: "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of'wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for all, these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. ALL these things are the BEGINNING of sorrows. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; † believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets and shall shew GREAT SIGNS and WONDERS inasmuch that if it were possible, they should deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you! See that ye refuse not him that speaketh: for if THEY escaped not ‡ who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. -- Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. -- And this word, yet once more, signifies the removing of those thinos that are shaken, as of things that are made, that THOSE things that CANNOT BE SHAKEN" (they are not the Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. &c. societies!) may "remain. Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire."Verse 19. "And the great city was divided into, three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath." The great city spoken of in the commencement of this vese is,, we conceive, the ecclesiastical or religious establishments which are now erected on the spiritual Euphrates, including the Roman Catholic and Protestant national churches; together with the numerous dissenting churches, that may be considered __________ * Apart from the moral effects of the scene, and it is really amusing to witness with what fantastic, zigzag-like flashes of zeal the busy, bustling would-be REFORMERS, PHILANTHROPISTS and SAVIOURS of the times rush from Bible to baby school, from Missionary to Magdalene, from Tract to trousers, from Mite to Anti-Masonic, from Sabbath school to Temperance, &c. &c. Societies' operations! ==> "Driven about by every wind of doctrine!" Reubenites -- unstable as water! Wandering stars! † Lo, here is Christ and his kingdom blusters the Bible Society! Lo, there it is, say the missionary societies. The kingdom of Christ is with us, vociferate the Saabbath and Infant schools, and Tract, &c. societies. And so of all the societies in Christendom down to Alexander Campbell's seven years old fraternity or clan -- ALL these things, are said, and all these predictions are made, in the name of MEN! ‡ That is -- The Jews: who, by their religious traditions, inventions, expertiments, enterprises and combinations, made void the law of God.! 92 the outskirts or suburbs of this great city. This great city said to be, "the great whore (of course implying the existence of smaller whores) that sitteth upon many waters" (including the myriads of canals that we have adverted to) hence it is said, in the last verse of the 17th chapter of Revelation, "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over THE KINGS of the earth." Rev. xvii. 1 and 18.This great city was divided into three parts! By which, we apprehend, is meant, that the inhabitants or population embraced within the limits of Christendom (Catholic and Protestant) will be divided into three great and powerful parties. And this idea harmonizes with all we have had occasion to say of the community of mankind within the limits of Christendom under the symbols of the Dragon, the Beast and False prophet, and the saints of the most High." -- Within the limits of Christendom there are millions of avoeed and covert infidels or disbelievers in and of the Bible as a divine Revelation -- this multitudinous host have not, neither can they have, any cordiality with or fellowship for "spiritual Israel -- the remnant according to the election of grace -- the household of faith -- the church of the living God." Neither will their INTELLIGENCE * be imposed so far as to brook or tolerate the religious signs of the times: or the traditions and enterprises and combinations of Catholic and Protestant Christendoms! Their spirit of opposition to these things will be as that of Amilcar's son to the Romans. On the other hand, Catholic and Protestant Christendom in and with the regalia of their traditions and inventions, enterprises and combinations can never, never tolerate Deism or any other grade of infidelity; (or unbelief in their gospel thoigh they give a very hydra head to it) and, as a matter of course, a separation will ultimately take place between these two, vast and, at present, dominent portions of mtnkind: The former portion will have this life and all which it inherits, without any profession of religion; the other portion will have them by and in a mere profession of religion -- and that profession made too in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Reader, let your anathemas against Deists and Sceptics moderate! at least if not moderate let them be secondary to your anathemas against the latter portion of mankind; and that upon the same principle that you would denounce a Devil negatively good, in subordination to a Devil positively bad! -- That is about their relative merits -- that is about the difference between an Alexander Campbell and Robert Owen; between a Miss Frances Wright and a Doctor Ely and the etcetera of the leaders in and of the respective portions or parties. -- But there is a third part to be noticed; and that part or division is, "the ransomed of the Lord out of every nation, kindred, people and tongue." They shall return from captivity in mystical Babylon, -- they shall "come out of her:" Wearied, harrassed and tempest-tossed are the souls of many of God's people becoming with the Arminian and other corruptions of the gospel, together with the traditions, inventions, &c. of men upon which their churches are founded, and by which they grow and thrive. The time is at hand when those who have been the called according to God's purpose -- the elect, sanctified by the washing of regeneration and renewings of the Holy Ghost; will forego all profession of religion IN or connexion with any one of the ostensible churches NOW EXISTING IN CHRISTENDOM! Those churches will be estimated by them (as they most truly are) rather as "synogogues of Satan -- the habitation of Devils, the hold of every foul spirit and and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird," than the household of faith -- the tabernacles of the Most High God -- Really evangelical ministers will also separate themselves from these churches (as they are calied) they will not be * The intelligence of Deists and other sceptics flashes conviction, overwhelming conviction to their minds, that Christendom is filling, flooding, inundating with theological jugglery, all of which they lamentably confound with the gospel! 93 able -- they will not dare to prestitute their mental independence or spiritual integrity and profess fellowship with religious denominations, Assemblies Associations, churches, ministers and professors who, they know and feel, are full of heresy; no, they will not dare to do this for the sake of having official influence and dignity, and sectarian pomp and pride of appearance and a comfortable temporal subsistence. -- Ministers -- aye, old fashioned, evangelical, and purely Calvinistic ministers, and sound, grace-adoring PROFESSORS, assuming this attitude and sustaining this character will multiply from generation to generation until the elect of God are gathered together from the four winds of heaven; seeing eye to eye -- having one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. -- Such ministers and such professors -- the church of the living God redemed from among men -- constitute, as they will hereafter more largely constitute, the third part or portion into which the great city shall be divided!As the wheel of time progressively evolves the foregoing DIVISION of the great city, the cities of the nations will fall. -- As the church of God is frequently, throughout the scriptures, spoken of as a city (See Cant. iii. 2, 3. -- Rev. xi 2 --. Psalm xlvi, 4) so the religious establishments titled churches formed and perpetuated by men are denominated cities. The church of God is titled city -- in the singular number, to express the oneness of her faith and order: * The religious bodies or sects making up and making out Christendom are, from their diversified faith, doctrine and order, legitimately spoken of in the plural number, and as cities. In confirmation of which we remark: that the very use of the adjective great to the city of mystical Babylon (as in the verse now under notice) imports the existence of smaller cities: Again: we read of Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots: Rev. xvii. 5 and xviii. 2. or the great mystical city, or Babylon which is the Mother of Harlot daughters, and which daughters are smaller cities, and altogether constituting "THE ABOMINATIONS of THE WHOLE EARTH." The great city of Babylon, then, as used in this verse is to be considered as representing Roman Catholic Christendom which is but one ecclesiastic establishment all over the earth; and the cities of the nations are to be considered, as representing the various national and sectarian religious establishments or churches existing throughout Protestant Christendom. Thus, as before intimated, as the great city divides into three parts, or as the community of mankind, within the limits of Christendom, separate into Deists, and professors "having a form of godliness," and into the congregating, gradually congregating, or gathering together of the missionaries or angels of the Lord and the elect from the four winds of heaven; so will the cities of the nations -- the Episcopalian, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist (so called) Methodist, &c religious denominations fall, -- Yes, if this be not the case -- And earth's foundation stubble!" Perhaps, as appropriate addenda to the forearms remarks, we may observe: __________ * The spiritual Israel are, no doubt, scattered through the many religious denominations of Christendom in different proportions as respects those denominations. Perhaps, in the Catholic church they are as one to a thousand professors! In the Episcopal church as 1 to 500 processors: In the Presbyterian Church as 1 to a 150, and about the same proportion in the Baptist (so called) and in the Methodist Churches: and so of their numbers in many other religious denominations. -- In the streets then, of the great (mystical) Babylon, the spiritual circumcision, or Israelites are captives and desolate. They will in the end be sick to the core of their hearts of the corruptions, perversions and suppresions of truth of the gospel and the inventions, traditions, &c. of men in the name of the gospel of Christ, as ever the Jews were sick of and loathed Babylonian idolatry, 94 That the terms city and cities as used in the Revelation are, unquestionably, symbolical. -- Every city, then, in a literal sense, has its own peculiar municipal laws, POLICE, &c. by which it grows, is perpetuated and the various interests the different grades and classes of its community are, professedly secured. This is, emphatically, applicable to and illustrative of the great city of Babylon and the cities of the nations which are spoken of in the verse which we are now analyzinq. They, as cities, or religious sects, denominations and churches have, respectively, their municipal laws POLICE, &c by which they GROW are perpetuated and their interests (including ministerial support and personal character and temporal influence of professors,) de facto, both made and secured! * They all, however, profess to derive authority for their laws and POLICE from the scriptures though they are as diversified end different in their governments as mosaic work itself. † Let their ministers, as avowed Calvinistic ministers (we say nothing about the avowed Arminian and mongrel ministers) detach themselves from the protection and patronage of the municipal laws and police of these ecclesiastical cities, and go forth into and through the religious world, preaching and proclaiming the everlasting gospel according to the doctrine of sovereign, discriminating, unfrustrable reigning and triumphant grace -- the Calvinistic general interpretation thereof. Let them do this, we say, and the best and the brightest and greatest of them, will on be denounced, degraded and reduced to mere insignificance in popular estimation and in the estimation of 99 out of a hundred of professors. ‡ And let those who are professors of such doctrine maintain and contend for it, as in duty bound, and they will be denounced, degraded and reduced to insignificance too. ¶ But no, such a trial is no more to be expected from them than light and truth from the bottomless pit: At the same time they will, from their CHIMNEY CORNER inteligence, assume to themselves the prerogative of entering up their judgment as__________ * For instance. what a consummate ecclesiastical oligarchy is the Wesleyan Methodist Church -- not a lay member in all its hundreds of thousands of communicants allowed a voice, in any part or particle of its legislation: and this oligarchy existing too in the heart of a Republic! On the other hand: what loose and anarchical or Jacobinical-like government characterizes what is denominated by the Baptist church throughout her hundreds of thousands of communicants -- though made up of 10 to 20 different clans or fraternites among whom every fundamental truth of the gospel is denied over and over again: yet, any part, portion, or individual figment of this denomination has the perogative of insulting, opposing and traducing a really evangelical Baptist ministry and that with impunity unless appeal is made to Caesar's tribunal! † As we before intimated: there is not a religious denomination under the canopy of heaven § of greater theological contrarieties and confusion of theological tenet, or characterized by more vulgar, fanatical, Arminian, hypocritical, falsifying slandering and heretical professors than is the OSTENSIBLE Baptist church! And yet within her borders are some of the most precious saints and genuine Israelites!! But where there is one minister or fellow professor to "comfort them by their mutual faith" there are a score to confuse, harass, torment, deceive and calumniate them. -- Ye that are really Baptists will feel this to be true! We know it from vast, varied and dire experience. ‡ For idstance; Had that "Prince of theological visionaries" -- the Buffalo Bishop, maintained such doctrine in his orations and periodical writings he would have been as many thousand dollars out of pocket as he is now thousands in pocket by his theologica publications. The Fox knows it too! ¶ Instead of this we find professed Calvinistic Baptists, Presbyteriaos, Episcopalians. &c. tolerating Methodists, or tolerating any Arminian or other corruption of the gospel, for the sake of securing their interests as merchants, mechanics, school-masters and school mistresses or keepers of boarding houses, &c.! Ninety-nine out of the hundred of professors will be any thing and every thing in profession to promote or secure their temporal interests. § We mean as respects Protestant christendom! 95 equivalent, or more than equivalent, to that of those who may have made the trial for a period of 6 or 10 years duration and to a circle of observation twofold the circumference of the earth. When the gospel comes to be preached in the way we have just suggested the cities of the nations will fall like lightning from heaven.It is further said "And great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath." -- By great Babylon in this clause of the verse, we apprehend, is meant, the Roman Catholic hierarchy. -- That church still stands proudly pre-eminent above all others. -- She may be denominated the Metropolis of the religious world: Where she sways her influence the moral and political elements are of the most ominous character: The feelings and minds of men generally are and have been characterized by the most brute-like ferocity and ignorance within the limits of Catholic Christendom: when, then, the tens of millions of human beings within the pale of the Catholic church shall break down, throw off and spurn all and every existing political and religious government, then shall great Babylon -- the Mother of Harlots -- The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, in the persons of her Papa, Cardinals, Metropolitans, Arch-Bishops, &c. &c. of ecclesistical dignitaries, officers, agents instruments, tools and factotums be overwhelmed with the indignation and wrath of those infuriated millions and tens of millions: then shall they feel a terrific measure of that cruel, bloody persecution which they, as an ecclesiastical establishment, have for so many, many ages meted out to their fellow beings to extend and perpetuate their ungodly and infamous dynasty; and in all this realize the very fierceness of the wrath of God, and a prelibation of that torment whose smoke ascendeth up for ever and ever. Verse 20. "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." In view of the foregoing analysis of the 13th and 16th chapters of the Revelation and nothing can be more self-evident than that the religious world or Christendom is, in its political and religious institutions, emphatically represented undpr the emblem of a sea! In every known sea there are more or less Islands! -- Islands, then, in the verge under consideration are a symbolical representation of the various and manifold political, religious and professional divisions and sub-divisions that exist or that shall hereafter obtain throughout Christendom. They are now as the stars of heaven for number and as a maniac's dreams as to confusion. They shall all dissolve, as it were, with the rapidity of an Eagle's flight -- that is, what shall have cost the wisdom and labor of men hundreds of years to devise and to accomplish in experiment for the ostensible improvement of human nature and the promotion or perfection of human happiness on earth, will all be dissipated in the course of a few fleeting years. It is not only said that every island fled away, but the mountains were not found. -- In the scriptures mountains are used as a symbol of various things, as for instance -- 1st as places of power and authority in a kingdom Amos iv. 1. 2d; High places whereon idols were worshipped, Isaiah lvii. 7. Ezek. xviii, 6. 3d. Such powerful obstacles as hinder the progress of the gospel, Isaiah xl. 4. Isa. xlix. 11. 4th. Idols that were worshipped in mountains or high places. Jer. iii. 23. 5th. The most lofty and powerful enemies. Isaiah xli. 15. In view of this symbolical import of the term mountains, and it has evident and comprehensive application to and illustration in the political and religious organization of Christendom. -- Hence, in the fulfillment of this verse places of political and ecclesiastical power and authority will no more be found in Christendom: The High places or religious societies and combinations of men, whereon idols are worshipped, or human traditions, inventions, &c. supersede 96 the gospel of Christ, shall no more be found: all obstacles to the progress of the gospel shall be removed, and the loftiest and most powerful enemies to the triumph of the church of the living God shall be overthrown and destroyed. All of which harmonizes with and confirms much of what we have written in explanation of the preceding verses of this chapter.Verse 21. "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." In the plagues visited upon Egypt was that of a great shower of hail whereby "all that was in the field, both man and beast" were smitten through; "and the hail smote every herb of the field. Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail." In the 78th Psalm it is said, "he destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycamore trees with frost." "He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts." From these and numerous other similiar passages in the Old Testament Scriptures we learn, that the dispensation of hail showers has been a sort of climax of Jehovah's temporal judgments upon mankind: The dispensation of hail now more particularly under consideration, is, it will be remembered, in connexion with a pestilential atmosphere and attendant upon the operation of that vial of the wrath of God, whereby the earth shall have so far refused to yield her increase that ten acres of vineyard shall yield but one bath and the seed of a homer produce an ephah. Under these circumstances, and when the spontaneous growth of nature, together with all that the art and labor of man can draw forth of subsistence from the bosom of the earth will afford the multitude of mankind nothing more than food to die by piecemeal or by inches upon; under those circumstances, we say, this great hail will descend & destroy the last remnant of natural [ailment] both of man and beast, at the same time, no doubt, kill myriads upon myriads of those who have the mark of the beast in their foreheads or their right hands, of those who worship his image, and of those who worship the Dragon -- or, in other words, of the great army of infidels and mere christian professors. Hence it is said in Isaiah xxviii. 2 "Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing shall cast down to the earth with the hand; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, * and the waters shall overflow the hiding place." -- When this hail shall have fallen men will, even then, continue to blaspheme God -- repentance shall be hid from their eyes: Hence says Jehovah, "Since these days were, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten; when one came to press fat to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labors of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the Lord." It will then be clearly understood, that no devices, enterprises, combinations, labors or art of man can give repentance, and that even the most terrific of God's dispensations in judgment avails nought in reference to the human heart; that repentance is the special gift of God and fruit of his Eternal Spirit, never designed for or given to any but his elect -- the Israel of God. -- Yea, it will be seen, that when God does not sanctify his chastisements of sinners that it does but evolve more and more, and from time through all eternity, the desperate wickedness and blasphemy in the human heart. __________ * This will put a final negative upon the boastings, prophecies and promises of Christendom in reference to the forthcoming of the Latter Day Glory and salvation of all men by their devices and doings!! 97 It may here be asked, what is to become of "the people -- the elect -- the ransomed of the Lord" under these circumstances of temporal judgment, earthly privation and want? to which we in brief reply. -- It is to be recollected, that the vast and multitudinous community within the limits of Christendom * will be divided into three parts † between whom there will not only be, a moral and social impassable line of separation, but God will also make a Geographical separation between his people and the other two parts that shall exempt the former from, at least, the destroying influence of the pestilence and hail: This separation, no doubt, will gradually progress as the previous vials of his wrath are poured out and operate. So, in reference to the Israelites in Egypt, it is said, "Only in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel [were], was there no hail." And it is promised by the Lord in Isaiah xxxii. 18, 13": "And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. When it shall HAIL comng down on the forest: and the CITY shall be LOW in a low place!"As the concluding sentence to the foregoing pages, and in reference to the time and incidents to which they direct our ultimate attention we say, in the language of Jehovah, by the pen of the Prince of Prophets. "The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of man shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." ‡ Amen and Amen! APPENDIX. To exhibit the connexion in some general way between the foregoing analysis of the 13th and 16 chapters of the Apocalypse and the remaining part thereof we would simply remark: The 17th chapter represents the more particular and final destruction of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.In the 18th chapter we are given in general terms to understand, that Babylon falls to rise no more: that no more shall the gospel and the church of God be made merchandise of by the great men and kings of the earth. (See ver. 23!) In the 19th chapter the marriage of the Lamb is celebrated i. e. HIS elect are gathered together from the four winds of heaven, and constituted a glorious temple instead of a wandering tabernacle; (as heretofore) in the progress and rapid accomplishment of which there are overwhelming joy and ineffable songs of triumph in heaven. See verse 6. In the 20th chapter we have an account of the binding of Satan for a thousand years: and of the first resurrection: in which, we presume, will be raised from the dead, and introduced into the joys of a new heaven and a new earth, all "holy men of old" -- Prophets, Apostles and all who have really suffered for the kingdom of heaven's sake: who, like the Captain of salvation, have been made poor and of no reputation for the elect's sake and, the faith once delivered to the saints. In the 21st chapter the society of saints, in "the latter day glory," is represented under the figure of a City ¶ descending from heaven clothed and radiant with the glory of God: By which we are given to understand, that the ransomed of the Lord shall be brought into the latter day glory inheritance by the sole and exclusive power and wisdom of God, in contradistinction to all human devices and inventions -- hence it is said: "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven." __________ * In all our pages we have said nothing particularly or specifically as to the heathen: Our subject did not lead us to it: This we will say -- That in Christendom the positive iniquities of the heathen are a thousand fold exceeded! Again: There are more detestable refuges of lies, and blasplaemy, more detestable abominations obtaining in the name of the gospel of Christ in christendom than in the idolatries of the heathen world! † See remarks on the 19th verse. ‡ Isaiah ii. 17. ¶ I Cor. iii. 9, I Pet. ii. 5. 98 The 22nd and last chapter represents "a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb," and that this river flows in the city. All of which, no doubt, is the pure and unadulterated word of God which as a river shall flow making glad the city of God: While the Spirit thro' the instrumentality of God's missionaries and the Bride, or saints generally will be uttering forth the most cordial invitations to all who thirst for the truth as it is in Christ, to come and drink.A WORD TO THOSE WHO ARE REALLY CALLED "OLD-FASHIONED" AND PURELY CALVINISTIC BAPTISTS. You must know by this time, that Fullerism superinduces myriads to make a PROFESSION as Baptists, all of whom, upon the most natural principles, may become (hundreds and thousands of them do become) Campbellite or any other sort of consummate heretical Baptists -- the transformation is as natural, easy and rapid as that of a flye-blow into a maggot in Dog-days. -- Strike, then, at Fullerism: that is the head of the Serpent, and the other is the mere tail! Again: You know and feel that you have no fellowship with Fullerism and consequently none with the Fullerites. Why, then, continue virtually to LIE and act the HYPOCRITE by professing fellowship with them in church, Association, &c. connexions and intercourses! Why suffer yourselves to be PROSTITUTED to their detestable use -- to strengthen, extend and establish their delusions and refuges of lies -- their infamous religious Babel! By all that is terrible in the judgments of God you will be made to smart for such infidelity to the truth. -- "Come out, -- come out from among them."Again: Brethren, "The Regular Baptist Church" on olden times -- in her best days, used the Psalms of David in her praises of God, both in her social and public worship: And, MARK she will have to RETURN to them. Watts * and Ripon, Dwight and Parkinson and even the renowned and erudite Miller and Boyd & Co. of Cincinnati, † will have to give way for "the spirit and understanding of God's most holy word -- it IS, it IS, "profitable for ALL things, &c. that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works" or it is itself a LIE and, consequently profitable for nothing!" Think, brethren, of these things: Once more: If in Providence I may be near or in the midst of you, as a travelling minister, I cordially invite you to make yourselves known to me -- I am willing to serve you in the gospel of God our Saviour at all times under all circumstances. -- But with the, Fullerite and Campbeilite Baptists I never have & never shall have fellowship -- "no not for one hour, that the truth of the gospel may abide with you." I have never wittingly eaten of their bread or drank of their water: no, nor never, never will I. -- They have imposed themselves upon me in a thousand instances as Regular Baptists (The religious world is full of this kind of imposture -- can any thing under God's heavens be more base!) -- they have done every thing they could to destroy me ministerially: I here publish my entire and undying opposition to them in a theological point of view, I warn them against further imposing themselves upon me as being "Regular Baptists," as in every such instance hereafter I will hold them up to the public eye as LIARS And impostors! -- Nay more, if you, wherever you may be scattered, send me, FREE OF EXPENSE to Pittsburgh information of your "local habitations and your names" as few or many, I will, in Providence, sooner or later, visit you:, Yes, and I will __________ * The insult and blasphemy offered to the word of God in Watt's "Preface" to his Psalms are enough, one would think, to make a Devil blush shame! † Cincinnati! Where they are indebted to an Alexander Campbell for their evidence of the Bible being a Divine Revelation! And where they have an artificial hell to frighten the citizens and others into religion! 99 give you more gospel than all the Fullerite and Campbelite Baptists ministers in the Western country would give you: -- not that I know so MUCH, but that they know, so contemptibly little!ADDENDA. He it no Regular Baptist minister say the "General Assembly Presbyterians" "Fullerite Baptists" and Campbellite clan. --This is to certify, that Lawrence Greatrake has been known to us for and during five years past as being an efficient, solid and consistent REGULAR BAPTIST Minister -- within the bounds (more or less) of the Redstone Baptist Association, -- or, in other words, a regular Baptist minister LABORIOUSLY itinerating in the counties of Allegheny, Fayette, Green, & Pennsylvania. Witness our hands this 30th day of March, 1830. * The names prefixed with a star, are to two different testimonials, one of them dated some time before and one of them some time after the above. For brevity, a sake we have attached those names to this intermediate testimonial. He is of no estimation as a preacher any where, but rather considered crazed, say these General Assembly Presbyterians, Fullerite Baptists & Campbellite Clan! To all to whom it may concern: This is to certify, that the Bearer, Rev'd Lawrence Greatrake of the old "regular Baptist Church" in North America having been introduced to our acquaintance about the first of March last, in the interim, between that time and the date of these presents, given a good example of Christian walk and deportment, as far as we have been acquainted with him in private: and in his public discourses by his eloquence, † (acknowledged of a high order) his firmness and independence in defence of what he conceives to be evangelical truths, he deservedly attracted large audiences, preached with a very considerable degree of effect, and approved himself to our minds and apprehensions as being truly orthodox, and as such we recommend him to the acquaintance, kindnesss and Christian offices of all such as are establistied in the faith. SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. In our notice, in the preceding pages, of Sabbath schools (See page 64) we supposed, that this canal afforded "no great deal of money," &c. -- We have learned better. -- "The-Sabbath school Union" yields, with the interest on its Receipts, 20,600 dollars pr month, or two hundred, forty-seven thousand two hundred dollars pr year! We have not space to notice the interest on the Bible, Missionary, Tract, &c. Societies' Receipts -- amounting to hundreds of thousands__________ † To do entire justice to this feature of the testimonial the reader must recollect, that these gentlemen's feelings were strongly interested in behalf of the doctrine preached, and hence, in a great measure, their estimation of me as being eloquent. -- To circumcised ears the truth only is eloquence! 100 of dollars pr year -- all of which the pious, philanthropic and disinterested MANAGERS do not pretend to give any account of! O how self-evident it must be to them that "The Latter day Glory" already dawns.TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. We made intermediately, arrangements with a paper manufacturer for quite a fine quality of printing paper, but, we have reason to believe, from consciencious motives, at least, motives WORTHY of HIMSELF, * he failed to send us the paper. -- Under these circumstances; we were necessitated to purchase what we could most conveniently find of tolerable paper: If, then, our subscribers are somewhat disappointed in reference to the quality of the paper, we shall regret it, at the same time we would notify them, that one-third more matter is given than what we, in our Prospectus, contemplated.__________ * Any scape-gallows -- or SCAPE-PENITENTIARY (as the case may be!) paper manufacturer (by say, religious PROFESSION, semi-Methodist and Episcopalian!) finds his CONSCIENCE in a spirit of hostility to a publication of this sort, fierce and settled as that of Amilcar's son to the Romans. -- While Printers, who have turned as many political somersets as there are suits of clothes for my Lady of Loretto (365) and who have waded chin-deep into the mire and filth of blackguardism and caluminy in reference to others for their own benefit are, conscientiously averse to the printing of such reactions upon "the signs of the times." -- In short, the most of Printers and Editors are seizing, with shark-like voracity, upon any and every rece of political and religious QUACKERY that obtains to get a living from it. -- Sirs! you are only digging your own graves! and a grave for America's freedom! A CHALLENGE. Whereas, what we conceive to be the Calvinistic GENERAL interpretation of the Gospel is, in this age and generation, most audaciously contemned by the world, blasphemously impugned by the vast majority of professors of christianity, and most infamously betrayed by the multitude of preachers ceiling themselves Calvinistic ministers, therefore, we hold, and feel ourselves prepared to defend and establish against any individual opponent or opponents (believing the Bible a Divine Revelation) the following doctrine.1st. A Triplicify of personal Subsistence in the Divine Nature or Essence. 2d. That that triplicity of Personal existence is, UNGENERATED and UNDERIVED in reference to either the second or third Person, Subsistence or modal distinction in the Divine Nature. 3d. The Unqualified sovereignty of Jehovah in Creation, Providence and SALVATION! 4th. The eternal, personal and particular election of all that are finally saved! 5th The unfrustrable grace of God in the calling of his people -- his elect! 6th. The justification of the souls of those who are saved by and through the righteousness of Christ imputed, and by that only. 7th. The speciality of the Atonement both as to naure and application. 8th. The Final Perseverance of the saints from grace to glory. 9th. The entire EOUALITY in the heavenly inheritance among the "heirs of salvation." 10th. That every leading and peculiar "notion" of Andrew Fuller's, in his book titled, "The Gospel worthy of all acceptation,"is LIE -- alpha and omega LIE! If there is a man in the United States that deems himself competent to maintain the negative of the foregoing propositions, we dare him to a trial of his utmost efforts: -- not that we love controversy, (we are from the centre of our soul averse to it) but we are determined, that the truth shall not be trampled upon with impunity by a generation of Swine-herds, without the fearless opposition of one, however humble, advocate.
Address- Pittsburgh, Pa. -- all communication in reference to the subiect to be post-paid. |