![]() Vol. V. No. 11. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., May 29, 1839.   Whole No. 115. ![]() MORMONISM.     [H]OLLISTON, April 8, 1839. ORIGIN OF THE "BOOK OF MORMON," OR "GOLDEN BIBLE." As this book has excited much attention and has been put by a certain new sect, in the place of the sacred scriptures, I deem it a duty which I owe to the public, to state what I know touching its origin. That its claims to a divine origin are wholly unfounded, needs no proof to a mind unperverted by the grossest delusions. That any sane person should rank it higher than any other merely human composition, is a matter of the greatest astonishment; yet it is received as divine by some who dwell in enlightened New England, and even by those who have sustained the character of devoted Christians. Learning recently, that Mormonism had found its way into a church in Massachusetts, and has impregnated some of its members with its gross delusions, so that excommunication has become necessary, I am determined to delay no longer doing what I can to strip the mask from this monster of sin, and to lay open this pit of abominations.Rev. Solomon Sapulding was the first husband of the narrator of the above history. Since his decease, she has been married to a second husband by the name of Davison. She is now residing in this place; is a woman of irreproachable character, and an humble Christian, and her testimony is worthy of implicit confidence. A. ELY, D. D., Pastor Cong. Church, in Monson. D. R. AUSTIN, Principal of Monson Academy. Monson, Mass., April 1st, 1839. ----------------- * One of the leaders and founders of the sect. Notes: (forthcoming) |
![]() Vol. V. No. 11. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., July 24, 1839.   Whole No. 115. ![]()
From the Cincinnati Daily News,
June 13. Agreeably to public notice, a meeting was held in the College Chapel last evening, which was opened by a few remarks from a gentleman accompanying Mr. Greene; after which Mr. Greene gave a statement of the early settlement of the Mormons in Missouri, and a history of their persecution, which has hardly a parallel even in the persecution of the primitive christians. They were ruthlessly driven from their homes, their property destroyed, the women and children forced into the woods, without any shelter from the inclemency of the weather, (it being in the month of January) where they roamed about till their feet became so sore that their enemies tracked them by the foot-prints of blood. The men were in many instances cruelly murdered. On one occasion the mob attacked a smith shop, into which nine of the Mormons and two boys had taken refuge; it being a log house, the mob fired between the logs and killed every individual of the nine men; they then entered and dragged the two boys from under the bellows who begged for mercy in most piteous tones; one of the miscreants applying his rifle to the ear of the youngest, (who was but nine years old,) said, "My lad we have no time to quarter you, but we will halve you," and immediately shot away the whole upper part of his head. The other boy was severely wounded in the hip, but had the presence of mind to fall and remain quiet, and so escaped; he is still living, and is at Quincy, Ill. Speaking of the massacre, he said, "they had killed my father and brother, and I was afraid if I moved they would kill me too." To cap the climax, the villains plundered the dead bodies of their clothes, &c. In another instance; part of the mob pursued an aged man, who, finding he could not escape, turned and raising his hands to Heaven begged for mercy: the reply he received was a shot from a rifle, and he fell mortally wounded; he still besought them to save him, when one of the party picked up a scythe, or sickle, and literally hacked him to pieces as he lay on the ground. |
![]() N.S. Vol. 3. No. 13. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Jan. 17, 1844. Whole No. 236. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope BR. HANBY. -- About the first of December I found a question asked in the Telescope whether circuit preachers ought to be entitled to the Telescope, who made no exertion to procure subscribers; after reading I paused, and reflected, and then answered NO! |
![]() N.S. Vol. 3. No. 17. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., February 14, 1844.   Whole No. 240. ![]() PLEDGE LIST: ...D. P. Hurlbut 20 ... |
![]() N.S. Vol. 3. No. 29. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., May 8, 1844.   Whole No. 252. ![]() Minutes of the Sandusky Annual Conference. The Sandusky Annual Conference of the United Brethren in Christ, convened at Jacob Garners, in Sandusky County, O. April 4th, 1844... |
![]() N.S. Vol. ?. No. ?. Circleville, Ohio, Wedn., July 17, 1844.   Whole No. ?. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
The principal causes that has led to the late division are as follows: Near two years ago Joseph received, it is said, divine permission to enjoy an addition to the number, to the former, twelve spiritual wives; this created an increasing suspicion. To allay the uneasiness of the brotherhood some time last winter the prophet issued a proclamation, by divine authority, for all the brethren to choose and become lawfully married to spiritual wives, with whom they should live during the thousand years millennium, as no marrying or giving into marriage is to be in that state of things. Accordingly letters of invitation were issued inviting those from abroad to be in attendance at their first jubilee meeting, which took place some time in April last; this happily for the world had the opposite effect. A ceceding party immediately indentified themselves, which increased duly; a printing press was obtained and a prospectus circulated, proposing to publish a weekly paper, exposing the corruptions of the prophet and his party. The first number came to hand last week. The prophet called a Council, which pronounced this new printing establishment a public nuisance, marched directly to the printing office, destroyed the press and the appurtenances thereto, issued orders that the seceding party leave the city, not allowing sufficient time to take with them their effects. Some made their way into the adjacent neighborhoods. The Steam Ferry Boat of Fort Madison was employed to convey two hundred souls to that place. A warrant was issued at Carthage to bring the prophet to an account for this outrage. The officer on arriving at Nauvoo was taken prisoner by the Mormons and put into safe keeping. |
![]() N.S. Vol. ?. No. ? Circleville, Ohio, Wedn., July 24, 1844.   Whole No. ? ![]()
![]() N.S. Vol. ?. No. ? Circleville, Ohio, Wednesday, July 31, 1844.   Whole No. ? ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
In our last we gave the particulars as related in different papers, in relation to the death of Joseph and Hiram Smith. Reports were at that time so conflicting that an opinion could hardly be expressed with any degree of certainty. The case turns out, however, to be one highly reproachful to Illinois. It was said by way of extenuation, doubtless, that when the Smiths were in jail that some mormons attempted to break through the guard for the purpose of rescuing the prisoner, and that they and the Smiths both shot at the guard. The statement all appears to be untrue. The Smiths had peaceably surrendered themselves to the Governor upon pledge of their own personal safety, by the [check] magistrate and were safely and peaceably lodged in jail at Carthage, to await their trial for treason and when in this hapless condition, a mob attacked the prison, and literally murdered the two Smiths and two or three others. How highly dishonorable, how vile the wretches, -- what insidious cowards must be the gang who would thus take the advantage of helpless prisoners. The fact that Smith might be or really was an imposture, affords no apology. He was now in the hands of the law. The act will haunt the vile perpetrators, and hang as an incubus upon their hearts, as Cain's mark did upon his forehead, until they shall truly feel themselves vagabonds upon the earth. Should Mormonism truly be a humbug, this event will prove very unfavorable to true religion. |
![]() N.S. Vol. ?. No. ?. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Aug. 28, 1844.   Whole No. ?. ![]() OBITUARY Father Bowser is no more. He fell asleep in Jesus, August 5th, 1844. John Bowser, the subject of this memoir, was born in Overling, in Germany, Aug. 5th, 1787; emigrated to America in 1803; embraced religion, April 2d, 1809; was married to Christena Graul, Oct 8th, 1811; received license to exhort the same year; was licensed to preach in 1812; ordained at an Annual Conference held in Montogomery county, Ohio May 31st, 1822. |
![]() N.S. Vol. V. No. ?. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Oct. 9, 1844.   Whole No. ?. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
The Sandusky Annual Conference of the United Brethren in Christ, convened at Jacob Garners, in Sandusky County, Ohio. April 4th, 1844... |
![]() N.S. Vol. V. No. 18. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Nov. 26, 1845.   Whole No. ?. ![]()
William Smith of the patriarch's family, has fled from Nauvoo. The St. Louis papers published his "faithful warning to the Latter Day Saints," against the unrighteousness of the elders who have usurped the patriarchal chair, of whom he is the only legal occupant. He counsels peace, love to all men, and a restoration of confidence between the Mormons and their neighbors; opposes emigration to Oregon, and promises further exposure of the unrighteousness of the "wicked elders." He is now in St. Louis, under the protection of some friends. His address is dated 25th of October. |
![]() N.S. Vol. V. No. 19. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Dec. 3, 1845.   Whole No. ?. ![]()
Br. D. Edwards: -- The condition of a part of my Circuit, reminded me of the situation of the American army at West Point, while Arnold was counting gold in New York. By the grace of God I erected the bloody banner of the Cross, and commenced with these words: "I am determined to know nothing amongst you, but Jesus Christ and him crucified." Order was soon restored, and we resumed our march for the high lands of glory. |
![]() N.S. Vol. V. No. 28. Circleville, Ohio, Wed,, Feb. 4, 1846.   Whole No. 303. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
Can a strong - or as Mr. Buck calls them - a high Calvinist consistently be a minister among us? Or, in other words, are we not known as an Arminian Church? |
![]() N.S. Vol. VI. No. 1. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., July 29, 1846.   Whole No. ? ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
Bro. Edwards: -- A Telescope is an instrument to assist in determining objects at a distance. In looking through yours many curious, as well as useful ideas are brought to my mind, assisted by faith predicated upon testimony and observation. The World's Convention at London appeared a sight that would make angels smile, but our venerable Bishop Russel got hold of the other end, and it made things look ugly enough. But there are a great many glasses in some Telescopes, and above all a great many eyes to be applied to the same instrument. Vision, as well as the other senses, may at times deceive us: our prejudices and purposes may at times lead us astray; our wills also in a certain sense are martyrs of our faith. I find that it is easier to object than it is to suggest. If the London Convention is not the thing we desire tell me where to find it: for a something is necessary to draw the Protestant churches nearer together, to hasten in that glorious day, when we (the Protestant churches) may be one, as Christ and his Father are one. After all I shall be sadly disappointed if we are not represented in the World's Convention. The subject of Slavery may come up, as well as secret societies, and let us as a church be there by delegation, and let the delegates of all the Protestant world know that we will not compromise with the popular views of the day. D. P. HURLBUT,
For the Religious Telescope.
To the Preachers, Exhorters, Stewards, leaders and members in general, of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, on St. Joseph circuit, greeting: |
![]() N.S. Vol. VI. No. 22. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., August 18, 1846.   Whole No. ? ![]() THE FOURTH OF JULY. This day we celebrated on St. Joseph circuit in Richland Townships, Stuben c., Ind., as follows: Opened by prayer, in a splendid bowry prepared by nature, and seated by art, by Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of the M. E. Church, from Oneida co., New York who then addressed a large, attentive audience on the subject of American Independence. As a yankee would say, "it was done up right." He traced the finger of God in our obtaining and retaining our liberty; proving that virtue, integrity, and piety are essential to a free government. I then followed with a few charges against old Alchohol [sic.], supported by reason and matter of fact. Adjourned till 3 o'clock P.M. Prayer by Br. J. Thomas, Br. Thayer then resumed the subject of liberty, showing American slavery a foul blot upon our national honor, and a violation of god's written word. It was well received. I then followed upon the same subject. In short, I find the Bible has made me a teetotal cold water man and a downright Abolitionist. I must close by saying the ball of liberty is rolling, put in motion by the right hand of Omnipotence, its speed accelerated by the efforts of the true Christians and patriots, it shall roll until every chain shall be broken, and every burden undone, and the oppressed shall go free. Oh Lord, hasten the day -- DRAWING CIRCUITS BY LOTS. I have thought that Circuit preachers could receive their Circuits more on the principles of Republicanism than they do at present, and to much better advantage on the lot plan, for several reasons. 1. On the old plan, if the people are not pleased with their preacher they censure the committee, and they are thrown into doubts, under which they labor the whole year. 2. The Presiding Elder would not have so much of "Send us brother such as one," and all asking for the same man embarrassing his mind, for he wishes all well, and he cannot suit all with the selection which they have made. 3. It would save the preachers the trouble of getting up so many petitions and the committee from overlooking them. 4. It would leave the committee in the Conference room to assist in doing the business of Conference. 5. It would save the committed from censure for telling some of the preachers and not others, where their circuits are. 6. It would prevent that jealousy that might arise in the preachers against the committee, for not suiting them in their appointments. 7. It would be just as likely to place the preachers where the Lord would have them as the present plan. 8. It would cause people and preachers to pray more for God to direct the lot. 9. It would relieve the Stationing committee of an obligation, and a burden too heavy for frail, mortal man to bear; for how does that committee know that God does not say to Jonah, "Go to Ninevah," and who would dare to say to that man, "Go to Tarsus." You, my dear brethren, think and pray over this matter, and see if we are trusting the Lord, and exercising that faith that we profess, and preach: and see if there could not be a better and safer plan adopted, one that would remove all those difficulties, and bring about the above named prayer, and cause us to increase more in faith and trust in the Lord. For instance, the following: Let each circuit be named on a ticket and let each preacher draw his circuit or station, and when two are required on one circuit, let the one that draws that circuit first have charge. Let us think and pray over this, and if we can make a step towards holiness, let us make it. Nothing in view but the glory of God, and advancement of his kingdom. -- |
![]() N.S. Vol. VI. No. 47. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., June 16, 1847.   Whole No. 374. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
To all my friends in truth and United Brethren in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, greeting: |
![]() N.S. Vol. VII. No. ? Circleville, Ohio, Wed., March 8, 1848.   Whole No. ? ![]()
For the Religious Telescope. ... [D. P.. Hurlbut confessed to trifling conversation when out of pulpit]... though improvement is claimed by defendant, and promise of future amendment.... |
![]() N.S. Vol. VIII. No. 4. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Aug. 23, 1848.   Whole No. 435. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
![]() N.S. Vol. VIII. No. 8. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Sept. 20, 1848.   Whole No. 439. ![]()
For the Religious Telescope.
Bro. Edwards: -- |
![]() N.S. Vol. 1. No. 7. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Oct. 16, 1850.   Whole No. 546. ![]()
An[nual] Conference Minutes. The above Conference convened at Bretz's Meeting House, Seneca co., Ohio, on Friday; Sept. 20th, 1850 at 8 o'clock A.M. |
![]() N.S. Vol. 1. No. 32. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., April 9, 1851.   Whole No. 573. ![]() ENTIRE CONCENTRATION The subject of sanctification or entire concentration to God, is one to which I have paid little attention in times past. I had a twofold reason for this neglect. First, I disliked the doctrine, and secondly, I considered those who profess the blessing to be reclaimed backsliders. I came to this conclusion from the fact that those who professed the blessing seemed to be tempted far beyond any thing that I had ever experienced. Sometime in the month of June last, I heard the doctrine preached experimentally for the first time. I was not pleased with the sentiments at that time. It however bro't me to reflect more upon the subject, and to see that a deeper work of grace was necessary. I was brought to see that my heart was not wholly given up to God, from the fact that I was subject to impatience, which betrayed a want of reconciliation to God. |
![]() N.S. Vol. 1. No. 34. Circleville, Ohio, Wednesday, April 23, 1851.   Whole No. 573. ![]() SANDUSKY CIR. SANDUSKY CON. I would say to the friends of Zion, that the Lord has done great things for us on the Sandusky circuit this conference year.- It seems like days of other years, when God in mercy first visited this circuit, and the wilderness of the red man commenced to be a fruitful field. The two brethren that labor with us this year, D. P. Hurlbut and P. Lammon, appear to be stripped for the race, and harnessed with the spirit of Christ... |
![]() N.S. Vol. II. No. 8. Circleville, Ohio, Wed., Oct. 8, 1851.   Whole No. 597. ![]()
The Sandusky Annual Conference convened at the Beaver Creek Church, Wood Co., O., Sept. 18th, 1851 |
![]() N.S. Vol. III. No. 8. Circleville, Ohio, Wednesday, October 6, 1852.   Whole No. 649. ![]()
This conference convened at Johnsonville, Morrow county, O., September 16, 1852 ... |