Vol. I.
Pittsburgh, November 1, 1844.
No. 2.

It does not follow, as a consequence, that the religion thus corrupted is false and not the truth of heaven;
but the very reverse. What system was it that the apostle guarded the saints of his and all succeeding days
against corrupting, assuring them that in the last days a corruption would take place. Was it not the true
system of heaven? Surely it was. Was it not the system of heaven, where men (monsters) were to avail themselves
of their apostolic and prophetic influence, and be lifted up in the pride of their hearts, become proud,
boasters, inventors of evil things, truce breakers, incontinent, and abusers of themselves with mankind?
It was. Was it not those who had a place among the saints, who were so far to depart from the fear of
God, and the principles of decency, as to he sufficiently daring to put at defiance the laws of man and the
holy principles of the institutions of heaven, as to enter into houses and lead astray silly women, laden
with sins? Need I answer it was. Was it not the true religion of heaven, which all sacred writers both of
the Old and New Testament, cautioned the world and all the saints against corrupting, and corrupting by
certain defined abominations minutely detailed? All will answer it was. The conclusion then is, that the true
order of God, in the last days, was in danger, imminent danger of being brought into reproach and shame,
by those who seek to gratify their carnal desires, in defiance of all righteousness, and, with a bold
effrontery, claiming the authority of the priesthood, that their might more effectually accomplish their
corrupt design, and thereby bring the whole church of God under condemnation before God; and so far sink it
in the estimation of all, as to render it odious in the eyes of the world. The true church of Christ,
according to the testimony of both prophets and apostles, of olden time, was in this danger in the last days.
As to societies which the sacred writers never considered as of divine origin, they never thought of guarding
the world against corrupting. Their object, and their only object was to preserve the institutions and
ordinances of heaven from abuse; knowing, as they did, that an abuse there would sooner or later prove fatal
to the world. What then, Dear Brother, shall we say? What can any man say? Why, the society where those abuses,
as defined by the sacred writers, made their appearance, has surely a high degree of testimony that it is
the true church of Christ in the last days. The corruptions which the sacred writers of former days, said
would make their appearance is the church of Christ in the last days, have made their appearance among us.
Had Paul lived in our days, and looked at the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, he could not have
described it more minutely: the very corruptions have made their appearance, that he said would take place
in the Church of Christ in the last days.
Had not these corruptions appeared among us, we should have lacked one important testimony that we were the
true church of Christ; but the appearance of these corruptions has added a testimony to those who desire
to know the truth, that the kingdom of heaven is with us in distinction to all others.
It may well give us boldness in the faith, and great confidence before God. We may arise in the strength of
truth, and purge these things out of our midst; knowing that the Lord will aid us; seeing we are doing as
commanded, to "separate ourselves from all such workers of iniquity."
By this you and the branch of the church under your charge, will see that they have done well, and may take
courage, nothing fearing, for the Lord will be with such to bless them.
It may be, that the saints may not be apprised of the fact, that the scriptures have pointed out the very
things which should take place in the last days, in the true church of Christ; and that, a short time before
Christ's coming. Let us hear the Savior while he yet tabernacled with man in the flesh.
In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew, we have the Savior's own account of the things which should take
place, at a time approaching his second corning. We shall confine ourselves to a few of those things which are so
plain, as to admit no justifiable objection. After the Savior had said many things in the hearing of his
disciples in reference to his second coming, he gives a warning to the world predicated on the things that
should take place preparatory to his second advent into the world. He says this, commencing with 42d verse,
"Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But this know, that if the good man
of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered
his house to have been broken up. Therefore, be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son
of man cometh, who then is a faithful servant -- whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give
them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I
say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods, But if that evil servant shall say in his
heart that the Lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink
with the drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour
that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him a portion with hypocrites: there shall
be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took
their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom, and five of them were wise and five foolish."
Let me ask at what time was all this to take place, and among whom? Could there be two cases which more
directly correspond? We think it would be hard to find them. If the Lord had not his eye on the church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in the foregoing sayings, by some strange fortuitous course of events,
that church got itself precisely in the same situation the kingdom of heaven is there described as being in;
and the whole matter fulfilled directly on their heads. Let the world take the case as it may, I think they
must acknowledge that they are a strange set of mere chances.
Have not the hearts of the honest and upright in Nauvoo had many a painful hour of reflection, and many a deep
feeling of mortification, at the eating and drinking with the drunken, and the smiting of the fellow servants;
if not with a rod, with what was much worse, a tongue of falsehood foul and fiendish? I might assert, without
fear of exaggeration, that it was so, without one exception; for righteous being could do otherwise.
Let me particularly call your attention to the fact, that the true church of Christ in the last days was to
have a division in it, one unavoidable; it was so said by the Savior 1800 years ago, and it could fail. Now
sir, if none of these things which have taken place in Nauvoo had taken place, then, indeed, the world might,
with more propriety, doubt our being the true church of Christ; but since the scriptures are fulfilling to
the letter on our heads; I think that by proper reflection and investigation, they will change their minds.
But in relation to the division, it may be proper to say a few things. It was said, at the time when the
disobedient cruel servant was cut off, that the kingdom of heaven was like unto ten virgins, five wise and
five foolish. Now I ask, who were the wise virgins? Those continued to follow in the steps of servant who
had been cut off, or those who on the contrary, lifted their voice and wielded their influence against the
evils which had caused the Lord to cut him off, and against the corruptions which caused the Lord's displeasure.
I the very little reflection will settle this matter to the full satisfaction of every honest inquirer. That
which brought death to the servant could not bring life to the people.
It would be a vain attempt, on the part of any members of the kingdom of heaven, in going forth to meet the
bridegroom, to expect to be welcomed to the marriage supper of the Lamb, while they were identified with,
and engaged in the same practice and practices, with him whom the Lord had cut off for sinning, and sinning
unto death in so doing.
To carry out the measures of that servant or prophet, would be to bring death on all who did it, sooner or later.
Now, whatever society in the last days is the kingdom of heaven, acknowledged so by the Savior himself, must
pass through the scene as described by him in the 24th and 25th chapters of Matthew. This must be done or the
scriptures fail. If then, indeed sir, we, the Latter Day Saints, are the true church of Jesus Christ or
kingdom of heaven, then it needs only look and reflect, and all may understand that have eyes to see, or ears
to hear. Concerning his second advent; he admonishes all to watch:
"And what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch." Mark, 13,27. The reason for this was, that he
would come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night. Now, when was the Savior coming? In the last days surely.
Who then was admonished to watch? He says, all; but of necessity, the people of the last days in
particular, in whose day he was to come; and the reason assigned for this admonition was, that the servant
who did so should he blessed at his coming: he should be ruler of his master's goods. But the Savior,
foreseeing that this would not be the case, says, beginning at the 48th verse, "but if that servant
shall say in his heart, my lord delayeth his coming, and shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and begin
to eat and drink with the drunken, the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him,
and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with
hypocrites: and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
This servant, according to the Savior, was to be one who should make his appearance in the last days, and was
one of the all whom he had warned to take care, lest an awful fate awaited him; and if he did not
receive the admonition, the should be cut off. He was warned minutely, not to eat and drink with the drunken,
or smite his fellow servants; for if he did he should be cut off. To whom then, in the last days, can this
apply? Whoever it is, or was, it was one the Lord acknowledged to be his servant, and he cut him off,
because he refused to obey him. Persons, acquainted with the affairs at Nauvoo, will need no comment on the
above words of the Savior.
What was to take place when this disobedient servant was to be cut off? We are told in the 25th chapter,
"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to
meet the bridegroom, and five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish," &c.
Mark this, that at the time when this cutting off of the servant took place, two things immediately took
place, or was to take place. The going forth to meet the bridegroom, and a division in the kingdom of heaven,
or true church of Christ. No doubt can remain, but that the servant here spoken of, had been sent of the
Lord -- was, actually, the Lord's servant, but a disobedient one. And what follows in the 25th chapter, shows
that this cutting of was to have an immediate effect on the church. Immediately after this mournful event --
for surely it must be so to every thinking man -- preparations were made for going forth to meet the
bridegroom: it was then found that there were many without oil in their lamps: the consequence was, that a
division took or was to take place at that time. Let us ask, a division in what? The answer is given, in the
kingdom of heaven, or true church of God.
Dear Brother, I ask you, and through this letter to you, all the saints, acquainted with facts as they exist,
to lay this case alongside the affairs of Nauvoo; and then reflect and consider.
But as the scriptures abound with evidence on this subject, I will invite your attention to some of the
sayings of the prophet Isaiah, which only confirms what we have before written. In the 3d chapter of his
prophecy, commencing at the 10th verse we have a description of Zion.
"Moreover, the Lord saith, because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks,
and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet, therefore, the Lord
will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their
secret parts. In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornament about their feet,
and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon. The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, the
bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the head-bands, and the tablets, and the ear-rings, the rings,
and nose-jewels, the changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping-pins,
the glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the veils. And it shall come to pass, that instead of
sweet smell, there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle, a rent; instead of well set hair, baldness; and
instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. Thy men shall fall by the sword,
and thy mighty in the war. And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she, being desolate, shall sit upon the
ground. And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saving, we will eat our own bread, and wear our
own apparel; only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach."
A few remarks on the foregoing quotation, will place the subject, in a point of light. so clear, that "he
that runs may read."
What the prophet here said, he said about the daughters of Zion: "Moreover, the Lord said, because
the daughters of Zion are haughty," &c. All then that he says afterwards, he says about the daughters
of Zion, and none others. He says, "they walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and
mincing as they go." The representation given of them, is that of pride, haughtiness, and shameful
wantonness. In the preceding part of the 3d chapter he gives us a clue to the way they got means to enable
them to gratify their corrupt desires. In the 14th verse we have the following remarkable sayings: "The
Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients, (or elders) of his people, and the princes thereof; for ye
have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses. What mean ye, that you beat my people,
and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord of hosts."
The prophet here charges the ancients or elders of the people, with spoiling the poor, eating up the vineyard,
and having the spoil of the poor in their houses. The awful use made of this spoil of the poor, is but too
clearly set forth. It was wasted on their lust. In consequence thereof, the daughters of Zion were to walk
with stretched-forth necks, and wanton eyes; they were to have the spoil of the poor in their houses, and riot
on the labor of others; and to finish their corruption and abomination, seven of them were to lay hold of
one man, and say, we will eat our own food, and wear our own apparel; only let its be called by thy name
to take away our reproach.
This is an order of things, which I think has never existed but once, since the spread of Christianity in the
world. That a collection of females could be got together, capable of such a extraordinary conduct must be a
matter of astonishment to all; but the prophet said such a thing would take place, and that too, in the Zion
of God; and God would enter into judgment with them for it.
Let me here remark, that wherever this thing did take place, that society was one the prophet called Zion,
or the people of God. No people on earth could go so far into corruption as apostate saints. Paul said of the
Corinthian church in his day, that they had abominations among them which were not so much as named
among the gentiles, that a man should have his father's wife.
Comment on the foregoing would be unnecessary, if all the saints were acquainted with facts as we are. Let
all those who are acquainted With Nauvoo, for two years past, just read and think. Let me ask, did not their
eyes see the streets paraded by females, haughty and insolent, riding, parading and gallanting, not even to
military trainings excepted, until one of the principal officers of the military gave them an open rebuke.
Has it not been, and is it not now considered a reproach, by many, not to he united to some man is a wife,
though he should have a half a dozen at a time? If it is not so, then they do not believe the doctrine they
teach themselves.
When these things are closely examined there is so near a resemblance between the description given of the
daughters of Zion by Isaiah, and what has taken place in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
that the conclusion is forced on the mind, that he, the prophet, had his eye on that church, and actually
called that church Zion. But what gives this still greater force, is, that if the things spoken by Isaiah
do not transpire in the church of Latter Day Saints, then it is not the Zion of the last days: and their
preaching vain, and their faith vain; for these things will take place in the Zion of God, in the last days.
But now for the other side of this picture, for Isaiah does not stop here.
In the 4th chapter, 2d verse to the close of the chapter, we have the following:
"In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be
excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. And it shall come to pass that he that is left
in Zion; and he that remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the
living in Jerusalem: When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have
purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, by the spirit of judgment, and the spirit of burning.
And the Lord will create upon every dwelling-place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke
by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. And there shall
be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day-time; from the heat and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from
storm and from rain."
In the the 2d verse, the prophet says, "In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and
glorious, and the fruit of the earth excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel."
We ask, in what day? Not the day when the daughters of Zion were rioting on the spoils of the poor, walking
with stretched-forth necks, and wanton eyes, mincing as they went; when seven of them were laying hold on
one man to take away their reproach: that was a day of transgression, when the women ruled over the people of
Zion; when the poor were spoiled, the people beaten, and their faces ground. No beauty nor comeliness in that
day; but there is a day, notwithstanding all this corruption, when the whole Zion of the Lord, which had been
rioting in abominations, and the spoils of the poor, shall be beautiful and glorious? No, gentle reader, no,
but the Branch of the Lord -- that which is escaped of the Israel of God -- those that fled from these
corruptions, and left them who were practising them, this branch shall become beautiful and glorious.
When will it become beautiful and glorious? When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters
of Zion? See verse 4th. What filth will the Lord wash away? Their prudery, seven of them clinging to one man,
their pride, and their wantonness, their rioting on the spoils of the poor. When the Lord is doing this with
the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning, the branch of the Lord that has escaped, will be
becoming beautiful and glorious.
Here we might indulge ourselves in inquiring into the situation of this branch of the Lord that is
to become glorious. Mark, they were those who had escaped -- who had fled from the corruptions of the polluted
daughters of Zion. This is the branch that is to become glorious. The very fact of their having escaped
supposes that at one time they were in the midst of those who had corrupted their way before the Lord; and
under such circumstances, must have much experience, having been acquainted, not only with the things which
were according to the will of God, but also the corruptions and abominations, which caused the Lord to enter
into judgment with those who had corrupted their way before him. They had an opportunity of knowing what was,
and what was not displeasing to the Lord. They had seen the Zion of God before it was corrupted, the peace,
the joy, the union which prevailed, the good will which reigned; and they had seen it after it was corrupted;
and could see and feel the change, the great change, which took place after the corruptions complained of by
the prophet had crept in, and men and women began to riot on the spoils of the poor, and have stretched-forth
necks, and wanton eyes. In all these matters, they were the best judges, and the only competent judges on
earth. They had seen prophets lead the people astray, and enter into houses and seduce silly women, laden
with sins.
Men may read of these things, and say in their hearts, they are evil, but a man who has seen them with his
eyes, and heard them with his ears, knows something about them, that no other could know. He is better
prepared to guard himself and others against these, and all other abominations, than those who have never had
the same experience could be.
The people who have been made to feel the effect of these corruptions, are prepared to withstand prophet or
apostle, who may make such an attempt again. The spirit of those who are thus corrupted, he is able to detect,
at first sight, having once seen it manifested, he always knows it afterwards. Thus qualified, and thus
prepared, the branch of the Lord which had escaped was every way qualified to become beautiful and glorious;
and, if we can credit Isaiah, none others were, for it was the branch which had escaped the corruptions he
had there described, that should become beautiful and glorious, and after that branch had become beautiful
and glorious, the fruit of the earth was to become excellent and comely for them.
Let the saints and all others reflect on this. The whole glory of the world, if, we are authorized to credit
Isaiah, which is to come to pass in the last days, is to begin with a branch of the Lord, which is escaped
from the corruptions of those with whom, at one time, they were connected, a people who had so far departed
from all the principles of truth and decency, as for seven of their women to take holdon one man and be called
by his name; a people that could riot on the spoils of the poor, and grind their faces; and all this under
the garb of religion. If you can find any such a branch as that, know that it shall be glorious, for the Lord,
by the mouth of Isaiah, hath spoken it. And all those who wish to be sharers in the glory, let them be
partakers with this branch, and they cannot fail, or the scriptures fail.
That the things here spoken of by Isaiah, were to take place in the last days, is manifest from what he says
in the last part of this 4th chapter. It is there said, after the Lord has purged away the filth of the
daughters of Zion, he will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and
smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for upon all the glory shall be a defence. And there
shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day-time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and from a covert
front storm and from rain.
All who are at all acquainted with matters and things as they now exist, or have existed, since the days of
Isaiah, know that no such things as the above have existed since his day, but if his testimony is true, they
are to exist after the Lord has purged away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and purged away the blood of
Jerusalem, by the spirit of burning and the spirit of judgment. And this purging, and this burning, is not to
take place until after the branch of the Lord has escaped; for it is through this branch that all the glory
is to come.
Then indeed, in the true Zion of God, in the last days, there were to be systems of corruption, wanton women
and dissolute men, that were to corrupt themselves and cause the judgments of God to be revealed against them,
and to cause a separation, and a branch to go forth from them, which in the end is to become beautiful and
glorious. This the prophet says was to take place in the Zion of God; and it is only in the last days it can
take place.
Now, if the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is the Zion of God, then fellow saint and sinner,
the whole story of the spiritual wife system is told; and that it is the true church of Christ, let the
corruptions of that body speak for themselves. He that hath eyes may see, and he that hath ears may hear,
and he that has a heart may understand, for the very corruptions which Isaiah said should take place among
the daughters of Zion, have taken place in that church, not only the corruption, but the separation also,
and all the rest will doubtless follow.
Now let me call the attention of all the saints to the facts already disclosed. We have seen by the Writings
of Paul that in the last days, all the church of Christ, an apostacy was to take place, that men were so far
to depart from the true faith, and to be so completely led by seducing spirits, as to go into houses and lead
astray silly women, laden with sins, and that too, under the sanctity of religion. This thing has actually
taken place in the church of Latter Day Saints.
Isaiah says that in the Zion of God the men would become oppressors, and live on the spoils of the poor, and
the women would become wanton, and seven of them would take hold on one man, to be called by his name, the
same as to become his wife. This also has taken place in Nauvoo. The Savior said that before hts second
advent he should have an evil servant, whom he had appointed to give meet to his house in due season, who,
instead of so doing would go to eating and drinking with the drunken, and to smiting his fellow servants,
and that he would cut off that servant, in an hour when he did not look for it. This also has actually taken
place, not only the eating and drinking with the drunken -- smiting the fellow servants -- but the cutting
off also, and that at an unexpected hour; for that servant did say, not long before his death, that he would
have five years from the time he delivered the prophecy, but behold in an hour unexpected, he was cut off.
The Lord said that at the time, or in the days preparatory to his coming, that the mighty men of Zion should
fall in the war. This has also taken place.
Let the reader ponder these things in his heart, for one thing is certain, and that is, that what the prophets,
apostles, and the Savior himself said, should take place in the last days in the Zion of God, has taken place
in the church of Latter Day Saints, be they, or be they not the church of Christ; and to finish the whole, it
was said that among the things which were to take place, was that of a division in the church. This is now
taking place before the eyes of all living, and a branch that separated was to become beautiful and glorious.
Time will determine this.
It may here not be amiss while on the subject of the division, to attend to some of the Savior's words, in
addition to those already noticed. In the 13th chapter of Matthew, beginning with the 25th verse, to the 35th,
inclusive, we read as follows:
"Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good
seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But
when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the
householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence hath it tares?
He said unto them, an enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, wilt thou that we go and gather them
up? But he said, nay: lest, while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow
together until the harvest: and in due time of harvest I will say unto the reapers, gather ye together first
the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
"Another parable put he forth unto them saying, the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard-seed,
which a man took and sowed in him field, which indeed is the least of all seeds; but when it is grown it is
the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches
The Savior put forth three parables. The kingdom of heaven, according to the first, was likened to a man
that sowed good seed in his field, but while he slept an enemy came and sowed tares to the field, both of
which, the owner of the field said, should grow together till the harvest, and at the time of harvest, the
reapers were to gather the tares, and bind them into bundles to he burned; but the wheat was to be gathered
into the barn. This parable the Savior explains to his disciples, see the 37th verse, and onward. He that
sowed the good seed, was the Son of man; the field, the world; the good seed, the children of the kingdom;
the tares, the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them, the devil; the harvest, the end of the
world; and the reapers, the angels or messengers.
This parable, as explained by the Savior, shews the fact, that the last kingdom or church that Christ was
to set up in the world, and if so, it must be the kingdom spoken of by Daniel, was to be corrupted, and in
consequence the Lord's messengers were to make a separation in it. There were tares, and there was wheat in
it which had to be separated from the other. After this separation the kingdom of heaven was to be like a
grain of mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden, which is, indeed, the least of all seeds,
but when it is grown is the greatest of herbs so that the fowls of heaven come and lodge in the branches
thereof. This was to take place after the tares were separated -- after the division had taken place.
He spake another parable. The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures
of meal, until the whole was leavened. This also was to be after the tares were seperated. If any should doubt
this, let me ask could a society, that was like tares and wheat, produce this effect, leaven the whole lump,
change the nature of the whole world and bring it into subjection to the will of God, when in itself there
was corruption, and material only fit to be burned? All will answer it could not, no society or order of
things could change the nature of the world as leaven changes meal, and cleanse it so as to render it fit
for the society of heaven, while it had a mass of corruption in itself, such as the kingdom of heaven was to
have, when it had tares as well as wheat in it. The separation must take place -- the tares prepared for
the burning, and then the kingdom might tower as the mustard stalk, until the fowls of heaven might lodge
in the branches thereof, and then, and not till then, could it leaven the whole lump.
What more need we say then, to let all the saints see the precise situation of the church at present, and what
awaits the whole church in futurity. The branch which has escaped after the separation is complete, become
beautiful and glorious, and the tares be prepared for the burning.
The corruptions which have spread and are spreading in that apostate and corrupt branch of the church at
Nauvoo, is one of the strong evidences which go to prove the church of latter day saints to be the true
church of Christ: for in it are fulfilling the words of the prophets, of the apostles, and of the Savior
of the world. All are fulfilling to the letter.
The church has now reached an interesting and important point in prophecy -- the period where the holy writers
begin to date its prosperity. It had, according to all the sacred writers, to pass a severe scene of trial
and affliction, before its prosperity could come. Corruptions must infect the head itself, before it could be
prepared to go forth and meet the bridegroom. And the Lord had to show his disapprobation of the corruptions
introduced, by cutting off his evil servant. After that it had to pass the severe trial of separating the wheat
and tares -- which is now especially going on -- before it could tower and spread so that the fowls of heaven
could come and lodge in the branches thereof and like leaven, leaven the whole lump. After all this work of
trial, affliction and purification, then comes the time when the separated branch, which has been enabled to
pass the ordeal, and neither faint by the way nor get corrupted, to become beautiful and glorious, through the
triumph of which, the fruit of the earth was to become excellent and comely. Well then may the saints lift up
their heads and rejoice, seeing the prophecies of both the old and new Testament are fulfilling before their
faces, and they, the honored among men, whom the Lord has chosen, that the words of the prophets might not fail,
and the testimony of Jesus be fulfilled in the eyes of all living, that all might be left without excuse at
his coming. Well may they gird up their loins and prepare for the coming of the bridegroom; for behold he
cometh according to his word. The way is preparing, and the day approaching. The things long since spoken of
by all the holy men of old are now passing before our eyes; the mustard seed is planting -- the leaven is about
being put into the meal -- the branch is separating, and all things are now making ready.
All opinions about the Savior's coming are vain, unless they me founded on the fulfillment of the ancient
prophecies. Every thing there said, preparatory to him coming must be fulfilled, before he comes. It is
equally so with regard to the church of Christ in the last days, all things spoken of it by the prophets must
be fulfilled. The corruptions which they said should be introduced into it must defile it. When Christ said
that in the days preparatory to his coming, he would have an evil servant -- for so he called him -- and
that he would cut him off at an unexpected hour, this must take place, or the words of the Savior fail.
So certain then, as ever Christ was to raise up a man in the last days to lay the foundation of a great work,
just so certain it was, that that servant would be cut off; for he that said one, said the other. As sure
then as ever there was to he any true church in the last days, so sure it was that it would be corrupted,
for the same spirit of prophecy indicted one that did the other; and so certain as the church of Christ the
last days was corrupted -- and that was as sure as it existed -- so sure it was, that part of that corruption
was the leading of silly women astray; and so sure as the true church of Christ was to exist in the last days,
so sure, by reason of the corruptions in it, it was to divide, and sure as it divided the branch that
separated was to become beautiful and glorious.
Why then, if we claim to be the church is of Christ in the last days, should the things which have transpired
be matters of surprise or fear. The various systems in the world which lay claim to be the latter day work
of God, to prepare the way of the Son of man, are all founded on principles at war with the prophecies, and
in opposition to them; the work of God in the last days was to be a work through which all the prophecies,
which had preceded the time of its commencement in the world, that had not been fulfilled, should be fulfilled.
We then have this claim to be the true church of Christ, that the prophecies are now fulfilling in our midst,
that the very things the Savior, prophets and apostles, said should take place in the last days, are taking
place with us, and nowhere else. What higher evidence then, that we are indeed the church of Christ in truth?
If this is not giving to the world testimony that we are the true church, I know not what could do it.
The saints then have but one thing to do, in relation to these abusers of themselves with mankind, that is,
turn away from them and be separate, and touch not this unclean thing, but let those be clean who bear the
vessels of the Lord. Separate, ye saints of the most high, from this sink of corruption, that the branch of
the Lord may be glorious: for it is the separated branch that shall become beautiful and glorious, and through
whom the Lord will bring peace to the earth, and though the separated branch should, at first, be among the
societies of the world as a grain of mustard among seeds, yet, it shall grow and tower until the fowls of
heaven come and lodge in the branches thereof; or though it should be in comparison as the leaven which is
put into the meal, with the meal itself, yet, it will not cease until it has leavened the whole lump.
Thus hath the Lord spoken, "and he that hath ears to hear, let him hear."
To the Members of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints.
Brethren Beloved: -- The time has come in the dispensations of the Most High to the Saints of the last days, when
it becomes absolutely necessary for every man, for every woman, for every individual who essays to be saved in
the kingdom of God, to set their feet afresh upon the rock, of which the Saviour has emphatically declared, "the
gates of hell shall never prevail against it."
The time has fully come, in the history of the Church of the living God, established for the last time, when it
is made a sacred and paramount duty, for every individual who would maintain the integrity of the Covenant which
he has entered into with God, to lift up the voice as with the sound of a trumpet -- to cry aloud and spare not.
A heaven-daring apostacy -- an utter and entire departure from the principles of eternal life, as they are
revealed to us in the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Book of Covenants, has occurred in our midst; and it remains with
us individually to determine, whether we shall take part with God and righteousness, truth and virtue, or turn
again to the weak and beggerly elements of sin, and thereby forfeit all claim, right, title, interest or promise,
to the glorious rest of God, the ultimate beatitude of the celestial kingdom. Nothing less than this is the issue
which now presents itself for our deliberate and solemn determination....
We are prepared then to enter upon the examination of those thrilling events, which have absorbed our attention for
some time, and by a rigid adherence to the word of him who cannot lie, we shall be able to arrive at a correct
understanding of the whole matter. Who then is that individual who sustains the important relation of revelator to
the Church, for he alone is competent to a reorganization of the presidency, for without that organization we have
not the order of God, and consequently never can triumph gloriously.
Fortunately, most providentially, this matter is stripped of all ambiguity, and is made clear as a sunbeam to the
believer in the revelations of Jesus Christ.
Sidney Rigdon is the only man, who has been pointed out again and again, by the voice of Israel's God, as sustaining
that relation -- hear him: Sect. 84, part 5. "And now verily I say unto you (Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon,) I give
unto you a commandment, that you continue in the ministry and Presidency, and when you have finished the translation
of the prophets, you shall from henceforth preside over the affairs of the church and school; and from time to time
as shall be manifested by the comforter, receive revelations to unfold the mysteries of the kingdom, and set in order
the churches, and study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues and people.
And this shall be your business and mission in all your lives, to preside in council and set in order all the affairs
of this church and kingdom."
If this is the word of God in very deed, then is Sidney Rigdon, beyond all cavil or dispute the called of God, to
preside over his Church, and Kingdom and the lawful revelator to the same.... Joseph Smith was to stand in the office
in which he was then placed, until the coming of the Son of Man, unless he transgressed, when the Lord declares he
would plant another in his stead; again, this other was to be appointed by Joseph himself, "If he shall transgress
he shall have no power except to appoint another in his stead."
Where then is the man called of God by revelation, and ordained by Joseph Smith, as a prophet, seer, and revelator
for the church? Sidney Rigdon, and Sidney Rigdon alone.
The conclusion is therefore inevitable, that either the word of God has failed, or Sidney Rigdon is planted by God
himself, in the stead of Joseph Smith. Let God be true, if all men should be found liars. Why then was Sidney Rigdon
rejected by the Twelve, and all their adherents, and an order of things instituted in direct violation of the order
of God?
The answer is plain, because they have lost the light of the spirit of God, and are involved in Egyptian darkness;
"if the light that is in you become darkness, how great is that darkness."
It now becomes necessary to touch upon another fact which affords us a key, by which we may unriddle the whole mystery
of this extraordinary condition of things.
There has been taught in the church a doctrine, which to a man with the revelations of God in his hand may be deemed
the most daring and damning that could be imagined to exist among any people, because it is the prolific parent of
every vice, and the whole catalogue of crime follows in its train as naturally and necessarily as water will find
its level. Need I say I allude to the spiritual wife system; to cover up this system, lying was
taught to be justifiable, and a sermon was publicly preached, to inculcate the idea and establish the tenet,
that under certain circumstances, it was rather meritorious to lie. Be it remembered, that there is no sin, which has
called forth the signal wrath of Almighty God, more fully than the sin of adultery; and therefore the Lord declared he
would "cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day. The ancient and honorable (que. Patriarch) he
is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err,
and they that are led of them are destroyed." Was Joseph Smith cut off for transgression? I
answer, if the Lord is to be believed, he was; for he expressly promises that if Joseph
abided in him, he should stand in the office in which he was placed, until the coming of the Son of Man. If Joseph is
not living, and the Son of Man is not come, he must, admitting the word of God, be cut off for transgression.
Admitting this fact, we must conclude, that he transgressed the law of God; the question then arises,
how did he transgress the law of God? I answer, he taught the doctrine that a man could have ten
wives; the Lord has declared "thou shalt have one wife, and cleave unto her and none else." Joseph taught that
David did not sin in having many wives, only in the case of Uriah.
The Lord declares, Book of Mormon, Book of Jacob, 2d chapter, "David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines,
which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord."
But do these men who have arrogated to themselves the authority, who have at one fell swoop blotted the first
presidency out of existence, laid violent hands on the reins of government, and delivered over to the buffetings of
the devil him whom God has placed in the stead of Joseph Smith -- do these men preach and practice the doctrine of
polygamy? They do. And coupled with Sidney Rigdon's uncompromising hostility to that doctrine, gives us the key by
which we can understand the otherwise incomprehensible fatuity, which could lead them to set at complete defiance the
order of heaven.... Sidney Rigdon declared: "I shall feel it my duty to publish the transactions of the secret
chambers, and a faithful history of the works of darkness." Oh here lies the gist of the whole matter; treason to the
cause of spiritual-wife-ism, to that accursed doctrine which makes a man's glory depend upon the number of his wives;
which makes that a stepping stone to exaltation which God has a thousand times declared is the high road to hell....
give heed to that servant whom the Lord has planted in the stead of Joseph Smith, and turn away from those who teach
and practice doctrines contrary to the law and the holy commandments delivered unto us.
Your brother in the new and everlasting covenant.
Our advices from Nauvoo, are to the 20th of October. Brigham Young, one of the Twelve, had, at a meeting at Ramus, in
Hancock county, discoursed thus, in a public address: "That there were a multitude of spirits, innumerable, who were
flocking about the houses of ill fame, seeking for bodies, although they were illegally obtained, yet they were
anxious to get them in any way; but God has devised a plan by which they can now obtain them in a legal way, without
disgrace." Important information, surely. Since the delivery of the above message, the gentleman and his co-worker,
Heber C. Kimball, have been absent, no reason assigned: they have gone probably to the places where their business
We have seen a No. of the 'Prophet,' published in N. York City, containing a letter over the signature of Wilford
Woodfruff, declaring, among other false assertions, that while we were at Nauvoo in Sept., we threatened to bring a
mob on the place. This is a fabrication without the least foundation in truth. We never said so, nor thought of
saying so; indeed we knew too much about the light in which the God of Heaven viewed Nauvoo and the people thereof,
to feel any disposition to bring on them any evil, greater than that decreed by the great God. Do these men think, by
publishing falsehoods against us or any others, that they will avert the judgment of God? ...
The ignorant corruptors at Nauvoo are busily engaged, up to the last dates, in spinning out the history of their own
ignorance and shame, in an unceasing effort to do something to hide their secret doctrine from the public gaze. Do
they think such fooling will any longer hide, from the world, their system of polygamy? If they do they will find
their mistake by and by....
To the Editor of the Latter Day Saints'
Messenger and Advocate.
Mr. Editor:
Permit me to call your attention to a certain doctrine taught by the apostates at Nauvoo, that Joseph Smith is as
much a Saviour to this generation as Jesus Christ was to the generation in which he lived. Heber Kimball declared, in
a public address, on the stand, that "Joseph Smith was his Savior." Are not these the very characters whom Paul and
Peter saw should be in the church of God, in the last days; who would count the blood of the covenant wherewith they
were sanctified, an unholy thing; and even deny the Lord that bought them.
Notes: (forthcoming)