(Newspapers of Illinois & Indiana)

Adams County, Illinois

Quincy Whig, Argus, &c.
1841 Articles

Mills along the Quincy waterfront, on the Mississippi, (old photo)

1838   |   1839   |   1840   |   1841   |   1842   |   1843
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Whig Jan 30  |   Whig Mar 06  |   Whig Apr 24
Whig May 15  |   Whig May 29  |   Arg Jun 05
Whig Jun 12  |   Whig Jun 26  |   Whig Jul 03
Whig Jul 24  |   Whig Sep 04  |   Whig Sep 18

Peoria Register   |  Sangamo Journal   |  Misc. Ill. papers
Alton Telegraph   |  Warsaw Signal   |  Nauvoo Wasp, etc.
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By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., Jan. 30, 1841.         [Vol. 3 - No. 40.


THE  MORMONS. -- While Col. Benton, in the Senate of the U. States, is endeavoring to procure an appropriation to pay the troops who served against the Mormons in Missouri, two individuals of that persecuted people have petitioned the House for relief from the outrages committed upon them, and the Mormons generally, by these same troops. The memorial of the Mormons alluded to -- Messrs, Elias Higbee and Rob't. B. Thompson -- states that "they have purchased lands of the general government, lying in the State of Missouri, from which they have been driven with force by the constituted authorities of that State, and prevented from occupying the same." -- (embracing details of the measures employed by the State for that purpose) -- "for which they pray Congress to provide a remedy." -- That petition was laid before the House on the 21st of December, referred to the committee on the Judiciary, and a copy of this document from our Representative -- and it gives authentic details of the transaction to which it refers, is a document of more than general interest. -- Sang. Jour.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., March 6, 1841.         [Vol. 2 - No. 45.


                         For the Quincy Whig.

Could I command an angel's lyre,
And in Parnassus' melting fire
    Deeply immese my quill;
And like the ancient, orient muse.
inhale such thought-inspiring dews
    As fabled gods distill;
    I'd break the chain
    Of measured rhyme;
    And in unfetter'd strains
    Enchanting and sublime;
With thought's pur fountain, flowing free,
Enrich'd with sweetest tones of melody;
Describe the virtue of Integrity.

    -- What is Integrity? It is
Truth -- Truth in practice; and it had its birth,
Long, long anterior to the date of this
        Low planet Earth:
Its birth? Ah! surely, no creative nod
Call'd it to being. In the courts of bliss,
'Twas co-existed with the Eternal God --
'Tis an unchanging attribute of bliss,
        Where 'er it spreads,
        Its presence sheds
A light, transparent as the mountain rills --
A halo, brighter than the rainbow fills,
And more ascending, than the cloud-cap'd hills.

    If this strong bond of social kind --
    This holy principle of mind,
        Should wholly be
Dissolv'd, or banish'd from society;
Concord would fly with all its smiling train,
And clashing interests, endless warfare rage,
Ignited with the heat of selfish rage;
    And tumult and disorder reign,
    Supported by a desp'rate clan:
Man, would be left, against his fellow man
To dash, like the tremend'ous ocean-wave
When mad'ning storms, the swelling surges lave!
    Altho' it radiates here and there,
    Truth, precious jewel, is so rare;
That dark suspicion, oftentimes is found
Arm'd for the fight; when nothing lurks around
To wake up strife upon life's battle-ground.

    Prime rule of right, of fundamental kind.
The god-like science of Integrity;
Should form the basis of the human mind,
        And therefore be
Impress'd in docile, cradled infancy --
Around the growing pulse of youth, entwin'd,
And with bold manhood's majesty combin'd.
For where its pow'r is salutary here,
Its magnet moves beyond earth's narrow sphere,
Prompting due service to the throne above;
    And brings a noble, sure reward,
Inspiring confidence before the Lord,
And gives a steadfastness to faith and love.

    In this creation's glorious morn,
When nature's order, usher'd into birth --
When man's pure spirit, was enshrined in earth
    Moulded like God's own glorious form;
Integrity -- fair germ of righteousness.
Was sent to earth, the human race to bless.
    But when our great First Parents fell,
The curse of sin, became infectious here;
And Falsehood, with contagious, with'ring spell
Spread darkness thro' our moral atmosphere;
And Truth, perverted, could no longer dwell
In its primevial order, on our sphere!
    But Time, will bear upon his wings,
    "The restiiution of all things;"
'Tis thus predicted in the sacred word;
And the uniting cord -- Integrity --
The firm comenter of society,
        Must surely be
One of the "all things," that will be restor'd.

    Even now, a struggle is begun,
      That will not cease;
    Until the glorious victory's won --
      Until in peace,
Integrity will be enthron'd, and then
Confiding trust, will dwell among the sons of men.
    I'd fain believe, the period is not far:
Roll on, roll on, Oh! Time! thy pinion'd car,
And bring that order of society,
Which righteous men have long desir'd to see --
When man, with fellow man, on earth will be
Link'd, in the social bond of pure Integrity.
                ELIZA K. [sic] SNOW.

Gen. J. C. Bennet, has been elected Mayor of Nauvoo, under the late act of incorporating that city.

Note 1: The Sangamo Journal reported this same news in its issue of Feb. 25th. The modern reader can only wonder how equitable the 1841 election of John C. Bennett to the Nauvoo mayor's position really was. It is probably arguable that no genuine election for that office took place until after the departure of the Mormons from the city during the late 1840s.

Note 2: The Warsaw Signal added this update to the Bennett story on June 19th: "We understand that Governor Carlin has removed General Bennett from the office of Quarter-Master General of this State..." At least that kept "General" Bennett out of the Illinois government, while he was serving in Nauvoo, both as mayor and as Joseph Smith's counsellor pro tem.


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., April 24, 1841.         [Vol. 3 - No. 52.

Proceedings at Nauvoo.

The ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the Temple at Nauvoo, passed off yesterday (6th) with great parade. The number assembled is variously estimated; we should think, however, about 7000 or 8000, some say as high as 12,000. The Nauvoo Legion consisting of 659 men, was in attendance, and considering the short time they have had to prepare, made a very respectable appearance. Mr. Rigdon officiated at the laying of the chief corner stone, and addressed the assembly on a very energetic manner in a speech of about an hour's length. On the whole the exercises passed off with the utmost order, without accident or the slightest disturbance. Gen. Bennet commanded the Legion, under the direction of the Prophet, and acquitted himself in a truly officer-like manner. -- We have no time for further comment this week. -- Warsaw World, April 7.

Note: Unfortunately President Rigdon's dedication speech appears not to have survived for modern consultation of its contents. This would be practically the last time Rigdon served at an important public LDS function in Nauvoo for the next three years. His personal relationship with Joseph Smith deteriorated rapidly during that period, but Rigdon was finally rehabilitated, more or less, to served as Smith's running mate in the 1844 U. S. presidential election.


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., May 15, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 3.

The New Judiciary System -- Rewards.

At the late sitting of the Circuit Court in this place, Judge Douglass appointed Calvin A. Warren, Esq. of this city -- a zealous and somewhat ambitious member of the locofoco party -- Master in Chancery, for this county.

At the sitting of the court in Hancock county, Gen. John C. Bennett, of Nauvoo, was appointed by the same Judge, Master in Chancery, for Hancock. Gen. Bennett, is a prominent member of the Church of Latter Day Saints or Mormons, and a friend of the fallen Van Buren dynasty.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., May 29, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 5.


==> The appointment of General Bennett, as Master in Chancery for Hancock county, does not meet with the approbation of all the citizens of that county. The last Warsaw Signal says the appointment of Bennett "is frowned on with indignity by nine-tenths of the substantial sitizens of the county." The same paper has the following paragraph in relation to the Mormons:

We understand that great dissatisfaction exists at Nauvoo, amongst those who have lately arrived from England. It is said that many have determined to leave -- and that letters have been sent to England, warning their friends, who had designed to emigrate, of the sad state of things in the City of the Church. Mr. Rigdon, on the contrary, informed us last week, that, in general, the new comers were well satisfied. Be it as it may, it is certain that some have left both the City and the Church -- not believing, on the one hand, in the mission of the Prophet, and on the other, dissatisfied with the temporal government which is exercised over them.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 6.                       Quincy, Illinois, Sat., June 5, 1841.                       No. 39.


An officer of one of the steamboats that lately arrived at our warf from above, informs us that the Governor of Illinois has, bona-fide, become a Mormon.

There had been several hundred Mormons in New York and England, who lately made a "descent" upon Nauvoo, -- and the circumjacent regions by way of making settlement there. This colony was beheld with alarm by many of the dispassionate inhabitants in that part of the State.

Both the American and English Emigrants of that persuasion, had come there at least as well armed and accoutered for the fight, as for agriculture; not male among them knew how to use, fire arms, but had his rifle, his pistols, and many of them their snicker-snee. With the colony from New York there had been several young women decoyed off from their parents and friends, with them by means of promises the most extravagant descriptions of the country more romantic than ever entered into an Arabian tale. The fruits of the earth, even in a state of nature, were as the Garden of Eden before it had been cursed with thorns and thistles; the strawberries growing there in a state of nature being equal to pomegranates! -- One of [these] deluded young women, at the sight of this paradise, gave expression to her disappointment that bordered upon dispair -- so different was the real scenery [from the representation, and so complete], so hopeless as to deliverance, was her captivity.

The fact of the Governor's joining this society was looked upon as no unmeaning "sign of the times" to come. Such is the rumor we have.

They are also building an extensive something which they call a temple, but which has very much more the apperance of a fort. (Mo. Republican.)

So far as the above relates to Gov. Carlin, the editor of the Republican has been wholly misinformed. We did not even hear the report here,that his excellency had become a convert to Mormonism, until we saw the paper containing the [aforesaid] article.


The citizens of Nauvoo and its vicinity met on Saturday the 29th ult., for the purpose of nominating suitable candidates for county officers, which resulted in the nomination of JOHN T. BARNET for County Commissioner and WALTER BAGBY for School Commissioner of Hancock County.

These nominations, we understand were made in consequence of some illiberal and untrue remarks which appeared a week or two ago in that dirty sheet, the Warsaw Signal, stating that the Mormons had one of their own number in the field for School Commissioner, which was not true; we have not seen the article in question, but understand that it was uncalled for and abusive upon the Mormons, and particularly upon Gen. Bennett. Neither of the gentlemen nominated at the meeting in Nayvoo belong to the Mormon Church, but are old citizens of the county, and are said to be well qualified for the offices.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., June 12, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 7.

Arrest of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet --
the Governor, &c.

We have another farce to record in which some of the officials of this state are prominent actors. It will be recollected, that last summer, the Missouri authorities made a demand upon Gov. Carlin for the persons of Joseph Smith, Sydney Rigdon, and, we believe, some other individuals of the Mormon faith. In obedience to the demand, the Governor issued a writ for the arrest of the persons named. This writ was placed in the hands of the sheriff of Hancock county,; after due time had elapsed, the writ was returned to the Governor, with the endorsement, that none of the persons named in it were to be found in Hancock county. Thus matters rested until a few days ago. -- Last week, Joseph Smith, Gen. Bennet and Hyrum Smith came down to the city on business. While here, Joseph Smith called upon the Governor. His Excellency received him politely but coolly, and in a few hours after, gave the old writ -- the same that had been returned, and was lying in the Executive's office -- to the Sheriff, for the purpose of arresting Smith. During this time, S. and his companions had started for home. The sheriff's deputies followed in pursuit and overtook them, we believe at Lima, or near there, in this county, and arrested Smith, and brought him back to the city. Upon the arrival of the Monsoon, Saturday afternoon, Judge Douglass being a passenger, was applied to for a writ of habeas corpus, for the purpose of trying the validity of the Governor's writ under which S. was arrested. The writ was granted by the Judge, and a hearing was to have been had before him in Warren county this week, where he holds court.

We have thus stated, in as clear and correct a manner as we could obtain them, all the particulars connected with this proceeding. What appears strange to us, is, that the writ should have been suffered to remain so long -- one year -- in the hands of the Executive, and no effort made to apprehend those individuals against whom crime is charged by the Missouri authorities -- especially, when it was well known, to almost every man in this county and Hancock, that Smith and Rigdon were at their homes, and engaged in their usual vocations at Nauvoo, nearly the whole time since the writ was issued by the Governor. Mr. Smith holds a military commission under the Governor, which bears date since the issuing of the writ. This is sufficient to show, that his Excellency was not entirely without information as to Mr. S.'s locality. Mr. Smith was also in Quincy previous to his present arrest, and since the issuing of the writ, and no effort was made, as we could learn, to arrest him.

We expressed an opinion last summer, when the writ was first issued, of the policy and humanity of surrendering up these individuals to Missouri justice. That opinion remains unchanged. We do not believe even now -- after a lapse of more than two years -- that Smith, Rigdon, or any other individual of that faith against whom crime is alleged by the Missouri authorities, would or could receive a fair trial in Upper Missouri. The popular feeling against them is still strong enough to bear down all the restraints of law and the requirements of justice. But this is our opinion. The Governor's duty was plain. If he considered the demand of the Missouri authorities justifiable and one founded in reason, -- if he considered Smith and Rigdon, &c. fugitives from Missouri, (as it appears he did.) & xharged with the highest crimes known to the laws -- his duty as an Executive officer, was, to have them arrested forthwith. If they could not be found today, secure them tomorrow -- and not wait until Mr. Smith fairly comes to his own door-stone and presents the hand of friendship, before he has him arrested.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., June 26, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 9.


                          For the Quincy Whig.

Farewell to the beautiful prairie.
Where oft in the midsummer hours
On its fair swelling bosom I gaz'd with delight,
While the zephyrs were fanning its flowers.

Farewell to the woodland, encircling
The lovely savanna around,
Where oft I have listn'd to hear the breeze wake
On its foliage the music of sound.

Farewell to the pin-oak whose branches
Have screen'd me so oft from the view
Of the warm, beaming sun, when its bright scorching rays
Quench'd their thirst in the soft morning dew.

Farewell to the songsters whose wild notes
Have come like the rainbow to me,
When solitude's darkness hung over my mind,
Like the mists hanging over the sea.

Farewell to my friends in the country:
We are friends -- but we seldom have met;
For distance had spread its entrenchments between,
But your friendship I shall not forget.

For the mirror of memr'y unclouded,
Performs with a masterly art;
And affection is fondly inspiring a wish
That we had not been destin'd to part.

But I could not remain from the City --
'Tis the place of others most dear,
For the strongest attachments existing on earth --
The pure ties of Religion, are here.
Nauvoo, May 9th.         E. K. SNOW.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., July 3, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 10.


--> The St. Louis Republican states that the Governor of Illinois has become, bona fide, a Mormon. The conversion was effected by a beautiful girl. Who can blame him? -- N. Y. Atlas.

We did not think the Mormon girls were so dangerous. Is this a slander upon the Mormons or the Governor?

==> We have received a communication, which not only defends the Mormons but reflects rather severely upon the editor of the Warsaw Signal. We choose not to publish it. We take no interest in the controversy between certain citizens of Hancock county and the Mormons. -- And we further wish to keep our columns free from all communications appertaining thereto

==> We have received from the [Mormon] Nauvoo press, a poem of fourteen pages [long] entitled "The Latter Day Saints': by [Eliza Snow]. It appears to be taken up entirely [with those] subjects, which its title would naturally suggest to the mind of the reader. [After] we have time to look over the [poetry] more fully, we may give an opinion of its merits.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., July 24, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 13.

Senator Ralston in Galena.

We learn by the Galena Gazette, that Senator Ralston took the people by surprise, when he made his appearance among them a few days ago as a candidate for Congress. It appeared to be a matter of dispute with some of the people, as to who the gentleman was, and where he hailed from. One stoutly maintaining that he was a Mormon preacher, and another that he was a recruiting officer, drumming up volunteers to take the "Tonga Islands." or something else.

Thus Gazette thus heralds his first appearance in that staunch whig section of the district.

==> MR. RALSTON, the Locofoco candidate for Congress addressed a meeting here last evening. It was pretty well attended, and his hearers, no doubt, formed their own opinions of the man, unless that doubt may be shaken by a conversation overheard in the street this morning between two laborers. One was stoutly contending that Ralston was a Mormon preacher, and the other that he was a recruiting officer, drumming up volunteers for the invasion of Canada. If Ralston comes this way again, he had better get Thompson Campbell to do his speaking, as he can beat him in that way, and give him half a mile the start...

PUBLIC LECTURES. -- Professors Sturtevant and Turner, of Illinois College, being about to visit Quincy, on invitation, have consented to lecture a few evenings, to the citizens, on Mormonism, Scepticism and Education. The well known reputation of these gentlemen as men of talents, science and general information, will doubtless secure them a full attendance. Prof. Turner will commence his first lecture on Saturday Evening, 24th inst. at 8 o'clock, in the Congregational Church.
       Quincy, July 20, 1841.

==> The Upper Mississippian published at Stephenson, Rock Island county, states that Ralston made his appearance there and made a speech on the 10th inst. -- The paper does not say whether Ralston succeeded in making the people believe that he was the loco-foco candidate for Congress, or whether he left the impression behind that he was a Mormon preacher in disguise.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., Sept. 4, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 19.


DEATH OF DON CARLOS SMITH. -- Thro' some mischance we have failed to notice the death of Don C. Smith, one of the publishers of the "Times and Seasons," a Mormon publication issued at Nauvoo. He died in that city on the 7th August, in the 24th year of his age, He was universally respected by the people of that faith, and was a younger brother of the Prophet, Joseph Smith.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By S. M. Bartlett.]         Quincy, Illinois, Sat., Sept. 18, 1841.         [Vol. 4 - No. 21.


R. B. THOMPSON, another of the citizens of the "Times and Seasons," died at Nauvoo, on the 27th utl. He was highly esteamed as a man, and for the sincerity and candor with which he advocated and defended the religion of the "Latter Day Saints." The Nauvoo paper is now inder the entire control of Ebenezer Robinson, one of the original proprietors.

From the N. Y. Atlas.

"And lightly they'll talk of the spirit that's gone,"
And o'er her cold ashes upbraid her --
But little she'll reck if they let her sleep on
In the grave where her brethren have laid her."

"To make French Muffins you must [take] three eggs to a pint and a half of milk, with a small piece of butter, a little yeast, and flour enough to make it as thick as pancakes -- let it rise and then pour it into rings. Split and butter them as soon as done. It appears to me as if these words would never pass from the table of my brain, words of small import to me; but which I heard between sleeping and waking -- as they proceeded from the lips of my hostess, at a time that I was traveling in the west. It was early in the morning. There was but a board between the apartment in which I slept, and that in which the family cooked their victuals. Loud talking in the adjoining apartment awakened me, and these words are remembered with the interesting events of the day.

Having parted with my rude, but hospitable entertainers, I took my carpet bag in my hand, and struck into a winding path, which carried me into the heart of the forest.

The birds of the wild wood carrolled in every tree, and the green leaves tossed cheerfully in the morning breeze. The little cataracts murmured, and the pure waters of the brook went joyously on in their gravelly beds. Beautiful wild flowers, which the far off citizens knew not of, sent up their perfumes. The lizard slid away among the dry leaves, and the fox drew after him his bushy tail, as I penetrated the sombre depths of the woods. Here as I was felicitating myself on the solitude that reigned around me, and admiring the harmony of Nature, I was suddenly interrupted in my contemplations by a human figure moving towards me, as if desirous of companionship. Smothering my resentment as well as I could, I stopped until the stranger came up. My first glance at his countenance was very unsatisfactory; Large wall eyes that seemed to seek for an opportunity to get some advantage over me, a long sharp chin, and thin white lips, afforded a poor recommendation to my charity. That a man in the midst of so much beauty, should fee; the need of a companion -- that he should be willing to forefo the reflections which naturally arise where green leaves and wild flowers, and clamboring vines invite the fancy to try its airy wing, was of itself sufficient to prejudice me against him. The world was stamped upon his features. As he approached me he spoke.

"Fine day for travelling sir," It was impossible to deny the gentleman's assertion. He next stated that he was on his way home, and lived but a few miles distant -- that he was tired of walking in the woods, and was in a hurry to get out upon the highway.

I replied that I preferred the wood to the highway, and pointed out a most romantic sight where a number of rocks seemed to have been thrown together by some revolution of nature, and a tall pine stood upon the summit, as if to call upon the passer-by to remark and ponder upon what had been done in ages long since gone by. I saw his countenance change and I thought he lowered with his white eyebrows. I could not imagine what right a man had to force himself upon my company, and then find fault with my discourse. He was silent a moment, and then seemed ready for an effort.

"There are a great many Mormons in this neighborhood," said he.

"Are there, indeed?" returned I.

He pondered another moment, and then demanded very abruptly if I had any dealings with that people.

I was in no hurry to answer a question so impertinently put; and in a moment he continued.

"Perhaps, sir, that you are a Mormon."

"I cannot be one until I know what they are," said I; "but have you a court here to decide upon the creed of the inhabitants?"

"We don't allow Mormons here," returned he, eying me as if he still doubted whether I was a Mormon or not.

"May I ask why you do not allow people to believe their doctrine, and how you contrive to prevent it?" replied I.

"We don;t want them about here, and we won't have them on our lands," was his answer. "They are against everybody's religion, and Joe Smith is the greatest villian that ever went unhung. Now, stranger, you may be a Mormon, for all I know, but if you are I advise you to make tracks out of this State as fast as you can go."

"What are the principal tenents of the Mormon religion?" inquired I.

"A Mormon's a Mormon," cried he in a rage, and his white lip quivered, "and they ought to be hung -- the one for the sake of the other."

"But, sir, I merely ask for information. I have simply heard that there is such a people, and am aware that they are every where spoken against. -- I wish to know what are the most objectionable tenets that they hold?"

"You say you are not a Mormon?"

"I need not say it again."

"Very well, I'm glad to hear it. Then I shall not be ashamed to keep your company."

"Then I hope you will tell me all about these Mormons."

"Wgy as to that," said he, "they've got a scape gallows rogue Joe Smith for a prophet, and a golden bible, while you know we've got one bible already, an' that's more than I could ever find time to read."

"You believe it, however, I presume?"

"Yes, I believe in the bible -- I hope so."

"May I ask if you believe in the whole of it?"

"Certainly. I was always taught to believe it, and so I'll stand up for it; but I've not read it very lately, not since I was a child."

"Have you read the Mormon bible?"

"No, no, stranger. I wish that they and their bible were crammed into a big cannon, and I had the touching of it off."

This edifying conversation had continued for some time, when I perceived that the wood had become less dense, and the rays of the sun occasionally fell upon our path. My companion then began to hint that some exhibition or adventure was about to take place -- that many of his friends would be present at it, and that I should also be welcome. As he uttered these words, there was a dark and sinister expression on his countenance -- an unfeeling, hard, and worldly eagerness in the gaze with which he regarded me -- some like that which is ascribed to the eye of a hawk when he is about to pounce upon his prey. In short, he spoke more plainly, and acknowledged that he followed the profession of a gambler; and it plainly appeared that he was desirous of transferring what little loose change I might have, from my pocket to his own. "What horrible creatures these Mormons must be," thought I, "when even a professed blackleg, and a man who never read the bible since he was a child, is shocked at their wickedness!"

I looked forth upon the green landscape, and the distant hills, which opened to the view as we emerged from the forest, and contrasted the heavenly prospect before me with the blackness and deformity of that heart which was panting at my side for an opportunity to strip me of my little all, and send me forth a despised and penniless wanderer upon the earth. I thought of the Garden of Eden, which was deemed too sacred for the abode of fallen man, and asked myself the question, "When shall the poisonous serpent, and the laughing hyena no longer infest a world which the Almighty promised good on that morning when the stars of heaven sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy;" and for a moment I seemed to anticipate a time when wrangling sectarians should no longer howl for the blood of those who dissented from themselves, or wander among the tombs, darkened and benighted, in search of the living among the dead.

The creaking of wheels interrupted my reverie, and looking up, I saw a train of wagons just coming over the brow of a hill, attended by men, women and children. My companion seized my arm, and endeavored to hurry me back into the forest.

"Come," says he, "and go through the forest a piece -- I will raise a few presently, and you will see some fun."

"I don;t understand you," replied I.

"We will get together about fifty stout men, and make ourselves masters of the horses and wagons," said he.

"What!" cried I, "would you rob women and children of their all!"

"Women and children!" shrieked he, "they are Mormons!" and the spirit of a demon glared in his great white eyes.

Roused to the highest pitch of indignation, I exclaimed: -- "Mormons they may be; but thank God they are not gamblers!"

Quick as thought the man showed the blade of a bowie knife; and then I drew a pistol from my bosom, and levelled it at the monster's heart. His countenance grew more white -- his eyes fell 00 he slowly backed off from me, until he was hidden in the recesses of the wood; and then I remembered the words, "Resist the devil and he will flee from thee."

I now looked out upon the travellers as their wagons filed by me. The men were generally weather beaten, and plainly clad; but I did not see an ordinary countenance among them. Their bearing was dignified and manly. They talked cheerfully together, and their faces were irradiated with all those benign and lofty sentiments that belong to mortals in whom strong faith has slain the love of earthly objects. There were young women there; and as the light of their angelic eyes flashed upon me, I seemed to be translated from the earth into heaven! That uncommon union of high intelligence with perfect innocence -- which is the great characteristic of angels -- beamed upon their countenances, while their forms which had grown etherial by suffering, needed nothing but wings to be true representatives of the celestial and radiant hosts who watch over the peaceful slumbers of infancy. "And these," said I, "are the hunted and outraged martyrs of the present age. Those are the pilgrims upon the earth who seek a city not yet built. The world loves its own -- why then should it not hate those who have come out from it? Why should not such worthies as the blackleg -- the bigot -- the worldly professor -- all join like howling wolves in pursuing a people who have risen and shaken themselves from the dust of the earth?"

By this time the pilgrim[s] had gained the summit of a wooded hill at some distance from me, and there they halted. I walked leisurely on, until I arrived at the spot They had formed a circle and were gathered around some object in their midst. Curiosity prompted me to press forward, until I saw a plain pine box lying upon the green sward. The cover was off and in that box lay the most delicately beautiful being that I ever beheld. A deep-wound on the forehead caused me to shudder, for why should such a creature have perished by the hand of violence? These friendless people gathered around the lovely remains of the young and beautiful martyr; and they "gazed upon the face of the dead," and looked upward, penetrating with the eye of faith, the veil of the flesh, and assured that in the moment death was victorious, he had been destroyed. From the words spoken by some of the younger part of the company, I gathered that she had fallen the day before, a victim to her own generosity. An attack had been made upon the camp by some of the "friends of good order," several were killed, and the girl had rushed between the uplifted arm of one of the assailants and an elderly man for whom the blow was intended. The axe fell upon her own head, and her life's blood flowed through the wound. -- She had arrived from England a few months before, had left the higheest prospects behind. She had deserted the pleasant halls of her fathers -- the flatteries of the young and gifted to find a grave in the wilderness, to procure her virgin blood upon the soil of a country whose constitution declares that none shall be molested in the free exercise of their religion. But when our fathers drew up the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States, they promised more than their sons have ever performed. It is easy to say what ought to be done; but the devil is not killed because he is denounced. The cry that "our craft is in danger!" is as impudently raised now as it was in the day of the apostles; and if it were the high professors who stimulated Pilate and the common people to murder Jesus Christ; so it is the sanctimonious Pharisees who are at the bottom of all the religious persecution which has raged against the Latter Day Saints.

I stopped to examine whether the faith of this martyred maiden was correct or not -- my decision would be fallible, and I had no right to condemn those who differed from me; yet I conceived that it had quite as much right to do so as any other mortal upon the face of the earth.

As these solitary people stood around the new grave, and spoke of the day when the wilderness should blossom as the rose; as stern men and frail women lifted up their voices together and hailed from the earth the expected Redeemer, in the skies -- the scene became sublime. Their strong faith in the literal fulfillment of the prophecies -- so different from the thousand and one twistfications by which those prophecies are spiritualized into every thing and nothing -- seemed to give a substantial reality to their religion -- a freshness and vitality in their hope, which I had never witnessed among the jamgling, Babal-like, blind, bigoted sectaries of the day -- who declare from the pulpit that one half of the revelations of God mean nothing at all!

The rude coffin was nailed up, and the body was lowered into the grave. The turf was placed upon to it, and the pilgrims pursued their way into the wilderness, followed by the dragon of this world who has not yet ceased to spout water after them, in order that they may be carried away by the flood. Yet it may be hoped that in the two great wings of the American Eagle -- The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution -- they will yet arrive at a temporary rest.

Note 1: the Quincy Whig reprinted this same article again in its issue of Sep. 25, 1841. It was also carried by a few other newspapers during the fall of 1841.

Note 2: "William Comstock" appears to have been a pseudonym for Parley P. Pratt; though Eliza R. Snow may have also had a hand in crafting this piece of polemical fiction.

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