(Newspapers of Illinois)

Adams County, Illinois

Quincy Whig, Herald, &c.
1844 Articles

View of Quincy from the Mississippi River, (late 1840s)

1838   |   1839   |   1840   |   1841   |   1842   |   1843
1844   |   1845   |   1846   |   1847-9   |   1850-69   |   post 1869

Whig Jan 17  |   Whig Jan 24  |   Whig Jan 31
Hrld Feb 09  |   Whig Feb 21  |   Whig Feb 28
Hrld Mar ?  |   Whig May 01  |   Whig May 08
Whig May 15  |   Whig May 22  |   Whig May 29
Hrld May 31  |   Whig Jun 05  |   Whig Jun 12
Whig Jun 19  |   Whig Jun 26  |   Whig Jun 28
Hrld Jun 28  |   Hrld Jun 29  |   Whig Jul 03
Whig Jul 10  |   Whig Jul 17  |   Whig Jul 24
Whig Jul 31  |   Hrld Aug 02  |   Whig Aug 07
Whig Aug 14  |   Whig Aug 21  |   Whig Aug 28
Whig Oct 23

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Warsaw Signal   |  misc. Illinois papers   |  Nauvoo Neighbor
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Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., January 17, 1844.       [Vol. 6 - No. 39.

JOHN C. CALHOON AND THE MORMON PROPHET. -- The last Nauvoo Neighbor contains a correspondence between the Mormon Prophet, Joe Smith, and the Hon. J. C. Calhoon. Joseph writes the Hon. John a letter, inquiring of him what would be his rule of action, in reference to the Mormons, if fortune should favor his election to the Presidency; referring to their controversy with Missouri, in relation to their property lost and destroyed by the mobs of that State. The Hon. John replies briefly, that if he should be elected President, he should make no distinction in religious creeds -- and as to their Missouri difficulties, he considers they do not come within the jurisdiction of the federal government, which is one of limited powers.

Of course this answer is unsatisfactory to the Prophet, and he replies to Calhoon in the awrmest sort of a manner. He says, "if the Latter Day Saints are not restored to all their rights, and paid for all their losses according to the known rules of justice and judgment, that God will come out of his hiding place and vex this nation with a sore vexation," &c. &c.

Terrible! Terrible!

FUSS WITH THE MORMONS . -- There is a rumor in town, that a fight or disturbance had occurred between certain Mormons of Hancock county and the citizens of Carthage, in which one man, (a Mormon,) was seriously injured. The origin of the difficulty we have not learned -- and in fact, our knowledge on the subject is extremely limited -- we are satisfied, however, that such a disturbance has taken place. We shall probably have more light on the subject in a few days.

P. S. The following is from the Nauvoo Neighbor of the 10th. This, of course, is the Mormon account of the difficulty:


On Tuesday last, Horace Eldridge, one of our contry officers went to Carthage for the purpose of arresting Milton Cook, on the charge of bastardy, bringing him before R. D. Foster, justice of the peace of this county, before whom affidavit had been made to that effect. He found the accused in Bartlett's grocery, Carthage, and arrested him. Cook had a gun that he said he had loaded for the purpose, and would make a hole through the constable if he molested him, and swore he would not be taken. Harman T. Wilson, and others then stepped forward to his assistance, and said that they had sworn to stand by him, and that he should not go. He then returned with his process to the justice of the peace, and told him what had occurred. Mr. Foster then summoned eleven men to go along with the constable, and assist in bringing the delinquent. They went out and drove to the grocery where they expected to find him, but he was not there; they then went out for a short time without making known their business, when they saw an armed force gathering. They shortly afterwards returned to the grocery and saw him there, where he swore he would not be taken -- there was also an armed force standing in the door, who also swore he should not be taken. The officer, having the process; Mr. Markham, and Mr. Eagle, stepped forward and wished to reason the case with them, the officer at the time demanding their assistance; they were met with an armed force of about twenty, four of whom stood in the doorway, two with guns and bayonets, and two with pistols. The two having the bayonets charged directly at Mr. Markham, and swore they would run him through, and rushed upon him with their bayonets. He however warded off their blows with his arm, and the bayonet glanced and struck Mr. John Eagle in the abdomen, the bayonet went through his clothes scratching his body, and glanced off without doing any further injury, other than giving him a slight cut in the hand. Those having the pistols then attempted to shoot, when Mr. Markham seized the hand of one of them that held the pistol, and prevented him from firing. The other put his pistol to Mr. Eagle's breast, and swore he would shoot him. -- The company at that time used all their force, and crowded the officials, and their assistants some distance back, and carried off and secreted the prisoner. The officer and his company then went to the tavern to stay all night. The next morning about eight o'clock, the constable and Mr. Markham went to the grocery and searched, and Bartlett said that he was gone -- that he had taken his horse and gone out of town. They then saw a company of men gathering at Harman T. Wilson's store, armed with guns, bayonets, pistols, clubs, and other missles. Mr. Markham went to the store, where he found the constable and the prisoner. -- There was fifty, in and about the store, all armed. Mr. Eldridge then told the company present, who he was; and demanded all in the house to assist in taking the prisoner, and then seized him; as he laid hold of the prisoner about six or eight men laid hold of the constable.

Mr. Markham assisted the constable, when Mr. Markham had nearly succeeded in liberating the constable, a man who was called Dr. Morrison drew his pistol and shot at Markham; the ball missed M., but came so near Mr. Coltrin's head, who was one of the assistants, as to graze his forehead. As there was only four of the assistants in the store they were overpowered by superior numbers and the prisoner was taken away from them. They saw that it would be impossible to take him without bloodshed, and consequently returned home. The parties engaged in this affray swore that, regardless of all law they would defend the prisoner and he should not be taken.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., January 24, 1844.       [Vol. 6 - No. 40.

Mormon Affair at Carthage.
For the Whig.

MESSRS. EDITORS: -- With your permission, I will give a brief account of what the Nauvoo Neighbor terms the "Disgraceful Affair at Carthage," and in doing so will endeavor to avoid the errors of the Neighbor, and neither exaggerate nor abridge the truth of the matter. On Saturday, the 6th January, a constable from Nauvoo came to Carthage with a writ issued by a magistrate of Nauvoo, founded upon a charge of Bastardy made by a female of not very fair fame, against a man by the name of Cook. The officer saw and arrested Cook, who refused to go with him to Nauvoo and threatened him with resistance if he attempted to take him there by force; but at the same time offered to go, and would have gone, before any magistrate in the county, out of Nauvoo, and to submit to all the legal consequences if he failed to prove himself clear of the charge. This did not satisfy the officer, who returned the writ to the magistrate from whom it issued, and who on Monday, the 8th Jan., sent back to Carthage, the same constable with a posse of eleven or twelve men to aid him. The officer and his posse in sleighs reached Carthage just at dusk of evening, and drove to the grocery of F. J. Bartlett, Esq., where Cook usually staid, and demanded him; he was not there when they first arrived, but came in soon after, when the officer and his posse were informed that he could not be taken by force to Nauvoo; whereupon, a man known as John Eagle, (who seems to have been brought for the purpose of bullying and swearing for the party, as well as to haul them there, which one of the party stated was his only business there,) stept forward to the door of the grocery, flourishing a Bowie knife, and threatening with many oaths, instant annihilation to those that opposed him, and demanded an entrance as an officer with a writ, and yet refusing to exhibit it. He was thrust back from the open door by the owner of the grocery and told by him, in plain terms, that he could not enter there forcibly, except at the risk of receiving the contents of a pistol which he held at his breast. Other citizens of the town, about the front of the grocery, advised the posse to desist from an attempt to enter the grocery, as they would not be allowed to do so without resistance; they abandoned their design for the night, and put up their horses at a public house. -- The next morning two of the posse went into H. T. Wilson's store, and while seated there, Cook came in followed by the constable and two or three more of the posse -- the constable laid his hand on Cook's shoulder, and ordered the persons in the store, (some 6 or 7 besides the posse,) to aid him in arresting Cook. At the time the constable laid his hand upon Cook, a citizen of Carthage, and quite a small man too, took hold of the constable, but was immediately seized by one of the posse, and forcibly shoved back against a closed door; while held in that position, upon seeing the man who held him, about to draw a weapon from his bosom, he attempted to draw his own pistol from his pocket, and in doing so, accidently discharged it in his own pocket, burning his hand and the contents of his pocket, and discharging the load into the ceiling a little in front of him.

This is the whole foundation upon which the Neighbor builds the story of firing at Markham, and grazing the forehead of Coltrin -- no one being in greater danger from the pistol than the person in whose pocket it was discharged. It is not true that fifty or sixty armed men collected about Wilson's store, for there was not more than half that number present after the noise of the pistol attracted the people. Those of the citizens who came to the store, were certainly armed, and expected to defend themselves if attacked, but there were no threats of violence used by them. H. T. Wilson was not in town on Tuesday, as stated by the Neighbor, and consequently was not active in resisting the officer.    CARTHAGE.

HORRIBLE SCENE -- The Latter Day Saints. -- On Thursday, the 23d November, a frightful occurrence took place at Crewe, in Cheshire, which has caused the liveliest emotions of pity, anger and surprise throughout the whole of that now populous neighborhood. It is well known that the Frand Junction Railway Company have errected immense works at Crewe and have in their employment between 400 and 500 workmen. Among these are men of all shades of religious opinions, and some of them Mormonites, better known as "Latter Day Saints."

The priest of the order is a blacksmith, of the name of Carteright, and among the devotees is a fanatic named Pugmire, also a smith or engineer. The latter was married to a responsible woman of about 30 years of age, who had borne him three children, and was within three months of her next confinement. She had steadily refused to adopt the fanatical opinions of her husband, and much altercation had ensued in consequences. Worn out, however, with his repeated solicitations, and his continued declarations that unless she submitted to be baptised into the order she would be eternally lost, she declared her intention to one of her neighbors to obey her husband's wishes, being satisfied, as she said, that unless she did so "she should never have any more peace with him."

On Thursday, the 23d ult., at 8 o'clock at night, the poor worn out creature was taken by her husband and the blacksmith priest down to the river below the works, was denuded of all her clothing, except a small flannell singlet, and, notwithstanding her interesting condition, these wretched fanatics, after muttering some incantations, plunged her into the stream! The night was dreadfully cold and dark, and in consequence of the late heavy rains the river was running at a great rate, and was much higher than ordinary.

The priest, having hold of her naked arm, unfortunately let go his grasp, and the current running like a mill race, immediately carried her away and it being pitch dark she was instantly overwhelmed by the boiling flood and drowned! The husband walked home with the greatest deliberation and nonchalence, and told his neighbors what had occured, and, after seating himself in a chair, rolled himself in flannell, and declared his conviction "that it was the will of God that she should be drowned," adding that it was the weakness of her faith that caused it, but that he was now satisfied that she was in glory.

Captain Winby, of the Crewe station, and other parties, hearing of the sad occurence, immediately rushed down to the river, and after some time discovered the body of the unfortunate woman in a bend of the river, about 200 yards distant from the spot where she was immersed, but life was quite extinct. She was in a state of perfect nudity, with the exception of the slight singlet, and her clothes were found upon the bank where she had put them off previous to her calamitous immersion.

A coroner's inquest has been held upon the body, and the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter (ought to have been murder!) The husband and blacksmith priest have both been committed to Cheshire Castle to take their trial.

It is somewhat remarkable that a preacher of this sect, while baptizing a disciple, was carried away by the flood and drowned, the other day, in the river at Handsworth, Woodhouse, near Sheffield.

Talk of romance indeed! Why, the every day occurrences of life present appaling realities which set at naught the wildest creations of fictions. -- (English paper.

==> The editor of the Herald thinks we have been "gulled" in publishing an account of the kidnapping of two Mormons by Missourians. Is it possible that the editor is so stupidly blind and deaf to the most ordinary occurrences of the day? He is as dull in this as he was in the case of the Shepherdess, where he killed 40 Germans outright, by a single stroke of his pen! The editor certainly does not read the papers, or else he lacks comprehension to understand what he does read. The kidnapping of two Mormons, father and son, namedAvery, by people from Missouri, took place just exactly as we published it -- our notice was derived from the Nauvoo Neighbor, in which paper was also contained the proceedings of the trial of a chap named Elliot, who was implicated with the Missourians in kidnapping the men. The same account has been published in most of the papers of the State, with the exception of the Herald; and it is by no means surprising that it has never appeared in that paper, for the editor is generally from a week to a month behind hand in giving the current news of the day. He will probably hear something of this kidnapping scrape sometime about next August.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., January 31, 1844.       [Vol. 6 - No. 41.

==> The Nauvoo City Council is becoming a little more liberal. In the last Neighbor, is an ordinance of that body to the effect, that "other persons, (beside the Mayor,) not exceeding one to each ward in the city, may also sell liquors" in small quantities, "by obtaining a license of the Mayor of the City," Gen. Joseph Smith, who keeps the principal liquor esrablishment himself, without paying any license!

Notes: (forthcoming)


John H. Pettit.]                         Quincy, Illinois, Friday, Feb. 9, 1844.                         [Vol. ? - No. ?


THE MORMONS. -- We understand that four wagons passed through four wagons passed through this city on Tuesday morning last, on their way to the State Arsenal at Alton, for the purpose of procuring arms to be used against the Mormons. We fear much trouble will grow out of this difficulty sooner or later. We are also informed that the knowledge of what is going on in this quarter has been brought to the notice of Gov. Ford, and we would suggest whether it is not the duty of his Excellency to protect the innocent in their lives and property.

Note: No original has yet been located for this article. The partial text was obtained from a reprint in a Pittsburgh newspaper. Note: A slightly longer and somewhat differently worded version of this news item also appeared in the St. Louis Missouri Republican in February of 1844, where the Missouri editor ends the piece with these words: "The state of exasperation between the Mormons and the citizens is such that we will not be surprised to hear of actual hostilities at any time quite as violent as formerly existed between them and a portion of our citizens."


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., February 21, 1844.       [Vol. 6 - No. 44.

The Mormons and their Prophet --
Legislation at Nauvoo -- The Temple.

Near the Temple of Nauvoo, Jan. 10, 1844.

To the Editor of the N. Y. Tribune:

I take my pen to day to give you some account of the Mormons and their Prophet -- about whom much is said abroad, and but little known.

No one, acquainted with this section of the country, since 1837, can realize the extent to which its prosperity has been impeded, by the settlement of the Mormons amongst us, on leaving the scenes of their difficulties in Missouri. That section of country, embracing an extent of fifty miles, having the Des Moines Rapids and the City of Nauvoo for its centre, possesses natural advantages, in my opinion, not equalled by any other of similar extent in the Mississippi Valley. At the date alluded to, this region was rapidly filling up with an enterprising, moral, and intelligent population; now, since the sojourn here of the ragmuffin imitation of Mahomet and his servile followers, an effectual stop has been put to emigration -- excepting, indeed, such as is intended to swell the number of adherents to the fortunes of the Prophet. And it is not unreasonable that it should be so. It is not to be expected that peaceable and inoffensive citizens would desire for their neighbors a set of fanatics, whose fundamental doctrine is, that the Earth and its good things are theirs, and that they will shortly inherit them; many of whom are not willing to await their appointed time, but proceed to take their portion from the Gentiles in advance.

I am far from casting reproach upon the whole body of the Mormon people. There are, doubtless, many exemplary and estimable citizens among them, whose chief aim is to live "righteously, soberly, and godly, in this present world." Their greatest failing is in that they are yielding too implicit obedience to the mandates of a most wicked and corrupt man. But, after an intercourse of six or seven years with numbers of the sect, the unwilling conviction has been forced upon me -- that a large number of them are evil disposed men -- men, who like their leaders, embraced Mormonism for the sake of more effectively preying upon their fellow men.

Of the Prophet himself, none who know him can respect him. They cannot respect him for his sincerity -- for he cannot be sincere; he cannot be the victim of his own delusion. They cannot esteem him for his piety -- for he does not even profess to be pious -- and he is notoriously the greatest blasphemer and railer in the country. They cannot respect him for his talents -- for he has none. He is uneducated and ignorant -- possessing no more of the qualifications for a great Reformer (as he professes to be) than can be found in fifty grog-shop loafers in your city. Let me assure you and your readers, that this man is much more indebted to circumstances for the unenviable position he occupies, than to any ability of his own.

He has obtained a strong ascendency over a mass of mind -- uneducated and vicious, as it undoubtedly is. For this, as I have said, he is indebted to circumstances -- and by the force of these circumstances alone is he able to maintain it. His own people do not love or respect him. Many are jealous of his power; and only submit to it because their present interest seems to require it. Even SIDNEY RIGDON, (who has been the main pillar of Mormonism, in its earlier days,) I am assured, is only waiting for a favorable opportunity to withdraw.

In Smith centres all power -- spiritual and temporal. He is Prophet, Priest, President (an office in the Church,) General, Mayor of the City, and Landlord!

The organization of the City, under a charter obtained from the Legislature of Illinois, is complete. They have a City Council, whose acts are but the echo of the Prophet's will.

I send you two specimens of their legislation. Both are now in full force in the city.

"An extra Ordinance for the extra case of Joseph Smith and others."

(Preamble: recounting Smith's difficulties with Missouri.)

Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Nauvoo, according to the intent and meaning of the Charter for the "benefit and convenience" of Nauvoo, that hereafter, if any person or persons shall come with process, demand or requisition, founded upon the aforesaid Missouri difficulties to arrest said Smith, he or they shall be subject to be arrested by any officer of the city, with or without process, and tried by the Municipal Court upon testimony, and if found guilty, sentenced to imprisonment in the City Prison FOR LIFE, which convict or convicts can only be pardoned by the Governor, with the consent of the Mayor of said City.
    *     *     *     *     *
Passed Dec 8, 1843.
                        JOSEPH SMITH, Mayor.

What beautiful legislation! The pardoning power taken from the Governor! -- and life imprisonment under a city ordinance!! Here is another less dangerous one:

"An Ordinance for the Health and Convenience of Travellers and other persons,"

Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Nauvoo, that the Mayor of the City be and is hereby authorized to sell or give spirits, of any quantity, as he in his wisdom shall judge to be for the health, comfort, or convenience of such travellers or other persons as shall visit his house from time to time.
Passed December 12, 1843.
                        JOSEPH SMITH, Mayor.

The sole intent of this ordinance is to give to the "Mayor of the City" -- Joseph Smith -- who, it will be recollected is a tavern keeper, a monopoly of retailing liquors to "travellers and others," without license!!!

Should the Temple ever be finished, on the plan originally contemplated, it would be the most magnificent building in the West. But it will not be finished! At the rate it has progressed, since its foundation stone was laid, it will require 20 years to complete it -- and a sum of money not far short of half a million of dollars. I have good grounds for the opinion, that large sums, bestowed for that purpose, never have been, or will be, expended on that splendid monument of folly and wickedness.
                                    'Westward Ho!'

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., February 28, 1844.       [Vol. 6 - No. 45.


==> The Nauvoo City Council are coming to their senses in some respects. They have repealed "an ordinance to prevent unlawful search and seizure of person and property by foreign process, in the city of Nauvoo." This was an ordinance in effect, making it impossible to serve a process of any kind within the limits of the Holy City, without Smith first taking a peep at it.

We have received the first number of the new paper at Warsaw, entitled the "Warsaw Signal," published and edited by Messrs. Sharp and Head. The editors say in their introductory, that they are democrats -- but we presume the paper will be more of a local than a political one. It takes a firm stand against the encroachments of the Mormons.

==> Some of our Mormon friends, or rather acquaintenances, we suppose we should should call them, are exceedingly wrathy, because we published an article in our last paper from the New York Tribune, reflecting in somewhat severe terms, upon the leaders of the Mormons. We are sorry that we cannot please them -- but having made up our mind to publish all that the cause of truth demands, in exposition of Smith's blasphemy, hypocrisy, and political proceedings, generally, whenever we deem it necessary and proper, to the public good, we shall not turn aside from our duty in consequence of the frowns or threats of any one or dozen men. We have no religious or sectarian prejudices to gratify, in exposing the conduct of the Mormon leaders. We should pursue the same course towards any other denomination calling themselves Christians, were the leaders of the same guilty of attempting to unite religious and political power together, under the control and at the behest of a leader whose morals as a religious teacher, as a politician, as an official magistrate, and as a man, were of so doubtful and questionable a character as Smith's. When such a man has influence in the land, and is leading thousands of perhaps honest, though deluded individuals, into a position that must bring upon them misrey, wretchedness, and a thousand other ills, it is time for the press to speak out, and expose the knavery and hypocrisy of such a man. We shall not, of course, devote much of our paper to the Mormon controversy, now raging in Hancock county, but we shall on necessary occasions publish such matter, referring thereto, as will best, as we believe, serve the cause of truth, humanity, and the rights of other citizens. This, Mormons, and all others may rely upon.

We are informed at a church meeting of this people in our city, on Sunday last, one or two of their speakers took the opportunity to denounce our paper in the strongest language, for publishing the article referred to above. This was hardly in the character of Christians, as they claim to be. If they were "persecuted." as they assert, the good book teaches them to bear all such things with patience and an enduring spirit -- instead of induging in wrathy denunciations, and exhibiting a bitter and vindictive feeling. This last is too much in the character of Mahomet, such as their leader desires to be, if he only had the men and money.

Notes: (forthcoming)


John H. Pettit.]                         Quincy, Illinois, Friday, March ?, 1844.                         [Vol. ? - No. ?


Mr. Editor:- Sir: -- As I was perusing the Whig of the 28th of February last, my eye caught some remarks made by the editor of that paper, justifying himself for publishing an article from the New York Tribune, reflecting severely upon the Mormon leaders. I read the article alluded to, after which I made the following observations:

I have heard it observed by medical gentlemen, that if a person wish to commit suicide by taking poison, he will fail to accomplish his object if he take a very extravagant dose, for it being too strong for the stomach to retain, it meets with an immediate resistance, and is thrown off before time will allow it to be conveyed to the blood. So with the article in the Whig. It is so strongly tinctured with the bane of falsehood, slander and reproach, that it can do the Mormons no harm; for every person who has been to Nauvoo and witnessed there the fruits of industry and untiring perseverance which exhibit themselves both in the city and on the wide-spread prairie, must confess that the statements in the above named article are false; and how the editor should be ignorant of the fruits, I am at a loss to determine, for they have not grown in a corner!!

He says of the Mormons, "we are sorry we cannot please them," but he need not be. We are not sorry, and why? Because Christ has said, "if ye were of the world, the world would love you; but as ye are not of the world, I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

I was very glad he had modesty enough to qualify the terms, "Mormon friends" with, "or rather acquaintances;" for conscious as he must have been, that he had forfeited all claim to our friendship by giving publicity to an article which we verily believe he knew to be false, his conscience smote him with guilt when he called us friends, and therefore modestly altered it to 'acquaintances.' We would inform the editor of the Whig, that considering the way in which not only the Mormons, but several other worthy citizens have to feel the lash of his abusive tongue, we shall not be very jealous if he leave out all those endearing words, expressive of friendship and good will when he talks about us, neither shall we feel ourselves very highly complimented if he put them in. If we are wrong, his course will never reclaim us: but if we are right, the flood of abuse and scandal against us, which he endorses for truth, must sooner or later recoil upon his own head, and associate him and give him a place with those "who love and make a lie."

He is very jealous of religious and political power being united. But I would ask, does not every wise legislative body invoke the aid of a religious power to order their deliberations in wisdom, and direct their political course with prudence? If not, why all these chaplains, in our legislative halls, in the army and in the navy? But probably the editor of the Whig would say: "It is true, in all christian governments, there are men selected of acknowledged worth and piety to ask wisdom upon the State and National councils, and also blessings upon the army and navy: yet says he, it is all a sham and mock ceremony; for if God were to give a revelation of wisdom and knowledge by the Holy Ghost, or by an Angel to any of these chaplains, and they should declare it in the national councils, it would not be regarded at all, only as the height of extravagance, presumption and folly. So you see it is all a sham." Yes Mr. Editor, your views are, no doubt, correct. They are too self evident for me to contradict. But Joseph Smith, more sincere and consistent than they all, prays to God for wisdom, receives it by revelation, and then as a test of his implicit confidence therein, acts upon it.

Would the editor have us to understand that there is one department in heaven to guide the destinies of the political world, and another directing the affairs of religion? If so, he is much mistaken. There is one God who presides over the destinies of all nations and individuals, both religiously and politically, and numbers the hairs of all our heads. I would ask if the editor of the Whig ever prays after the following manner: "Thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven:" if he does, he virtually asks God to destroy the distinction of Church and State on earth: for that distinction is not recognized in heaven. With God, politics and religion are both one, but not with us. He also prays that God may establish a government on the earth like that in heaven, and that "the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ." Church must not triumph over State, but actually swallow it up like Moses' rod swallowed up the rods of the Egyptians. -- If this be not so, the kingdom of God can never come. Satan can never be bound, the millennial glory never dawn upon our world, Christ never reign king of nations, as he now does king of Saints, neither can death be swallowed up in victory. But Christ will reign, and put down all rule, and authority and power.

Whoever, therefore, will always labor to keep up a distinction of Church and State, must oppose his own prayers, fight against the decree of heaven, and perpetuate strife and confusion on earth. Whoever are to be the honored instruments in carrying forward the ark of this covenant and affecting this union, time must determine; whether the Monks, the Methodists or Mormons, or any of them; yet it will certainly be that people whom the Lord shall choose.

But to close. It may sometime happen to him who freely indulges in abusing a virtuous, industrious, and sincere people; a people who have been made poor by cruelty and oppression a people who are trying to live by all laudable industry, who have faced opposition in almost every form, and waded through "much tribulation;" a people against whom the popular cry is raised, mingled with vengeance and extermination, and whose voice can seldom be heard in reply, that he fall into the same difficulties in which he tries to involve them, that he die in poverty and disgrace when no relatives can lament, nor friends can bury.
                                                   A Friend to the Mormons.

Notes: The exact date of the original publication of this letter is unknown. The text is taken from a reprint in the Mar. 15, 1844" issue of the Times & Seasons.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 1, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 2.


RICH. -- Just before the commencement of Rigdon's oration on Sunday last, at Nauvoo, Joe Smith gave vent to the following burst of oratory: -- "Brethren, you must keep order -- the Constitution of the United States permits us to keep order -- and in the name of the Constitution of the United States, the Continental Congress, and God Almighty, I command you to keep order."   Warsaw Signal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 8, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 3.


From the Mo. Republican.                        

JOE SMITH -- DISSENTION AMONG THE MORMONS AT NAUVOO. -- We have good reasons for placing reliance in the details of a letter, the contents of which hereadter stated, giving an account of an ememte at the chief city of the Mormons, Nauvoo. The occurrences took place on the 26th. On that day -- says the writer -- a fracas of an alarming and important character occurred in Nauvoo, threatening with impending destruction the Mormon government and even the life of the Prophet himself. It originated under the following circumstances: Joe Smith, Prophet and Mayor elect, having ordered his police to arrest a man by the name of Spencer, for an insult on his brother in his own house -- the residence of his mother also -- the accused refused to become a prisoner, alleging it was illegal to arrest without a writ from the Mayor. -- All the parties, however, collected round the Masonic Hall, or court-house. Joe Smith, Mayor, being present, ordered the police and the people to take said Spencer into custody. The constable having placed hands on him, Spencer put himself in a fighting position, and was assisted by Dr. Foster and his brother, younger Foster, and also James Higby -- who said they would not submit to the authority of the Prophet. Joe Smith put hands too, to assist in taking him, when the younger Foster took out a pistol, presented it, and said he would shoot the Prophet. At this moment I came up, and saw the struggle. The Prophet got hold of the pistol, and held firmly round the breech until, by the assistance of Rockwell, a second, the Prophet succeeded in getting the pistol from Foster. The Dr. and Lasner at this time took up stands, and vociferated they would kill the Prophet -- said he was a villain and an impostor, and that he knew it; that they would be doing a meritorious act to rid the world of such a villain, an impostor and tyrant. [Higdby] said he would certainly shoot him -- at any rate told him he remembered by-gone times -- knew of blood being shed on the island opposite; that he, the Prophet, was the right man. He (Higby) belonged to his band -- had sustained him by money and force; he knew the Mormon Prophet, Joe Smith, was the author of murders, and it was high time he should die, and he would kill him. The Prophet got his hand cut and his nervous system shook. Finally, the authorities succeeded in bringing up three traversers before the court, It would be too long to write all the trial. -- Let the following suffice: The traversers manifested no disposition to withdraw their threats -- on the contrary, demanded their pistol from the Mayor, who gave it to them -- said he was always lenient, and would tyranize over no man. Foster took the pistol, and took another from his breast, examined to see all was properly loaded, and betrayed much wickedness and desperation. The court having heard the evidence, the Prophet made many observations about his clemency -- adverted to the threats, and denied ever having been privy to any murders on the island -- said he would maintain his authority and the law, should it cost life, and then fined the traversers -- Spencer for assaulting his brother, a cripple, in $100; and said Spencer, Dr. Foster and his brother young Foster, each $100 for resisting civil authorities. Appeals were taken in all the suits. The case is, at present, undergoing a second trial before a Squire in the upper part of the city, where the mother, a brother of Spencer, and his two daughters are called on to give evidence before a jury. The verdict is not yet returned. Spencer, in the pleadings, when the Elder Brother objected to his mother's evidence, on the ground of age and forgetfulness, called on his brother's daughters, who were present, and whose memories, he assured the court, were as bright as their faces (and they are undoubtedly handsome.) The court, however, overruled his motion.

Joe Smith has a number of enemies and his influence is beginning to decline, but I think his doctrine is on the increase.

There are about fifty masons and stonecutters about the Temple. It will be the most extraordinary building on the American Continent. We have a regular theatre, got up by the Mormons themselves Last night the play of Pizarro went off in good style to a large audience, of which about one hundred were ladies. I was astonished to see such an array of beauty in the New Jerusalem.

A MORMON IN TROUBLE. -- An Englishman, calling himself James Evans, was arrested yesterday for stealing some clothes from a negro on board the steamer Die Vernon. He had taken passage on the boat for Nauvoo, but he will have to postpone his journey for one month, as the Recorder this morning gave him a residence in the work house for that length of time. -- St. Louis New Era.

Note: The possible relationship of Elder James Higbee, to brothers Francis M. Higbee and Chauncey L. Higbee, remains unclear -- all three were in Nauvoo during 1844. Probably the writer of the above report confused James Higbee with Chauncey L. Higbee, for the latter is recorded in LDS records as having been involved in the April 26th altercation.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 15, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 4.

(under construction)


Note: The Whig of May 22nd refers to an article on the Nauvoo Mormons, published in the issue for "last week." However, the four extant pages of the May 15th paper do not contain such a text. Probably this reference was meant to be to the Whig for May 8th.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 22, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 5.

THE MORMONS. -- We last week gave some account of the dissentions and divisions which have sprung up in the holy city of Nauvoo -- growing out of the arbitrary conduct of "the Prophet." Since then, the breach has become still wider between the head of the church and his followers. The citizens have procured a press, and will soon commence a paper, for the purpose of exposing Smith on his own ground and among his own people. Last week, individuals of the Mormon faith, (Messrs. Blakesly and Higbee,) representing the dissenters, addressed, addressed a large number of our citizens, in reference to the "flare up," at Nauvoo. We were not present, but have it from others who were, that the dissenters, made out that Joe Smith was pretty much of a rough customer, especially in relation to the "spiritual wife" doctrine. Their whole aim was principally against Smith and not against the church -- of which they still claimed to be members. They painted Smith, as any thing but the Saint he claims to be -- and as a man, to the last degree, corrupt in his morals and religion. On Wednesday night, Mr. John P. Green, a Mormon elder, addressed a crowded house in defence of "the Prophet." The principal portion of the worthy elder's speech, while we were in the house, was taken up, in an apology for addressing the meeting, and when he did come to the substance of his address, he could only disprove the statements made by the dissenters, from his own knowledge -- he said he had been a Mormon for the last twelve years -- and had always been intimate with Smith, -- and that such doctrines as were ascribed to Smith by his enemies, had never been taught to him. He further said that Smith was like a diamond, the more he was rubbed, the brighter he appeared -- and he strongly insinuated, that the characters of the individuals, who had assailed Smith on the second evening previous, were none of the best, &c. &c.

We think these Mormon missionaries are laboring under a mistake in one particular. It is not so much the particular doctrines, which Smith upholds and practices, however abominable they may be in themselves, that our citizens care about -- as it is the anti-republican nature of the organization, over which he has almost supreme control -- and which is trained and disciplined to act in accordance with his own selfish will. The spectacle presented in Smith's case -- of a civil, ecclesiastical and military leader, united in one and the same person, with power over life and liberty, can never find favor in the minds of sound and thinking Republicans. The day has gone by when the precepts of Divine Truth, could be propagated at the point of the sword -- or the Bible made the medium of corrupt men to gratify their lustful appetites and sordid desires.

NEW PAPER AT NAUVOO. -- We have received the Prospectus for a new paper to be commenced at Nauvoo, on the 7th day of June next, to be entitled the "Nauvoo Expositor," to be under the control of Sylvester Emmans, Esq. The publishers are Messrs. William Law, Wilson Law, Charles Ivins, Francis M. Higbee, Robert D. Foster and Charles A. Foster. The object of the paper, as set forth in the prospectus, is to expose the gross abuses exercised under the pretended authorities of the city of Nauvoo, by the legislative authorities of said city -- and the insupportable oppressions of the municipal powers, in carrying out the unjust, illegal and unconstitutional ordinances of the same. The paper will also advocate the "unconditional repeal of the Nauvoo City Charter" -- to "advocate unmitigated disobedience to political revelations," to "advocate the pure principles of morality, and the pure principles of truth" -- to "advocate, and exercise the freedom of speech in Nauvoo," and "sustain all in worshipping God according to their consciences, and oppose with uncompromising hostility any union of Church and State," and in a word, to give "a statement of facts as they really exist in the city of Nauvoo," &c. &c. The paper will be neutral in National politics. Terms -- $2.00 per annum in advance. All letters and communications must be addressed post-paid, to Charles A. Foster, Nauvoo, Illinois.

==> The Rock Island Mississippian, of the 11th gives a short sketch of the proceedings of the locofoco Congressional Convention, held in that place on the 1st inst.... Among the other dignitaries that were present in this concention, was Hyrum Smith, the "Patriarch" of the Saints, and Delegate from the Holy Prophet at Nauvoo. He made a speech, pledging his 2000 followers to vote for Hoge. He said he was "inspired" to make this pledge. From this, it would appear, that the Mormons have united in common cause with the locofocos -- and that henceforth, they are to battle together in pursuit of the "spoils of office." If this does not open the eyes of the more honest and reflecting of the Democracy of the Sixth District, then we do not know what will....

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Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 29, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 6.

An old Indian, having attended a Mormon meeting and heard one of its advocates extol Mormonism, was requested to give his opinion of its merits. He began by detailing the great good that had been done by the Bible, God being its author; and, said he, the devil seeing this, determined to have a bible of his own also; but on examination, he felt ashamed of his work, and hid it in Ontario county, N. Y. But Joe Smith dug it up, and published it as a Revelation from God.

On Monday last, two cases came up before Judge Thomas, on an appeal from Nauvoo, in which a Justice of the Peace had taken the responsibility of fining an individual for gaming. His Honor, in a very summary manner put the quietus on such proceedings. Joe, we think, will soon learn that magistrates have not jurisdiction of all crimes. -- Warsaw Signal.

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John H. Pettit.]                         Quincy, Illinois, Friday, May 31, 1844.                         [Vol. ? - No. ?

H O R R I B L E!

                                                            CARTHAGE, HANCOCK Co., Ill.,
                                                            18 miles from the city of Nauvoo,
                                                            4 o'clock, A. M., May 28, 1844.

DEAR SIR: -- We are in the midst of an unprecedented excitement -- the crisis has approached -- blood must be spilled. It is highly probable that nearly every man, woman and child in Nauvoo are exterminated from the city, and Nauvoo in flames, all produced by a resistance of the laws by the Prophet Smith. Smith harbored and protected a Mormon who was demanded by the marshal of Iowa for stealing. The prophet refused to give him up; violence ensued. Smith called out the legion of ten thousand well armed and disciplined men, ordered them to fire upon the marshal, who was immediately killed, and the legion killed every person who made any. Some five hundred Anti-Mormons have been killed. The people from the surrounding country in Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, immediately poured in, in companies of thousands each, and waged a war of extermination upon the citizens of Nauvoo, killing, it is supposed, the prophet, some hundreds of his legion, and large numbers of the women and children residents of the city; and have destroyed the whole of the city by fire, excepting only the temple, where the remnant of citizens and legion not destroyed have taken refuge. The citizen soldiery perfectly exasperated, are at this moment makig an attack upon the temple, crying for revenge and blood. Gov. Ford ordered a draft of twenty thousand for the militia, who are thronging in from every direction, and equipped according to law. Gen. Henry Stephens left last evening with 1500 soldiers collected from, in, and about Carthage, to disperse the mob, but it is feared that they will turn, to a man, General and all, against the citizens of Nauvoo. Expresses are now running half hourly between this place and Nauvoo and Springfield.

God only knows where this horrid affair will terminate. Gen. Scott has just arrived to take command of the military. I will write you again soon.
                                Yours in great haste,
                                        A SUBSCRIBER.

P. S. An express has this moment been received, that C. A. Warren, Esq., who is master in chancery for Hancock county, has just issued an injunction to prevent Gen. Stephens and his men from joining the mob, but it is feared that it will be of no avail.

N. B. It is said that Gen. Cooles, who is the worthy successor of Gen. John C. Bennett, of Nauvoo, has proceeded to Nauvoo by the Northern Cross Railroad to take charge of all the women of Nauvoo. It is said he is perfectly competent to the undertaking.

Note: Mr. Pettit, the Editor at the Democratic Quincy Herald, no doubt meant this fabricated report to serve as a sort of spoof on the alarmist articles then being propagated in the Whig press of western Illinois. Newspapers like the Warsaw Signal were already predicting such bloody conflict in the streets of Nauvoo, and the Herald was merely mocking their inflamatory prose. Whether readers at a distance were able to catch the satire in the article is debateable -- probably some took it to be a true account.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 5, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 7.

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Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 12, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 8.

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Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 19, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 9.


We learn from the passengers on the steam-boat Osprey, that a most daring outrage was purpetrated at Nauvoo, on Monday the 10th, being no less than the destruction of the press and materials of the Nauvoo Expositor establishment by Joe Smith's friends and retainers. The facts in the case appear to be about these: Certain individuals, citizens of Nauvoo had become disgustful with the crimes and corruptions which had been practiced in that city by Smith and certain other of the Mormon leaders, and for the purpose of exposing them, had procured a press and materials to publish a newspaper. The first number of which made its appearance on Saturday the 8th. On Monday, Joe Smith and his city council got together, and passed an ordinance declaring the establishment of the Expositor, a nuisance -- and in the evening of that day the city Marshal, at the head of the city Police, took the materials of said paper into the street and burnt them!

And this in a land boasting of religious toleration, of the freedom of speech and of the press! Burning the property of citizens, because said citizens thought proper to speak and act for themselves! What a miserable plea too that it was a nuisance! It could not certainlybe more of a nuisance than Joe's own paper -- the Nauvoo Neighbor -- for no later than two weeks since, we saw affidavits in it from abandoned females, in which they acknowledged themselves to have been guilty of the most licentious conduct! The public must think on this outrage for themselves -- we cannot trust outselves to comment on it as it deserves. One thing -- if this is a specimen of their love of law, liberty, and the rights of common citizens -- it is not surprising, that the Missourians were roused to madness and drove them from the State. And this too, from a people, who have been crying persecution, persecution, and claiming the sympathies of the American people for their wrongs and sufferings in Missouri! It really seems to us that their intention is to put the law at defiance; -- this fact of itself, is conclusive evidence, that the charter of that sink-hole of iniquity should be repealed, as those people are unworthy to be entrusted with power!

The following is from the Warsaw Signal extra, of the 11th:

MR. SHARP: -- I hasten to inform you of the unparallelled OUTRAGE, perpetrated upon our rights and interests by the ruthless, lawless ruffian band of MORMON MOBOCRATS, at the dictation of that UNPRINCIPLED wretch Joe Smith.

We were privately informed that the CITY COUNCIL, which had been in extra session, for two days past; had enacted an ordinance in relation to libels, providing that anything that had been published, or anything that might be published tending to disparage the character of the officers of the city should be REGARDED AS LAWLESS. They also declared: the "Nauvoo Expositor," a "nuisance," and directed the police of the city to proceed immediately to the office of the Expositor, and DESTROY THE PRESS and also the MATERIALS, by throwing them into the street!!

If any resistance were made, the officers were directed to demolish the building, and property of all who were concerned in publishing said paper; and also take all into custody, who might refuse to obey the authorities of the City.

Accordingly, a company consisting of some 200 men. armed and equipped, with Muskets, Swords, Pistols, Bowie-knives, Sledge-hammers, &c. assisted by a crowd of several hundred minions, who volunteered their services on the occasion, marched to the building, and breaking open the doors with a sledge-hammer, commenced the work of destruction and desperation. --

They tumbled the press and materials into the street, and set fire to them, and demolished the machinery with a sledge-hammer, and injured the building very materially. We made no resistance; but looked on and felt revenge, but leave it to the public, to avenge this climax of insult and injury.
                        C. A. FOSTER.
June 11, 1844.


The excitement in relation to the Mormons, has extended over a great part of our county. During the past week, the principle subject of conversation among our citizens has been the destruction of the new printing establishment at Nauvoo, by Joe Smith's hand. The excitement was greatly increased on Thursday last, by the arrival in our city of a messenger from Warsaw, who came with the purpose of procuring the arms belonging to our independent companies. Owing to circumstances over which our citizens had no control, a portion of the arms only could be procured.

The messenger informs us, the people of Hancock and the adjacent counties were inflamed to the highest degree; that a public meeting was being held at Carthage, for the purpose of consulting upon a course of future action. Nothing but the strong and inflexible attachment of the people for the laws, prevents them from marching forthwith to Nauvoo, and inflicting upon Smith and his coadjutors in the destruction of the Press, the severest punishment.

Meanwhile, the Mormons are stirred up like a swarm of hornets in their nests. They know they have committed an outrage that cannot be overlooked by the people of the State -- and although not fully conscious of what will be the consequences of their outrage upon themselves as a people -- they still appear determined to brazen it out with threatening language against their opponents. On Tyesday, the day after the destruction of the press, they held a meeting, at which Joe and his brother Hyrum made speeches, something of the nature of the fourth of July oration. delivered by Sydney Rigdon at Far West, before they were driven out of Missouri. He said empathically, if we are to credit the Warsaw Signal, that if the "people of Nauvoo did not adhere to him until they waded KNEE DEEP IN BLOOD, they might go to HELL and be DAMNED, and he would go and build another city,"

Hyrum, (the Patriarch,) made a speech of similar character. He declared his wish to have the Warsaw Signal establishment destroyed, -- that he would give his farm towards it, &c. &c. From all this it well be seem the worst passions are arroused on both sides -- and that warm work may be expected, if the Governor does not interpose the civil authority of the State.

==> The Nauvoo Expositor, contains the affidavits if Wm. Law, Mrs. Jane Law, his wife, and Mr. Austin Cowles, in which they swear to the fact, that Hyrum Smith, the Patriarch, had taught the "spiritual wife," or multiplicity of wives doctrine.


We have but little news later than that previously received. Many of the Mormons were removing from the city with their property in expectation of a disturbance. A large meeting has been held at Carthage and Warsaw in reference to the outrages of the Mormons. In the former place resolutions of a strong, determined, and inflamatory character have passed among others, one that the "adgerants of Smith as a body, should be driven from the surrounding settlements into Nauvoo," that the "Prophet and the miscreant adherants should then be demanded at their hands, and if not surrendered, a war of extermination should be waged, to the entire destruction of his adherants, if necessary for our protection. A resolution was also passed that every citizen arm himself for the emergency which is about to arise. While the meeting at Carthage was in progress, Dr. Barns, one of the persons who went with the officers at Nauvoo, for the purpose of arresting the rioters, having just arrived, came into the meeting and reported the result of their proceedings -- which was, that the persons charged in the writs, were duly arrested, but taken from the officers' hands, on a writ of habeas corpus from the municipal Court, and discharged and the following potent words entered upon the grounds -- Honorably Discharged.

The meeting appointed two individuals (Walter Bagby and O. C. Skinner) to bear the resolutions of the meeting to the Governor, requesting the interposition of his authority. In short, preparations are making throughout the County for the expected contest.

==> A petition was recently presented to Congress by Wentworth of this State, from Joe Smith, of Nauvoo, in which Joe prays for the right to arm and equip a body of men, for some purpose connected with Oregon. A letter appears in the last Nauvoo Neighbor, which throws some light upon this matter. The letter is from Gen. John Frierson, of this vicinity -- recently deceased -- in which he addresses Hon. F. H. Elmore, member of Congress from S. Carolina, -- asking of him, or his Colleague, R. H. Rhett, the favor to present Joe's petition. It seems the S. Carolina members would not lend themselves to countenance such a humbug -- and the task was conferred upon Wentworth, whose capacity is about equal to such little jobs.

Note: John Frierson (1804-1846) was an pioneer settler in Quincy, Adams County, Illinois. He worked as a surveyor, both in Illinois and Iowa. He was born as "Robert Stuart" in Kingston, South Carolina; but changed his name during the 1830s. See the LDS History of the Church, vol. 6, pp. 62-63 & 83-88, and the Nauvoo Neighbor of June 5, 1844 for more on "Colonel" Frierson.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 26, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 10.


The excitement in reference to the Mormons still continues. A public meeting of our citizens was held at the Court House one day last week, and appointed a committee of 12 to go up to the scene of disturbances, and report the result of their investigations to a future meeting.

Gov. Ford had arrived in Carthage, and has ordered out the militia in the 4 counties above here. He also sent an order to Alton for the arms belonging to the State. Ford appears to be in earnest.

The Mormons in the country are falling back into Nauvoo for protection; while others are leaving Nauvoo as fast as their legs and steam can carry them.

Joe Smith had declared martial law in Nauvoo, and was making preparations to defend the city, with a force of from 3 to 4 thousand men. Meantime the English emigrants are flocking in by almost every boat. The Osprey on her last trip Sunday, carried up several families. What a wretched fate is in store for them. Better have starved in England, than become the dupes of so infamous an impostor as Joe Smith.

Gov. Ford has published in a Warsaw Signal extra, some account of his proceedings. The Governor has despatched a constable into Nauvoo to aprehend the individuals engaged in the destruction of the printing press. The accused persons could not be found -- probably secreted. -- The Governor has addressed a letter to the Mayor and City Council of Nauvoo -- declaring their proceedings in destroying the press an outrage upon law -- that they have violated the Constitution in four particulars, as well as their own city charter, The Gov. also tells them, "it has been reserved to you to make the discovery, that a newspaper charged to be scurilous or libelous, may be legally abated or removed as a nuisance. In no other state, county, city, town, or territory, in the United States has ever such a thing been thought of before. Such an act at this day, would not be tolerated even in England. Just such an act in 1830, hurled the king of France from his throne and caused the imprisonment of four of his principal ministers for life. No civilized country can tolerate such conduct, much less can it be tolerated in this free country of the U. S."

The Gov. tells them also that he is determined to execute the laws, and that unless they submit to the same, he shall be obliged to call out the militia, &c. &c.

The Osprey was detained by the people of Warsaw, on Sunday last, until she underwent a search -- only 4 kegs of powder were found.

P. S. Dr. Ralston one of the committeemen, has just returned from above. and brings some news, not before received. -- The Dr. states, that after the return of the Constable to Carthage, from an unsuccesful search for the individuals engaged in the destruction of the printing press -- four of them named in the writ, came into Carthage and gave themselves up. -- He also states, that Joe Smith had sent word to the Governor that he would come with an escort to a point midway between Nauvoo and Carthage, where if he could meet an escort from the Governor, he would give himself up and submit to a trial. It was not known whether the Governor had agreed to this proposition. The people were exceedingly axasperated at the temerity of Joe Smith in making such a proposition. It was feared if Joe gave himself up that the Governor could not protect him from an excited people.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Extra.]                     Quincy, Illinois, Friday, June 28, 1844.                      [Extra.

E X T R A.



On Friday morning last, just before sunrise, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers, by the ringing of the bells of the city. The cause of the commotion was the astounding news that had just come down from Hancock, viz: of the attempt on the part of the Mormons to rescue Joe Smith from Jail in Carthage and of the killing of Joe Smith, Hyrum Smith, and Joe's Secretary, William Richards! and of the great peril of Governor Ford, and the handful of troops now in Nauvoo! An immense crowd had collected at the court house, with Dr. Ralston in the chair. Wm. H. Roosevelt, Esq. being present, was called upon to give a statement of recent occurrences in Hancock. The gentleman seemed to be laboring under great excitement, but gave a tolerable well connected account of the events of the last few days in Carthage and vicinity. It appears that Joe Smith, Hyrum Smith, and a number of other Mormon leaders, were in Jail at Carthage, confined on certain offences against the laws of the State. The "Carthage Greys," a volunteer company, were placed as a guard around the Jail.

About 6 o'clock, last evening, an attempt was made by the Mormons on the outside to rescue the Mormon prisoners from the custody of the guard. A youth, about 19 years of age. (a Mormon,) began the fray, by shooting the sentinel at the door, wounding him severely in the shoulder. Simultaneously with this attempt, the Mormons on the inside of the jail, including the Smiths, presented pistols through the windows and doors of the jail, and fired upon the guard without; wounding, it is supposed, mortally, four of the old citizens of Hancock! -- It is unnecessary to say that this bloodthirsty attempt, on the part of the Mormons, was the signal for certain and sure vengeance. The lives of the two Smiths, and Richards, were quickly taken, and we believe no others! Carthage was filled with Mormons -- previous to the affray, the Mormons appeared to be collecting around the jail, it is now supposed, for the purpose of attempting the rescue of their leader.

G. T. M. Davis, Esq., of Alton, came down this morning from Nauvoo. The news of the killing of Smith, had not reached Nauvoo when he left. Governor Ford was in Nauvoo yesterday, and was to camp six miles out last night. Col. Singleton was in command at Nauvoo, with 120 troops. Great fears are entertained for their safety, if the Mormons rose upon him, after hearing of the death of the Prophet.

It is also feared that both Carthage and Warsaw have been burned by the Mormons, as threats of that kind have been made. The Women and children in the latter place have been taken to places of safety -- a portion of them came down on the Boreas, this morning.

The "German Guards" and "Rifle Company," are now assembling, as well as a portion of the Militia, for the purpose of marching to the scene of action. The Boreas has been chartered to take them up. Our city has the appearance of a military camp.

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Extra.]                         Quincy, Illinois, Friday, June 28, 1844.                         [Extra.

E X T R A.


Joe and Hiram Smith are dead.

The steamboat Boreas, just in from Warsaw, brings shocking intelligence from the scene of the Mormon war. The following slip from the office of the Warsaw Signal, explains the dreadful tragedy:

"Joe and Hiram Smith are dead -- shot this afternoon. An attack from the Mormons is expected every hour. Will not the surrounding counties rush instantly to our rescue?

    "Warsaw, June 27, 1844."

"It seems that the circumstances attending the killing of the Mormon Prophet and his brother Hiram are as follows: On yesterday, Gov. Ford left Carthage with about one hundred and twenty soldiers, for the purpose of taking possession of the "Nauvoo Legion," and their arms. They arrived at Nauvoo about noon, and called for the assembling of the Legion and their arms. -- They arrived at Nauvoo about noon and called for the assembling of the Legion. About 2000 men with arms immediately responded to the call. These troops were put under command of Col. Singleton of the Brown county, who accompanied Gov. Ford to Nauvoo.

The Governor finding all quiet left Nauvoo about 5 o'clock P. M., with a company of 60 men for the purpose of encamping about seven miles from the city.

At about the same time that Gov. Ford left Nauvoo, the Prophet and his brother were killed at Carthage, under the following circumstances, as near as we can ascertain them: --

Joe and Hiram are both confined in the debtors room of the Carthage jail, awaiting their trial on a charge of treason. The jail was strongly guarded by soldiers and anti-Mormons who had been placed there by the Governor.

A Mormon attempted to rush by the guards for the purpose of forcing his way in the jail. He was opposed by the guard, and fired a pistol at one of the guards, giving him a slight wound.

A general confusion ensued in the crowd around the jail. Joe and his fellow Mormon prisoners, it seems, had provided themselves with pistols, and commenced firing upon the guards within. He then attempted to escape by the window, when a hundred balls entered his body, and he fell lifeless corpse.

His brother Hiram shared the same fate. Richards, a leading Mormon, was badly wounded. There our intelligence ends -- what took place after this, God only knows. Mormons immediately left for Nauvoo, to carry news of the death of the Prophet. It is feared that the Mormons at Nauvoo will be so exasperated as to exterminate the Governor and his small force.

The Boreas brought down most of the women and children from Warsaw. It is feared their town is in ashes before this.

Our citizens were aroused this morning by the ringing of bells and a call to arms. Our three independent companies are already in marching order. Maj. Flood has ordered out the militia of the regiment, and the steamer Boreas is waiting to convey them to the scene of action.

There is no knowing where this dreadful affair will end. Many have expressed fears that our city is in danger, because most of the Warsaw families have taken refuge here -- but we believe there is no danger, we are too far from the scene of action.

Messengers have just left for Hannibal and the towns below for the purpose of arousing the Missourians. The excitement in our city is intense and the anxiety to hear the fate of Gov. Ford and his men are very great.

The Mormons all express a determination to keep the peace, and not to resort to arms except in necessary defence. The Mormon version of the story follows, briefly, including the mention that "Joe Smith had a revolving pistol, and fired it two or three times without effect, but was himself soon killed by the assailants; that Taylor, the editor of the Nauvoo Neighbor was in jail, and was shot through the thigh, but not seriously injured; Richards was not injured. After the assault, the disguised mob retreated, and it was not even known who they were...

Note 1: A copy of the Quincy Herald Extra for Friday, June 28, 1844 has not yet been located for transcription. The above text was taken from the reprint in the Bath, NY Steuben Courier of July 18th, which, in turn, was copied from an "Extra" of the St. Louis Evening Gazette. See also the July 8, 1844 issue of the Washington, DC Daily National Intelligencer. These "slips" from the Quincy Herald and Warsaw Signal were reprinted in numerous papers, including the Boonville Observer of July 3rd, the Jeffersonian Republican of July 6th, the Richmond Inquirer of July 9, 1844, etc.

Note 2: The exact wording of the concluding paragraph in the Quincy Herald report is uncertain. The portion transcribed above was taken from a quote provided in a later source.


Extra.]                         Quincy, Illinois, Saturday, June 29, 1844.                         [Extra.

E X T R A.

Gov. Ford arrived in this city this morning, much worn down by travel and fatigue, having left Carthage yesterday. It was not certain that only Joe and Hyrum Smith are killed, and they were murdered in cold blood. It seems that while Gov. Ford was absent from Carthage to Nauvoo, for the purpose of ascertaining satisfactorily the strength of the Mormon force, an excited mob assembled near Carthage, disfigured themselves by painting their faces, and made a rush upon the jail, where Joe and his fellow prisoners were confined. -- The guard placed by the Governor to protect the Jail were overpowered by superior numbers, the doors of the Jail forced, and Joe and Hyrum both shot. Hyrum was instantly killed by a ball which passed through his head. Joe was in the act of raising a window, when he was shot both from without and within, and fell out of the window to the ground. Richards, whon we supposed yesterday was dead, escaped unhurt by shutting himself up in a cell in the Jail. Mr. Taylor, the Editor of the Nauvoo Neighbor, was in the room with the Smiths, and received three balls in his leg, and one in his arm. He is not considered dangerous. Three of the assailants were slightly wounded,

It will probably never be known who shot Joseph and Hyrum Smith -- but their murder was a cold-blooded cowardly act, which will consign the prepetrators if discovered, to merited infamy and disgrace. -- They have broken their pledges to the Governor -- disgraced themselves and the State to which they belong. They have crimsoned their perfidity with blood.

The dead bodies of the Smiths were conveyed to Nauvoo by order of the Governor yesterday. It was supposed by many that the Mormons on seeing them would break away from all restraints and commence a war if extermination. But nothing of the kind occurred. They received their murdered friends in sorrow -- laid down their arms and remained quiet. Col. Singleton and his company of 60 men are still in Nauvoo, and the Mormons submit to their authority.

The 300 troops that left our city yesterday on the Boreas are at present in Warsaw. A man was assailed and knocked down with a musket in Warsaw yesterday, for presuming to express disapprobation at the murder of the Smiths.

It will long be regretted that things have taken the turn they have in relation to the Mormons. After they had laid down their arms, and submitted to the laws, they were entitled to the protection of those laws,. Gov. Ford in the name of the State pledged them that protection, and he extended it to them so far as was [in] his power. The conduct of the Governor stands pre-eminently untarnished in this matter. Party is lost sight of as it should be, and all public meetings which have been held in this city during the excitement, have passed resolutions approving of his course. As the troops were leaving our wharf on the Boreas yesterday, his Honor, the Mayor, came forward and proposed three cheers for Gov. Ford which were given in a manner that [the ----- -----]. George T. M. Davis, Esq., in an address to our citizens last evening, also bore testimony to the calm and impartial manner which has characterized the conduct of the Governor throughout the whole of this affair.

In what we have written above we would not have it understood that our remarks in relation to the assassination of the two Smiths, apply to the people of Hancock county generally. The actors in the disgraceful transaction [are] probably confined to a few desperate characters who are determined to rife over the law to effect their object.

It will be seen by the accompanying Proclamation, that the Governor has issued orders for the raising of troops to be in readiness in case of emergency. This is certainly a discreet and provident movement. For although quiet reigns at present in Nauvoo and vicinity, the prejudice and excitement is so great, there is no knowing how soon another outbreak may occur. [Governor Ford's Proclamation follows]

Note: No copy of the Quincy Herald Extra for Friday, June 29, 1844, with the above article, has yet been located for transcription. The text was taken from the reprint in the Springfield Illinois State Register of July 15th. It is possible that the final paragraph and the Proclamation were actually appended to the original report by the editor at the State Register.


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 3, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 11.

==> An extra containing the following information, was issued from this office on Friday morning last; since then, however, we have received a somewhat different account of the killing of the Smiths, than that then published. We give the extra and subjoin such other information as has come into our possession.

Dreadful News.

On Friday morning last, just before sunrise, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers, by the ringing of the bells of the city. The cause of the commotion was the astounding news that had just come down from Hancock, viz: of the attempt on the part of the Mormons to rescue Joe Smith from Jail in Carthage and of the killing of Joe Smith, Hyrum Smith, and Joe's Secretary, William Richards! and of the great peril of Governor Ford, and the handful of troops now in Nauvoo! An immense crowd had collected at the court house, with Dr. Ralston in the chair. Wm. H. Roosevelt, Esq. being present, was called upon to give a statement of recent occurrences in Hancock. The gentleman seemed to be laboring under great excitement, but gave a tolerable well connected account of the events of the last few days in Carthage and vicinity. It appears that Joe Smith, Hyrum Smith, and a number of other Mormon leaders, were in Jail at Carthage, confined on certain offences against the laws of the State. The "Carthage Greys," a volunteer company, were placed as a guard around the Jail. About 6 o'clock, last evening, an attempt was made by the Mormons on the outside to rescue the Mormon prisoners from the custody of the guard. A youth, about 19 years of age. (a Mormon,) began the fray, by shooting the sentinel at the door, wounding him severely in the shoulder. Simultaneously with this attempt, the Mormons on the inside of the jail, including the Smiths, presented pistols through the windows and doors of the jail, and fired upon the guard without; wounding, it is supposed, mortally, four of the old citizens of Hancock! -- It is unnecessary to say that this bloodthirsty attempt, on the part of the Mormons, was the signal for certain and sure vengeance. The lives of the two Smiths, and Richards, were quickly taken, and we believe no others! Carthage was filled with Mormons -- previous to the affray, the Mormons appeared to be collecting around the jail, it is now supposed, for the purpose of attempting the rescue of their leader.

G. T. M. Davis, Esq., of Alton, came down this morning from Nauvoo. The news of the killing of Smith, had not reached Nauvoo when he left. Governor Ford was in Nauvoo yesterday, and was to camp six miles out last night. Col. Singleton was in command at Nauvoo, with 120 troops. Great fears are entertained for their safety, if the Mormons rose upon him, after hearing of the death of the Prophet.

It is also feared that both Carthage and Warsaw have been burned by the Mormons, as threats of that kind have been made. The Women and children in the latter place have been taken to places of safety -- a portion of them came down on the Boreas, this morning.

The "German Guards" and "Rifle Company," are now assembling, as well as a portion of the Militia, for the purpose of marching to the scene of action. The Boreas has been chartered to take them up. Our city has the appearance of a military camp.

In regard to the killing of the Smiths, we have somewhat different accounts from the above. One account states, they were killed by a mob of armed men, that came into the vicinity of the jail, one of which fired a gun as a signal. The Mormon leaders were confined in the second story of the jail. When the gun was fired the Smiths came to the jail window, and presented pistols and fired upon the people on the outside; Joe raised the window with the intention of springing out, when he was received by a volley of musket shots, and fell, pierced with several balls, out of the jail window to the ground on the outside. Hyrum Smith was killed by a shot through the head, at the same time, and was dead when the jail door was opened. Richards was not shot nor wounded, but a man named Taylor, -- the editor of a mormon newspaper at Nauvoo, was shot in the thigh.

Another account and one that we think comes nearer the truth is this: That the mormons, in the jail were aroused by voices from the outside of a band of men -- supposed to be the Warsaw and Green Plains division of the militia, coming from the thicket near the jail, their persons so disguised as not to be recognized by the people or guard around the jail. Joe supposing them to be his Mormon friends, coming to make him a visit, leaned forward from the jail window, and while in that position, was fired upon by these men in disguise, and fell out of the window to the ground, dead. The mob, then, not withstanding the resistance of the guard aroused the jail, rushed into the jail, broke open the door, and killed Hyrum Smith, and wounded Taylor, in the thigh. The Mormons, not firing even a shot. This appears to be the most reliable information, we have yet seen. It comes from Col; Buckmaster, who was at Nauvoo. When the dead bodies of the two Smiths were brought to Nauvoo, the Mormon population immediately assembled on parade, armed in such fashion, as the hurry of the occasion would permit. They were addressed by a Mormon, who enjoined upon them patience and forbearance -- and to act only in self-defence; and this appeared to be the disposition of the Nauvoo people. -- They were constantly hearing rumors, that the mob were about to march upon Nauvoo, and exterminate them from the State, and they were reasonably excited in consequence, but appeared to be of the disposition to remain tranquil and act on the defensive.

Some accounts state that Joe Smith was armed with a six barrel revolving pistol; and that others of them were also armed -- but this comes in a round about manner; if they had arms, they must have been supplied after they were put in prison, for as the statement goes, they had none when taken into custody.

The "Carthage Greys," were placed as a guard around the jail, and it is said, when the attempt was made upon the lives of the Smiths, they fired upon the mob, and wounded some of them -- but what is more likely, if they fired at all, they fired over the heads of the crowd and not among them.

Gov. Ford, with Col. Singleton had marched out of Nauvoo, before the news of the death of the Smiths had reached that city,

There are any amount of rumors in circulation, which we do not choose to give currency to. The above we believe to be as near a correct statement, as has come into our possession.

POSTCRIPT. -- Since the above was in type, we have seen Mr. Bedell of Warsaw who is directly from Carthage. -- We learn some additional particulars, -- Joe Smith had in his possession, a six barrel revolving pistl, and actually fired three times upon the mob, wounding one or more in the arm. After he was killed, the pistol was examined, and it was found that three of the barrels had been discharged, and three were still loaded. Our informant states, that it is believed that Joe did not fire until he was wounded in the jail window; he was shot instantly dead and fell to the ground on the outside. The same volley, it is believed, killed Hyrum Smith also. One ball had passed through his head entering just below the eye. -- Joe's body was pierced by six balls, several through the breast and neck. Hyrum's body was pierced by five balls, -- the one through the head probably killing him instantly. Mr. Taylor who was also confined in the same room, had four balls shot into his body and is still alive. Mr. Bedell saw the bodies after death -- a coroner had held an inquest over them, and the verdict of the Jury, was that they had come to their death by violence. A pocket pistol was found upon the person of Hyrum Smith, -- but it is not stated whether he attempted to use it or not. The excitement at Nauvoo, was not as strong as was expected; that Gov. Ford, had given them permission to defend themselves, in case of an attack from the mob. Mrs. Emma Smith, had issued an order or proclamation to the Mormons, in Nauvoo, to remain quiet and peaceable, which order was duly observed by the people of Nauvoo. It was not known what would be the course of proceedings among the Mormons, now that they are deprived of their leaders -- whether they would disband their organization and like other citizens, separate, obey the laws, and return to their respective homes and vocations, -- or whether a new leader would spring up amongst them -- to unite them again under one civil, military and religious head -- and thus bring upon them renewed difficulties and trials: If they are wise, they will pursue the former course -- for as long as they are banded together under the direction of one head, and subject to the control of the passions and prejudices of one individual, so long will they be looked upon by the people of the State, with mistrust and suspicion.

There are different accounts in circulation, as to the circumstances connected with the death of the Smith's, -- and we suppose the right of the matter, will not be known, until a judicial investigation is had -- if such a course is resolved on by the Governor.

The Governor arrived in our city on Saturday morning last, and contemplates, we understand, making this his headquarters for the present. On Saturday he issued the following military order:

               HEAD QUARTERS.
               Quincy, June, 29, 1844.

It is ordered that the commandants of regiments in the counties of Adams, Marquette, Pike, Brown, Schuyler, Morgan, Scott, Cass, Fulton and McDonough, and the regiments composing Gen. Stapp's brigade, will call their respective Regiments and Battalions together immediately upon the receipt of this order, and proceed by voluntary enlistment to enrol as many men as can be armed in their respective regiments. They will make arrangements for a campaign of twelve days, and will provide themselves with arms, ammunition, and provisions accordingly, and hold themselves in readiness immediately to march upon the receipt of further orders.

The independent companies of Riflemen, Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery in the above named Counties, and in the County of Sangamon will hold themselves in readiness in like manner.
           THOMAS FORD,
Governor, and Commander in Chief.

The troops that went up from Quincy returned on Monday last, on the Boreas. They report every thing quiet above.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 10, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 12.



Since our last publication, the excitement growing out of recent occurrences in Hancock county, has in a great measure abated, so far as this county is concerned.

On Tuesday afternoob of last week, a public meeting was held at the court house, which was addressed by several of our citizens who had returned from Nauvoo, Carthage and Warsaw. Mr. Jonas of Columbus, read a report addressed to the Governor, signed by himself and Col. Fellows of Rushville, in the capacity of agents of the Governor, for settling the difficulties between the Mormons and anti-Mormons of Hancock. The report stated in substance, that in obedience to the letter of instructiobs of the Governor, they had proceeded to Warsaw; there they found the temper of the people still greatly aroused against the Mormons. At Nauvoo, they found every thing quiet; the Mormons were disposed to obey the laws; neither to retaliate the deaths of the Smiths, or to investigate the circumstances connected therewith -- they were willing to leave the investigation entirely in the hands of the Governor. If he choose to investigate the circumstances connected with those deaths, well and good -- if not, they would still be satisfied. They held a meeting of the City Council, and the same conclusion as above stated was the result of the proceedings. They were determined to remain quiet, and act only on the defensive. Col. Richardson of Rushville, addressed the meeting; he had just returned from Nauvoo, and his statements were of the same tenor as the above, as to the disposition of the Mormons. His honor, Mayor Wood, also addressed the meeting -- entering into something of a detail of his proceedings of the several days previous. He bore witness to the fact, that the Mormons were disposed to remain quiet, and leave the investigation of the outrages altogether in the hands of the Governor. He stated that the Warsaw people remained firm and steadfast in their determination, viz: to either leave the county themselves, or compel the Mormons to leave it. When the Mayor took his seat, a Mr. Skinner of Carthage, a legal gentleman we believe, addressed the people. He declared in the most positive terms, after going into a review of the recent difficulties in Hancock, that the peace of the county would not be secured as long as the Mormons, and the present inhabitants of Hancock, remained in the county together -- that one or the other must leave. He also stated, that it was the opinion of the guard that surrounded the jail, when the lives of the Smiths were taken, that the mob who made the attack, were Mormons, and that it was an attempt to rescue the prisoners. He also stated that the revolving pistol, which Joe Smith had in his possession, was distinctly heard in the melee. Upon the whole, he was disposed to take sides with the Hancock people against the Mormons. We left the room while Mr. S. was speaking.

There are many reports in circulation, in reference to the future proceedings of the Mormons, which are unworthy of credit. It is stated that the place of burial of the Smiths is kept a secret -- that although there was a large crowd in attendance to view the bodies, it was not known, to the people generally at least, where the bodies were buried. Whether all this mystery us the forerunner of another revelation, as to who shall have the honor of wearing the mantle of the deceased Prophet, is left entirely to conjecture.

In the present state of the public mind, the Warsaw people will find it a difficult matter to put their threats into execution. They cannot get help from the neighboring counties, and the Governor of the State will certainly not suffer armed bodies of men to come into the State from Missouri, with any such purpose in view as the extermination of the Mormons.


On Thursday last, a handbill was published in this city, containing a correspondence between the Warsaw Committee of Safet, and Gov. Ford. We give the substance of this correspondence, not having room for it entire. The Warsaw committee give a history of their grievances at length, -- and complain, that in consequence of the exclusive privileges which have been conferred upon them, the Mormons had committed crimes with impunity -- and placed themselves above the constituted authorities of the State, and bid defiance to the laws thereof, &c. They also say that the affairs of the county are in the hands of the Mormons, and that justice is out of the question in an issue between a mormon and anti-mormon. After going through a long list of grievances, under which they labor, from the annoyances of the mormons, the committee say -- "They (the Mormons) must leave or we must leave, -- and there are now but two questions to solve: which party shall leave and in what manner." They tell the Governor, that they believe the difficulty can be settled through his influences -- that they have banded together in one common cause, and have taken a position, which they will not recede from until the last hope fails, and then they will share a common fall. They say they are under arms in defence of their own rights, and have no desire to subvert law or order -- that their opposition is not to the religion of the Mormons -- with that they have nothing to do; neither have their difficulties grown out of any political considerations, as they most positively assert; but originate entirely in the state of things growing out of the Mormon dominion in Hancock. They end by intimating to the Governor that his assistance is essential in the present emergency to aid them in expelling the Mormons.

The Governor's answer is very plain, explicit and decided. He tells them that the law is to be his guide -- and that he has told them so on repeated occasions. He then goes in to a short history of the occurences which preceded the death of the Smiths. They had pledged themselves that instead of doing so, they had treacherously betrayed him. Under trhe supposition that they, the Hancock people, would act towards him in good faith, he had demanded the surrender of the Smiths, and promised them security --

"In doing so, I now acknowledge that I erred and erred greviously, in relying with too much confidence upon men whom I was but little acquainted. The idea that men could be treacherous under such circumstances was abhorrent to my nature, and rejected with indignation. -- Whatever your hatred of the Smiths might be, I was too confident you would respect your honor -- the honor of your county and State, and the rights of defenceless prisoners. I could not believe that so much stupidity and baseness, as was necessary for such an enterprise as the murder of defenceless prisoners in jail would be, could be murdered in Hancock county. What aggravates the transaction, as a matter of personal to myself, is that you betrayed my honor as well as your own, and that of the State; and you selected a time to commit the deed when you believed I was in Nauvoo, in the power of the Mormons, and would probably be murdered by them by way of retaliation. Upon the whole I cannot too strongly express my indignation and abhorrence of the base and profligate act which has disgraced the State and raised suspicions in the minds of many in regard to my conduct in this matter, of the most painful character to my feelings.

I am happy however, to learn that these denunciations apply only to a small portion of the people of Warsaw and Hancock county. All the most responsible inhabitants ought to be acquitted of any direct participation with the conspirators. If they are culpable at all it is for not using their influence against the act, and for not communicating to me information which would have enabled me to prevent it. -- The intention of the people must to some extent have been whispered about and understood, and ought to have been communicated to me as commander in chief.

Under these circumstances, I am in but a poor situation to use my influence with the Mormons, to procure their removal. -- Your own people have destroyed whatever influence I might have otherwise possessed in that quarter to serve you. Your own conduct has placed me in a painfully suspicious attitude; and I have no hopes that I could now have a more persuasive influence with the Mormons, than I had with the perpetrators of the horrid deed which I sought to prevent. Under these circumstances, I cannot ask the Mormons to confide in me.

It must appear to them that they have been betrayed by somebody, and they do not know by whom.

If you mean to request me to exercise a forcible influence to expel them from the State; I answer you as I have uniformly done, that the law is my guide; and that I know of no law authorizing their expulsion. From this determination I have not swerved for an instant, from the beginning until this time. I see nothing now requiring any deviation. And besides, if I were ever so much determined to drive them out, I believe such is the abborrence against the base deed which some of you have committed, that I could not obtain voluntary aid from the people. I suppose that you are aware that a call for volunteers is the only mode in which a force can be raised, and that the force when raised, must be provisioned by voluntary contribution.

You had better not make too loud a call upon your fellow citizens; you may want their aid for defence, and may yet be glad to receive aid for defence, rather than aggression. I know the apprehensions which you entertain of Mormon violence, I will not now say whether your fears are well or ill founded. A little time will develope what may be expected. Taking the law for my guide, I can assure you, that although some of you have treated me badly, in thwarting my policy and violating my honor, and have acted basely towards defenceless prisoners, yet you are entitled to and are assured of all the force of the State to prevent or avenge illegal violence towards any of you. An enquiry must be made concerning the murderers. They must for the honor and credit of the State be dealt with according to law.

You ask a small force to be stationed in your County as a protection against small parties. You have not probably, duly considered how large a force would be necessary for this purpose. A small force could protect but a few points of attack and must necessarily leave the residue of this County exposed. A large force cannot be stationed there permanently. -- Your best protection is the assurance that, upon the first aggression or well defined threats, an overpowering force is ready to march directly to the scene of action.

I am informed that a design is still entertained at Warsaw of attacking Nauvoo. In this you will not be sustained by myself or the people. It is a part of my policy that you shall remain quiet, and if you please, watchful, but structly on the defensive; and I now announce to you that I will not be thwarted in this policy with impunity.   I am most respectfully.
         Your obediant servant,
              THOMAS FORD.

The following is the Mormon account of the assassination of the Smiths, taken from the Nauvoo Neighbor:

Awful Assassination! The Pledged faith of the State of Illinois stained with Innocent blood by a Mob!

"On Monday the 24th inst., after Governor Ford had sent word that those eighteen persons demanded on a warrant, among whom were Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, should be protected by the militia of the State, they in company with some ten or twelve others started for Carthage. Four miles from that place they were met by Captain Dunn with a company of cavalry, who had an order from the Governor for the 'State arms.' General Smith indorsed [endorsed] his acceptance of the same, and both parties returned to Nauvoo to obtain said arms. After the arms were obtained, both parties took up the line of march for Carthage, where they arrived about five minutes before twelve o'clock at night. Captain Dunn nobly acquitting himself, landed us safely at Hamilton's Hotel.

"In the morning we saw the Governor, and he pledged the faith of the State that we should be protected. General Smith and his brother Hyrum were arrested by a warrant founded upon the oaths of H. O. Norton and Augustine Spencer, for treason. Knowing the threats from several persons, that the two Smiths should never leave Carthage alive, we all began to be alarmed for their personal safety. The Governor and General Deming conducted them before the McDonough troops and introduced them as General Joseph Smith and General Hyrum Smith. This maneuver came near raising a mutiny among the 'Carthage Greys,' but the Governor quelled it.

"In the afternoon, after great exertions on the part of our counsel, we dispensed with an investigation, and voluntarily gave bail for our appearance to the Circuit Court, to answer in the case of abating the Nauvoo Expositor as a nuisance.

"At evening the justice made out a mittimus, without an investigation, and committed the two Generals Smith to prison until discharged by due course of law, and they were safely guarded to jail. In the morning the Governor went to the jail and had an interview with these men, and to every appearance all things were explained on both sides.

"The constable then went to take these men from the jail, before the justice for examination, but the jailer refused to let them go, as they were under his direction 'till discharged by due course of law;' but the Governor's troops, to the amount of one or two hundred, took them to the courthouse, when the hearing was continued till Saturday the 29th, and they were remanded to jail. Several of our citizens had permits from the Governor to lodge with them, and visit them in jail.

"It now began to be rumored by several men, whose names will be forthcoming in time, that there was nothing against these men; the law could not reach them, but powder and ball would! The Governor was made acquainted with these facts, but on the morning of the 27th he disbanded the McDonough troops and sent them home, took Captain Dunn's company of cavalry and proceeded to Nauvoo, leaving these two men and three or four friends to be guarded by eight men at the jail; and a company in town of sixty men, eighty or one hundred rods from the jail as a corps in reserve.

"About six o'clock in the afternoon the guard was surprised by an armed mob of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty, painted red, black, and yellow, which surrounded the jail, forced in-poured a shower of bullets into the room where these unfortunate men were held, 'in durance vile,' to answer to the laws of Illinois; under the solemn pledge of the faith of the State, by Governor Ford, that they should be protected! but the mob ruled!! They fell as martyrs amid this tornado of lead, each receiving four bullets! John Taylor was wounded by four bullets in his limbs, but not seriously. Thus perishes the hope of law; thus vanishes the plighted faith of the State; thus the blood of innocence stains the constituted authorities of the United States; and thus have two among the most noble martyrs since the slaughter of Abel sealed the truth of their divine mission, by being shot by a mob for their religion!

"Messengers were dispatched to Nauvoo, but did not reach there till morning. The following was one of the letters:-

"Twelve o'clock at night, 27th June,

''CARTHAGE, Hamilton's Tavern.

"To Mrs. Emma Smith, and Major-General Dunham, etc.:-The Governor has just arrived; says all things shall be inquired into, and all right measures taken.

"I say to all the citizens of Nauvoo, my brethren, Be still, and know that God reigns. Don't rush out of the city-don t rush to Carthage; stay at home, and be prepared for an attack from Missouri mobbers. The Governor will render every assistance possible-has sent out orders for troops. Joseph and Hyrum are dead, but not by the Carthage people; the guards were true as I believe.

"We will prepare to move the bodies as soon as possible.

"The people of the county are greatly excited, and fear the Mormons will come out and take vengeance. I have pledged my word the Mormons will stay at home as soon as they can be informed, and no violence will be on their part. And say to my brethren in Nauvoo, in the name of the Lord, Be still; be patient; only let such friends as choose come here to see the bodies. Mr. Taylor's wounds are dressed and not serious; I am sound.


"Defend yourselves until protection can be furnished necessary. June 27, 1844.


"Governor and Commander in Chief.

"Mr. Orson Spencer; Dear Sir:-Please deliberate on this matter; prudence may obviate material destruction. I was at my residence when this horrible crime was committed. It will be condemned by three fourths of the citizens of the county. Be quiet or you will be attacked from Missouri.


"The Governor, as well as the citizens of Carthage, was thunderstruck! and fled.

"The legion in Nauvoo was called out at ten a. m. and addressed by Judge Phelps, Colonel Buckmaster, of Alton, the Governor's aid, and others; and all excitement and fury allayed, and preparations were made to receive the bodies of the noble martyrs. About three o'clock they were met by a great assemblage of people, east of the temple on Mulholland Street, under the direction of the city marshal, followed by Samuel H. Smith, the brother of the deceased, Doctor Richards, and Mr. Hamilton, of Carthage. The wagons were guarded by eight men. The procession that followed in Nauvoo, was the City Council, the Lieutenant-General's staff, the Major-General and staff, the Brigadier-General and staff, commanders and officers of the legion, and citizens generally, which numbered several thousands, amid the most solemn lamentations and wailings that ever ascended into the ears of the Lord of Hosts to be avenged of our enemies!

"When the procession arrived the bodies were both taken into the 'Nauvoo Mansion'; the scene at the mansion cannot be described: the audience was addressed by Doctor Richards, Judge Phelps, Woods and Reid, Esqs., of Iowa, and Colonel Markham. It was a vast assemblage of some eight or ten thousand persons, and with one united voice resolved to trust to the law for a remedy of such a high-handed assassination, and when that failed, to call upon God to avenge us of our wrongs! Oh, widows and orphans! Oh, Americans! weep, for the glory of freedom has departed!

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 17, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 13.


We have news from Nauvoo and Warsaw as late as Saturday last. The people of Warsaw were quiet, and endeavoring to quiet all excitement -- and had no intention of attacking Nauvoo, or provoking an attak from the Mormons. A letter from Warsaw, states that "the real facts in relation to the tragedy are daily developing themselves -- and that not one correct account has gone before the world," so far as the main facts connected with the massacre of the Smiths are concerned. The writer says: "The Governor makes several incorrect statements in his communications. A full expose is now in progress here, and will be submitted to the public in a week or two. Many documents and much testimony will be necessary -- and a considerable time will be requisite."

We learn that Dr. Foster, one of the suceeding Mormons, went to Nauvoo a short time since to settle up his affairs in that city, but the Mormons made such threats against him, that he was obliged to leave, believing his life in danger. He came down and had an interview with the Governor, and again returned. There was a rumor in circulation, that the Mormons held him ib custody and refused to let him depart. We learn, however, more correctly, that he is in Nauvoo, under a Mormon guard -- to prevent them from molesting him -- he will probably come out safe. As to the proceedings and future course of the Mormons, all is involved in uncertainty. Whether they will choose another prophet -- build their temple, and go on and finish their city on the grand scale contemplated by the deceased Prophet -- or whether they will leave the soil, where they are reminded of the past and must expect to live under continual apprehension of future difficulties and outrages -- remains to be unfolded.

Next week, we will give an able communication from a friend, on the Mormon Difficulties.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 24, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 14.

For the Whig.

MR. EDITOR: -- I propose, with your leave, to offer a few suggestions upon this subject to the people of Adams county, and to all others interested.

The recent death of Joseph Smith and his brother, by lawless violence, while confined in jail, has been justly reprobated by the public voice, as well in the county of Hancock, where it happened, as in the State of Illinois, generally, and in other parts of the Union. No man, so far as my knowledge extends, has been found to justify that rash and guilty act, however much he might believe that the crimes of the prisoners had deserved punishment at the hands of the law.

But it seems to me that public sentiment, as is often the case, is in danger of re-acting with so much force, as to overbear what, for want of a better term, I shall call public reason. In other words, our feelings have been so much revolted, by this instance of Anti-Mormon violence, that we sympathize with the Mormons alone, we are strongly set against their opponents, we forget the past conduct of the Prophet and his followers, we lose sight of the causes which led to the catastrophe, and the Mormons are becoming in our eyes, a peaceful, law-abiding people, while their dead leaders assume the semblance of innocent and martyred victims. This is by no means an unusual revulsion in public feeling; but it is necessary to a just understanding of a question, which may at no distant day, be of the highest importance to ourselves, that we arrest this current of sympathy -- and calmly examine the actual position of things, before we are hurried away from the ground we have heretofore occupied.

I need not review the history of the Mormons, in this and other States. From the many and conflicting statements published, enough may be gathered to satisfy us of these facts -- that they have every where been troublesome neighbors -- that wherever they have established themselves, they have bred difficulties, where none before existed -- and that, taken as a body of people, especially if collected in strong settlements, they have always manifested a disposition to resist or evade the general laws of the State. Such is the testimony against them in other States, and such is our own experience of them in Illinois.

The causes of this insubordination and turbulence on their part, are neither obscure nor uncertain; they are to be found in their peculiar tenets of faith and principles of government. Other religious sects are as enthusiastic as the Mormons -- as devoted to the worship of the creed of their choice; but they form no distinct, civil or political community; they are all, (however variant from one another in religious opinion,) citizens of a common government, and all recognize the Supreme obligations of the Constitutions, State and Federal, and the laws made in pursuance thereof. Each man looks to those laws as the measure of his duties and his rights, and his prepared to sustain their authority against all who oppose it.

But the Mormons have heretofore proceeded upon a different system. The aim and object of him, who called himself their Prophet, was to collect about him a people, devoted to his will and obedient to all his commands. To this send he pretended to be inspired by God himself, to be favored with frequent revelations, and to announce to his followers, from time to time, the commands of the great Jehovah. To make his influence over them more direct and powerful, they were gathered, as much as possible, into communities, separate and distinct from other citizens; and, if people of a different persuasion have settled among them, they have been too few and weak to make head against the authority of the Prophet. The Mormons thus associated and thus taught, have been the blind, fanatical, unreasoning followers of such an arch impostor. They have fed his luxury with their contributions of money and property. They have pampered his pride and lust of power by their obedience and adulation. And, more than all, they have set up his will as paramount to the laws of the land, and have shown themselves, on more than one occasion, ready to support him by force in hos opposition therein. What else, indeed, could be expected? The word of God, say they, is of far greater obligation than the word of man. God speaks by the mouth of Joseph -- Man speaks by human laws. Shall we not therefore, rather obey God, then man?

Time will not permit me to exhibit the many illustrations of what I have stated above, which will readily occur to all who are familiar with the conduct of these people in Hancock county for the last three or four years. It is true, that the grant of powers in the charter of the City of Nauvoo has furnished them with a pretext for some of the usurpations and encroachments of which they have been guilty. But it was but a pretext, and a flimsy one -- it could not and did not deceive the designing men, who used it as a cloak for deliberate tyranny -- it could not have served the purpose of deceiving any community, not enslaved by the debasing influence of superstition. Nor was that city charter necessary for the accomplishment of these purposes. Had that pretext been wanting, others would have been found. The ground work existed in the hearts of the deluded people; it was easy for the hand of their ruler to raise upon it his ediface of fraud, vice, and tyranny.

Who does not know the fact, that one short year since, Joseph Smith, when arrested by the authority of the Governor of this State, upon a demand made by the Governor of Missouri, discharged himself from custody by a mock trial upon habeas corpus before his creatures, the City Council of Nauvoo, he himself being President of that same City Council, as Mayor of the City!

Who does not know that this successful defiance of the laws of the State, and of process emanating from its highest executive authority, is but one instance out of many. Let me enumerate a few of them. The authorities of Nauvoo have assumed and exercised the power --

To establish a recorder's office for the record of deeds, independent of that provided for by the State laws in every country.

To grant marriage licenses, independently of the State laws, requiring them to issue from the Clerk of the County Commissioners Court.

To try cases of slander, and causes of the jurisdiction whereof is vested, exclusively in the Circuit Courts of the State.

To punish by fine and imprisonment persons guilty of speaking m=words disrespectful of Joseph Smith, and other alleged offenses, which, if cognizable any where, belonged exclusively to the Circuit Courts.

To arrest and annoy peaceable visitors to the city, by vexious confinement and examination, under pretence of regulating its police.

To discharge persons from arest upon civil or criminal process from any court of the State, by writs of habeas corpus emanating from the City Council.

And they passed an ordinance, prohibiting any civil officer to serve process from the State Courts in Nauvoo, unless it was countersigned by their Mayor, under penalty of fine and imprisonment, which the Governor of the State is forbidden to remit by his pardon!

But not to fatigue your readers with further enumerations, I will proceed briefly to relate the facts which led to the late occurences in Hancock County; and from one example they may learn all the rest.

Certain seceding Mormons, for reasons satisfactory to themselves, disavowed the authority of their late master a few weeks ago, and set up a newspaper in Nauvoo, whih was designed to expose hus hypocrisy and vices. The Prophet, in his capacity as Mayor, called together the City Council, and took into consideration this enterprise of the Seceders, and the first number of the paper, which had then been published. It was resolved by the City Council and the Mayor, that the paper was a public nuisance, and ought to be abated; and forthwith a warrent was issued to the City Marshall to take a sufficient force with him, and to destroy the press and type. That officer obeyed his instructions, abd on the same day, by force, broke into the office, broke up the press, and scattered

One of the proprietors of the press went immediately to Carthage, the County Seat, and complained on oath against the Mayor, the City Council, the Marshall and others concerned, for a Riot in the destruction of his press. Upon his affidavit, a warrant was issued to a constable, who went to serve it, attended by only one individual. He served it first upon the two Smiths, and afterwards upon the others. The Prophet at first tried threats and intimidation against the constable -- swore great oaths that he would lose the last drop of his blood, rather than go to Carthage -- and finally resorted to the never failing habeas corpus. He issued writs for the other defendants -- some of them (being the City Council) issued a writ for him -- they tried each other, and discharged each other -- and the constable was dismissed by the City Marshall (himself a defendant) with the assurance that, whether they were discharged or not, he should never take them out of that city.

The constable reported to his fellow citizens in other parts of the country, the resistance which he had met with, and called upon them for a force sufficient to enable him to execute the writ. It was known long before that Nauvoo boasted a large force under military organization, which was reported to be well supplied with arms. It was therefore necessary to make serious preparations for the collision. The volunteers of the county were called out, new companies raised and organized; aid was colicited from the other counties, arms, ammunition, and provisions were collected, and messengers were despatched to the Governor, to inform him of the state of things and ask his interference. The Mormons, on their part were not idle. Their friends were collected from the settlements into Nauvoo -- the troops were daily paraded and drilled -- guards were stationed about the city, who permitted no one to pass in or out, without leave of the City authorities -- means and munitions of war were procured as fast as possible -- and the whole city was put under strict military regulations, and, as many, say, martial law was proclaimed. Nay, even after the Governor arrived in the country, the U. S. Mail was stopped and sent back some distance, and detained a considerable time, until leave to proceed was given by the Mormon authorities.

Such was the state of affairs, when the Governor arrived in the county. He recognized the propriety of the action of the citizens, and after a short correspondence, demanded of the Prophet and his co-defendants an unconditional surrender of themselves to the constable, who had served the writ. After some shuffling for two or three days, the accused finally came in and gave themselves up on a promise of protection from violence, which the Governor gave them, and which he received an assurance of from the troops. After their surrender upon this charge, which they acknowledged and for which they gave bail, the two Smiths were detained upon the further charge of treason; and the trial being postponed, in order to procure witnesses, they were committed to jail for safe-keeping.

There is no doubt, but theat some evil disposed persons were during all this time engaged in stirring up the wrath of the people against the two Smiths, and endeavoring to incite them to violence. But there is reason to believe from the course of events, that such a result might not have taken place, but for one or two unlucky circumstances. The Governor had ordered the troops at Warsaw and Carthage to rendezvous on Thursday, the 27th June, at Golden's Point, and to march upon Nauvoo. His object I do not know, but I presume it was to make a display of force to the Mormons, and to convince them of their incapacity to resist the arms of the State. On the morning of that day, however, apprehending disturbances if he marched so large a force into the city, he ordered all the troops to be disbanded, with the exception of some 200 men, part of whom were in Nauvoo, and a part in Carthage. With one company of these he set out himself for Nauvoo.

Upon the same day, an attempt was detected to convey into the jail a bundle, containing clothes which were evidently intended to disguise the prisoneers; and the report became general that a rescue and escape were contemplated. Doubtless the disbanding of the troops was also urged as a proof of the Givernor's connivance at it. These were topics well calculated to inflame the minds of men, already strongly excited by the annoyance and tyranny of the Mormon rulers, and the recent expectation of actual hostilities. They produced a most unfortunate effect. A body of armed men marched hastily upon the jail, overpowered the guard and put to death the two Smiths; and, in that act, inflicted a deep wound upon the honor of the State, and wrought a lasting injury to all who were opposed to the Mormon dynasty.

I wish to be distinctly understood, as attempting no justification or excuse, for this proceeding; but in palliation of the offence, it is a second rule in law, as well as morals, to consider the nature and extent of the provocation,

Besides the considerations already mentioned, there were others well calculated to awaken the jealously, the fears, and the anger of the people there assembled. For two years the offices of Sheriff and Clerk of that county have been filled by persons, subservient to the will of Joseph Smith. The Sheriff was married to his neice. The Clerk was the brother of the Sheriff, and equally in the Mormon interests. More than once had the process issued by that Clerk to that Sheriff, been treated with contempt by Joseph Smith, and no effort made by these officers to enforce its service. Indictments for criminal offences had been found against Smith at the last court he had ridden into the county town with an armed body guard, and offered to go into trial; that being refused, on account of the absence of the State's Attorney, he had gone home in like manner, without the Sheriff's lifting one finger to arrest him. One month had elapsed since the adjournment of court and the order of the Judge to issue a capias for his arrest had not been obeyed by the Clerk.

Again, it had become notorious, that a fair trial was not to be had in that county, between an influencial Mormon and any citizen unconnected with them. By means of false witnesses; and packed juries, either with or without the connivance of the officers, it turned out almost invariably, that a bad case, against a Mormon, would result, at best, in a hung jury, and often in his favor. And the prospect for the future was still more unpromising. By the preponderance of their votes, the Mormons could elect what officers they pleased. It was a safe calculation to give them a majority of the County Commissioners' Court, after the August election. That Court selects the jurors to be summoned by the Sheriff for the Grand and Petit Juries -- the Sheriff fills up any vacancies that may occur -- and between them, it was morally certain, that such an arrangement would be made, as would ensure to the Mormon prisoners an acquittal of any offence, with which they might be charged.

Once more, the militia had been drawn from their homes, during a very busy season of the year, at a great sacrifice of their convenience, to enforce obedience to the laws upon these arrogant leaders of the Mormons. They (the militia) were exposed to the charges of the weather, lodged upon the ground, and subjected to all the hardships of a sudden and unexpected service. The Mormon prisoners, on the contrary, were lodged at the best tavern in the place for several days, sat at table with the Governor, and had all the comforts which the place afforded; and when at last they were committed to jail, the indulgence of their keeper gave them the use of the jailor's private apartments, instead of the prisoner's cells. They were treated with an attention and consideration, not often accorded to persons situated like them; and such freedom of communication allowed with their friends, that they were found in possession of revolving pistols well loaded, at the time of the attack.

It is easy to conceive, how all these circumstances, artfully urged upon the multitude, were calculated to inflame their passions, and arouse their thirst for revenge: and when the unexpected order to disband was issued, and that measure was represented as a means of favoring the escape of the prisoners, it is hardly a matter of surprise -- however much it is to be lamented -- that they ursurped the prerogatives of the law, and became at once judges and executioners of those unhappy men. Far be it from me to vindicate their sect, or even to excuse it; but when we reflect on all the circumstances, which preceded and surrounded its commission, it must be confessed, that serious provocation had been given by the sufferers themselves, and that the deed, guilty as it was, is not wholly without extenuation.

But, whatever we may think on that part of the subject, there is another upon which we should soberly reflect. We have known for many years the Anti-Mormon population of Hancock county -- we have known them to be peaceful, law-respecting, orderly citizens -- just and reasonable in their conduct to every body, friends or strangers -- adverse to all violence, and guiltless of all mobs. Until this people came among them (this people, who have carried the torch of discord into every community that has received them) no county in the State had a better reputation than Hancock, or better deserved it. This single act of violence has been committed within her borders, under peculiar circumstances, and by a limited number of men. We know not exactly by what persons, or how many; and there is the strongest reason for believing that very few could have been privy to the design.

Are we, for this cause, to forget all the former reputation of Hancock county? Are we to brand as murderers and assassins -- without proof -- all the old neighbors whom for long years we have been proud to own as brothers and friends? Are we to set our faces, and steel our hearts against them -- to condemn and disown them, unheard?

And for whom are we to do this? For a people who have every where sought to place themselves, by force or fraud, above and beyond the laws of the land -- a people who came to us, poor and destitute, and humble: but who, fed and cherished by our charity, have become arrogant and overbearing as soon as prosperity returned to them -- a people, who only a few weeks ago, stood in armed resistance to the lawful authority of the State, and have only become pacific, under the stunning effect of the Prophet's death, and the threats of the Governor to put them down with the whole force of the State, if necessary.

Let us not think and act thus hastily. Time will show us which party will hereafter be the more orderly and peaceable of the two. So far as we are taught by past experience, we have more reason to confide in our old friends and neighbors. Those who rely implicitly on what men say, rather than what they have done here before, may trust in the professions of the Mormons. A few months will suffice to show how far they are sincere. Let us in the mean time view the conduct of both parties, and view it impartially. Let us not be run away with, by hasty and miscalculating sympathy -- by sudden and temporary impulses. Let us endeavor to judge coolly of every thing; and in our conscientious deire, to stand very upright between our old neighbors and the Mormons, takecare not to lean too far the other way.


We invite the attention of our readers to the communication under this head, on the first page of this paper. It is written by a gentleman, who has a thorough knowledge of the subject of which he treats -- who has, in fact, bestowed much of his time and personal attention to an investigation of the recent dificulties, and their cause, in Hancock county. This communication should be read the more at this time, because, from the recent death of the Smiths, in a manner and by means, which no man can uphold -- a sympathy for the Mormons as a people, seems to cloud the reason of many of our citizens and to draw their attention off from the question at issue, between the Mormons and the people of Hancock county, The fact is, the annoyance with which those people complain still [as to] the death of the Smiths, has not in fact, changed the ground of controversy between them. -- The Mormons have the same power to do mischief that they had before. They still have their charter, under which they enacted ordinances to destroy private property -- and who doubts that when numbers shall have strengthened their hands, they will still further exercise their powers to the annoyances of those who do not agree with them in their religious tenets! They are, we notice by the "Times and Seasons," calling upon their followers to gather at Nauvoo -- they have too, as we learn by a gentleman who knows, procured a large number of stands of arms, (bought in New Orleans,) to arm their legion -- the State arms having been taken from them. Now what does all this bode? It does not look like peace -- it does not look as though they were disposed to scatter abroad over the land, and live like other people. The issue still remains between the Mormons and anti-Mormons of Hancock. Which shall leave the county? Both cannot remain any length of time in peace, and one or the other must eventually leave. Of the two, we think there can be but one opinion among candid men, which should leave. The old settlers of Hancock have a pre-emptive right to the soil. They were the first there -- they were the pioneers to open the lands and cultivate them, and until the Mormons came among them, they were a people noted for their quiet and industrious habits and love of law and peace. Neither were the people of Hancock the first aggressors in the late outbreak. as the communications of our friend conclusively shows -- and sorry would we be to see them leave a county which owes much of its wealth to their industry and enterprize. Another thing; what would be gained by such a suicidal policy on their part? They would not better their own condition in all probability, and certainly not the condition of their friends they leave behind. Suppose they -- that is the old citizens of Hancock -- should leave the county, the Mormons of course, would crowd in, and make Hancock to the neighboring counties, what Nauvoo is now to Hancock county -- an annoyance and an eyesore, which would and must lead to trouble, civil war and blood-shed. This would be the inevitable consequences -- because it is abundantly demonstrated to be a matter of impossibility for a mass of people, of the character of the Mormons, under the military, civil and religious administration of one or more unworthy men, with their peculiar notions regarding their own rights and privileges, to live in the same community, or the same State, with those who abide by our present laws, and who cannot but look upon the whole Mormon scheme of government and religion, as a shallow imposition to delude the weak and credulous. What has been, will be again. And from what we know of the feelings of the Hancock people, we are satisfied the difficulties with the Mormons have hardly yet commenced. But we are running our article to a greater length than we intended -- we again invite public attention to the communication before spoken of.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]       Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 31, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 15.

Mormon Votes Wanted!

If any honest man ever doubted the design of the locofoco party to create political capital out of the recent Mormon difficulties, the following provlamation issued by the Governor, must dispel all such doubts. The conduct of the Governor in disbanding the troops and leaving the Smiths unprotected against external violence, contrasts richly with his low abuse of the Warsaw people in the following paper. Why this sudden feeling in favor of the Mormons just on the eve of the election? No recent circumstances have transpired in Warsaw calling for any such executive interference -- and there is another fact connected with this document which requires explanation. It has been secretly printed and is now secretly circulating in Mormon districts with a view no doubt to influence the election. It was with great difficulty that citizens of Warsaw could procure a copy of the same at the Herald-office. Gov. Ford's conduct heretofore on the bench as Judge and as the Executive of the State, has been marked by a spirit of hostility to Mormon interests or in their favor, as might best suit political purposes. Let the people now read and judge for themselves, and say at the polls whether a governor and party that would prostitute the lives and liberties of citizens to political purposes are worthy of their support


I am continually informed of your preparations and threats to renew the war, and exterminate the Mormons. One would suppose that you ought to rest satisfied with what you have already done. The Mormon leaders, if they ever resisted the law, have submitted to its authority. The have surrundered the public arms; and appeared to be ready to do anything required, to make atonement for whatever wrong may have been done. Since the assassination of their two principal leaders, under circumstances well calculated to inflame their passions, and drive them to excesses for the purposes of revenge, they have been entirely peaceful and submissive; and have patiently awaited the slow operation of the laws to redress the wrongs of which they complained. There has been no retaliation; no revenge; and for anything I can ascertain, there will be none. Those of your people, who are charged with being the most hostile to them, have lived, if they knew it, in perfect security from illegal violence. I am anxious for a pacification of your difficulties. You cannot drive out or exterminate the Mormons. Such an effort would be madness, and would not be permitted by the people of the State. You cannot be sustained in it either by force or law. You are blinding yourselves to your weakness, and keeping an agitation which must fail of the purpose intended, and recoil with terrible energy upon your heads.

I exhort you to reconsider your infatuated resolutions. Try your Mormon neighbors again, and if you cannot dwell together in amity, you may at least refrain from inhuring each other. From the moderation of the Mormons, under what they conceive to be the deepest injury, you might well hope that if they ever entertained designs inconsistant with your liberty and happiness, that those designs have been abandoned. They are also interested in preserving the peace. It is not natural to suppose that they, any more than yourselves, wish to live in continual alarm. They hope for quiet, and will be peaceful and submissive in order to enjoy it. But you are continually driving them to desperation by an insane course of threatening and hostility, and depriving yourselves of peace by the same means used to disquiet them.

If I have said any thing severe in this address, I pray you attribute it to my deep conviction that your course is improper and unwarrantable. Such is the opinion of the people at large in the State, and all over the country. From being right in the first instance, you have put yourselves in the wrong, and there are none to sustain you. As men of sense, you are bound to see, if you will open your eyes, you cannot effect your purposes. -- Nevertheless you are still training and drilling, and keeping together, and threatening a renewal of the war. I have said to you often that you cannot succeed; by this time you ought to see it for yourselves. -- What can your small force do against two thousand armed men, entrenched in a city, and defending themselves, their wives and children? Besides, if you are the aggressors, I am determined that all the power of the State shall be used to prevent your success. I can never agree that a set of infatuated and infuriated men shall barbarously attack a peaceful people, who have submitted to all the demands of the law; and when they had full power to do so, refrained from inflicting vengeance upon their enemies. You may count on my most determined opposition -- upon the opposition of the law and upon that of every peaceful law abiding citizen of the country. This is not spoken in anger. God knows, I would do you no injury unless compelled to do so to sustain the laws. -- But mob violence must be put down. It is threatening the whole country with anarchy and ruin. It is meancing our fair form of Government, and destroying the confidence of the patriot in the institutions of his country.

I have been informed that the Mormons about Lima and Macedonia, have been warned to leave the settlements. They have a right to remain and enjoy their property. As long as they are good citizens, they shall not be molested, and the sooner those misguided persons withdraw their warning and retrace their steps, the better it will be for them.
    July 25, 1844.     THOMAS FORD.

Notes: (forthcoming)


John H. Pettit.]                        Quincy, Illinois, Friday, Aug. 2, 1844.                        [Vol. ? - No. ?


(an account of Governor Ford and the Mormons
under construction)


Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]       Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 7, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 16.


The Herald editor in his Friday's paper, makes a great ado about Gov. Ford, and the charge we have made against him. The rascal of the press, thinks we make the attack upon Gov. Ford, for malicious purposes. This is false. We maintain, that our remarks upon the Governor's Proclamation, was both proper and reasonable under the circumstances. How stands the facts? The people of Warsaw, through their paper published at that place, informed the public that all was quiet at that point -- that the people had given up all designs of further molesting the Mormons -- but suddenly out comes a Proclamation from the Governor, printed secretly and circulated clandestinely, against the Warsaw people, threatening them with all sorts of thunder if they attempt to interfer with the Mormons. These proclamations, instead of being sent to Warsaw, to the people to whom they were addressed, are sent direct to Nauvoo, and circulated among the Mormons, while scarcely a copy can be found in Warsaw. Now, what can the Governor mean by such conduct? Does it not look like an electioneering trick -- as an attempt to secure the favor and votes of the Mormons? What else could the Governor have intended? He requested that they should not be published here, as one of the publishers of the Herald states -- and what could have been all this secrecy for, if there was not some secret, hidden design connected with it? These Proclamations were printed in the Herald office, on Thursday of last week, we believe; on Friday of the same week, they were circulated in Nauvoo, and not a copy had been sent to Warsaw by the Governor. For our authority as to the circulation of these Proclamations at Nauvoo, we give the name of Hyrum Kimball, a very respectable citizen of that place -- and that they were not known at Warsaw -- the fact that Mr. Simpson, who came directly down, had great difficulty in procuring a copy even in this city -- is sufficient to establish. The Proclamations never reached Warsaw until Sunday night, three days after they were printed -- and two days after they had been circulating in Nauvoo. We say the Governor's conduct cannot be defended successfully, when all these facts are known -- and he has made himself justly liable to censure. The Mormons themselves must be as blind as moles, or they would see through the designs of his Excellency at a glance. Through his short-sighted policy, the Smiths were sacrificed, and now he attempts to use the Mormon people, as the instruments of locofocoism. Will they allow it?

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]       Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 14, 1844       [Vol. 7 - No. 17.


In corroboration of the statements we made against Gov. Ford, previous to the election, we give the following letter from a friend at Burlington. In publishing his letter contrary to his wish, we urge the importance of the information it contains. It is now manifest to the world that a most base political game has been played to get the Mormon votes, in which that unscrupulous political tool, Thomas Ford, has acted a leading part. Read citizens, read, and see to what lengths the locofoco leaders will go, in tampering with the Mormons. Ford has used that people three times for the benefit of his party. -- But to the letter:

                Burlington, Iowa, Aug, 4, 1844.
Mr. S. M. Bartlett:
Dear Sir: -- I have for the last few days been at Nauvoo watching the movement of things, and I can assure you that your speculations, in the last Whig, in relation to the intrigue of Gov. Ford for Mormon votes, are correct. The whole Mormon vote to-morrow will be given to Hoge for Congress, but I trust it will not be sufficently large to elect him, though I have my fears. The addresses to the Warsaw people were without a doubt intended for the Nauvoo market, and I have it from both the Warsaw and Nauvoo people, that they were sent to Nauvoo some two days before they were sent to Warsaw. The issuing of that address, was without the shadow of doubt, an infamous electioneering trick, and it should consign that miserable little demagogue and party tool Tom Ford, to the lowest depth of infamy. But that is not all, nor the worst. I was yesterday told by Mr. Babbitt, the Mormon candidate for the Legislature, that Ford had recently sent a private communication to the Mormons, covering three sheets, and directed to W. W. Phelps, who is one of the leaders at Nauvoo and a great locofoco. That communication contains a detailed explanation of his conduct in the late trouble, and he seeks in it to do away with the prejudice which the Mormons have against him. He tells them he thinks it better not to move in arresting those who murdered Joe and Hyrum Smith till after the election, as he should have to call out the militia to do it, AND THAT THEY WOULD ALL TURN MOB!! He also encloses to those rascals the answer of Col. Harney to his requisition for U. S. Troops, who says that he has not 500 troops at any one station, which he can spare, and that he has transmitted his letter to the authorities at Washington. Ford then tells them when he gets the 500 U. S. Troops, he will have the murderers arrested. The other matters which this dignified Gov. of the great State of Illinois alludes to in his communication, can well be imagined.

It has been the wish of three fourths of the Mormons not to vote at all this year, but that would not answer the purposes of Hoge and the unprincipled band at Springfield, for Hoge's election depends entirely upon the Mormon vote. They held a meeting at Nauvoo on Friday, to determine whether they would run a ticket or vote at all or not, and I was told that four fifths of all who went to the meeting were opposed to doing anything. But who should appear on the spot to pull the wire but one of Ford's emisaries from Springfield, R. D. Taylor, commonly called Dick Taylor. Dick "fugles" with some of the leaders -- gets a committee appointed, who report to the meeting a full church ticket -- with Hige at the head of it -- and which, after much confusion, is adopted, and will be voted to-morrow. Dick then made a speech to them in behalf of Hoge, and in which he abused and misrepresented Sweat most outrageously.

The above are facts in relation to the last bargain and intrigue for Mormon votes, which you can use as you may think proper.
                Yours, truly.

Note: This issue also evidently contained a rebuttal to some remarks made by Editor Thomas C. Sharp, of the Warsaw Signal. The report has not yet been located for transcription.


Bartlett & Sullivan]       Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 21, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 18.

"A Narrative of the Adventures and Experience of Joseph H. Jackson, In Nauvoo, disclosing the depths of Mormon villainy." is the title of a pamphlet of 32 pages, just issued from the press at Warsaw. As its title indicates, it purports to give a detailed account of the villainies practiced in Nauvoo by the Mormon leaders, from 1842 up to the beginning of the present year, and gives quite a full account of the damnable practices which have been going on in Nauvoo, under the cloak of religion. It seems, and affidavits are introduced to sustain the fact, that Jackson went to Nauvoo for the purpose of getting into the confidence of Joe Smith, and of exposing his villainies. If his statements are to be relied upon, the state of society in Nauvoo for the last three or four years, has been horribly depraved to the last degree -- lust, crime, and outraging all the decencies and proprieties of life, seemed to be the order of the day. Joe hired Jackson to go to Missouri, and liberate Rockwell from jail, and kill Gov. Boggs. He went, but more with the intention of deceiving Joe, than of fulfilling a murderer's errand. Jackson also states, and names persons, dates and places, to corroborate his statements, that a manufactory of counterfiet coin, was carried on quite extensively and privately, by Joe and his chosen crowd. In reference to the "spiritual wife doctrines," the statements are quite full and explicit, but the details are altogether unfit for our columns. Suffice it, Joe made attempts upon the virtue of his oen sister, his brother's wife, his neice, and most of the pretty women in Nauvoo. He boasted -- according to Jackson -- that he had seduced four hundred females during his career -- and it was a revelation, that Joe pretended he had, that he should have the wife of one of the Laws -- that first created the split in the church, and gave rise to the dissenters with the Laws, Fosters, Higbees, &c. at their head. In short, the statements in the pamphlet, if they are true, disclose a most unparalleled series of crime, outrages against law and society, we have ever read. The prominent actors in these villainies were Joe and Hyrum Smith, Willard Richards, a Col. Dunham, Clayton, Cahoon, Stout, &c. &c.

Riggs & Williams,

Quincy  Illinois.

THE subscribers having associated themselves in the Botanical line at the old stand of Dr. B. Riggs, on the N. E. cor. of the square, where they will keep a good assortment of pure and genuine Vegetable medicines constantly on hand. The community at large are respectfully invited to call and try the virtues of our medicines, as they are warranted to be purely vegetable, and acting harmoniously with all the laws of Animal Life.
N. B. We will expect the cash for all medicines sold at the office.
               B. RIGGS,
               F. G. WILLIAMS.
June 19
is hereby given, that all those indebted to me are expected to call and settle by note, or otherwise, immediately.
               B. RIGGS.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 28, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 19.

GOV. FORD AND THE MORMONS. -- It is now reported upon pretty good authority that Gov. Ford, recently wrote to the Mormon leaders from Nashville, where he was attending the locofoco convention, that it would be highly impolitic to move in the matter of arresting the men who took the lives of the Smiths, for this reason: -- that if he called out the militia, for the purpose, there would be great reason to fear that they would rush on Nauvoo, and cutt off the Mormons, as the popular feeling in the State is strongly against them. This is the substance of the letter which our high minded Governor, is said to have written recently to the Mormons.

... The locos have increased their vote in every county in the district except Greene -- but this increase is not a healthy one by any means. It is made up from the Mormons, and from the increase of aliens, who have not been in the country long enough to judge which of the two parties has the best interests of the country at heart.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan]        Quincy, Illinois, Wed., October 23, 1844.       [Vol. 7 - No. 27.


(The communication which follows is from an unknown source. We have had it on file for two or three weeks, considering whether it was best to violate the rule we have established, to insert no communication without the author's name being left with the editor. We have concluded for several reasons to suspend our rule on this occasion, and give the communication a place. It seems to come from the very heart of Mormon iniquity, and to be written by one, who has some knowledge of the secret motives and movements of the leading men in Nauvoo. If there is any reliance to be placed on the statements of this correspondent, rascality of the most outrageous description has been, and is practiced by the Mormon leaders, under the cloak of religion. We have reason to believe these statements can be relied upon, because they correspond with the statements made by the dissenting Mormons and others, who were witnesses of this rascality, and whose tongues have been tied by threats of assassination, &c. &c. The communication bears the Nauvoo post-mark and date.)

                                 For the Whig.
           Nauvoo, Sept. 23d, 1844.
Mr. Editor:-- The eyes of thousands seem to be turned at the present time upon this renowned and far famed city. It may not be thought improper in your correspondent, if he contributes his share with others in giving the world some facts and intelligence concerning the people of Nauvoo.

Many have written and published things in relation to this city and this people, some to abuse, others to flatter. I propose to do neither, but, as far as in my power, intend to do them justice and speak the truth let it fall upon whom it may.

The religion of this people as it was originally taught was one of the purest and most beautiful systems ever delivered to the world. But base men have crept in and undermined its foundations and defaced the fair proportions of this once beautiful structure. Joseph Smith, the founder of this religion, and his brother, have been barbarously and inhumanly butchered -- no law either of heaven or earth can justify their murder, for "vengeance is mine," saith the Lord -- "I will repay." As for them, I say "requiescat in pace," -- I will not disturb the slumbers of the dead.

The people of Nauvoo compose a variety of classes from different sections of the Union, and from nations across the waters. They come here with pure minds and pure intentions -- they make more sacrifices than any other people on earth. They leave the home of their childhood, their friends and kindred, they break every tie which binds them to the scenes of their earlier years, and come to Nauvoo, for the purpose of learning more perfectly the ways of salvation. They are anxious to act in accordance with the advice of those whom the Lord (as they believe) has placed over them to give them advice and council. How important, then, that their counsellors should be wise men, and men of God. But what do they find when they come here? Instead of being edified, at the place of worship, by having unfolded to them the doctrines of heaven and the truths of God, they hear seldom anything but blackguard, slang and abuse. Some man who has fallen under the ban of their disapprobation furnishes them with a text, and wholesale damnation and scurility is dealt out to those who chance to differ with the powers that be. But why is all this? It is because the leaders of this people have come to be base and corrupt. Instead of preaching and practicing those doctrines which are of heaven and which would benefit their followers, they are seeking for power and aggrandizement. These charges no doubt may be deemed harsh and severe, but they are nevertheless true. The Twelve, being ambitious of power and authority, have succeeded in riveting an iron despotism over the minds of the people here, and have not scrupled to hurl every man down who opposed the usurpation of the authority they have seized. Men of reputation and standing, because they have differed with them honestly, have been cut off from the churches without a trial and their characters have been assailed by the foulest slander; and so long as they remain in the city are persecuted by their minions. They have not hesitated to appeal to the prejudices and base passions of human nature for the purpose of forestalling public opinion here, and have endeavored, by circulating the most base and damnable lies, to blast the character of honorable men. Those who have been thus dealt with consider their separation from the Church as it exists at Nauvoo to be a blessing rather than a curse, and notwithstanding his "Holy Boldness" (Brig. Young) pretends to power to "bind on earth and it shall be bound in heaven," yet they consider it a special favor of heaven that they have fallen rather than risen in his estimation. Revelations of his and his associates secret plottings have come and are coming rapidly to the light of day, and it is in vain for him and his co-workers in iniquity to cloak their corruption any longer. Their bogus operations, and the doctrine of Polygamy, which they have taught and practiced, will make them a sign and a proverb through the world, and will stamp them with that infamy which they have richly merited. I am credibly informed that it was for attempting to purge the Church of these corruptions, that drew down upon Sydney Rigdon's head the maledictions of this distinguished clan of worthies. Geo, Miller, O. Hyde, P. P. Pratt. Amasa Lyman and Erastus Snow are particularly viperous, and the powers that sway the public mind at Nauvoo breathe a spirit which for diabolical malice and cruelty surpasses the Roman inquisition, In every society it is public opinion that makes it pure or corrupt, good or bad. There is therefore a responsibility resting upon the leading men of every community, for to a considerable extent, they are the formers of public opinion. Now there are individuals in Nauvoo who are thretening peaceable citizens, who differ with his "Holy Boldness" in opinion, and are committing assaults upon some and threatening to drive them from the city, and they are upheld by many of the leading men in this course. Those who are the loudest about the persecutions they have suffered abroad, are the very first to commence it here, and no lie is too base, no slander is too foul to satisfy their malice and revenge. Those who come here and stay even for years are often unable to discover the foul iniquities which are practiced in this city. They are like "whitened sepulchres, fair without, but within full of dead men's bones and all uncleanliness." When any of their midnight counsels are exposed and proven by unquestionable testimony, such is the power and influence of the leaders of this Church over the public mind, that they can lie themselves clear. Individuals who practice the spiritual wife doctrine here, when they go abroad among the churches and the world, often hold up their hands in the face of high heaven, and swear no such things are taught. Even here they do the same, though some advocate the doctrine openly. They are hooked together by a common danger, and in the practice of these things, so odious in the eyes of all christian communities, their only refuge is behind a battery of lies But the virtuous portion of the community are beginning to open their eyes, and many have had the courage to assert their independence, and stamp such corruptions with the brand of infamy. There are others who are ready to denounce them, and are only waiting for an opportunity to burst the bands of tyranny with which they are bound down.

The oligarchy which now wields the doctrines of Nauvoo cannot long sustain the position they occupy, for men cannot erect a durable structure upon a foundation of hypocrisy and falsehood, The veil is already rent, which has for a long time concealed their base deeds from the light of day. It must sooner or later be removed, and they will stand forth to the world in their own native colors. The spoils of the poor are in their homes; past crime, like the ghost of Banquo, is rising from its concealment, and staring them in the face -- the spirit of the infernal world is stirring up the black waters within them, and the dark tinge of the surface already indicates the depth of internal corruption.   Yours, &c.

Note: Compare the content and tone of this anonymous letter with the Oct. 3, 1844 communication from Nauvoo published in the Oct. 19, 1844 issue of the Lee County Democrat. Both writers call Brigham "Holy Boldness" and make use of the same phraseology to address practically the same topics -- corruption of the Twelve, decline of Nauvoo, etc. Probably both letters were penned by the same articulate writer -- a disaffected Mormon of the upper ranks of Nauvoo society.

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