![]() Vol VI. Livingston, Wednesday, June 17, 1829. No. 285. ![]()
Bank of Monroe The subscription books for the capital stock of the Bank of Monroe, were closed last evening, and it gives us pleasure to inform the public that an excess of stock was subscribed. This object, so important for the interests of the village of Rochester, and the western country generally, has been accomplished without any assistance whatever from the eastern or southern parts of this state. The capital has been taken up by men of wealth, who are desirous of putting the bank into operation as soon as the forms of law can be complied with. -- |
![]() Vol IX. Livingston, Wednesday, December 30, 1829. No. 39. ![]()
Anti-masonic Religion. -- The most disgusting and loathsome feature in the characters of the canting and hypocritical leaders of Anti-Masonry, is the serpent-like stealth with which they impiously attempt to wind their cause into the Religious feelings of the community. Fearing that the returning sense of an enlightened public may strip them of the "brief authority" which they now possess, unless aided by a more powerful auxiliary blear eyed prejudice, their every effort and sole aim contemplates an union between Political Anti-Masonry and Religion! Not content with making it the test of patriotism and the touch-stone of public office, they would constitute the prescription of Masons a cardinal requisite of piety. Scarcely a renunciation of Masonry is at present made, that does not commence a sort of exordium "To the friends and lovers of Truth and Religion;" meaning, we presume, Solomon Southwick, Thurlow Weed, John Hascal, David C. Miller, and a host of equally pious worthies who believe that death is the eternal sleep of the soul. |
![]() Vol 1. Danville, Thursday, April 27, 1830. No. 2. ![]()
The Book of Mormon, or the Golden Bible. -- A work has recently been published in the eastern part of the State of New-York, entitled the Book of Mormon or the Golden Bible. The author is Joseph Smith, Jr. The work contains about 600 pages, and is divided into the books of Mormon, of Ether and Helaman. The Rochester Daily Advertiser contains the preface, and two letters, signed by eleven individuals, setting forth the excellence of the work and the existence of the original "plates" of gold, on which the contents of the volume were engraved, in a language which the translator was taught by inspiration. It seems that one book, that of Lehi, was translated and stolen -- the translator was commanded never again to translate the same over. We subjoin, with some hesitancy, one of the certificates, which smacks pretty strongly of what would once have been called blasphemy. U. S. Gazette. |
![]() Vol 19. Batavia, Tues., Aug. 6, 1830. Whole No. 965. ![]()
By the following card, handed us for publication, it will be seen that Cayuga has set an example to her sister counties, in contributing a fund for the benefit of Mrs. Morgan and her children. Example is better than precept. We are informed by a gentleman from Auburn, that the county of Cayuga will probably increase the contribution to one hundred dollars. We hope the other counties will not be out done in this matter: |
![]() NS. Vol 1. Batavia, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1830. No. 11. ![]()
MARRIED. -- In this village on Tuesday evening last, by the Hon. Simeon Cumings, a Judge of Genesee County Courts, George Washington Harris, Esq. to Mrs. Lucinda Morgan, wife of Capt. Wm. Morgan. |
![]() Vol 1. Danville, Thursday, Dec. 21, 1830. No. 36. ![]()
The New Bible. -- Some year or two since the credulous were amused with the tale that, guided by inspiration, some one had found many golden plates buried in the earth near Palmyra, Wayne county, in this state, upon which were revealed, in an unknown tongue, (an odd sort of revelation, one would think) the whole duty of man. -- The finder and a comrade were enabled; by supernatural agency to translate; since the book has been printed and travelling preachers have gone forth with it, to enlighten the world. Some of these have rested for a season in the vicinity of Painesville, Ohio, where a preacher of another faith was converted to the new, and a band of followers, amounting to more than one hundred, added to his train. -- Buf. Jour. |
![]() Vol 1. Danville, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1830. No. 37. ![]() From the Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph. The Book of Mormon. -- Those who are the friends and advocates of this wonderful book, state that Mr. Oliver Cowdry has his commission directly from the God of Heaven, and that he has credentials, written and signed by the hand of Jesus Christ, with whom he has personally conversed, and as such, said Cowdry claims that he and his associates are the only persons on earth who are qualified to administer in his name. By this authority, they proclaim to the world, that all who do not believe their testimony, and be baptized by them for the remission of sins, and come under the imposition of their hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and stand in readiness to go to some unknown region, where God will provide a place of refuge for his people, called the "New Jerusalem," must be forever miserable, let their life have been what it may. -- If these things are true, God has certainly changed his order of commission. When Jesus sent his disciples to preach, he gave them power against all unclean spirits, to cast them out, to heal all manner of diseases, and to raise the dead. But these newly commissioned disciples have totally failed thus far in their attempts to heal, and as far as can be ascertained, their prophecies have also failed. Jesus Christ has forewarned us not to believe them: "There shall arise false Christs and false Prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect behold -- I have told you before, we give too much credit to these men." Let us follow the example of the church at Ephesus: "Thou hast tried them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." We ought to believe God, though it should prove all men to be liars. |
![]() NS. Vol 1. Batavia, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1830. No. 15. ![]()
The question settled. -- Anti-masonry is no more -- it has since the election received a vital blow -- it is dead. Mrs. Lucinda Morgan, [is] married. This celebrated woman, who like Niobe, was all tears and affection -- whose hand was ever held forth to receive contributions from the sympathetic anti-masons -- who vowed eternal widowhood -- pains and penance, is married, and married -- "tell it not in Gath" -- to a Mason! |
![]() Vol 19. Batavia, Fri., Dec. 31, 1830. Whole No. 986. ![]()
We want our mystic brethren to have the full benefit of Mrs. Morgan's defection in marrying a Freemason! We therefore admit that Capt. Harris is not only a mason, but one who was "expelled for the enormous depravity of his masonic conduct!" The following appeared in the Batavia Tmes, a masonic paper, about three weeks before Capt. Morgan was kidnapped: -- |
![]() Vol 1. Danville, Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1831. No. 38. ![]()
Book of Mormon. -- Most of our readers, we presume, have heard of this pretended revelation, made to a certain few in and about Palmyra, revealing the fundamentals of a new religion. A ridiculous story was told about its discovery, golden plates were found in a stone box, a Mr. Somebody who could neither read nor write, was found able to translate them, and somebody else, equally ignorant, to transcribe them, and a worthy, honest but credulous farmer was found willing to be ruined by defraying the expense of publishing the Book of Mormon, as was to be expected, fell dead-born from the press. Here it was supposed the matter would rest, without causing even a sneer at the expense of the revelators. This however seems not to be the case. The disciples of Mormon have recently appeared in Ohio, and are propagating their new light with extraordinary rapidity, going to the credulous, and laying the foundations broad and wide for a "New Jerusalem" about to be built; and now it seems the oracle has commenced its responses nearer home. Surely it was not rightly said that "in that hour the Heathen oracles became dumb for ever." On Thursday of last week one of these seers of Mormon appeared in Canandaigua, delivered a discourse, and avowed his full belief that the book was a revelation from God, and of equal authenticity with the Old and New Testament. What number of hearers he had we are not informed, but for the honor of intelligent man, we hope and trust his followers are and will be "few and far between." This matter must be the ne plus ultra of fanaticism and delusion. If men will go beyond this in belief, verily there can be no end to their credulity. -- Rochester Republican. |
![]() No. 5. Le Roy, Thursday, February 3, 1831. Vol. VI. ![]() MORMONISM: -- A young gentleman by the name of Whitmer, arrived here last week from Manchester, N. Y., the seat of wonders, with a new batch of revelations from God, as he pretended, which have just been communicated to Joseph Smith. As far as we have been able to learn their contents, they are a more particular description of the creation of the world, and a history of Adam and his family, and other sketches of the antedeluvian world, which Moses neglected to record. But the more important part of the mission was to inform the brethren that the boundaries of the promised land, or the New Jerusalem, had just been made known to Smith from God -- the township of Kirtland, a few miles west of this, is the eastern line, and the Pacific Ocean the western line; if the north and south lines have been described, we have not learned them. Orders were also brought to the brethren to sell no more land, but rather buy more. Joseph Smith and all his cources [sic] are to be on anon to take possession of the promised land. -- |
![]() Vol 1. Danville, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 1831. No. 44. ![]()
The Golden Bible, or Book of Mormon. -- The believers in the sacred authenticity of this miserable production, are known by the name of "Mormonites," and their book is commonly called "the book of Mormon." It is asserted by them that their number in this vicinity is four hundred. In a conversation a few days since with a gentleman of Kirtland, well informed,and every way concerned to give us the truth, we are assured that their numbers in the families in that town were two hundred souls. We doubt not then, that their whole number in this county and Cayahoga are at least four hundred. |
![]() No. 11. Le Roy, Thursday, March 17, 1831. Vol. VI. ![]() {From the Painesville (Ohio) Gazette.} DELUSION. -- About two weeks since, three men, calling themselves Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris, appeared in our village, laden with a new revelation, which they claim to be a codicil to the New Testament. They preached in the Methodist Chapel, and from certain indications, conceiving they might do more good otherwheres, departed for Kirtland, where is a "common stock family," under the charge of Elder Rigdon, a Campbellite leader of some notoriety. The men claim to act under a "commission written by the finger of God" -- they are very enthusiastic, and tolerably resolute -- but from what we can learn need that steadfast determined resolution and popular talent which are necessary to endure any considerable degree of success in a new project. |
![]() Vol II. Danville, Tuesday, May 10, 1831. No. 6. ![]()
Mormonism. -- A number of "Golden Bible" pilgrims, numbering about one hundred men, women and children, recently passed through the village of Ithaca, on their way to the "land of promise" in Ohio. |
![]() Vol II. Danville, Tuesday, May 17, 1831. No. 7. ![]()
The Mormonites. -- Some unworthy and spotted members, according to the western papers, have crept in like grevious wolves among these silly sheep, in the new fold of Mormon, at Painesville, Ohio. The predominance of their preposterous tenets has already made considerable additions to the society. Their location is pleasant -- they have "all things in common" -- and it is not surprising that these inducements should bring together a community of vagrants, lovers of idleness, and haters of "the bitter dropping sweat and sweltry pain" of manual labor. |
![]() Vol VIII. Livingston, Wednesday, May 25, 1831. No. ? ![]()
Mormonism. -- The Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph contains an account of the death of one of the fanatical followers of the new religion of Mormonism. His name was Doty; he believed firmly in the divinity of Smith, the leader of the sect, who had promised him that he should live one thousand years. So satisfied was Doty with the prophecy, that he would not permit a physician to visit him. When the approach of death, however, could be no longer unknown, he saw the fallacy of his hope, and sent for a medical man, but it was too late; he died regretting his errors. The Mormonites in the neighborhood fled from the house where the body lay, but Smith, like the false prophet of Khorassan, soon gathered them around him, by the assurance that the young man's death was caused by his having fallen from the faith!!! |
![]() No. 25. Le Roy, Thursday, June 23, 1831. Vol. VI. ![]() CAMPBELLISM. -- We perceive by the papers (says the Bunkerhill Aurora) that Alexander Campbell, the man who a year or teo since, held a long discussion, on the subject of the Christian religion with Mr. Owen at Cincinnati, has lately started a new religion, in the west, and has gained a possession of a new Baptist church in Cincinnati. He publishes his creed in a paper devoted to the sect, and among the articles are the following: |
![]() Vol VIII. Livingston, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1831. No. ? ![]()
From the Burlington Sentinel.
Mr. John Stewart, of Bakersfield, put an end to his existence, May 19th by hanging himself on a tree. The cause of this dreadful deed was the following: |
Herald of Reform. ![]() Vol ? LeRoy, September 14, 1831. No. ? ![]() (this article's title is missing) About this time a very considerable religious excitement came over New York in the shape of a revival. It was also about the same period, that a powerful and concerted effort was made by a class of religionists, to stop the mails on Sunday to give a sectarian character to Temperance and other societies--to keep up the Pioneer lines of stages and canal boats, and to organize generally a religious party, that would act altogether in every public and private concern of life. The greatest efforts were making by the ambition, tact, skill and influence of certain of the clergy, and other lay persons, to regulate and control the public mind -- to check all its natural and buoyant impulses -- to repress effectually freedom of opinion--and to turn the tide of public sentiment entirely in favor of blending religious and worldly concerns together. Western New York has for years, had a most powerful and ambitious religious party of zealots, and their dupes. They have endeavored ever since the first settlement of Rochester, to organize a religious hierachy, which would regulate the pursuits, the pleasures, and the very thoughts of social life. This organization was kept up by banding churches and congregations together--by instituting laws similar to those of excommunication -- by a species of espionage, as powerful and as terrible as that of a Spanish Inquisition. Every occupation in life -- every custom of the people -- very feeling and every thought, from the running of a stage or of a lady's tongue up to the legislation of the state, or of Congress, was to be regularly marked and numbered like so many boxes of contraband or lawful merchandise, by these self-created religious censorships and divines. Rochester is, and was the great headquarters of the religious empire. The late Mr. Bissell, one of the most original and talented men in matters of business, was equally so in religious enthusiasm, and all measures calculated to spread it among the people.--The singular character of the people of western New York--their originality, activity, and proneness to excitement furnished admirable materials for enthusiasts in religion or roguery to work upon. Pure religion -- the religion of the heart and conduct -- the religion that makes men better and wiser -- that makes woman more amiable and benevolent--that purifies the soul -- that represses ambition -- that seeks the private oratory and not the highway to pour forth its aspirations: such a religion was not that of the party of which I speak. Theirs is the religion of the pomp and circumstance of glorious controversy -- the artificial religion of tracts. Magdalen Reports, lines of stages -- the religion of collecting money from those who should first pay their debts -- of sending out missionaries to spend it, and of letting the poor and ignorant at home starve and die. Such mistaken principles and erroneous views must when attempted to be carried into effect, breed strange results. Men's minds in this age will not submit to the control of hypocrisy or superstition or clerical ambition. They may be shackled for a day through their wives and daughters -- for a month -- a year, but it cannot be lasting; when the first die or the last get husbands, independence will be asserted. |
![]() Vol II. Danville, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1831. No. 15. ![]()
The Mormonites. -- This infatuated people are again in motion. In their own cant phrase, "they are going to inherit the promise of God to Abraham and his seed." -- Their destination is some indefinite spot on the Missouri River, they say about 1500 miles distant. About 30 of them have recently been ordained and some have gone, others are about going, two and two, part by the western rivers and part by land to their distant retreat, far away from the cheering voice of civilized man. Those who have disposed of their property go now, and such as have property, are making market for it so eagerly as often to disregard pecuniary interests, and all are to follow with all convenient dispatch. They still persist in their power to work miracles. They say they have often seen them done; the sick are healed; the lame walk -- devils are cast out; and these assertions are made by men heretofore considered rational men, and men of truth. |