(Newspapers of Illinois)

Adams County, Illinois

Quincy Whig, Herald, &c.
1843 Articles

Metal plate & announcement: artifacts of the 1843 Kinderhook hoax

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Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Jan. 11, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 38.


House of Representatives,      
Springfield, Jan. 5, 1843.      
Mr. S. M. Bartlett:

Dear Sir -- The Committee on Counties on last evening decided, by a vote of five to three, against the petition from the west end of the county, for dividing Adams.... Joe Smith has just been discharged from custody of the United States Court, he having proven he was not a "fugitive from justice," -- he is therefore free from the requisition of the Governor of Missouri....

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Jan. 18, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 39.


The District Court of the United States have had under consideration, during the last few days the case of Jos. Smith, arrested under a requisition from the Governor of Missouri, as an alleged accesory to the attempted murder of Governor Boggs. The question before the court, was whether Jos. Smith was a fugitive from justice, within the meaning of the laws and Constitution of the U. States. The court after argument, decided that Smith was not a fugitive, having been in the State of Illinois at the time of the attempted assassination. Smith has since been released from custody. The Attorney General argued the cause in behalf of the State, and Mr. Butterfield for the prisoner. -- State Register.

Major General John C. Bennett, of the Nauvoo Legion, is now lecturing on Mormonism in Chicago. The Express says he proposes to lift the curtain a little higher than usual in his lectures. -- Sangamo Journal.

(From our Correspondent)
Springfield, Jan. 2, 1843.    
On this day, the bill to wind up the State Bank and pay off two millions of the State debt, came up on its final passage. The vote was ayes 167, to 3 noes....

Tuesday, Jan. 3.    
... I certainly shall think myself a prophet; perhaps having shook hands a few days since with the Mormon prophet, has imparted to me a portion of his inspiration...

Notes: (forthcoming)


By John H. Pettit.]                Quincy, Illinois, Jan. 18, 1843.                 [Vol. 3. No. ?

Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet -- his arrest -- his discharge.
Villainy and corruption in high places.

                                               SPRINGFIELD, Jan. __ , 1843.
FRIEND PETTIT: -- I write for the purpose of detailing to you a most ridiculous judicial farce that has just come off in this city. All will recollect that Jo Smith was some time during the last summer demanded of the Governor of Illinois, by the Governor of Missouri, as an accessory before the fact of an attempted assassination to murder Gov. Boggs of the latter State. Gov. Carlin issued his warrant for Smith's arrest, and dispatched the proper officers in pursuit of the Godly Prophet. -- But Smith, unlike the prophets of olden time, feared to meet his accusers face to face. He seemed to believe that there was not as much reliance to be placed in the mighty arm of Omnipotence for his safety, as in the bushes and swamps about Nauvoo. He evaded the officers of justice, by secreting himself, sometimes, in the manner before hinted at, and sometimes, it is said, when hard pushed he took refuge beneath the "mustn't mentionables" of his Cleopatras of beauty. From that time until recently, Smith has been, God and Mormon only knows where; unless it be Butterfield, the U. S. District Attorney, and Pope the U. S. District Judge. Recently, however, the former gentleman, as it is said, writes to Smith that he can be discharged by coming to Springfield. Smith very soon appeared at the seat of government, and files a demand in the office of the Secretary of State to be arrested. The Governor issued his warrant for his apprehension -- the Sheriff took him into custody, and thereupon, Judge Pope, U. S. District Judge allowed a writ of habeas corpus -- the U. S. Marshall immediately took Smith before "His Honor," and after a sort of mock investigation, Smith was discharged. I have only time to give you the points in reference to this part of the face, and "Every tyro in law knows that the District Circuit Court of the State of Illinois has no jurisdiction in such cases, and no intelligent lawyer in Christendom will hold a contrary doctrine unless hired to do it.

2nd. If the U. S. District Court has jurisdiction, in such cases, then it became Butterfield's (the U. S. District Attorney) duty, and his imperative duty, to prosecute, instead of defending criminals in that court. Butterfield, however, acted as Smith's attorney, which fact when combined with the other facts in the case, can hardly lead to any other conclusion, than that Smith's discharge was effected by an arrangement with the U. S. District Attorney, in violation of his duty. I do not say that this was the case, but I do say that the facts warrant such a presumption.

3d. The grounds of the discharge were that the affidavit was informal and insufficient, and that Smith could not have been accessory while in this State, and that he was not in any way amenable to the laws of Missouri.

Gen. Law of the Nauvoo Legion brought Smith here and intended to claim the reward of Smith's attorney fee, (a glorious state of things) but was shamed out of it.

During Smith's trial Judge Pope sat upon the bench with three ladies upon each side of him. -- The smiles of these associate judges added very much to the solemnity of the proceedings. It is said that they were there, that the prophet might cast upon the "blessings of Jacob." Their attendance, however, was a compliment, I suppose, paid to the virtue of the Holy Prophet. And as they gazed upon his manly form, probably the power of imagination brought around them the fancie scenery of Nauvoo -- there was the Temple -- there was the Prophet's palace -- the was Jo and his Mormon virgins, of which rumor, with her thousand tongues; has said so much -- and there was his gilded apartments -- in which the midnight orgies of barbarous incantations were never heard -- and there the prophet perhaps humbly kneeling and praying as prayed the prophets of old, "mine enemies reproach me all the day long, and they are mad against me, swore against me," -- Anon, from the opposite side of the river comes a voice from the Missourians, "hungering and thirsting after wickedness" -- Hodie! Hidie! Carthage delendu!! Today, today, let Nauvoo be destroyed." Terror is depicted in the countenance of the prophet -- his virgins in alarm rush to him, and alternately cast their white arms around his neck, and exclaim, "thou are all that this poor heart can cling to." The prophet stands in silence -- at length he exclaims, "whither, oh, whither shall I fly? If I cast myself -- my pure and holy person upon the humanity of the Missourians, all is lost. If I should go there and weep over them, as the Saviour of the world wept over the proud city of Herod, my tears would fall upon their hearts like rain drops upon the burning ploughshare," At length a voice is heard from the mighty men of Springfield, saying --

"Here, here is your only hope.
"Come for pardon to the Pope!"
The Prophet arises and sandals his feet for journeying. He arrives in Springfield and is there in person arraigned before Judge Pope and the ladies. With such a field for the imagination, how could the ladies resist sympathizing with the prophet, and attending his trial. They are surely excusable.

To be serious, however, I truly believe that there never was a greater outrage committed on the law by judicial or ministerial officers, than that committed by the arrest and acquittal of Jo Smith. It is unparalleled in history of judicial proceedings, and will ever stand as a monument of disgrace to those concerned in the farce. If the people of one State can, by the aid of hirelings, assassinate, and attempt to murder those of another State, and there is no law to punish, where is the safety of the citizens?     ALPHA.

Note 1: The above letter is credited to the Quincy Herald -- no copy of this issue is available for confirmation of the source.

Note 2: See the Jan. 26th issue of the Sangamo Journal for a reply to the conents of this letter in the Herald.


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Feb. 1, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 41.


==> From the tenor of an article in the last Sangamo Journal, exposing a correspondent of the Quincy Herald, who wrote from Springfield, in January last, over the signature of "Alpha," a certain article abusive of Judge Pope, Esq., Butterfield, &c., we judge the Journal intends to convey the impression that C. A. Warren, Esq., of this city, is the author of said article. The Journal says of 'Alpha's article:

"Rarely has an article appeared in any of our State papers which has produced a deeper and more general feelings of indignation, than that under notice. It is manifestly the production of an individual, rendered rabid by the fact, that he has no longer control over the person of Joe Smith, or, what is probably quite as important to him, his money, -- and who seeks to visit his wrath upon Mr. Butterfield, Judge Pope, and some of the more intelligent and amiable ladies of which our State can boast."

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Feb. 8, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 42.


                House -- Jan. 12, 1843.

A bill for an act repealing certain Nauvoo Charters -- read twice.

Mr. Logan would have objectionable charters amended, not repealed, unless some substantial cause was shown.

Mr. Owens said he did not believe this this house would consent to repeal these charters rashly and without sufficient pretext. It would look extremely bad for the Legislature to do so, without finding something extraordinarily objectionable. He knew that a loud cry had been made in the last election canvass by demogogues -- but he would protest against such destructive legislation. He asked for his constituents' equal rights with other people.

Mr. Smith of Hancock county, asked the attention of the House for a few moments, in expressing his sentiments. If honorable gentlemen had pledged themselves in their election campaigns to vote against the charters of the city of Nauvoo, they had made a bad promise. Members could not vote for a repeal of charters to the destruction of property, and the violation of vested rights, without a violation of the Constitution. If the individuals enjoying these chartered privileges had transgressed the Laws of the State, or had exceeded the limitations of the acts of incorporation, he would extend both hands to remedy such evils, as far as he constitutionally could. The Agriculture Society of Nauvoo, had acquired a considerable amount of property -- a vast amount of land -- and farms were extending in every direction over the wild and unbroken prarie. Should such extended interests be injured?

The Nauvoo House association had issued a large amount of stock which was not only owned by the people there, but by individuals in all societies throughout the State.

He would deprecate the destruction of such important interests and rights, by such rash and party legislation. He believed that prejudice would not control the actions of honorable gentlemen. He asked that it might be allowed the people commonlt called "Mormons," to exercise their own religious views. This was allowed to all men and all societies. The measure was certainly a most extraordinary one; and he asked if the name "Mormon," attached to these charters was not the cause of this extraordinary opposition: -- Prejudice, charges, misrepresentations, gross and false, had been circulated through the land, till these people had been subjected to a load of oppression from which they had hardly recovered. An honorable gentleman had prophesied that 10 years shall not roll away, before the people of this State would rise up and expel the mormons!

Here was a prophet indeed! Shall it be said that this State will re-enact the scenes and murderous outrages of the State of Missouri? He could, were it not consuming the time of the house, exhibit the crimes and violent proceedings of the Missouri mobs against the defenceless, the weak, and the innocent. He could speak of the murder of 17 persons by a ruthless mob, on their knees begging for life, and of the sacrifice of a boy whose brains were blown out while imploring for mercy from his savage murderers. He would not trespass upon the time of the house; he would show that the acts of the city authorities of Nauvoo were not so dangerous as demogogues had stated.

Joseph Smith had been yielded to the proper authorities, and the general laws of the State -- had been honorably discharged by the proper courts, from the false claims of Missouri upon him.

His people were a law abiding people -- he did not, could not believe that honorable gentlemen would act upon any other principle, than those of honor and constititional right.

Mr. Davis of Bond, said he deemed that the remarks of the gentlemen had reference to his expressions on a former day. The gentleman had most eloquently addressed the house; and he had hoped to have heard a mormon sermon. He had said that the requisitions from Missouri were false; he would stand up, and say that the man had a right to charge the honorable authorities of Missouri with falsehood. He would stand up for the honor of that State -- and would boldly proclaim his full belief that the mormon charters were dangerous in the extreme; and if suffered to continue, would at no distant day cause the most serious trouble among the people of this State.

He drew his belief from what he knew of the character of the mormons. Not a step should be taken in the votes upon these charters, but would find him in firm opposition to them; he cared not for their religious views. They might worship a horse, or bow down to Joseph Smith, if they would; his opposition was to the dangerous powers conferred by their charters. He had proclaimed his position, and he would firmly keep his stand.

Mr. Logan moved to lay the bill on the table -- carried -- ayes 60, nays 43.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Feb. 15, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 43.


==> The Quincy Whig supposes we alluded to Mr. C. A. Warren as the author of the letter purporting to have been sent from Springfield, and published in the Quincy Herald, libeling the U. S. Circuit Court of this State, and "turning ladies into ridicule." We did not then suppose that Mr. Warren had any thing to do with fitting out that letter. But we have now some information which leads us to believe that I. N. Morris, Esq., President of the Canal Board, furnished statements on which that letter was predicated; and we now day, if Mr. Warren had nothing to do in "fitting up the letter for publication," and will so inform us, we will take pleasure in stating the fact to the public.       Sangamon Journal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By John H. Pettit.]                Quincy, Illinois, Mar. 15, 1843.                 [Vol. II. No. ?


The Missouri Reporter states that Mr. Rockwell, who has been charged with having attempted to assassinate ex-governor Boggs of that state, was arrested in St. Louis on the 6th inst. When arrested he was on his way to Nauvoo from the east and had entered his name at the stage office for Jacksonville of this state. General Bennett had pledged himself to prove that Rockwell is the person who endeavored to assassinate Governor Boggs, and that his instigator was the Mormon prophet. He will be immediately taken to Independence, Missouri, to await the investigation of the charge.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., March 15, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 47.


ORIN PORTER ROCKWELL, the Mormon who has been accused of being the person who attempted to assassinate Ex-Governor Boggs last fall, was apprehended on board a steamboat at the wharf yesterday and committed to jail. He will now have to stand trial. -- Mo. Rep.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., April 5, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 50.


==> The author of a communication dated Nauvoo, addressed to Mr. John Greenhow, and with the signature of "An Englishman that is growing weak in the faith, but dare not tell his name for fear of the Danites," must send his name to the editor, if he expects his communication to meet attention.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., April 12, 1843.         [Vol. 5 - No. 51.


ABOLITION  SEMINARY. -- W. Beardsley, teacher of the Seminary near Quincy in this State, has called, through the Quincy Herald, upon the citizens of that place to aid him in ascertaining whether certain Missourians were not connected with the destruction of the chapel of that seminary by fire on the 9th inst. Whether Abolitionists, Mormons, or otherwise, the citizens of this State must and will be protected, both as regards their persons and property. When they shall violate the laws of the State they will doubtless be properly punished by its authorities. But until then they will not be injured in either their persons or property with impunity. The Quincy Herald, as is too often the case with Locofoco journals, is disposed fully to justify the burning of the chapel by incendiaries from Missouri, if such were the fact. --   Chicago Express.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By John H. Pettit.]                Quincy, Illinois, Friday, April 28, 1843.                 [Vol. II. No. 31

Great Curiosity.

Relics of Antiquity.

We were invited yesterday evening to examine some plates of brass, which, it is said, were dug from a mound in the vicinity of Kinderhock, in Pike county. The plates are six in number, and are filled on each side with rude hieroglyphics. Some of the figures bear a little resemblance to the sun, some to the moon, some to trees, and many have a striking similarity to some of the capital letters and figures of the English language Mr. W. P. Harris, a gentleman residing in Kinderhook, writes us a brief account of the manner in which they were found, the substance of which we give below. A respectable merchant of Kinderhook, having for some time past felt a strong anxiety to ascertain what was contained in the mounds which abound in the vicinity of that place, was induced to make an excavation on the 16th inst. in the centre of one which was much larger than any of the others. At the depth of ten feet, he came to a rock, and abandoned the work until the 23d, when quite a number of the citizens repaired to the place of operation, and commenced work. Mr. Harris himself, was, among the number of men. After digging through different stratus of earth, and finding some specimens of lime, and what was believed to be pot-metal, the rock was penetrated to the depth of about three feet, and had the appearance of some time or other, having been excessively heated. Human bones were, found which had the appearance of having been burnt. Charcoal was discovered in great abundance, and then these six brass plates. Their shape is somewhat similar to a bell, having a hole pierced in the small end. When found they were bound together by two clasps, and a ring through the holes, which had the appearance of, iron, but in such a state of decomposition, that upon a very slight pressure, they crumbled to pieces. The plates were very black when found, but after having been carefully cleansed, thry were found to be covered with hieroglyphics. We doubt very much whether there can be found in existence a person able to interpret their meaning, if meaning they have. They may contain matter for a new bible but, in our opinion, it would take a little smarter man than Jo Smith himself, to decipher them.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 3, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 2.

Singular Discovery -- Material for
another Mormon Book.


A Mr. J. ROBERTS, from Pike county, called upon us last Monday, with a written description of a discovery which was recently made near Kinderhook, in that county. We have not room for his communication at length, and will give so much of a summary of it, as will enable the reader to form a pretty correct opinion of the discovery made.

It appears that a young man by the name of Wiley, a resident in Kinderhook, dreamed three nights in succession, that in a certain mound in the vicinity, there was treasures concealed. Impressed with the strange occurrence of dreaming the same dream three nights in succession, he came to the conclusion, to satisfy his mind by digging into the mound. For fear of being laughed at, if he made others acquainted with his design, he went by himself, and labored diligently one day in pursuit of the supposed treasure, by sinking a hole in the centre of the mound. Finding it quite laborous, he invited others to assist him. Finally, a company of ten or twelve repaired to the mound, and assisted in digging out the shaft commenced by Wiley. After penetrating the mound about 11 feet, they came to a bed of limestone, that had apparently been subjected to the action of fire, they removed the stone, which were small and easy to handle, to the depth of two feet more, when they found SIX BRASS PLATES, secured and fastened together by two iron wires, but which were so decayed, that they readily crumbled to dust upon being handled. The plates were so completely covered with rust as almost to obliterate the characters inscribed upon them; but after undergoing a chemical process, the inscriptions were brought out plain and distinct. -- There were six plates -- four inches in length, one inch and three quarters wide at the top, and two inches and three quarters wide at the bottom, flaring out to points. There are four lines of characters or hieroglyphics on each; on one side of the plates are parallel lines running lengthwise. A few of the characters resemble, in their form, the Roman capitals of our alphabet -- for instance, the capital B and X appear very distinct. In addition, there are rude representations of three human heads on one of the plates, the largest in the middle; from this head proceeds marks or rays, resembling those which usually surround the head of Christ, in the pictorial representations of his person. There is also figures of two trees with branches, one under each of the two small heads, both leaning a little to the right. One of the plates, has on it the figure of a large head by itself, with two ==> pointing directly to it.

By whom these plates were deposited there, must ever remain a secret, unless some one skilled in deciphering hieroglyphics, may be found to unravel the mystery. Some pretend to say, that Smith the Mormon leader, has the ability to read them. If he has, he will confer a great favor on the public by removing the mystery which hangs over them. We learn there was a Mormon present when the plates were found, who it is said, leaped for joy at the discovery, and remarked that it would go to prove the authenticity of the Book of Mormon -- which it undoubtedly will.

In the place where these plates were deposited, were also found human bones in the last stage of decomposition; also some braid, which was at first supposed to be human hair, but on a closer examination proved to be grass; probably used as a covering for the bodies deposited there; this was also in the last stage of decay. There were but few bones found in the mound; and it is believed, that it was but the burial place of a small number, perhaps of a person, or a family of distinction, in ages long gone by, and that these plates contain the history of the times, or of a people, that existed far -- far -- beyond the memory of the present race. But we will not conjecture any thing about this wonderful discovery, as it is one which the plates alone can reveal.

On each side of this mound in which this discovery was made, was a mound, on one of which is a tree growing that measures two feet and a half in diameter, near the ground. -- Showing the great antiquity of the mounds, and of course, all that is buried within them. These mounds like others, that are found scattered all over the Mississippi valley, are in the form of a sugar loaf.

The plates above alluded to, were exhibited in this city last week, and are now, we understand, in Nauvoo, subject to the inspection of the Mormon Prophet. The public curiosity is greatly excited, and if Smith can decipher the hieroglyphics on the plates, he will do more towards throwing light on the early history of this continent, than any man now living.

Note 1: View the facsimile sheet of the Kinderhook plates, as published by the Nauvoo Neighbor in 1843. See also Rev. R. B. Neal's "The Champion Hoaxer Hoaxed," in the Apr. 20, 1907 issue of the Christian Standard and in the June, 1909 number of his Sword of Laban.

Note 2: On Sept. 3, 1856, the Salt Lake City Deseret News published the following sentences, as a part of its serialization of "The History of Joseph Smith": "I insert fac similes of the six brass plates found near Kinderhook, in Pike county, Illinois, on April 23, by Mr. R. Wiley and others, while excavating a large mound. They found a skeleton about six feet from the surface of the earth, which must have stood nine feet high. The plates were found on the breast of the skeleton, and were covered on both sides by ancient characters.... On the following week, the "History" continued this account, thusly: "I have translated a portion of them, and find they contain a history of the person with whom they were found. He was a descendant of Ham,through the loins of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and that he received his kingdom from the ruler of heaven and earth" (cf. LDS HC 5:374-375). Smith wrote very little of his published history and this entry was evidently inserted by its editors, from the Nauvoo Journal of William Clayton.

Note 3: Note 3: The source for the 1856 Smith paragraph was evidently an entry recorded in William Clayton's Journal, on May 1, 1843: "I have seen 6 brass plates which were found in Adams county, covered with ancient characters of language containing from 30 to 40 on each side of the plates. Prest J. has translated a portion and says they contain the history of the person with whom they were found and he was a descendant of Ham through the loins of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and that he received his kingdom from the ruler of heaven and earth." Compare the substance of the journal entry with a May 7, 1843 letter by Apostle Pratt: "Six plates having the appearance of Brass have lately been dug out of a mound by a gentleman in Pike Co. Illinois. They are small and filled with engravings in Egyptian language and contain the genealogy of one of the ancient Jaredites back to Ham the son of Noah" (The Ensign, Aug. 11, 1981, p 73).


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 10, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 3.


==> The young man Wiley, who found the plates spoken of last week, called upon us, and contradicts so much of our statement in reference to the same, wherein he is stated to have dreamed a dream three nights in succession, which led him to dig into the mound.

Note 1: Since Mr. Wiley and/or some of his accomplices in the Kinderhook Plates fraud later disavowed almost entirely their initial testimony in the matter, it is difficult to know whether Wiley was at the Whig office correcting his statement, or merely spinning the fraud out a bit more.

Note 2: It may be significant that, in a separate communication to the Nauvoo Times and Seasons, Messrs. Wiley, Fugate, et al. say nothing of dreams leading them to excavate the mound.


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., May 17, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 4.

(under construction)


Note: The May 18, 1843 issue of the Sangamo Journal says: "The person who found the plates in a mound in Pike county, has requested the Quincy Whig to correct that part of the statement which says he 'dreamed a treasure was buried in the mound.' He had no dream, but was impelled by curiosity to explore the mound." Since the detail about Mr. Wiley's "curiosity to explore the mound" was not printed in the Whig's notice of May 10th, that information probably appeared in its issue for May 17th -- no copy of which has yet been located for confirmation.


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 7, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 7.

==> A pleasure party from Nauvoo, numbering something like sixty couple[s], of the beauty and fashion of the place, visited our city on Saturday last, on the "Maid of Iowa," -- With the party came also, the head man of the Mormons -- the Prophet himself; who attracted the attention of citizens and strangers. -- We believe this is only the second time the Prophet has visited Quincy within the two years past. The former visit he has reasons to remember, for the trouble and annoyance that Carlin's Executive writ caused him.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 14, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 8.


Orren P. Rockwell, escaped from the Jail at Independence, Mo. some days since; but was retaken and returned to his prison. -- Sang. Jour.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., June 28, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 10.


More Whig Intrigue. -- On Saturday last an agent of Missouri presented to Gov. Ford, a demand from the Governor of Missouri for the arrest of Joseph Smith the Mormon prophet. -- This demand was founded on an indictment got up in Missouri against Smith for the old alleged treason of which he was formerly accused. There is some evidence already, and facts are fast developing, to excite the belief that this indictment has been procured to be found by the friends of Messrs. Browning & Walker, in the hopes that at this critical juncture of affairs the congressional election in two districts might be affected by it. It seems to have been the object of the two gentlemen engaged in this matter to compel the Governor of Illinois to issue a warrant against Smith at this particular time, so as to insense the Mormons and insure their votes for Browning & Walker. They foresaw that the Governor would be compelled by the constitution to issue a warrant; but it remains to be seen whether their villanous scheme will succeed.

If we rightly remember, Smith and the Mormons were driven from Missouri by force of arms. If this fact is susceptible of proof, Smith could not, in any sense, be considered a fugitive from justice; and we give it as our individual opinion, that this fact, if proved, the warrant issued against him in this instance ought to be revoked. -- State Register.

The above from the State Register of Friday last, is about as fair a specimen of meanness -- pure, unadulterated meanness -- as we have seen in print for a long time. It is probably correct that a demand has been made upon Gov. Ford by the Missouri authorities, for the person of Joseph Smith -- and that is all the truth, there is in the article. If there was any evidence to show that the indictment upon which the demand is predicated, was "procured to be found by the whig friends of Messrs. Browning and Walker," does any sensible man believe that the venal and corrupt editors of the Register would withhold it from the public? No. They would have scattered all the information they had of such a transaction to the four winds, for the purpose of influincing the Mormon vote against Walker and Browning. It would have been most rare capital for these mercenaries to use against the whig party and the whig candidates. If any party or body of men are engaged in harrassing Smith and the Mormons, with these perscenting demands for his person, be assured it is not the whigs, nor the whig candidates. The Mormons themselves know probably the sources from whence all these demands spring, without the aid of the vile and false insinuations of the Register. These demands are of Missouri origin entirely -- and as for this last one, of which the Register speaks, none of Mr. Browning or Walker's friends knew of it, until they saw the article quoted above.

But the object of this statement in the Register is readily understood. It is for the purpose of aiding Douglass and Hoge in procuring the votes of the Mormons! -- But the object will fail -- that people are not so easily galled as the Register imagines -- and although we know not how they will vote in the election for Congress -- whether for Walker or Hoge, or Douglass or Browning -- we dare say they will not be influenced in their choice by this flimsy lie of the State Register....

Walters' Last.

The Editor of the State Register says that the Governor of Missouri has demended of Gov. Ford, the apprehension and delivery of Prophet Smith, for trial in that State, on a charge of treason -- and [alleges?] that Messrs. Browning and Walker were the instigators of this plot for the purpose of incensing the Mormons against Gov. Ford and his Locofoco party, and securing to themselves the Mormon vote. Now we always knew that Browning and Walker were [emanent?] for their great talents and influence, but we never knew until now, that their talents and influence was so very great as to mould Tom Benton, Gov. Reynolds, and the whole democratic party of Missouri to their will and wishes, and render them subservient to the defeat of their Locofoco brethren in Illinois. What an exalted opinion Walters must have of his democratic friends in Missouri, when he charges them indirectly with being bribed and corrupted by such strong and notorious whigs as O. H. Browning and Cyrus Walker. Walters must be a great Jackass if he supposes that this shallow fabrication of his, will influence in the least particular, the intelligent portion of the Mormons.

We presume that this writ will be held in terrorem over the heads of the Mormons, until after the election -- then if they vote for Douglass and Hogue -- the demand of the writ will not be attended to -- if however, they should be so independent and fearless as to cast their vote for Browning and Walker, look out for squalls.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 5, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 11.


JOSEPH SMITH, the Mormon Prophet, who has been apprehended in obedience to a writ issued by Gov. Ford, has been set at liberty.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 12, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 12.


==> The State Register is out again with the ridiculous charge that Messrs. Browning and Walker are the instigators of the late demand of Missouri, for the person of JOSEPH SMITH. The joke of the matter is, the Register asserts that the notorious Gen. John C. Bennett is also in the conspiracy with them! This will appear very plausible and probable when we state, that this John C. Bennett is one of the bitterest locofocos in the land! -- and it certainly looks very reasonable to suppose that he would league with such strong whigs as Browning and Walker, to break down his own party in this State. But the mean, false and contemptible lie of the Register is unworthy of further notice, for we presume there is not a man in the State, of either party, that puts the least reliance upon it.

For the Whig.

I left Quincy on theglorious fourth on board the splendid steamer Annawan, Capt. Whitney, in company with a large number of ladies and gentlemen of this city, on a pleasure excursion to the far-famed city of Nauvoo. The kindness of the officers of the boat, and the hearty welcome received from the citizens of Nauvoo on our arrival there, induces me to return to each and all of them my own, and the thanks of every passenger on board the Annawan; as I am sure all alike feel gratified for the pleasure they experienced. We left Quincy at half past 8 -- arrived at Warsaw about 12, where we were invited by the citizens, through Gen. Knox the marshal of the day, to partake of a barbecue. (which I learn was a sumptuous and elegant one,) but as most of our company were attracted up the river by the Nauvoo magnet, we declined the invitation. We reached Nauvoo at about 2 o'clock, P. M., where we received an invitation from the Prophet to attend the delivering of an oration, which was accepted, and two companies of the legion were sent to escort us to a grove (on the hill near the temple) where the oration was to be delivered. When we reached the brow of the hill we received a salute from a gun there stationed, and proceeded on to the grove, where we were welcomed in a cordial and happy manner by the prophet and his people. The large concourse of people assembled to celebrate the day which gave birth to American Independence convinced me that the Mormons have been most grossly slandered; and that they respect, cherish and love the free institutions of our country, and appreciate the sacrifices and bloodshed of those patriots who established them. I never saw a more orderly, gentlemanly, and hospitable people than the mormons, nor a more enterprising population, as the stirring appearance of their city indicates. Nauvoo is destined to be -- under the influence and enterprise of such citizens as it now contains, and her natural adsvantages -- a populous, wealthy and manufacturing city.

The services of the day were opened with a chaste and appropriate prayer, by an elder whose name I do not know, which was followed by rich strains of vocal and instrumental music; then followed the oration, which was an elegant, eloquent and pathetic one, as much so as I ever heard on a similar occasion. We started home about six o'clock, all evidently much pleased with Nauvoo, and gratified by their kind reception by her citizens.
                    A CITIZEN OF QUINCY.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., July 19, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 13.

==> The Herald of this city, follows in the wake of the State Register, in charging that the late arrest of Joseph Smith, "was a deep laid scheme, got up by the whig party for political effect." The whig party in this State must have an influence most astonishing truly, to have opperated upon such strong locos as stand at the head of the civil power in Missouri...

The Herald gives an extract from an address, said to have been delivered at Springfield by Elder Adams, a Mormon. The Sangamo Journal speaks of this address in the following terms:

MR. ADAMS' ADDRESS. -- Mr. Adams, a Mormon Missionary, and a man of decided talent, recently delivered two addresses to our citizens from the door of the State House. The first was devoted to religious doctrines, and the second to Mormon persecutions. The last Register gives what it states to be a sketch of this last address, and puts language in the mouth of Mr. Adams which he never used. Mr. Adams did not mention the Sangamo Journal in his speech -- he never asserted that the last arrest of Smith was the work of the whigs. The remarks published in the Register as coming from him on this subject, he never used....

The Register makes Mr. Adams say that he approved of the conduct of the Governor in ordering the arrest of Smith. The Nauvoo paper takes a different view of this matter. It says that a discretion lies with a Governor -- that the Governor of Missouri refused to give up some individuals in that State, who had committed outrages on the Illinois side of the Mississippi river -- and that the Governor of this State had discretionary power in relation to the Missouri requisition. All the movements in this affair -- from the issuing of the writ, down to the false representations of the speech of Mr. Adams in the Register, show that it was got up by loco focos to effect the coming election. Our opponents can rarely suffer an election to be decided on the grounds of principles. They prefer to rely upon some trick -- some scheme -- for success.

==> It is the settled policy of certain white-livered, soul-less Loco Focos, to lay hold of every occasion, no matter how inappropriate, for the furtherance of party interests.... Who does not remember the endeavors of these pitiful mountebanks, to arrogate to themselves all the credit of assisting the Mormons, when they were driven out of Missouri? Who does not remember the then Governor, entertaining them in his house, riding with them about the streets, passing whole days in their religious meetings! Who has not seen that same Governor, when the Mormons refused to vote as he ordered, persecuting them so far as he could, and venting his impotent rage in abuse of the whole people?

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 9, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 16.



The stage driver brings news from Nauvoo, that the whole Mormon vote had been cast for Hoge, the locofoco candidate. His majority in that precinct is 1260. If this account is correct, the election of Walker, in the 6th district, is extremely doubtful.

A VISITOR. -- Gov. Ford, of Illinois has been in town for several days past, and departs, as we are informed, this morning. He says he has decided on not furnishing the agent of Missouri with a detachment of militia to arrest Joe Smith. We could not ascertain that the Governor was on any more important mission here than the purchase of a few lottery tickets. -- St. Louis Rep., Aug. 2.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., August 23, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 18.

The Election.

The returns of the different Congressional Districts are not all received. -- Enough is ascertained, however, to make it certain that the result in the seven districts of the State, has terminated as the legislature that Gerrymandered them intended, and as almost every body expected, viz: Six locos and one whig member....

In the Sixth district, it is probable that Hoge, the locofoco candidate, is elected by a few hundred votes. The Mormons have settled the question in this district. -- The Rock River counties, with the exception of Lee, have given majorities for Walker, but not in sufficient numbers to offset the heavy Mormon vote.... The district is largely whig, but so little of a turn out was there, that Hardin's majority will not probably go over 800.

Note: It might be wondered how the Nauvoo Mormons, who could muster less than 1% of the vote, at any one time, in the State of Illinois, could be an important factor in Illinois politics? Part of the answer to that question comes from the fact that they chose to "gather" in a lightly populated county in a part of the state where the Whigs enjoyed a wavering political majority. Illinois politicians had no way of knowing just how many Mormons might flock to Nauvoo and Hancock county during the 1840s, but it seemed possible that they might soon become the "swing vote" in Hancock county, and perhaps also in Adams county -- a vote that, were it swung in favor of the Democrats, might defeat the Whigs in one of their few Illinois strongholds. The 1843 Congressional election in Illinois made real the Whigs' worst fears -- when Mr. Walker, a Whig candidate logically appealing to the Mormons, was defeated by an LDS block-vote, thrown to the Democrats near the end of the campaign. This move, on the part of Joseph Smith and his followers, magnified the relatively minor LDS voter numbers in the light of the election aftermath, making the Mormons appear much more formidable a political force than their numbers, state-wide, actually warranted


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Sept. 6, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 20.


The last Independence Expositor says:

ORIN PORTER ROCKWELL, the Mormon confined in our county jail, some time since, for the attempted assassination of Ex-Governor Boggs, was indicted by our last grand jury, for escaping from the county jail some weeks since, and sent to Clay county for trial. Owing, however, to informality in the proceedings, he was remanded to this county again for trial.

There was not sufficient proof adduced against him, to predicate an indictment for shooring Ex-Gov. Boggs, and the grand jury therefore did not indict him for that offence.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Sept. 27, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 23.


... The Mormons when they came to this state were small as to number -- by their statements of persecutions at the hands of the people of Missouri; the sympathies of our people were warmly excited in their behalf, the hand of charity was freely held out to them, but since their residence here, their society has largely increased as to numbers, and instead of acting the part of quiet, law loving people, grateful for the sympathies which had been extended towards them in their misfortunes, their leaders assumed to dictate towards them in their misfortunes, and to control the local elections of their vicinity as well as to screen their people in the perpetration of crime....

Note: This issue of the Whig has not yet been located to verify the above excerpt (as copied from reprints in other 1843 newspapers).


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Oct. 4, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 24.


THE LAST CASE AT NAUVOO. -- We stated in our last that Joe Smith had caned and otherwise abused one of our citizens, at Nauvoo, on the previous Sunday.

The circumstances, as we have been informed, are briefly these:

Mr. Bennett, the individual alluded to, in company with one or two others from this place, were at Nauvoo, in attendance upon public preaching, near the Temple. Bennett and his companion were engaged in some conversation about the time of day, when the Prophet, who happened to be near, came blustering up, and seizing him by the collar, led him out of the crowd. -- After letting go, Bennett turned to speak to him, when Smith commenced beating him with his cane, declaring that, if he didn't shut his mouth, he would cane him out of the corporation. Bennett came home, and on Tuesday made complaint before Justice Rockwell for assault and battery. A writ was issued, and put into the hands of Mr. Charles, Constable, who on appearing before the Prophet on Wednesday, was coolly told that he was too late! He had procured an arrest, and had a trial before a Nauvoo court, and was discharged. So that chapter was ended. We leave our readers to make their own comments. -- Warsaw Message.

Notes: (forthcoming)


By John H. Pettit.]                Quincy, Illinois, Oct. 4, 1843.                 [Vol. 3. No. ?


... The Mormons when they came to this state were small as to number -- by their statements of persecutions at the hands of the people of Missouri; the sympathies of our people were warmly excited in their behalf, the hand of charity was freely held out to them, but since their residence here, their society has largely increased as to numbers, and instead of acting the part of quiet, law loving people, grateful for the sympathies which had been extended towards them in their misfortunes, their leaders assumed to dictate towards them in their misfortunes, and to control the local elections of their vicinity as well as to screen their people in the perpetration of crime.

It is truly amusing to hear the organ of O. H. Browning denouncing the Mormons as disturbers of the peace and violators of the law for dictating to their former benefactors and controlling the elections of the country.

But a few months have elapsed since the junto here dispatched a messenger to Nauvoo to induce these very Mormon leaders to control the election in his congressional district, under written instructions from Nauvoo, in pursuance of an understanding between the leaders here and there to that effect. Before the election the Mormons were all that is pure, moral, honest and patriotic; but now they are accused by the same men of "trampling upon the laws, and by their arrogant, dictatorial and turbulent conduct, creating discord, confusion and perhaps civil war.

Note: The above excerpt is credited to the Quincy Herald -- no copy of this issue is available for confirmation of the source.


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Oct. 11, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 25.

==> The Herald has an article in reference to the Mormons, which is any thing but correct or candid. We have never flattered the Mormons for the purpose of securing their votes for Mr. Browning. -- They voted for that gentleman, we suppose, because they considered him, by far, the most talented of the two candidates for Congress. Neither was there a "messenger" despatched." that we ever heard of, from this place to Nauvoo, previous to the election, to induce the Mormon leaders to dictate to their followers in this district, to vote for Mr. Browning against Judge Douglass. When we advocated the cause of the Mormons, it was long before the editor of the Herald set his foot upon the soil of Illinois, and of course, he can know but little of the circumstances of the period we allude to -- that cause was then, as we sincerely believed, the cause of humanity, of charity; -- but because we once spoke in their favor, as we should do again under similar circumstances, it is unreasonable to suppose that we should defend or uphold them in the abuse of privileges granted them -- in disregarding the laws of the State -- and in violations of the personal and private rights of citizens. We beg the editor of the Herald to understand an other thing, viz: that this press is an independent one, so far as there is any connection between it and leading politicians; it will endeavor to be the "echo" of the principles of the whig party, but it is under the control of no individual or combination of individuals, and probably never will be so long as we have our present health, strength and vigor. Mr. Thompson goes beyond the limits of ordinary courtesy, in charging or insinuating, that we were but "echoing" the sentiments of Mssrs. Browning and Jones, in the article from which he quotes on the Mormon question. We expect to be answerable for our political sins, and have no desire that others should shoulder them for us.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Oct. 18, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 26.

THE MORMON PROPHET. -- The following sketch of Joe Smith is by the Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette.

Judging from his conversation, manner and appearance, I should think him a man of small capacity, smaller acquirements, and a dupe to his own impostures. His language is rude and vulgar, and his conduct is light and trifling. He is fond of his own jokes, and low wit, and laughs immoderately when he thinks he has said a good thing. He is a large fleshy man, with a fine blue eye, large and sensual looking mouth and lips, with an evident predominance of the animal propensities.

It was surprising to see the awe with which his followers approached him and with hat in hand, contrasted with the cavalier and heartless style of his treatment to them. A poor man met him at the door while I was there, and with evident trepidation addressed the prophet. He wished to obtain some information as to what he had best to do with his family, having just arrived. "Had I better come into the town, and settle on one of the lots, or stay on the prairies?"

"If you are going to farm it, you had better stay on the prairies," was the reply of the prophet.

"I wish to buy a piece of land for which I will pay trade of various [lan]ds to the amount of five hundred dollars; will you sell some?"

"My lands are all good titles and I must have the money for them," was the reply of the prophet, as he turned on his heel and left the man to reflect on the christian politeness and courtesy of one who he esteemed a prophet of the Lord, and to obey whom he had left early home and braved the hardships of a Western life. -- It is surprising that the conduct of the pretended prophet does not open the eyes of his poor deluded followers. But they seem to be perfectly blinded. "Joe" is profane and vulgar in his conversation, and frequently gets drunk, and yet he is venerated as the favorite of Heaven, and his revelations put on a par with divine writ.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Nov. 1, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 28.


It is a curious feature in the human mind, and wonderfully illustrative of its proclivity to evil, the most successful impostors, especially in matters of religious faith, aregenerally the very kind of men whose delusions ought to be the most easily seen through and scouted. Courtney, Matthias, Jonna Southcote, Jacob the White Quaker, and many others who have led thousands astray, were ignorant uncouth in manners, rude in speech, and utterly incapable of sustaining themselves against intelligent investigation; yet they succeeded in deceiving many whose intelligence and judgment, in ordinary matters, were far superior to their own. And this seems to be the case, too, with the Mormon impostor, as we find him described by the Editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette, who has recently made a visit to the Mormon capitol. He says:--

The next morning after breakfast, we paid a visit to the prophet. We were received in a common sitting room, very plainly furnished, where the prophet and the older members of the family had just been breakfasting, and his numerous children and dependants were then sitting at the table. He received us in a good humored, friendly manner, asked us [to] sit down, and said he hoped for a better acquaintance. On the gentleman who accompanied me asking him how he prospered, he replied: "None can get ahead of me and few can keep behind me." -- He seemed to think that he had said something very witty, for he laughed very heartily. We spent an hour conversing on various subjects, the prophet himself with amazing volubility, occupying most of the time, and his whole theme was himself. --

Let us give whatever turn to the conversation, he would adriotly bring it back to himself. The gentleman who accompanied me is a strong Whig, and as the Mormon vote had been given at the recent election to the locofoco candidate for Congress, thereby defeating Cyrus Walker, Esq., who had defended "Joe" in several law suits with the Missourians, the conversation took a political turn at first. "Joe" professed to be a great friend of Mr. Walker, and said he had voted for him, but would not interfere with his people in the matter.

He said he had never asked the Lord anything about politics, if he had done so, the Lord would have told him what to do. "The Lord," said he, "has promised to give us wisdom, and when I lack wisdom, I ask of the Lord, and he tells me, and if he didn't tell me, I would say he was a liar. That's the way I feel. But I never asked Him anything about politics. I am a whig, and I am a Clay man. I am made of clay, and I am tending to clay, and I am going to vote for Henry Clay, that's the way I feel. (A laugh.) But I won't interfer with my people religiously, to affect their votes, though I might, to elect Mr. Clay, for he ought to be President. -- I have sworn by the eternal gods -- it's no harm to swear by the gods, because there is none -- if there is only one God, there can't be gods, and its no harm to swear by nothing -- (a laugh) -- I have sworn by the eternal gods that I will never vote for a democrat, and I intend to swear my children, putting their hands under the thigh, as Abraham swore Isaac, that they will never vote for a democrat in all their generations. It is the meanest lowest party in all creation.

There are five sixths of my people so led away by the euphonius term 'democrat,' that they will vote the locofoco ticket. I am a democrat myself. I am a Washington democrat, a Jefferson democrat, a Jackson democrat, and I voted for Harrison, and I am going to vote for Clay. The locofocos are no democrats, but the meanest lowest tyrannical beings in the world. They oppressed me in Missouri, and took me prisoner, and were going to shoot me for treason, and I had never committed any treason whatever. I never had anything bigger than a jack-knife about me, and they took me prisoner of war, and had twenty men to guard me. -- I had nothing to do with fighting, Our men six hundred strong, were in arms under Col. Hinkle. When the Missourians came marching up, Col. Hinckle ordered us to retreat, when I lifted up my hand, and said, "boys, I think we won't go yet we'll stand our ground," and they stood firm, but Col. Hinckle run like the very devil. For doing this they charge me with treason."

In this manner the prophet went on talking incessantly. Speaking of Revelations, he stated that when he was in a quandry he asked the Lord for a revelation, and when he could not get it he "followed the dictates of his own judgement which were as good as any revelation to him; but he never gave anything to his people as revelation, unless it was a revelation, and the Lord did reveal himself to him." Running on in this voluble style, he said:

"The world persecutes me, it has always persecuted me. The people at Carthage, in a public meeting said, 'as for Joe, he's a fool but he has a few smart men about him.' I'm glad they give me so much credit. It is not every fool that has sense enough to get smart men about him. The Lord does reveal himself to me. I know it. He revealed himself first to me when I was about fourteen years old, a mere boy. I will tell you. There was a reformation among the different religious denominations in the neighborhood where I lived, and I became serious, and was desirious to know what church to join. 

While thinking of this matter, I opened the Testament promiscuously on these words, in James, 'ask of the Lord who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not.' I just determined I'd ask him. I immediately went out into the woods where my father had a clearing, and went to the stump where I had stuck my axe when I quit work, and I kneeled down, and prayed, saying, O Lord, what church shall I join? Directly I saw a light, and then a glorious personage in the light, and then another personage, and the first personage said to [of?] the second, behold my beloved Son, hear him. -- I then addressed this second person, saying O Lord, what church shall I join? He replied, 'Don't join any of them, they are all corrupt.' The vision then vanished, and when I came to myself, I was sprawling on my back and it was sometime before my strength returned.

When I went home and told the people that I had a revelation, and that all the churches were corrupt, they persecuted me, and they have persecuted me ever since. They thought to put me down, but they haven't succeeded, and they can't do it. When I have proved that I am right, and got all the world subdued under me, I think I shall deserve something. My revelations have proved to be true, because they have been delivered before they came to pass, and they came to pass exactly. I had a revelation in Missouri which was fulfilled to the letter. The Missourians had got us all prisoners, and were threatening to kill us. The principal men of us were lying under a log, with a guard standing around us. In the night I fell into a trance. I call it a trance. I heard a voice which said, Joseph, fear not, you and all your friends shall be delivered without harm, and shall yet stand upon the hills of Zion.

When I awoke out of the trance I aroused Elder Rigdon, who was by the side of me, and I said, I have a revelation -- we shall all escape. Elder Rigdon shouted, and told it to the next one, and in the morning it was told to my family and all our friends, and they all rejoiced. That revelation came to pass, although they were holding a council at the time I had the trance, and had resolved to kill me. They can't harm me. I told my family lately, before I left home for Dixon, that if I was taken up the Lord would deliver me -- didn't I Emma? -- (appealing to his wife, who was standing behind his chair, playing with his hair, and who answered in the affirmative) -- and when they took me I was passive in their hands, and the Lord compelled them to bring me right to Nauvoo. They couldn't help themselves, although they knashed their teeth with rage."

Speaking of the temple, which he is erecting he said, "I don't know how the world will like it; it suits me; I have no book learning; I'm not capacitated to build according to the world; I know nothing about architecture, and all that, but it pleases me; that's the way I feel."

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Dec. 13, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 34.


==> We have received from Nauvoo, a pamphlet entitled, "General Joseph Smith's Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys." -- General Joseph was born in Sharon, Vermont, in 1805, and consequently is 38 years of age at this time. We gather this from reading the first line of the "Appeal," and that is as far as we have got.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Bartlett & Sullivan.]         Quincy, Illinois, Wed., Dec. 27, 1843.         [Vol. 6 - No. 36.


NAUVOO CITY COUNCIL -- GEN. JOSEPH SMITH -- SPECIAL PRIVILEGES, &c. -- The last "Nauvoo Neighbor." contains several ordinances passed by the City Council of that city, and among others, one entitled, "An extra ordinance for the extra case of Joseph Smith and others." The preamble to this ordinance sets forth, that Joseph Smith has been greatly harrassed by the persecutions of his enemies, and by the repeated requisitions of Missouri for his person, and therefore it is enacted,  "that hereafter, if any person or persons shall come with process, demand or requisition, founded upon the aforesaid Missouri difficulties, to arrest said Smith, he or they shall be subject to be arrested by any officer of the city, with or without process, and tried by the Municipal Court upon testimony, and if found guilty, sentenced to imprisonment in the City Prison for life, which convict or convicts, can only be pardoned by the Governor, with the consent of the Mayor of said city."

Here is a pretty kettle of fish, truly! -- Gov. Ford must keep quiet hereafter with his "processes, demand and requisitions," or if his officers should dare invade the dominions of General Joseph, an example will be made of them instanter -- the[ir] liberties shall be taken from them forever! The Nauvoo City Council hath said it! and the enactments of the City Council, are backed up by the bayonets of the Legion! so says a Mormon. It is, indeed it is, a shame and a pity, that the locofoco authorities of Missouri and Illinois, will not let the poor, inoffensive, defenceless, quiet, law-abiding Mormons, rest in quiet in their new found Jerusalem! Even Gov. Ford shall bestow an act of clemency without the consent of the "Mayor of Nauvoo," so says this City Council!

This same City Council and "Joseph Smith, Mayor, "have passed another ordinance, entitled, "An ordinance for the health and convenience of travellers, and other persons." This ordinance sets forth that the "Mayor of the city, (Joseph Smith,) be and is hereby authorized to sell or give spirits, of any quantity, as he in his widsom shall judge to be for the health, comfort or convenience of such travellers or other persons, as shall visit his house from time to time."

How charitable this towards the "travellers and other persons!" How "convenient" for the "Mayor of the City" -- General Joseph himself!

This is really an amusing specimen of humbug of the shallowest description, when it is recollected, that "General Joseph Smith, Commander of the Nauvoo Legion," "Mayor of the City," "Prophet in these last days," &c. &c. &c. &c. is a hotel keeper, and craves the loose change that usually drops from the passing traveller -- (particularly those who have not taken the "Pledge") -- in passing through our cities and towns. Truly, 'tis an amusing sight to see the great (!) and titled (!) men of the earth (!) stooping to the low condition of retailing Whiskey at a picayune a dram! How art thou fallen mighty Joseph!

Notes: (forthcoming)


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