(Newspapers of Illinois)

Adams County, Illinois

Quincy Whig, Herald, &c.
1847-49 Articles

Quincy, Illinois, Steamboat Landing, 1850s

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Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  January 13, 1847.               No. 39.


We frequently have heard the suggestion that some public demonstration should be made by the people of Hancock County, in honor of our fellow-citizens who lost their lives in unhappy difficulties of the Mormons. The suggestion is a very reasonable one. It is right that our citizens should in some manner, express their regard for those who were thus ruthlessly snatched away from them. It is right that they should demonstrate to the world that they revere the memories of the slain, and that they mean to defend them against all unjust imputations, come from what quarter they may.

We do not claim for them any rare or extraordinary virtues -- any transcendent talents -- any remarkable deeds of valor. We claim not they were more worthy than many of their fellow-citizens, who have gone before them to that "borne whence no traveler returns." We only claim for them the reputation of honest and honorable citizens; and as such deserving to have that reputation shielded from the shafts of calumny. They were engaged in the same cause with the mass of their fellow-citizens of the county; and their fame has [now] become common property, in the preservation of which we are equally interested

Who in Hancock County lost, in these struggles? She has lost --

Dr. Samuel Marshal,
Franklin A. Worrel,
Samuel McBratney,
Andrew Daubenheyer,
_______ Wilcox,
_______ Humphrey,
all of whom fell by the hand of violence, and all of whom were honest and worthy men, and good citizens.

In what way shall the people of Hancock express their regard for the memory of these murdered men? What plan shall we adopt? Most proper for the occasion, and most in accordance with our means.

This a question which all the citizens of the county are concerned. Many have already expressed an interest in the matter. We call public attention to it at this time, in order that there may be a free interchange of thought and opinion. Hoping, in the meantime, to hear from others on the subject, we postpone any further remarks to a future occasion, when we shall probably submit a proposition for consideration of our readers. -- Warsaw Signal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  January 27, 1847.               No. 41.


HONOR TO THE DEAD. -- The Warsaw Signal recommends that a plain column as a Monument, be erected in Hancock, on some eligible point at [an] expense of a few hundred dollars, in memory of the virtues of those who were murdered by the Mormons. As to the means, the editor proposes that a handsomely bound book be provided in which to record the names of contributors, with certificates for each, stating the amount, and the purpose for which it was paid, and when full to be deposited and kept in the office of the County Recorder, as a memorial -- no individual to contribute more than 50 cents, that all who desire may have an opportunity to share in the work. A committee of ten to be appointed -- five at the county seat and five from the country -- who with the treasurer, to be a building committee, to plan, contract, construct, and pay for the same, and finally make report of their proceedings.

We think the suggestion a good one. Let the monument be erected on the highest bluff in the county -- if possible, within sight of the Mormon Temple, that the wayfarer in future time, as he gazes upon the one evidence of the Mormon folly, can in the same view, take in the Monument erected in memory of those who have fallen victims to Mormon vengence and cruelty. -- We have no doubt there are a great number in this county who will contribute their share towards the proposed work. Contributors in this county can leave their contributions at this office, -- and they shall be held as a sacred trust for the purpose -- and if the project is abandoned, shall be returned to the contributors. Our contribution is always ready.

The Quincy Whig -- we are glad to perceive -- seems to be making a living for its worthy proprietors. It is conducted with much industry and tact. May it live a hundred years! -- (Warsaw Signal.)

Thank you. Now that the incubus of Mormonism is removed from Hancock, it will not be many years ere that county ranks among the first in the State as to wealth and prosperity. -- And although our friends of the Signal have suffered in common with their fellow citizens of the county, we confidently predict better prospects ahead....

We see any number of petitions are presented to the Legislature from individuals, praying for compensation for service in the Mormon war. The State, of course, is under obligations to pay for such service, and it is but right that she should. To use an expression of that celebrated author of a "Brief History of the leading causes" -- (we hope his "allfactories" will not be disturbed by the allusion) -- it will require a "big pile" of the "almighty dollar," to foot the bill brought upon the State by those pets of Gov. Ford -- the Mormons.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  February 3, 1847.               No. 42.


THE MORMON CHURCH AT VOREE, WISCONSON. -- The Strangite portion of the Mormon Church at Voree, Wisconson, seems to be increasing in numbers, under the dispensation of the new and true Prophet, J. J. Strang -- They have established a paper at Voree, entitled 'Zion's Reveille,' which purports to be the organ of the Church. It seems from this paper that many of the leading Mormons, who were Joe Smith's 'right-hand men' in his most prosperous days, are now at Voree and taking a leading part under the Strang dispensation. Among them are Dr. John C. Bennett, Geo. J. Adams, John Greenhow, and others. The new paper purports to be edited by Greenhow, but it is probably edited by Dr. Bennett.

From this paper it appears that young Joseph Smith, the eldest son of the "martyred prophet," a boy about 15 years of age, has been appointed one of the first Presidents of the Church, "by revelation," in place of his uncle, Hyrum; and William Marks has been appointed his coadjutor in like manner, viz: "by revelation." The first Presidency consists of Jas. J. Strang, "in place of Joseph Smith, martyred," (to use the words of the Reveille,) -- Geo. J. Adams, in place of Sidney Rigdon, apostatized, -- and Joseph Smith, the younger, in place of Hyrum Smith, 'martyred," and William Smith, the only remaining brother of Hyrum and Joseph, is the chief Patriarch, &c.

Voree, it also appears, is to be built up as one of the stakes of Zion, according to "fulfilment of revelation" -- and Big Beaver Island in Lake Michigan is to be the great corner stone of Zion according to "another revelation."

It is painful to reflect that another difficulty is in embryo with the Mormons, but we cannot escape the conviction to which all past experiences compels, that another difficulty will and surely must grow out of the settlement of that people in a body in the midst of any community. The past in their case is a pretty certain index of the future. Already respectable papers are noticing this "new stake in Zion," in terms of commendation -- applauding the industry and enterprise of the new settlement at Voree -- and giving high praise at Strang, as a surprising genuine -- of "great fluency of speech, high forehead, great suavity of manners," and all that. The tendency of all this is to deceive and mislead the credulous -- encourage the emigration to that point of the abandoned, the knavish, the unprincipled -- and thus build up another resort for thieves, and scoundrels at Voree -- when the whole community will again, as the late instance, become so exasperated against them, that the one party or the other will be compelled to abandon the soil -- and thus will the learned author of the "Leading Causes," have another opportunity of displaying his literary abilities.

The Warsaw Signal in relation to this Mormon settlement makes the following prophecy:

"In view of all these matters, we have a prediction to make, and we ask the readers to mark it -- particularly those editors who have regarded the doings of the people of Hancock with such holy horror. It is this -- That in five years time the Mormons will be driven from Wisconsin, root and branch! Mark it! We do not claim to be a prophet or the son of a prophet, but can see, in the fool-hardy career of these miserable dupes and knaves, and the action of other citizens towards them, an inevitable tendency to such a result."

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  March 10, 1847.               No. 47.


THE MORMONS IN IOWA. -- The ruling passion appears to be strong with the people wherever they locate. The editor of the Burlington Hawkeye, corresponding with his paper from Iowa City, notices an arrival at that city of a delegation of the brethren, under rather unfavorable auspices. Iowa, from present appearances, is in a fair way to become as much excited on the subject of Mormon thieving, as were the "wicked populous" of Hancock. The Gentiles of Iowa ought to be ashamed of themselves for "persecuting" the Saints for stealing their property. Where is the author of the "Leading Causes?"

We had quite an influx of distinguished strangers on Friday night. They proved to be a delegation of seven Mormon horse theives, store breakers, and counterfeiters from Van Buren and Davis counties. They were accompanied by the Sheriff, guards, lawyers and witnesses, which made the company quite large. The prisoners were all manacled, and the music they made with their chains as they came by my room in going up and down stairs was much less harmonious than that made by the Swiss Bell ringers I do assure you. They came up on a writ of habeas corpus and were examined before Judge Mason on Saturday. All but one were remanded back to jail, unless they are able when they get to Van Buren to give bail. Van Buren and the contiguous counties have been much infested the present season with these prisoners and their accomplices. Fifteen, I believe, have been arrested. A large number of horses have been stolen and the people in that region have become much excited about it. Those Mormons who have settled in large numbers in Davis county, while professedly on their way to California, as well as those who have stopped in Van Buren and other counties, are likely to give the people of the Des Moines Valley as much trouble as they did the folks in Hancock county, Illinois. A part of their religion, is to rob the Gentiles, and yet the New York Tribune undertakes their vindication! They are complete outlaws and the "Republic" of Des Moines Valley will be apt to treat them as such if they don't behave themselves."

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  March 17, 1847.               No. 48.


BURCH AT LARGE! -- The notorious Robert H. Burch, one of the gang concerned in the murder of Col. Davenport, of Rock Island, who was waiting his trial, which was to take place at the next sitting of the Court, broke jail on the night of the 2nd inst., from the jail of Knox county, at Knoxville. We were informed by the Sheriff of Knox county, that he made his escape by removing in some way the flooring of his cell, and so digging his way to the outer wall, which was composed of heavy stone work; and he removed, by what means is to us a wonder, heavy stones from the wall, and through which he, with another prisoner, made his escape. -- Mon. Atlas.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. IX.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  March 31, 1847.               No. 50.


There is likely to be a difficulty between the Mormons and the Indians in the Upper Missouri. The "Leading Cause" is, that the brethren have taken some of their habits with them from Hancock, and cannot leave the property of even the poor Indians unmolested.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  May 19, 1847.               No. 5.


The Mormons have commenced a paper in California, at a place called Yerba Buena. It is conducted by one S. Brannan, who is said to have been brought up by Joe Smith, and of course well qualified to unfold the tenets of the saints.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  June 16, 1847.               No. 9.


We learn from the Warsaw Signal, that the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo, is finally sold to a committee of the Catholic Church for $75,000. The assent of the Bishop was required before the bargain would be complete.

It is supposed that Emma Smith, the widow of the Prophet, and her children have an interest in the Temple, which has never been surrendered.

The last remaining Mormons, some thirty or forty families under the charge of D. H. Wells, had left Nauvoo to join the California expedition. Babbitt & Co. still remain, however, as agents of the Church. We hear certain individuals are in limbo in Nauvoo, for counterfeiting county orders, among other things. Can the Signal enlighten us?

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  June 23, 1847.               No. 10.


We hear certain individuals are in limbo in Nauvoo, for counterfeiting County orders, among other things. Can the Signal enlighten us? -- (Quincy Whig).

Yes -- we can explain that certain individuals have been in limbo, not in Nauvoo but in Carthage, for counterfeiting county orders. The Sheriff made a large haul of these bank orders some time since in the city, which had not yet been filled out and put into circulation. They are of Nauvoo print; but whether they were printed during the existence of the Neighbor, Eagle, or Citizen, has not transpired. -- Warsaw Signal.

A man by the name of Jackson, well known in Hancock county, in connection with the Mormons, died at Vera Cruz, lately. So says the N. O. Picayune.

Capt. Backenstos, in the last Sangamo Journal certifies to the good conduct and bravery of Lieut. Davis, who fell at the battle of Cerro Gordo. Who certifies to the good conduct and bravery of Capt. Backenstos?

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  September 15, 1847.               No. 22.


In the last 'Reveille' of the Strang dy-NASTY, at Voree, we find the following:

"It becomes our painful duty to give public notice that William Smith, the Patriarch, has been sometime since suspended pending a trial on charge of gross immorality."

"Bill" seems to be a 'Saint' and a 'Sinner' by turns with great regularity -- dividing service as near equally as possible between the Devil and the Devil's Viceregent. -- Warsaw Signal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  October 13, 1847.               No. 27.


A new Democratic paper entitled the "Hancock Patriot," by J. McKee, has made its appearance at Nauvoo. The editor says Nauvoo is fast filling up with men of substance and respectability, and will one day be a place of considerable importance.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  December 22, 1847.               No. 37.

Supreme J. Court -- Boston.

Divorced from a Woman who had become
the "Spiritual Wife" of a Mormon Leader. --

Henry Cobb vs. Augusta Cobb. This was a libel alleging crim-con on the part of the respondent with Brigham Young, in Nauvoo, in August, 1844, and December, 1845. After living 21 years in good repute with her lawful husband, the respondent became led away with Mormonism, leaving her husband, went to Nauvoo, and joined the church there. After a year's trial of the system she returned to Boston, but not being able to content herself there, she made another trip to Nauvoo; returned to Boston again, and again went off, and she is now supposed to be in California with Young.

Her conduct in Nauvoo was fully described in the deposition of George J. Adams, better known under the name of "Elder Adams," who testified that he knew Mrs. Cobb when she lived in the house of Brigham Young, at Nauvoo. We give the following extracts from the deposition:

"In the fall of 1844 after her return from Nauvoo to Boston, Mrs. Cobb said she loved Brigham Young letter than she did Mr. Cobb, and, live or die, she was going to live with him at all hazards. This was in the course of a conversation in which she used extravagant language in favor of Mr. Young and against Mr. Cobb. Mrs. Cobb went out again to Nauvoo, the second time, and lived with Mr. Young, and their living together and their conduct, was the subject of conversation in the society and out of the society. The subject of conversation, to which I have alluded, was that persons had a right to live together in unlawfyl intercourse, and Mrs. Cobb avowed her belief in this doctrine, and said it was right.

"In conversation with Mrs. Cobb on the subject of spiritual wives, I tolder her such doctrines would lead to the devil; and she said if it did she would go there with Brigham Young. The Mormons were so incensed with me for my opposition to this doctrine that they attempted to take my life in various ways. I think Mrs. Cobb was originally a woman of good feelings and good principles, but I do not think so of her now. I think she was led away by religious frenzy.

"She said, I never will forsake brother Young, come life or come death. She said that the doctrine taught by Brigham Young was a glorious doctrine; for if she did not love her husband, it gave her a man she did love"

In the cross examination, Mr. Adams stated that he performed on the stage when he was a young man; that he was a merchant tailor in extensive business before he joined the Mormons; that he has, since he withdrew, performed at the National Theatre in this city, that Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism, did not teach the doctrine of spiritual wives; that Brigham Young, in assuming to be president of the church, had ursurped authority, and that he, Mr. Adams, opposed the usurpation.

The testimony of Mr. Adams was corroborated by a widow lady, who had been to Nauvoo, and while there had taken the first degree in the mysteries of the Mormon church. The second degree gave the privilege of spiritual wife-hood. Mrs. Cobb took this degree, and urged the witness to take it, and spoke of her connection with Young.

Judge Wilde decreed a full divorce from the bonds of matrimony. -- Bost. Post.

Note 1: Augusta Adams was born Dec. 7, 1802 in Beverly (near Lynn), Essex, MA and died Feb. 3, 1886 in Salt Lake City, UT. She married Henry Cobb, Dec. 22, 1822; in Charleton, Worcester, MA and together they had seven children. She was baptized a Mormon by Samuel H. Smith near Boston on June 29, 1832. Augusta apparently continued living with her non-Mormon husband and family until September 1843, when she left Massachusetts in company with LDS President of the Twelve, Brigham Young. Augusta's worshipful infatuation with President Young probably began well before her elopment with him; she gave her last child with Henry Cobb the suggestive name of "Brigham." Brigham Cobb, was born in Massachusetts in late April 1843 and died Oct. 12, 1843 in Cincinnati, while accompanying Augusta and Brigham Young to Nauvoo. Augusta married Brigham Young at Nauvoo on Nov. 2, 1843.

Note 2: George Joshua Adams (1811-1880) was born in Ashford, Warren co., NJ. His possible family relationship with Augusta remains unknown.

Note 3: The vacuous obituary of Augusta Adams Cobb Young was published in the Feb. 4, 1886 Deseret Evening News. For more on Augusta and her children see episode 10 of "The Spalding Saga."


Vol. 10.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  March 15, 1848.               No. 49.


We learn from a reliable source that several thousand families, members of the Mormon Church, will arrive at New Orleans during the spring, on their way to join the settlement formed in the Great Salt Lake Valley. An agent of the Mormon Church has been sent to New Orleans to provide passages for the emigrants on boats to this city, to engage transportation for them up the Missouri river, [to the present encampment of the Mormons on the Missouri river], called "Winter Quarters." This encampment is on lands owned by the Omaha Indians, and in the immediate vicinity of Council Bluffs. From that point, or the vicinity they expect every spring to send out all, who are prepared to migrate to the Valley of the Salt Lake.

It is calculated that from eight to ten thousand souls, from England alone, will join the emigrating party this season. In addition, several other large parties are expected from other quarters of Europe. At one time, it was the intention of the Elders of the Church to send these emigrants by vessels to Chagres, and thence across the continent to the Pacific, and by vessels to California; but since they have located their city to the Great Salt Lake Valley, and determined to build their route from the head of the navigation, on the Missouri. Those coming from beyond the seas, will, as far as practicable, take vessels from New Orleans, and thence by boats reach the general rendezvous on the Missouri.

A deputation of the Elders now in this city are having a large edition of a Guide to the route from their present encampment on the Missouri, to their new city near the Salt Lake. It is a very complete and minute work. They have measured the entire route with great accuracy, and noticed all the points and peculiarities along it. They have given the latitude, longitude and altitude of all the important points, and noticed all the places where wood, water and grass can be obtained. In fact, we have not at any time, seen a more accurate work, or one so well calculated to assist the traveller on his way. In other respects it is interesting as a scientific topographical survey of a large portion of the Salt Lake basin.

A party of several thousand will leave the encampment at "Winter Quarters," this spring. It is estimated that there are now upwards of twelve thousand souls in the vicinity of this encampment. At least half of these Mormons will set out for their new residence this spring, and their places will be supplied by new comers.

Their numbers are as extraordinary as their movements and purposes appear to be absurd. -- Mo. Republican.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. 12.                 Quincy   Illinois  Wednesday,  October 9, 1849.               No. 27.


THE STATE OF DESERET. -- This is the name of the State the Mormons have organized in the Salt Lake Valley. It seems from an account in the Republican, that a Convention to form a Constitution has been held. The Constitution describes the boundary of the new State, and in other respects patterns after our State Constitutions -- the committee to draft the Constitution, were Alfred Carrington, Jas. L. Heywood, Wm. W. Phelps, David Fullmer, John S. Fullmer, Charles C. Rich, John Taylor, Parley P. Pratt, John M. Bernhisel, and Erastus Snow. All of these names will be recognized, as prominent individuals, among the Mormons, during their career in Hancock County. The officers chosen for the new State, are Brigham Young, Governor; Heber C. Kimball, Lt. Governor; Wm. [sic] Richards, Secretary of State; W. M. Clayton, Auditor; Jas. K. Heywood, Treasurer. Almon W. Babbitt was elected by the Legislature, as a Representative of the State of Deseret, in Congress.

Notes: (forthcoming)

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