January - June 1845 Articles

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Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  January 1, 1845.                                 No. 5.


As there is much foolish seclamation on this subject, by those whose zeal is not according to knowledge, we wish to put the matter in a correct position.

What measures of Joseph is it desirable to carry out? We reply, those only which are according to godliness. If we have shewn that Joseph Smith departed from the living God, that like David and Solomon he contracted a whoring spirit, and that the Lord smote him for this thing -- cut him off from the earth. -- Who that is wise would approve of the carrying out of such measures?

Those man worshippers who contend for the measures of Joseph Smith, irrespective of the law of God, are in love with the "spiritual wife system." 'Tis such a great and glorious doctrine,' to use their own language, as we have heard them express themselves, such a darling principle, so much in accordance with their feelings, so exactly suited to their nature, that they cannot give it up if it leads them to hell. No marvel then that God has sent them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they might be damned, because they believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. It is very apparent that Paul had his eye on these lustful characters, at this precise time, too, for he says it would take place in the gathering together of the saints, prior to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- See Thess. 2d chap.

This ranting about the measures of Joseph smith is the ebullition of apostacy, it has no reference to the law of God. It is a false footing, a sandy foundation, a broken reed at the best. The spirit of God would dictate a very different course. The first inquiry of the possessor of the spirit of God would be, what doth the Lord require at my hand? what are the provisions of the law of God relative to the matter to be acted upon? There is no resting place short of the word of God, for the man of faith.

To shew most clearly that the phrase we quote is instigated by an apostate spirit, we most observe that the law of God given through Joseph Smith is discarded entirely. The organization of the church of God, as received by revelation through Joseph, is thrown away as valueless; and all that is really contended for, is the loathsome, disgraceful and destructive "spiritual wife" doctrine.

The truth is these revellers wish to skulk off, on the credit of the measures of Joseph Smith, we shall permit them to do no such thing; but shall strip them of their false covering, and when divested of that, you will find in legible characters written upon the brow -- "APOSTATE."

If Joseph Smith sinned which he did, the Lord has cut him off from his stewardship, and put another in his place. We have too much respect for the good which he was instrumental in accomplishing, to permit a combination of men who disregard the principles of truth and virtue, to shelter themselves from the odium of acts committed since his death, under the mantle of Joseph Smith.

For the Messenger and Advocate.

It is an unpleasant task for one to dwell upon the depavity of his fellow brings, and expose to view the high handed outrages of others; and while descanting upon, the conduct of any individual, it is well always to keep in mind the words of our Saviour "First cast the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou shalt see clearly to cast the mote from thy brothers eye."

And certain it is, that nothing but a sense of duty now prompts me to expose some of the outrages; and portray the awful apostacy of many at Nauvoo. Hoping that some who are attempting to hold up the hands, and sustain the characters, of wicked and corrupt men, may view carefully the ground on which they stand, profit by what they witness, and "partake not of their sins, lest they be also partakers of their plagues;" and plunge themselves into that labyrinth of degradation, filth and shame from which extrication would be utterly imposible. And that others also, who contemplate moving to Nauvoo, may first prayerfully and with care, Investigate matters which pertain to their peace and welfare on earth, as well as affects their eternal salvation.

Reader, having lived for several years in Nauvoo, I flatter myself with the idea of being able to give you some facts as they there exist. However repugnant their history may be to sensibility and refinement, or unfit for the delicate ear, they are however no less FACTS and facts that all should know, who in any wise feel interested for the well being of society.

Some of the subjects of my text, were among the first elders in the church of Christ, having labored much in the vineyard of God, and in many instances successfully; which no doubt was one cause of their overthrow, being men (many of them) of weak minds and limited education, and little experience in the ways and wiles of the adversary; being flattered and looked up to, by those whom they brought into the church, until they imagined themselves consequential; Being proud, haughty and lifted up, they thought themselves privileged characters, and were no longer amenable to laws that were binding on others, and began in trifling indulgences, to gratify their unhallowed ambition and unholy lusts until they lost the spirit of God, and were completely in the snare of the Devil. By degrees they were led on, until their whole soul is now bound up in schemes and doctrines, which have no other object than the gratification of the lusts of the flesh.

They have lost the spirit of God, forfeited their calling and priesthood, and are now left to fill the cup of their iniquity, until they become ripe for the vengeance of a just God. But like Lucifer their prototype, they will drag all with them, who follow their example, to share their fate. Having abandended themselves wholly to crime, their only study now is, to systematize and bring under the garb of religion, doctrines, by which they can indulge their propensities, to the fullest extent, under the pretended authority of "thus saith the Lord." Under this cover, crimes of the blackest die are committed. -- Wives are seduced from their husbands and families! -- Innocent girls are ruined!! -- damning measures adopted, to hide the shame of former crimes, counterfeit money made and passed, and many other crimes committed, all of which is enough to freeze the blood in the veins of mortal man, to contemplate.

Many are led astray, by their sophistry and lies. They say that crime, is no crime without a witness, and that God cannot condemn without individual testimony. That the breaking of the law is in getting caught, that the idea of the spirit of God, dictating what is right and what [is] wrong, is all fudge.

"Preach conscience! still there's none but may,
Most conscientious rogues are they;
And while you preach, unless you dock it,
These honest rogues will pick your pocket.
And think 't a virtue they committed,
Like spartan thieves unless outwitted;
For highly do they rate the few,
Who've wit to steal and hide it too."

These men have the most outward show of piety imaginable, and are truly, like the "whited sepulchres." They preach and practice the doctrine of "plurality of wives," or what is commonly called the "spiritual wife system," of which much has already been said, and in the presence of high heaven, in the face of hundreds of good witnesses, they will solemnly raise their hands to heaven and swear that no such doctrine exists and those who otherwise declare, are apostates and liars, then call on such an one, and such an one, to substantiate what they declare, who, while screening others, screen also themselves, being bound together in one common interest.

After "making a covenant with death, and an agreement with hell," they are then ready to carry into effect, any proposition made by the leading spirits of that modern Sodom. The reader may be somewhat curious to know in what manner these "priests of Baal" obtain an ascendancy over the minds of females sufficient to lead them into ruin and disgrace. -- And, gentle reader, I am well aware that many will not, (and perhaps no one) can scarcely believe, that such a state of society exists at Nauvoo. Having a better opinion of human nature, than to believe it possible that it could be so degraded; I would to God, that it were otherwise, and that your jumble servant had never witnessed, what he here relates. While treating of the mode and manner of seducing females, I wish it distinctly understood, that all are taught to be in subjection to their elders, and that a rejection of any of their teachings is immediately followed by a dismembership of the individual, which principle, it is not now my object to condemn, but merely to give the reader an idea of the state of mind, which naturally would arise in the persons who are now the subjects of my remark.

The female, who is looked upon with lustful eyes, is first visited by some elderly woman, (who has already imbibed the doctrine,) called "mother in Israel" who informs the girl, that "she has looked upon her for some time, as a virtuous, honest-hearted and good girl, and therefore feels a desire that she should be made acquainted with some of the "mysteries of the kingdom. You well know there is no promise made in the word of God, for the salvation of females, and there is no way by which females can enter celestial glory, only by being sealed (married) to some man having the priesthood, and that must be done too, here in time; and all, who have heretofore been married according to the laws of the land, must be again married by one having the priesthood or else they live in adultery; and if they wish for each other for eternity, they must be sealed or married for eternity, for all contracts whether of marriage, or otherwise, cease and are void, at the final dissolution of the spirit and this our earthly tabernacle; and so also with ALL conventions, obligations and agreements made, here in the flesh.

And now dear sister, you, having been looked upon by Bro. B * * * * * *, one of our great apostles of light, in a most gracious manner, having found favor in his sight, he is inclined to honor you with his hand and heart, and introduce you into his family and thereby take you into the celestial kingdom, there to becnme a 'star in his crown of glory.' It is the only way in which you can be saved, and reflect well before you reject the proffered kindness; there is nothing criminal about it dear sister in the sight of God, but as the laws of our land strictly forbids it, you must keep the matter looked up in your own breast, for the laws of God and the laws of the land are almost always at variance, and should this matter be known our brethern would suffer materially. You know dear sister, that we have always been praying for the restitution of the 'ancient order of things;' you know the 'ancient order,' took at David and Solomon and see what took place 'anciently,' you also have the example of many others of the ancients. I have no doubt but this doctrine may be a great trial of your faith, as it was of mine, but you know that "straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth to life everlasting," and we must not look to the right hand or to the left, but keep our eye on the mark, and let nothing overthrow, or shake our faith. We have been taught that every thing would he presented to us, that could possibiy shake our faith, and such things as would almost overthrow the elect, and you know it is said that God would do a 'marvellous work and a wonder' in the last days, and is there any thing more marvelous than this, coming directly in contact with all former teachings which we have received? surely not. Dear sister we must throw away all our farmer ideas and notions of right and wrong, and live by the direct teachings of the spirit. And now dear sister I must leave you to reflect upon what you have heard, and tomorrow evening bro. B_______ will call and see you, and give you further instructions in the mystertes of the kingdom."     And thus dear reader is the poison administered, which eventually destroys both soul and body.

The evening arrives, B_____ makes his visit, and with an apparent holy zeal, dwells largely upon the subject in contemplation.

He informs the timid victim, that God has given her to hint to him to be "a star in his crown," and if she will become his wife he will take her into the celestial kingdom, but if she refuses, she shall be damned. That God gives his servants many privileges that others cannot enjoy. That God is not such a being as the scriptures would seen to represent, and the sectarian world believes. That woman was made for man, and those seeming jealousies of the Almighty, represented in the bible, were for the blinding of the gentiles, that they might not indulge their propensities, which God gave them, without his express permission. Thus, "If a child steals an apple," (for which he has a good appetite,) "he sins, but if the father gives him the apple, there is no sin in eating it." If this kind of sophistry succeeds, some of the faithful are called in, to unite them, after which the victim is informed that she belongs to bro. B_____ for time, as well as for eternity. If any should revolt and expose such conduct, she is immediately denounced as a girl of bad character, and wishes to destroy the character of bro B______ or bro. K_____ because she could not corrupt their morals. She is published to the world, robbed of all a virtuous maiden holds dear, that which to her is of greater price than the pearls of the ocean, or the wealth of the Indies: Rob a maiden of her character, and what has she left, or how can she again recover what she has lost? Life is too short, and friendship to uncertain to remedy the evil.

If a married female is wanted for a "Spiritual wife," she is informed that her husband can never take her into celestial glory, and that her contract with him is only for time. Eventually, peradventure the husband becomes jealous of his wife the family is soon broken up, and their peace and happiness forever destroyed.

Reader, to believe these facts may stretch your credulity; methinks I hear you say, these things cannot be: It cannot be possible, that human nature is so depraved. Though you may be acquainted with some of these men, and may have believed them men of Gid.

So have I been acquainted with them, and well recollect the time when they were humble before God, and endeavored to keep his commandments. How, (you may ask) could men who have "been once enlightened, and been made partakers of the Holy Ghost," become so corrupt, and with their knowledge and experience in the ways of God, so degrade themselves and become even worse than "natural brute beasts." "If that light in you become darkness, behold how great is that darkness." Then I say, "those who have once tasted the good word of God, and been made partakers of the Holy Ghost," when they corrupt themselves by departing from the commands of God, and do that which he has strictly forbidden, lose the spirit of God, and become recepticles for the spirit of darkness. -- It is no wonder then, that they are capable of committing worse crimes and greater outrages than any other people. Reader, let us compare the theories, sophistry and conduct of these men, with the word of God, the "touchstone" by which we all shall be tried, out of which "books" we shall one day, be either approved or condemned.

1st. Cor. Paul was troubled with persons in the church who were guilty of fornication, even worse than was ever named among the gentiles. He also says, "To avoid fornication let every man have his own wife." And 6:13, "Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body," and 5th chap. Paul strictly commanded the church, not to keep company with fornicators, and to turn them out from amongst them, together with the railer and drunkard. See also, 6th c. Fornicators cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Rom. 1st "So that they are without excuse. Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they become fools: And the changed the glory of the incorruptible God, into an image, made like to corruptible man. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanesss through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator. -- For this cause, God gave them up unto to vile affections; and a reprobate mind: -- Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness and maliciousness, full of envy, murder, deceit and malignity. Backbiters, haters of God, proud, boasters and inventors of evil things. Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable and unmerciful: Who knowing the judgements of God, that they who commit such things are worthy of death; Not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. But glory, honor and peace, to them who by patient continuance in well doing, seek for glory and honor, immortality and eternal life: But unto them who are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness; indignation and wrath."

Paul to the Gal. says "I say then walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh; for the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other. Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness, idolatry, hatred, variance, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, revellings, murder, and such like: of a which, as I have already told you, that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness and meekness." "An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit; Every tree is known by its fruit." -- Eph. 5, We are commanded as saints, to put fornication far from us, and let it not be named. Col. 3, We are here admonished to beware of such things, for "the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience." 1st Thes. 4, "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication."

You will also discover by reading the epistle of Jude, that although God acknowledges men as saints, blesses them with his spirit, delivers them from trouble, and saves them from the hands of their enemies; yet, if they abide not his law, they are afterwards cursed with a sorer cursing. Thus:

"I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day.

Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil of dignitaries.

But these speak evil of those things which they knew not; but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh with swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

But beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before, of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. -- Jude 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, verses."...

Jeremiah repeatedly proclaims against it, says the prophets and priest[s] are profane, committing adultery and walking in lies, David and Solomon were ruined for these crimes, nearly all the ancient churches, whether among the Jews, Gentiles or Nephites, were overthrown by these things. Is it a wonder then that men standing in the same relation to God, having enjoyed the same spirit, and partaken of the same knowledge, should not he tempted by the same adversary? and if overcome, should not share the same fate. Surely like causes produce like effects. The prophets also declare, that it shall be so in the last days, that many should follow after "Baal." Whether prophets or priests, shepherds or pastors, they would be led into adultery, fornication and all manner of corruptions, thereby leading the people astray. Jacob the Nephite prophet, had like trouble in his church; the saints ran greedily after these corruptions, and endeavored to incorporate the doctrine of polygamy into their faith; excusing themselves because David and Solomon had many wives and concubines, which Jacob said, was an abomination in the sightt of the great God, and for which they were overthrown as a church, and the Lamanites posseesed their inheritances as being more worthy. And God has said in the last days, that he will not have such things in his church, "nevertheless because of the spirit of adultery which shall creep in, it shall nearly be overthrown, but shall not quite, because of the promises and covenants made with the fathers, to bring in the "dispensation of the fulness of times." I would refer the reader to Isaiah, Ezk. and Jer. and many of the prophets; also, to the New Testament, book of Mormon and Doc. and Cov. containing more recent revelations, and then judge for yourself, whether God can approve of such crimes, and whether such abominations should not be "proclaimed upon the house tops," and all men warned against such evildoers. I am aware that they publish all who dare tell of their iniquity, as apostates and murderers, wishing to bring a mob on them to destroy the innocent. They think this will enlist the sympathies of the people in their behalf, while they brand us as mobbers. But let their threats towards us, and their utmost exertions to prevent us holding meetings in Nauvoo, wherein we were mobbed, give the lie to such assertions. We have never tried to injure a hair of their heads. They are in the hands of God who will deal with them as seemeth him good.

As to the "ancient order of things," of which so much has been said, whereby they would fain make us believe, refered to David and Solomon's time, one word only need be said: The most "ancient order" I know of, is that of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden; If it is designed by the Almighty that man should have more than one wife; it looks to me, that God dealt very partial with Adam in the morning of creation, when their society would have been indeed pleasant to him, beside greatly facilitating the peopling and "replenishing the earth." Is not the "ancient order" which is to be brought about in the last days, that very order which existed in "Paradise?" Is it not promised that"the Lion shall eat straw like the ox? That there shall be nothing to hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain?" That the curse will be removed from the earth, and it shall yield its strength? Surely this is the "ancient order" for which we look.

I pray God, to open the eyes of those who are "led astray" before they become alike corrupt. Was Nathan an apostate, because he told king David of his abominations, and warned him to repent? Were Jer., Ezkl. and many other prophets, apostates, because they proclaimed against the iniquity of high functionaries of the church? has Sidney Rigdon apostatised, because he would not sanction polygamy in the church of Christ?

It may be urged that those who disavow such works of darkness, and knowing that they exist at Nauvoo, are inexcusible for their silence. To such, I would merely say, there is a time for every thing, and he is a fool who cries "tidings my lord" when he has no tidings communicate.

We are also commanded to forgive our bretheren even "seventy times seven," but we are not bound to bear with them, when they make crime a virtue, and will no longer repent. Reader, these men will tell you, that such things as I have here stated, never existed at Nauvoo. But let God judge between them and us, and let the liars curse, fall on him who lies.   W.
[note: written by Elder Benjamin Winchester]

For the Messenger and Advocate.

St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 15, 1844.      
Having perused a letter written by Orson Hyde, to Sidney Rigdon, Esq., in which he makes a great attempt [at] ridicule, as well as to slander the character of Prest. Rigdon. I thought it would not be amiss for me, to give your readers (the saints abroad more particularly) a short history of what took place in this city, on the arrival of Prest. Rigdon and said Hyde. They both came from Nauvoo on the same boat. As soon as I heard of their arrival I went on board of the boat to see them, having a great desire to see Prest. Rigdon. I found him in company with Elder James; Mr. Hyde being absent. I then had some conversation with Elder Rigdon, concerning the difficulty beween him and the "twelve." He there set before me the apostacy of many of the leaders of the church at Nauvoo, and feared that the twelve, mostly if not all, had departed from the commandments of God, and would surely bring upon themselves and all who follow them, certain destruction. He informed me of the heresies, and damnable doctrines, which had been introduced into the church, of which however I was not not altogether ignorant; he also informed me of the message God had intrusted to him. While we were conversing, elder Hyde came on board the boat, and appeared much confused, when he saw us in conversation together. After elder Rigdon ceased speaking and left his seat; Mr. Hyde took the same chair, and commenced asking me what elder Rigdon had said: I told him; He then told me something about the affairs at Nauvoo; said elder Rigdon intended to publish the iniquity of the church at Nauvoo. Having confidence in me, and thinking that I was favorable to the twelve, he wished me to intercede with elder Rigdon, not to publish the secret acts of the church; I told elder Rigdon what Mr. Hyde's wishes were; he infommcd me that he should vindicate his own character against their foul slanders, as well also the cause of God, truth and righteousness. I communicated this message to elder Hyde; after which he told me that if elder Rigdon would come back, and stand equal with them, (the twelve) and counsel with them, and they with him, he would pledge himself in behalf of the twelve, that all they had said against him, should be removed. I then asked elder Hyde, whether Prest. Rigdon's authority had ever been taken from him, and placed on Amasa Lyman, as had been reported: He said he did not know.

Mr. Hyde called a meeting that evening, in which he undertook to show what great authority had been confered upon the twelve. Which fairly astonished him when conferred, knowing, (as he said) that if Joseph should have been taken away, that two of the first presidency were left; viz: Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith.

It is not long since a difficulty existed between myself and the church in this city, in consequence of the "spiritual wife" system or doctrine; it originated between Hyrum Smith and myself; I having become acquainted with one of his "spiritual wives" in St. Louis; who informed me of the fact herself, that she was married to Hyrum.

I mentioned this at one time in Nauvoo, which soon reached Hyrum's ears, and made him feel rather unpleasant towards me.

There being some in our branch of the church, who looked with wishful eyes, upon a little exaltation in the church, determined to make difficulty between Hyrum and myself, told him what I had said about his "spiritual wives;" upon which, Hyrum said he could not fellowship me, until I made reconciliation: But said one kind word from bro. Small, would be all sufficient: He only wished me to say, that what I had said was false; I told him I could not do it; But I wrote Hyrum a letter soon after, stating to him, that I was sorry I did not keep these things to myself, stating that it was not my desire to fight against the authorities of the church.

I now have documents in my possession to show that Hyrum was perfectly satisfied. -- While Mr. Hyde was here, and endeavoring to settle the difficulties in this branch of the church; he exhonerated me, from all charges against me.

Some however felt a little dissatisfied; upon which elder Hyde said, that the decision was just, and was made by the Spirit of God, and that I was a man of God; But when he returned to this city, a short time after, having understood that I was not altogether a "twelveite," he had occasion to say, in a public congregation, that he did not understand the matter when he was here before; thus his "spirit of God" decision, proved a failure this time. But he now labored as dilligently and as zealously, to destroy my character, as he had before to sustain it; knowing that I was well acquainted with those doctrines of polygamy, he therefore saw the necessity of destroying my influence. I wished to speak to the congregation, but was prohibited, but took the liberty of telling him he was a liar, which fact is no news to many of those who are acquainted with him.

I remain the true and affectionate brother of all, who keep the commandments of God.
WM. SMALL.      


By the Nauvoo papers, we see that Wm. Smith is appointed "Patriarch of the church," having been taken from the quorum of the twelve to fill that office; "he now stands in the same relation to the twelve, that Hyrum Smith did to his brother Joseph." Come down a peg, eh?

"THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NEVER THROW THE FIRST STONE." --We do not remember of ever seeing this adage so appropriately fulfilled, as in the case of the adherents of the twelve and Elder B. Winchester, in the East.

In the first place, we learned by the N. Y. Prophet, (the organ of the twelve,) that G. J. Adams had sued Elder Winchester for slander -- soon after, we learned by the same source, that J. M. Grant had sued Elder Winchester also; -- after all this, they not yet being satisfied, he was published to the world as being accessory to the murder of Joseph Smith, which could possibly have no foundation in truth, as he at the time of the death of Joseph, was laboring in the ministry, in the southern States, filling a mission which the twelve themseives had appointed him, to our certain knowledge. -- Therefore, after they smote him upon one check he turned the other, when they smote him upon that also; still being dissatisfied with wronging their fellow man, they dealt out what, we presume, they considered a death blow, when it became absolutely indispensible that Bro. Winchester should avail himself of the protection of the laws of the land, which he had no sooner done, than they raise the hue and cry, PERSECUTION

==> The communication of W. is from the pen of a gentleman, intimately acquainted with the Facts as they exist at Naawoo. The details are shocking and heartrending; yet as skillful surgeons we must probe the Foul Ulcer, to understand the magnitude and extent of its sinuosities. It is a deplorable case. Vital parts are involved. it will eventually prove fatal.

==> O. Hyde wishes it distinctly understood that, if Prest. Rigdon should ever wish to come into Their church, he could not expect their confidence, for his character would Then be Entirely destroyed. So say we. Mr. Hyde having had some experience in such matters ought certainly to be a good judge.

Note: From Richard S. Van Wagoner's Mormon Polygamy, A History, Chapter 7: "Following the Brethren": Some Mormon observers were convinced that the deaths of the Smith brothers was evidence of divine retribution, the act of an angry God. William Law, who had left Nauvoo after the destruction of his Nauvoo Expositor, wrote in a 20 July 1844 letter to a friend, "While the wicked slay the wicked I believe I can see the hand of a blasphemed God stretched out in judgment, the cries of innocence and virtue have ascended up before the throne of God, and he has taken sudden vengeance" (Law to Hill). And Sidney Rigdon wrote, "If Joseph sinned[,] which he did, the Lord has cut him off from his stewardship... he contracted a whoring spirit and... the Lord smote him for this thing" (Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, Jan. 1845). --- Contrary to the views of those who saw in it the doom of the Mormon movement, the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, though disruptive to the Mormon community for a time, actually unified the Saints. Sidney Rigdon, the only surviving member of the First Presidency, returned to Nauvoo shortly after the Smiths' deaths and presented himself to the Saints as "guardian" of the church "to build [it] up to Joseph as he had begun it." But he was rejected as an interim president by the majority of Mormons in favor of the leadership of the Quorum of the Twelve under Brigham Young. Rigdon's continued efforts to make himself the rallying standard for Mormonism resulted in his excommunication in the fall of 1844. Returning to Pittsburg, he attempted to gather about him leaderless remnants of the Mormon community. --- Rigdon began to publicly denounce polygamy in his Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate shortly after he left Nauvoo. Referring to the Quorum of the Twelve as the "Spiritual Wife Fraternity," he reasoned in the 15 October 1844 issue that "it would seem almost impossible that there could be found a set of men and women, in this age of the world, with the revelations of God in their hands, who could invent and propagate doctrines so ruinous to society, so debasing and demoralising as the doctrine of a man having a plurality of wives." Decrying the "transactions of the secret chambers," he announced that "the Twelve and their adherents have endeavored to carry on this spiritual wife business in secret." Moreover, he added, they "have gone to the most shameful and desperate lengths to keep it from the public. First, insulting innocent females, and when they resented the insult... would assail their characters by lying." Rigdon vented his dismay at the deceptive practices of church leaders: "How often these men and their accomplices stood up before the congregation, and called God and all the holy Angels to witness, that there was no such doctrine taught in the church; and it has now come to light." --- Church leaders in Nauvoo denounced Rigdon's accusations. "Wo to the man," the 15 November 1844 Times and Seasons warned, "who will thus willfully lie to injure an innocent people! The law of the land and the rules of the Church do not allow one man to have more than one wife alive at once." But Rigdon knew better, and he was determined to make his knowledge public. On 6 April 1845, the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Mormonism, he had himself ordained president of the Church of Christ. His call for a reformation based on the principles of the Kirtland church appealed to a few former Mormons, including his son-in-law George W. Robinson, former apostle William McLellin, Nauvoo dissenter Oliver F. Olney, and anti-polygamous Nauvoo Stake high councilman Austin Cowles. --- Though the group was short-lived, its attack on polygamy was zealous. "Did the Lord ever tell any people," Rigdon asked in the 15 February 1845 issue of the Messenger and Advocate, "that sleeping with their neighbor's wives and daughters had any thing to do with preparing the way of the Savior's coming[?]" His expose of Nauvoo polygamy was confirmed by former member of the First Presidency William Law in the spring of 1845 when Law and William McLellin arrived at a 16 February Kirtland conference of Rigdon's followers. Addressing the congregation, Law "settled the question forever on the public mind," Rigdon wrote, "in relation to the spiritual wife system, and the abominations concerning it." Law reported that "Joseph Smith and others had attempted to get him into it, and in order to do so had made him acquainted with many things about it" (Messenger and Advocate, 15 March 1845)....


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  January 15, 1845.                                 No. 6.


Hampton, Ill. Dec. 23, 1844.    
President S. Rigdon:
      With feelings of no ordinary character I seat myself to address a few lines to you. Nothwithstanding it has been years since I voluntarily withdrew from the "church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints," yet I have by no means been an unnoticing spectator of the course and doings of that society. With intense anxiety have I watched them. For many noble spirits -- virtuous hearts, among them I have, (notwithstanding my many dark, lonesome hours) ever entertained the highest regard. As truly as I believed and valued the trust of divine revelation, so firmly did I believe the work of the "Latter Day" would yet come out and prosper gloriously. I, at this moment Sir, have the consolution to know that never, no never, has this sharp pointed pen of mine, been raised against that Work, or people, to injure or harm since I left them. Nay verily, the truth of that work I could not dare not oppose. -- Since '36 when I have been in business and seen distress all around me daily, and realized that no man was prospered in their profession more than I, many times I have set me calmly down, and soberly reflected and from the bottom of my heart have offered up strong, -- fervent supplications and cries to the majesty of heaven, in the name of Jesus, that He would yet work as became his dignity and "purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." To some, my conduct at times, may have appeared inconsistent and wrong, but to you sir, I can give full satisfaction.

The first bright beam of sunshine -- PERMANENT ray of hope which I have been enabled to discover, since the people of God in the last days, began to apostatise -- to trample under foot those sacred things committed to their charge -- promising permanent, radical and lasting REFORM has now made its appearance in the separation of two of the first presidency with their friends, from the great both of that people, who work iniquity, and your uncompromising opposition to all their iniquities and enormous abominations committed by them in Nauvoo and elsewhere in open and known violation of all the revelations of God, ancient and modern. Permit me, my dear sir to say to you that I firmly believe that God will shortly yea speedily (except they repent, and I doubt whether they have power to do that) come out in severe and awful judgments against that people who once knew and assayed to receive his pure divine law direct from heaven, and that too in solemn assembly convened: but since receiving and acknowledging it have violated almost, if not altogether, every principle of its sacred pages.

Now sir let me say to you in confidence, (for in each other we once had confidence. -- And in your constancy, integrity, and virtue, I yet have the most unshaken confidence; although you remained by the side of Joseph when I could not conscientiouly do so -- but I can now see the reason and wisdom of your course,) that the Lord has shown to the that by a union of President Law and yourself, together with each, your friends, that all the honest in heart among the Latter Day saints and throughout the world will UNITE also, and form that company who will follow the saviour robed in white linen "clean and white." In heart, in spirit, in faith, and in fervent prayers, I am with you, henceforth in the great work. God has shown me by vision the riches and glories of the wordd and the enjoyments arising therefrom, and in immediate contrast "the treasures of wisdom and knowledge from God," and bid me choose -- after viewing and weighing both sides "thank God for his unspeakable gift," I deliberately chose the latter, then said the voice "apply your heart to find out wisdom and you shall have it." From that moment to this the Lord has been very kind to me indeed. I have seen all the communications between you and pres. Law, and I am much pleased with the spirit that they breathe. My word for it that Wm. Law and his brethren who are here with him, are men of inestimable value in the things of God. You may rely upon their word, upon their integity of purpose to serve God, at the sacrifice of all things earthly.

I moved into this little village in 1810, and have a good home here that has cost me about one thousand dollars, but our hearts are not set upon it. We only say the will of the Lord must by us be done. We received the second No. of your Messenger and Advocate last evening directed to A. Cowls; he, W. L. and myself immediately repaired to my house and quickly run over its pages. I assure you dear brother, that we regard every thing that comes from you with intense anxiety. When we read it our spirits seemed to commingle with yours, and I can truly say I felt like rising upon the wings of the wind, and speeding my way to you, to lift my feeble voice and pen in defence of justice, truth, and injured innocence.

We are in daily expectation of your answer to Pres. W. Law's last letter to you. I do not know (as yet) whether it is my duty to wait till the northren wind ceases to freeze before I speed my way to yon. One thing certain I shall move as directed. You used to tell me that "I was a man after your own heart." One thing I know that on my first visit to Ohio, from no man did I receive so much intelligence concerning the divine volume as from yourself. But you could seldom act yourself in consequence of the abominable jealousy of him with whom you were connected. And I am told by the brethren here that for the last five years you have been rather a spectator than an active adviser in those measures at Nauvoo, which have brought death upon the prophet and lasting disgrace upon thu church. This gives me more confidence in you, and I am determined from this time forward to "be a man after God's own heart." Help me by your prayers. Until I see you my prayers shall be unceasing that the "work of God" may roll in power. Give my love to all my old friends.
              I am yours in the bond
                           of the Nww Covenant.
                                          W. E. McLELLIN.

P. S. We have meetings here at Pres. L's three times a week, (and sometimes oftener) last eve (Sunday) we had much of the power and spirit of God even to the prophesying of great things in the name of the Lord, which will all be fulfilled. We all feel that the time is at hand, when we must in order to abide celestial glory -- arise and shake ourselves and put on the armor. O God, give power to thy servants and give not thy heritage entirely to reproach -- O save a seed -- the Branch.
W. W. M'L.    

It has become so customary for Editors and others, to publish journals of their travels; and as we have just returned from a tour of upwards of two months in the eastern cities, for the satisfaction of our friends, we will give a summary of the events which took place during our journey, which to us were gratifying, as there was nothing which took place but what was of the most pleasing character.

Among the churches we visited, there was a great deal of excitement; many of the principle members had either withdrawn from the church or had been cut off, and of this number were the presiding elders of the church of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, New Egypt, N. J. and Woodstown, N. J. On inquiring into the cause of the difficulties, in every instance, it was the spiritual wife system which had caused the separation, and exclusion. The course pursued by the advocates of this system, which were the traveling elders, were, that as soon as a man became dissatisfied with the teachings of these believers in polygamy, and was bold enough to express his dissatisfaction, calling it incestuous and adulterous, he or she was immediately arraigned before the church and charged with disobedience to the authorities; and with slandering the heads of the church, at the time of the trial, and every one who dare vote in favor of the person charged, was threatened with immediate expulsion from the church by these tyrants, and thus intimidated, and compelled to obey the mandate of their masters. A notable instance of this was related to me while in Boston, old elder Nickerson, a man who was highly esteemed in Boston, and the father of the church there; when this system, of a plurality of wives, first made its appearance there, rose up against it, as every man of virtue would, and was so deeply affected with it, that he wept over the corruption that was creeping into the church, and declared his intention and determination, to lift his voice against it; this was no sooner known, than he was besieged by two of the so-called authorities, and threatened with exclusion, if he dare give testimony against those whom he had declared he knew were guilty of great improprieties, such as called for the interference of every virtuous man; and the old gentleman was so intimidated by their threats, he shrunk from his duty, and instead of discharging it, with a manly boldness, actually lifted his hand in favor of those whose conduct he had previously deprecated in the strongest terms. Every effort of this kind was made, that the most corrupt could invent, to conceal this system, without their having knowledge of it, till they were informed by some runner sent for the purpose, that at such a meeting they had been cut off from the church.

Every person who was known to be opposed to this system, if he or she could not be won over; or made to succumb by threats, were excluded, and their characters assailed in a most outrageous manner in order to destroy their influence, that their testimony might not be believed. By such extraordinary means did the advocates of this system attempt to sustain themselves; but it was all in vain, for concealment was no longer possible, the truth has been made manifest, as Paul said it should, so that the world now knows, that every person, male or female, who adheres to these leaders, do it because they are in favor of the system of a plurality of wives, and for this cause they are found numbered with them. Ignorance can no longer be plead.

A state of things of the above character, must of necessity, produce a confusion and excitement, in a greater or less degree; and such we found through the whole of our journey.

After we left this city, we made no stop until we reached Philadelphia; there we found a separation had taken place in the church, caused as above; a church was organized, to which we delivered a short course of lectures and then proceeded to New York, found the same causes had produced the same effects there; we delivered a course of lectures there, and formed a church, and then proceeded to Boston, and there formed another church. From thence we returned by way of New York, and passed into New Jersey, and formed two churches; returned to Philadelphia and lectured again to the church there, and from thence came home.

At no period of our public ministry, have we been so successful in any one journey; success attended us at every place and in every step, from the time we left till we returned. We delivered as many, as would amount to nearly one lecture for every day we were gone, and we feel that we have cause for unceasing gratitude to our Heavenly Father, for all his mercies and loving kindness, and for the glorious door of hope he has opened unto us.

On last Sunday we met with the saints in this place, in our usual place of worship, with a house full to overflowing, and lectured in the morning. In the afternoon the saints met to break bread, at which time the Lord manifested himself in so peculiar a manner as to fill the house with joy, and the hearts of the saints with gladness. We have no recollectien of ever seeing a greater manifestation of the spirit of God in any place. The Lord took the work into his own hands, and let all see, that our work of faith and labor of love had not been in vain in the Lord.

The hearts of the saints were overflowing with love to God and love to men, and it was hard to refrain their lips from breaking out in loud accents of joy, and celebrating his praise in other tongues; but as all the congregation woke but one language, the saints contented themselves with speaking in their own language. Our cup of joy is now full, the Lord has sanctified our work, and shown his approbation to our course, in so striking a manner, that pentecost itself was not more so, though more visible to the eye.

Shortly after our return, we received a letter from our beloved brother Elijah R. Swackhammer, which will appear in this number of our parer, informing itt of the re-organizing of the church at Cincinnati, and their wish to unite with us; and in a day or two afterwards, we were favored with the minutes of the conference held in that place; accompanying the minutes of the conference, was a letter from Elder Seichrist, all of which will be published. -- From these documents it will be seen, that the cause is onward with the eagle's flight, and that the Lord is working for us like himself, -- the prophets at Nauvoo to the contrary notwithtanding.

As those at Nauvoo, who says the Lord has said, when facts show that the Lord has not spoken, but they, with a heaven-daring which might make a pirate tremble, have taken his name in vain, that they will give a sign to the world that God is not with us, that from the time they declared the falsehood in the name of the Lord, we should go backward and not forward Now judge ye O saints, and hear ye sinners, who say the Lord has spoken when the Lord has not spoken. Scarce had the foul insult so heaven, escaped their lips, when the Lord began to work in the hearts of the saints of Cincinnati, and they rose, as with the voice of one man, and threw of the yoke of falsehood; and through them the Lord has spoken louder than words, and the world may now see that they have the effrontery to speak falsely in the name of the Lord; as also the pouring out of the spirit of the Lord on the saints at Pittsburgh, since the foul slander on heaven, speaks to them in loud accents -- repent, repent, for your judgment slumbers not.

The calls on us at present are so pressing that we will have to place the paper in the hands of another editor, for we cannot give the necessary attention to it.

We wish all the saints to understand, that we are making all possible speed to be ready for our general conference in the spring, which will be held either in this city, or Philadelphia; the place is as yet not decided on, but soon will be, and notice given accordingly; and we wish all who expect to unite with us on this important period in our history, to be shaping their business accordingly. It is our intention, at that time, to complete the organization of the kingdom of heaven, as the Lord has directed.

Let all those who have been ordained under out hands, to be prophets, priests and kings, in this last kingdom, -- unless they have by transgression rendered themselves unworthy -- be making themselves ready, that they fail not to attend; as that Quorum will be, at that time, filled up, as also that of the Twelve, the presidents of Seventies, Bishops, and various presiding officers, so that the organization, may be perfect according to the pattern given to us; -- for the Lord bids us make haste, and idle no time, for the time is short.   ED.

The sayings, and doings, of the apostates at Nauvoo, are all that is necessary to show the desperate condition in which they view their own affairs. Their whole course, since we left that place last September, has been but one evidence following another, of the feelings of desperation, which pervades the breast of the whole mass. At the time of our leaving, the apostle Orson, whose surname is Hyde, followed us to St. Louis, and the efforts he made there and in other places, are before the public, and the folly of them are as well known. Their papers in the mean time were hurried forth, containing all manner of nonsense and falsehood, which any people, but those who felt their case, desperate, would have been ashamed of. From thence till the present, there has been evidence multiplied upon evidence, that desperation was raging in their midst like a pestilence. Every thing that ignorance, corruption, and malice could invent, has been resorted to in order to effect something to our injury; but all has been in vain: and when the common course pursued by corrupt men to injure those whom they dreaded, had failed, they had recourse to the heaven-daring stratagem of putting the name of the great God into the scale of corruption, to poise the ballance in their favor, by uttering false prophecies, and saying thus saith the Lord, but for this the Lord has rebuked them, in a manner never to be forgotten, and if blindness of heart had not happened unto them; and if their consciences were not scared as with a hot iron, they would blush with confusion and shame, but they, as the dog, have returned to their own vomit, and as the sow that was washed, to their wallowing in the mire. "They have made lies their refuge, and under falsehood have they hid themselves."

It was to us rather a matter of desire than otherwise, that they should exert themselves to the very uttermost, and knowing their corruption, as we did, we were perfectly willing that they should exhaust their power on us, and go all lengths their corrupt hearts dictated, so that they might have the gratification of reeking their unprovoked vengeance on us, until they were weary, and raise every tongue, and every pen, that their influence could command, for we never desired to maintain a system of religion, that men, or devils, could destroy, or in any way hinder its progress.

From the attmpts made by the Nauvoo defamers, and those who were under their influence, in the incipient stages of the kingdom, and at a time when it was weaker than it ever will be hereafter, and the rapidity with which the kingdom has progressed, all may see, but those who are willingly blind, that the Lord has the work in his own hands, and the efforts of men are vain, yea, worse than vain.

Every thing that we have undertaken, has prospered in our hands far beyond our highest expectation, and we think, we may say without exaggeration, that our progress has so far been without parallel, in the history of any religious society in our country.

The paper that we commenced, under circumstances such as no other periodical in this or any other country was commenced; has progressed, and is progressing, to a height, to all appearance now, that will give it a place among the extensively circulated periodicals of the day.

The affairs of the kingdom, are new assuming an imposing aspect. We strongly doubt whether any religious society of this or any other country, according to its numbers, has so large a proportion of men of literature, talents, & intelligence, as this society, indeed, a majority of the society is of this class; men of experience and sound mind; and what crowns the whole is, that the Lord is with us, revealing his will to us, and what we lack in knowledge is abundantly supplied.

We have conversed with few or none of the saints, but declare they have learned more about the scriptures, and the will of God in relation to his dealing with men, in the last three months, than they had learned in all their life times before.

We have no spiritual wife system to blind our eyes and corrupt our morals -- and no system ever invented by men, or devils, could more effectually do it than that -- for with its comes every evil work, counterfeiting, coining, stealing, perjury, and it is feared not even murder excepted. Men get a number of women around them, and have no way to maintain them but by stealing, coining, counterfeiting, and other such corrupt schemes; they are constantly liable to exposure, and in consequence, recourse must be had to lying, perjury; and every species of duplicity, to conceal; and if infants should be likely to reveal secrets, what must follow? murder, or exposure, and doubtless the former would be chosen.

Having lifted our voices against such abominations; and not only the abominations, but those who practice them, under the sanctimonious garb of religion, we have found the Lord pouring out his spirit, to strengthen us, and enlighten our minds, and comfort our hearts, and making our ways ways of pleasantness, and all our paths paths of peace.

The pressure of business on uq at present is so great that we find it very inconvenient to fill the editorial chair of this paper, and, in consequence thereof, the paper for the future will be conducted under the editiorial management of Samuel Bennett, M. D.; of whose abilities no man acquainted with him will doubt. We resign the paper into his hands, with the fullest assurance that he is every way capable of rendering it both useful and interesting; and we do recommend it to the reading public, as a paper every way calculated to gratify the inquiries after biblical truth: and we sincerely expect of all the saints, that no endeavor will be wanting on their parts to give it a widely spread circulation.

We shall write as much for the paper with oar own pen, as if we were the editor.

With these remarks we take our leave of the editorial department for the present, with our heart full of gratitude to our heavenly father for the abundant mercy he has bestowed on us, and grateful acknowledgements to the many friends who have sustained us in this most interesting period in our history, until our affairs have assumed a character of stability and much promise.

It would seem by the Times and Seasons and the New York Prophet, that there is a storm in the camp of the spiritual wife devotees. William Smith has come out over his own signature. in the Prophrt, with rather more than innuendoes against one of his brethren of the twelve heads, charging him with a want of that brotherly regard that one apostle ought to have for another, and hopes that the rebuke he gives him, may folhow him in the shores of Europe. We suppose that the apostle William thinks that the apostle Wilford, whom he considers no bettor than himself, should not have made so free with his character while in Philadelphia, a short time before he left for England; and, indeed, we think that the apostle William is more than half right. We cannot see, for our parts, if there should be honor among thieves, why there should not also be honor among spiritual wife men. Now if the apostle William did believe and practice what he believes, and the apostle Wilford believed, and practiced the same things, we cannot see why the apostle Wilford was not bound to defend the character of the apostle William, in Philadelphia, instead of giving a little more than hints in relation to his (William's) want of propriety. We think with the apostle William, that in all this matter he has been abused. We think the apostle Wilfrd was bound to pluck the beam out of his own eye, before he undertook to get the post out of the apostle William's.

NAUVOO, -- MORMONS. -- A gentleman who has recently returned from Nauvoo, and who has some knowledge of the intentions of that people, gives it as his opinion that there will be a scattering among them in the spring. The business of the place will not sustain so large a population, and the more enterprising, particularly the mechanical class, will leave for other cities and towns where they can sustain themselves by their industry.

Already a number have left, and although the dwellings in the city are mostly occupied, it is by those in many instances who have come in from the country to spend the winter.

It has always been a mystery to us, how the population of Nauvoo were sustained --

The people generally are poor -- the city has no commercial advantages -- with the exception of the Temple, there are no public works or manufactories going on, whereby a large population might be employed and sustained. They produce nothing that brings money into the place, or, if they do, it is small compared to the size and population of the city. The very provisions they consume are imported into the place -- and how then, without capital to any extent, can a large population be honestly sustained, dependent as most of the people are upon their industry for support. If their city charter is repealed this winter by the Legislature, which seems probable, property of all kinds will decrease in value -- offices and emoluments which now afford a support to the few leading men, will be taken from them, and the hopes of their city, like the fate of the prophet, will set in gloom.   Quincy Whig.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  February 1, 1845.                                 No. 7.


After due consideration, and taking a view of the situation of the various branches of the church east, west, north, and south, and the many letters addressed to us from persons wishing to unite all their efforts with ours to push forward the cause in which we are engaged, and after seeking council from Him who never errs, we have come to the conclusion to appoint the general conference, in this city of Pittsburgh, to commence on the 6th of April next. As the 6th comes on Sunday, that day will be devoted to preaching and the business will commence on the 7th at which time we intend that a full organization of the kingdom will take place. The first Quorum of seventy is now nearly full. We have all the materials necessary to have a full and complete organization as set forth in our preceding number of this paper.

We hope that all the friends of the kingdom of God, will give attendance, as the occasion will doubtless be interesting as well as vastly important.

We would also inform our friends, that we have a choice selection of Hymn books now in press, which will be ready for delivery on the above occasion.

The Warsaw Signal gives an account of the proceedings of many of the citizens of Hancock county, in relation to the affairs of Nauvoo and its citizens, which our readers would be gratified to know.

Both the papers published at Nauvoo seem determined to mislead the public mind; they are continually setting forth the condition of the city as prosperous, and the future anticipations as desirable, when the truth is, that within that devoted city there is every thing but prosperity; the character of the inhabitants preclude the possibility of their being any prosperity there, all the capital in the city has long since been swallowed up, and there is none left. If their situation admitted to establish factories of any kind. The only thing that has supported the city from its commencement was the immigration, and nearly all the capital the immigrants had was expended in the purchase of a few city lots, and in building a house to live in; this gave employment to the variouskinds of mechanics, whose business pertained to building. This means of subsistence has come to an end. There can houses be bought in Nauvoo, and any number of them, for one half of what they cost, and persons going into the city can furnish themselves with houses at an expense so far beneath what it would cost to build them, that few are now built.

In consequence of this the building mechanics last summer had to go in great numbers to St. Louis and other places, to get work in order to obtain means to maintain themselves and families, because none was to be had in the city.

The common laborers, Which form a large class of the population, unable to find business in the city, had to go out into the country and obtain it among the farmers, going from 20 to 60 miles distant in order to obtain it, and there labor to obtain food, and then bring it into the city. The result of all this was that there was great suffering in the city; many families being reduced to limited circumstances, and deprived of all the luxuries of life, and many of the comforts.

As to Nauvoo ever being a place for extensive manufacturing of any kind, any person at all acquainted with its localities known it cannot be. There are many reasons for this. The idea that there can be water power obtained by means of the rapids to propel machinory is a mistake, and a great one too. The idea of propelling machinery by the current, is as idle as it is ignorant. The freezing of the river would prevent its going several months in the year, if there were no other difficulties. The idea of building a dam across any portion of the river, so as to raise the water; either from thence to dig a canal or race, or so as to erect machinery at the breast of the dam is still worse; nor do we believe that any person or persons ever seriously contemplated doing any such thing; and if they did, it would only prove that the authorities ought to take their case under consideration, for they are fit subjects for a mad house.

A dam to do any good would cost millions of dollars, and when done, would not make a water power half so good as could be obtained in other places, in the western country.

Owing to the character of the river banks, at Nauvoo, a race would have to run along the bank of the river, and subject to be overflowed at the time of the annual freshets, for a length of time at once. No sane man would ever think of erecting machinery under such circumstances.

If recourse must be had to steam, then, indeed, the location is a bad one. There has been no coal as yet found nearer than from four to eight miles from the city, and but small quantities within that distance, and wood will soon be out of the question only as brought a great distance down the river.

Another material objection to Nauvoo's ever being a place of manufacturing, or a city of any commercial importance, is the obstruction to the navigation of the river by reason of the Desmoine rapids, which are not safe for boats to pass some seasons, for many months in the year. Nauvoo lies at the head of these rapids. All the market that Nauveo could afford for the sale of manufactured articles, would go but a very little way towards supporting a factory, and recourse must be had to other markets, and the rapids would present a strong barrier in the way, while only the distance of twelve miles would place the manufactures beyond the difficulty.

If the Desmoine rapids of the Mississippi ever can be used for the purposes of hydraulic power, it must be at a point south of Nauvoo, where the fall is greater and the banks less formidable...

If the statements made to the Warsaw Signal, by the committees appointed for that purpose, be correct, then, indeed, the fate of the city is sealed; it must be so of necessity. No people, with whom we are acquainted, would suffer such a city as the people of Illinois conceive Nauvoo to be, to exist among them. They say their cattle, their horses, their sheep, their hogs, their grain, their timber, their farming utensils, their household goods, in a word, their all is falling a prey to somebody, and the best evidence they can get, these depredations are committed by the Mormons. Now, whether the Mormons do them or not, in our judgment does not alter the case, for unless the people of the surrounding country can find out that it is not the Mormons, they will deal with that people as the offenders. There is somebody doing it, and the highest degee of evidence rests on that people. Will the people of the surrounding country suffer this order of things very long? Most assuredly they will not, neither would any people on this earth, and unless the Mormons can convince the inhabitants around them, that they are innocent, the people will rise against them; they will give themselves no rest until this object is accomplished.

The state of things as represented by the committees of the difTrent precincts, as published in the Warsaw Signal, is unsufferable, if these complaints are really grounded in truth, and there are names signed to the reports which would entitle then to belief. Then the case is desperate, either Nauvoo has a baditti of as great rogues as ever lived in any place in it, or else there is an awful den of them some where else.

The whole censure at present, from all we can learn, rests on Nauvoo, and while it rests there the piblic feeling cannot avoid being aroused, and unless this feeling can be removed it will surely seal the fate of Nauvoo, if they were the greatest saints that ever lived it would not alter the case, for the people with whom they have to do think otherwise, and while they think so they will act in accordance with their belief.

We have said so much to undeceive those who are disposed to be undeceived, and let the public understand the actual state of affairs at Nauvoo.


All the enormous pretensions, and high sounding assumption of the dictatorship, by the apostate Twelve, hang upon one slender thread; to wit: the assertion that Joseph Smith invested them with the authority, to bear off the burden of the church! With the revelations of Jesus Christ in our hand, we are at no loss whether to cut it or let it hang. With the word of God, which is sharper than a two edged sword, we sunder at one blow, the lying dependence; and down, down, Down fall the apostate Twelve, to everlasting shame and contempt. So true is the inspired aphorism, "he that exalteth Himself shall be abased."

We shall shew by a "thus sayeth the Lord," that Joseph Smith had an power or authority to confer ulpon any one -- after he had ordained Sydney Rigdon a prophet, seer, and revelator! We quote from the 14th section of the book of Covenants. "And this ye shall know assuredly, that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he he taken if he abide in me. But veriily, verily I say unto you that none else shall be appointed unto this gift except it he through him, for if it be taken from him he shall not have power, except to appoint another in his stead: and this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teachings of any that shall come before you as revelations or commandments; and, this I give unto you, that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me." We learn from this that no prophet, seer, and revelator was to he appointed during Joseph's life time, unless he forfeited his gift and standing by transgression. But in case he should so transgress, all the power that was then left him, was simply to appoint another in his stead. The moment then Joseph Smith ordained the individual, whom the Lord intended to stand in his (Joscph's) stead, that instant all power and authority as a legal revelator to the church, had departed from him; and in fact all power, in the kingdom of God; for "he shall not have power, except to appoint another in his stead."

The accursed spiritual wife revelation, came through a fallen prophet, and came to deceive. If those who had covenanted to "keep all the commandments of God, unto the end," had searched diligently for the law of God, they would have known -- when the proclamation went forth to the world, that Joseph Smith had ordained Hyrum Smith, and Sydney Rigdon, as prophets, seers and revelators -- that he (Joseph) was no longer the legal revelator to the church, because of transgression.

The Twelve then received all their tremendous keys and authority from a fallen prophet! who had "no power" to give!
Blind infatuation! A deceived heart hath turned them aside, from the holy commandments delivered unto us.

The "spiritual wife" conclave, as we gather from the Prophet and Times and Seasons, have concluded to let us alone. We marvel that such adepts at lying and slander should so soon have exhausted their inventive genius, when not a single number of their papers has hitherto reached us, that did not exhibit a surprising aptitude in their conductors, for the manufacture of FICTION. The last number of the Times and Seasons, charges President Rigdon with inciting his friends to commit murder. They must, or they might have known, it was a gratuitous lie, when they published it. In either case they are alike criminal.

The superiority of mind over matter, the refined excellence of high intellectual and moral endowment, compared with sensuality -- mere animal gratification, needs no demonstration: it commends itself to every man's conscious in the sight of God; it is self evident to every rational being.

It remained for the nineteenth century to develop the most extraordinary spectacle the world has ever witnessed. The example of a people favored with the light of revelation, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the spirit of prophecy; becoming so grossly corrupt, as to teach adultery, fornication, and bastardy and all the crimes which follow in the wake, as necessary concomitance -- as celestial principles, commanded of the Lord, as the necessary prelude to the highest exaltation in the presence of God!...

The Saviour refers to a certain servant in the last days, who was made ruler over his household; to give them meat in due season. The Lord says to Joseph Smith, "behold thou wast called and chosen to write the book of Mormon, and to my ministry." Again, "for behold verily verily, I say unto you, that ye have received a commandment for a law unto my church, through him whom I have appointed unto you, to receive commandments and revelations from my hand." Here then we find a servant, made ruler over a household of faith, to feed them with meat in due season. Note what follows, "and this know assuredly, that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he be taken, if he abide in me." This shews most conclusively, that no other prophet, seer, and revelator, was to be appointed, during Joseph's life time, only in the event of his transgression. One more testimony among many, will suffice for our present purpose. The Lord says to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, page 293, "And inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, it shall be made known unto them what they shall do: and it shall also, inasmuch as they are faithful, be made known unto them the land of their inheritance. And inasmuch as they are not faithful, they shall be cut off, even as I will, as seemeth me good." Joseph Smith is cut off, and Sidney Rigdon is left! What is the necessary inference? We can thus identify the servant spoken of by Jesus Christ as a ruler over his household, with that servant who was called in the last dispensation, to whom the Lord gave promise, that he should continue till his coming, if he abided in him.

The fact then of Joseph Smith's transgression, rests upon the highest degree of testimony any thing is capable of -- the truth of God! All who deny that fact deny the Book of Covenants, deny the word of God, deny the work of the last days, and as a matter of necessity, can have no interest therein or in the resurrection of the just. When was it the kingdom of heaven was to be likened unto ten virgins five of whom were wise, and five foolish? It was after that unfaithful servant was cut off. But to proceed. The Lord says, it was in consequence of transgression in the church, that all the persecution of driving from place to place had come upon them. So long ago, as Aug. 1833, we have this declaration. -- "And again I say unto you, if ye observe to do whatsoever I command you. I the Lord will turn away all wrath and indignation from you, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you." In Feb. 1834 this question is put for ever at rest."But verily I say unto you, that I have decreed a decree which my people shall realize, inasmuch as they hearken from this very hour, unto the counsel which I the Lord their God shall give unto them. -- Behold they shall, for I have decreed it, begin to prevail against mine enemies from this very hour, and by hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet; and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever. But inasmuch as they keep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the lingdoms of the world shall prevail against them, for they were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the saviors of men; and inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men, § 101, ¶ 2.

Who then dare say with the word of God in his hand, and a knowledge of the facts, that there is no apostasy? or that it has not been growing from that time until it has resulted in a complete rejection of the law of heaven, and a certain fearful looking for of wrath and fiery indignation, to be poured upon the heads of the disobedient. Will the Almighty suffer his word to fail? It is important that all interested should answer that question for themselves. Come out of her my people, that ye partake not of her sins for the day of her visitation is at hand; the groans of the poor, the cry of injured innocence, have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth; and her judgements slumber not. Bear ye witness we have faithfully warned you, your blood be upon your own heads.


We learn, that last week an officer having a warrant from Gov. Ford, issued on a requisition from the Governor of New York, for one Eaton, who is the king of the Nauvoo Bogus Factory, went to the Holy City to make the arrest. This, the officer did on Friday evening, without difficulty, being afraid to venture with his prisoner that night across the prairie, he took Eaton to a tavern -- secured the assistance of two men to guard him, and put up for the night. About 11 o'clock, the prisoner having procured a pistol by some means unknown, presented it to the officer, and swore he was going. The officer who was in bed sprung out, and endeavored to secure the door; but was struck by Eaton, with a stick, and prevented from accomplishing his object. The house being surrounded by Eaton's friends, was carried off in triumph and the officer was mocked. And this is Holy Nauvoo, residence of Gov. Ford's peaceful saints. --   Warsaw Signal.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  February 15, 1845.                                 No. 8.


It is surprsing to see the folly and madness of this people, with ruin staring them in the face, and without one ray of hope, they are attempting to make those, that they think are unacquainted with their true condition, believe that they will continue to build up the city; while their situation is fast approaching a condition of thing, nearly resembling the Missouri tragedy, and with all the evidence that any people could have, that both them and their city are destined to an overthrow, endevoring to get others into the same scene of desolation with themselves, as though they were determined to make the ruin as extensive as possible. It would seem, with them, that the old saying "that misery loves company," is being fulfilled to the letter, or surely, they would warn all their friends, if they have any, to stay where they were, until the fate of their city was known.

That there are awful fears among themselves that a dire fate awaits them, is beyond all controversy; as letters written, to this city, from those who reside there abundently testify. -- There is scarcely a ray of hope left, but still they would fain lead others into the common ruin, and make them bear a fall share of the evil, that their corruptions have brought on themselves. Infatuated as the Jews, before complete distruction came on them, the cry was the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, and continued to cry it until eternal realities, made them feel what they refused to believe, though warned and re-warned by those sent for that purpose.

The people of Nauvoo are another evidence of the same infatuation. No people so blind as a people who have corrupted the true religion of heaven; when they have put at defiance the law of God, they lose sight of all the principles of righteousness, by which society is bound together, and run into all manner of folly and wickedness; regarding no man's happiness and peace, nor their own either. -- At this time the people in the surrounding country, and that almost unanimously, are forming into associations, for the express purpose of producing the overthrow of that city, and to scatter its inhabitants. Equally hostile is the Legislature of the state; from that quarter they have all to fear and nothing to hope. It would seem from the public expression, every where given, that there never was a whole state, the feelings of which, were roused to a greater indignation against a people than the state of Illinois, is against the Mormons at present. Their papers, their public speeches, their Legislative proceedings. the general expression of public opinion, and public feeling, their various and numerous public meetings, all speak a language not to be misunderstood except by that infatuated people.

So great is their darkness of heart, and blindness of mind, that if they have one friend who feels a sufficent interest in their condition to warn them of it, he is assailed, in the most abusive manner, his character is made the butt of their indignation, and every effort is used for his distruction, so was the case of the Jews, before their desolation came to the very uttermost.

There is no instance on record, in the history of the world, where a people got themselves into the situation the Marmons are in at this time at Nanvoo, when tlrey were not overthrown. If the great God had ever intended that this people should prevail, surely he would have prevented their getting into their present situation, But such are their gross corruptions, that not only those people forsake them, but their God also; and if ever there were a people who were without hope, and without God in the world, the Mormons of Nauvoo are in that condition.

The means they use to sustain themselves, have no parallel in the history of nations or people, except it was the Jews, at the time, and just before their downfall. According to the reports, of the papers, and private letters, if any one in their midst, sees their danger, and is disposed to warn them; they commence stealing, and otherwise destroying their property, until they are compelled to submit to them, or be entirely ruined. Such a state of things, we are told, was in Jerusalem before and during the time of their utter destruction.

Another extraordinary means, is, the sending forth of their papers. praising themselves, and praising one another, as a law abiding people, when every body who has been and is in any good degree acquainted with them, knows to the contrary. But "I Parly P. Pratt," in a late number of the New York Prophet -- as ignorant a sheet as was ever published -- has out stepped them all, he has warned the Illinois Legislature, to beware how they take away the Nauvoo charters, notifying them of what will be done in the east, if they do so -- and a mighty alarm it is to the Demcorats if it is done -- the Democrats shall not have another President. Hear this jall ye Democrats and take warning. "I Parly P. Pratt" has said it. Poor Parley, if he ever had any senses, they have, like a swarm of bees when their hive gets filthy, fled.

The candid mind in reviewing the condition of this people, is led to inquire why it is, that this people is thus hastening their own ruin? There is, reader, a cause for this, and one that must produce this effect. They have so degraded themselves below every Other portion of the civilized world in the introduction of their plurality wife system, that Nauvoo is the only place, where they can live. What, I ask the reader, would such a people do, in common society? where would they be suffered to live in their adulterous practices? Nowhere but Nanvoo. If they leave there, there are hundreds of familes whom they have ruined that must be mere vagrants in the world, unless they can get a place by themselves.

All the stealing, and counterfeiting, complained of in that city, were the result of this system, there was no other way of providing for their spiritual wives, and how can they provide for them if driven from Nauvoo, they would have to pursue the same course, and, in that case, their fate could be easily told. No wonder then that there is horror, confusion and dismay, in that devoted city. But their judgment sleeps not, and their distruction slumbers not, well may we use the language of St. John, and say "come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her plagues," for her destruction is sure, and her overthrow is certain. Be warned then, ye saints of God and flee from her, before you share in her ruin.

We extract the two following letters from a pamphlet, published by Elder John Hardy, of Boston; containing an account of his trial, for the alleged slander of G. J. Adams, Williant Smith, and S. Brannan. The curious, in the details of spiritual witeiam, can inform themselves, by a perusal of the evidence adduced on that trial. We have a few thousands of copies on hand, and will supply our friends with them at the rate of two dollars per hundred.

Boston. Nov. 23, 1844.    
Elder Hardy: Sir, -- I respectfully submit the following to your disposal, with the earnest wish to aid you in the equitable measure which you have adopted in exposing to the just detestation of a high-minded public, the promulgators of a system of extreme licentiousness, no less irrational in its nature, than that of the most depraved of the human race; although its preachers pretend hypocritically to have the sanction of heaven. All virtuous people will applaud the spirited exertions which you have made to open the eyes of those who may yet be ignorant of the contemptible measures adopted by certain individuals, not merely to screen themselves from merited punishment, but to carry out their daring projects, setting at defiance, the laws of God and man, and outraging even common decency. About two or three evenings prior to your trial, (so called) Elder Freeman Nickerson met me in Suffolk Hall, and noticing my dejection of mind, said he should like to go home with me, as he had a good deal to say to me; as we walked along he said, among other things, "Brother Eaton, if I am called as a witness during Brother Hardy’s trial I shall tell the truth; I suppose I shall be cut off for it, I expect the whole branch will be cut off, but no matter if we are, we will all be baptized and enter into a covenant. Brother Smith no doubt will be dreadful mad with me for he has got an awful temper when it is up, but I am not afraid of him, or any other man; I never was; I am ready to lay down my life for the truth." Well, Father Nickerson what kind of character has Wm. Smith sustained heretofore? "Don’t ask me," said he; "I don’t want to say anything about it. I don’t want to get into trouble, but I mean to tell the truth if I am called upon. Don’t be worried, Brother Eaton, it will all come out right." After your trial, (so called,) I reminded Elder Nickerson of the conversation which we had together, and told him I did not know what to think of him; he said, "Oh, how I wished the other evening that I had been in Brother Hardy’s place. I would have acknowledged that I had done wrong, and then all the trouble would be settled." But, said I, Brother Hardy cannot make such an acknowledgement as that, because he thinks that he has done right; and Father Nickerson, you remember what you told me the other night, yourself about Wm. Smith. "Well," said he, “Brother Eaton, if we strike against our head we strike against ourselves." It is evident to my mind, that Elder Nickerson has been overawed by William Smith, and made a convert to the pernicious doctrine that we must uphold the authorities of the church right or wrong, a doctrine which has paved the way to a most lamentable apostacy, with a large portion of the society, and led them to turn the grace of God into lasciviousness.   Respectfully,

New York. Nov. 13, 1844.    
Elder Hardy: Sir. -- I have been informed that you are about to publish your trials, before the church, for slanderinq G. J. Adams, William Smith, and S. Brannan, in order to defend your own character against their malicious thrusts, and expose to public view the corruptions of these men, and a certain clique that are new attempting to sustain them. If these are the objects you have in view. I can sincerely say that I commend you for this praiseworthy undertaking, for certainly to expose the secret and most extraordinary systemn of wickedness carried on by professedly religious men, is the laudable duty of any man that takes the least interest in the welfare of mankind. I am pleased to see any man take a bold stand in favor of the truth, and in opposition to the most contemptible scheme of iniquity that has been introduced into the church during the last two or three years, generally known by the name of the "Spiritual Wife System," thus doing may be the means of guarding the innocent and unwary female against the unhallowed attacks of a set of libertines, and retrieve the honest and orderly portion of the church from the present state of disgrace to which these unsanctified excesses have reduced the whole society, and save them from a more horrible vortex of woe, that lies in the advance, yawning for heart-rending victims of dispair. So may kind heaven protect you and crown your efforts with signal success.

With regard to the course pursued of late by Elder S. Rigdon, I can say that if the book of Doctrine and Covenants is true, he, in respect to his general or public movements, has done nothing more than that which the Lord has commanded him to do; he seeks not to lead the members of the church from the original or true principles and order of the same, but is laboring to get them to return, (inasmuch as they have strayed from) and strictly adhere to them. Now, sir, I know that if what is written in the above book be true, he is the only lawful President of the church now living, and the only one holding the keys of the kingdom; and by the bye, it is said in this book, that he ie equal with Joseph Smith in holding them. It has been said that he is trying to build up a church on his own respnnahility; -- this is utterly false; he is only officiating in his proper office, and carrying out the true principles and order of the church: those who sustain him in this capacity, are sustaining this order; all that arrogate to themselves this office, are aspirants and are acting without the sanction of heaven, and in opposition to the law of the church, and if the term apostate is applicable to any one, it is to those who have taken a stand against the proper authority or authorities of the church.

I have hitherto, and do now, give out the following an a standing challange: "This is to say to the public, and the church of Latter Day Saints, that I hold myself in readiness, after due notice, to meet all the men of talent in the Society, and before impartial jedges, prove that either S. Rigdon is the proper man to preside over the Church, or that the book of Covenants and book of Mormon are not true. If I cannot do this I will manfully yield the point."

As regards the trial of Elder Rigdon at Nauvoo, it was a forced affair, got up by the twelve to get him out of their way, that they might the better arrogate to themselves higher authority than they ever had, or any body ever dreamed that they would have; and also (as they perhaps hoped) to prevent a complete expose of the Spiritual-wife-system, which they knew would deeply implicate themselves. This trial deserves no other name than that of a religious farce. Elder Rigdon has always been a most uncompromising enemy to this system of corruption, which accounts for many stories that have been got up by the twelve and others, that he has for sometime past been negligent with regard to his duty, and has not been much interested in the affairs of the church. &c. &c.

Indeed sir, they have publicly declared in Nauvoo, that they would not only destroy his infuonce, but that of all those that stood by him: of course as they cannot use truth to do this, they expect to invent and put in circulation falsehoods, and thus accomplish this desirable work!!
          Yours, respectfully,
                                                    B. WINCHESTER.

Bro. Benjamin! the skill of spiritual wife men only extend to private teachings; they have no argument for public use except falsehood. -- They are systematically drilled to that. It is part of their religion. They are trying it in conjunction with spiritual wifery, as a new scheme for superior exaltation! Why, don't you know they propose to save men by lying? The book of Doctrine and Covenants and book of Mormon is nothing to them!

What a surprising tendency exists in the nature of man, to avoid the face of truth, if it should be found in conflict with their wishes, and altogether at variance with their proposed schemes of gratification.

Where is the man who will not profess his desire to obtain truth; and yet where, Oh! where, shall we find the man who is ready to sacrifice all at the shrine of truth! If rt proposition, or the renunciation of a fact, is found to be in perfect accordance with their cherished idol, and darling theory of happiness, well and good; there is no difficulty in receiving it. But if that truth should upset their self complacency, if their supposed righteousness should vanish before it, as the dew before the rising sun -- what reason, what subterfuge, what quibling, what casuistry, is resorted to in order to resist its force; and rather than receive it at all, the subject is proscribed -- banished, as far as may be from their attention; its bare mention has become odious and painful.

This is the present condition of the "Spiritaul Wife" fraternity. We have pointed out to them the truth. We have shown them that the course which they have pursued has violated every principle of reason and revelation; and outraged common decency, and common sense. They have in return poured forth upon us a flood of sheer falsehood, malignity, and slander. We did not expect them to produce any argument, for the all sufficient reason -- we knew they had none to give. Their 1position and their conduct were incapable of being sustaired by argument. The only recourse left them was to place the ban of interdiction upon the subject, in conformity with papal, that precedent of "Holy Catholic" notority. Indeed the genius and spirit of the old "Mother of Harlots" has fully developed itself in her modern coadjutor. The vigorous effort to suppress all books, not approved by the inquisitorial tribunal, and the express mention of certain books not proper to be used. The same domineering, dictatorial assumption of unlimited authority, over the bodies, souls, and estates of her devotees. The same liberal distribution of anathemas of damnation. -- Indeed it would seem as though the "old Mother" had taken a "revised edition" like Parley and his proclamation -- of her earthly embodiment, and was about to start with more than her youthful vigor, upon a fresh theatre of section for the establishment of universal harlotry, and universal damnation, under the new order of "Spiritual wifeism."

The Nauvoo Neighbour informs those who live in the east, and have farms or other property, which they wish to exchange for property in Nauvoo, that there is now a good opportunity to effect the exchange to good advantage, and solicits them to avail themselves of so favorable an opportunity.

Why this notice!the fact is, those owning property in Nauvoo, well understanding that present situation and portentious state of of affairs in that city, would be glad to avail themselves of any opportunity of changing their property, with any person, and in any part of the country; believing that Nauvoo is destined to a speedy overthrow, and unless they can gull somebody in the east, and by false representations, get exchanges made, they will lose their all.

The true state of afairs in relation to that city, will be found in this paper, in an extract of a letter from a gentleman in Nauvoo, to his friend in this city. Property, in Nauvoo, is of merely nominal value. No man knows what will be its fate; but the worst can be anticipated. There is, at this time, in that city, a fearful looking for of judgment to come. -- No man acquainted with the true state of affairs, could look for any thing but destruction. Surrounded by a large population, as hostile as human nature can feel, and as determinedly fixed in their purpose, to overthrow that city, as they could be to accomplish any object. An overwhelming majority, in the Legislature, bent on repealing their charters. In their midst is poverty, want and much distress; and their condition constantly growing worse.

Under such circumstances, who that owns property in that city but would gladly exchange it, at what they call a fair rate, for property any where else. No wonder then that the distant public are informed that property, in that city, can be obtained on exchanges for property in the east, on favorable terms.

Now does this notice, however tally with the reports of the trades meetings and other reports issuing from their presses. In these reports the city is represented, in a most flourishing condition. The dawning of a bright day, they would have fain made the public believe, was just beginning to shed its rays upon them. A monstrous dam was soon to be put under construction, that was to cost, according to their own calculation, $250.000; who does not know that such a work as that, would employ hundreds of hands, and of itself make a city of the size of Nauvoo flourish? This in connection with their various mechanical opperations, reported in their papers, would have made property in that city of great value, and the owners would rather have it there, than in any portion of the eastern country. But in the very dawn of this great prosperity, behold the people in the east are informed that property now can be had, on exchanges, to great advantage.

The bubble of this great prosperity is burst -- The only object these deceivers could have in filling their papers with the glorious future prospect of their city, was to prepare the way for this notice, and if possible gull somebody who was not acquainted with the real state of matters and things there.

That they ever had any intention of building a dam across any portion of the Mississippi, no man acquainted with the things as they exist could possibly believe, or that there was the least prospect of their various mechanical associations prospering. These operations were in view of obtaining sale or exchange for their property by deceiving some of their eastern friends, over whom they have influence.

Can any people prosper, who have to condescend to such trickery and yet say the Lord is in it. I leave the public to judge.

We have before us a copy of a pamphlet, entitled, "History of the Trials of Elder John Hardy, before the Church of Latter Day Saints, in Boston, for slander, in saying that G. J. A4ams, S. Brannan, and William Smith were licentious characters;" which sets forth in language too plain to be misunderstood, the depths of sin and iniquity into which men can fall, who have once enjoyed the spirit of God, and been acquainted with the principles of the kingdom of heaven, but have turned therefrom, and "turned the grace of God into lasciviousness." "If that light which is in you become darkness, how great is that darkness?"


The time is now coming the day is at hand,
When Zion in strength and in beauty shall stand;
Awake from her slumbers, in glory arise,
And send her loud anthems to God in the skies.

Her beautiful garments, as brilliant as gold;
The splendor of which has never been told;
Though held up to view in prophetic renown,
The head of all nature with glory to crown.

In strength, her foundations in firmness are laid,
And God in her midst, her glory and head,
With light, and with truth and with righteousness, shine,
And wisdom, and grace, and with mercy divine.

From time immemorial, in prophetic lore,
She's been mark'd as the object of heav'n's kind care,
Her triumph and victory, the prophet's reward,
And Jesus her head, her king, and her Lord.

Her strength shall increase, with each rolling year:
Her power and influence, in glory appear
Her walls in great strength, exalted on high:
Her watchmen in wisdom, shall see eye to eye.

Her great ones in darkness no longer shall lay;
The light of their truth, shall blaze as the day:
To glory and rest they will point us the road;
For all of her children are taught of their God.

O Zion the glory, and praise of the earth;
Thy conquest is certain, from time of thy birth;
Though kingdoms and nations, in ruin are cast;
Thy strength and thy power, increase to the last.

Thy travail and sufferings shalt not lie in vain;
Thy children, in multitudes, lengthen thy train,
In numbers, like sand that's spread on the shore,
Thousands and thousands of millions, and more.

Thy peace like a river, in righteousness flow
Thy streams of salvation- -- all nations shall know;
The prince, and the peasant, the noble and mean;
Find salvation in thee forever, amen.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  March 1, 1845.                                 No. 9.

(From the Boston Investigator.)

Mr. Editor, -- I return you my sincere thanks for your liberality in offering the use of your columns to any Mormon wishing to reply to any of my communications. In writing against the Mormons, I feel no ill will towards any of them; neither do I fear their abuse. Let them honorably defend their doctrines; prove, also, if I have made any charges unsustainted by evidence; if I have, I will "own up." It is my firm, honest belief, that Mormonism is calculated to uphold the worst vices of our frail nature, and as such, is an incubus on society. My object us, to show it in its true colors; and in striving to do so, I shall strictly adhere to what I know to be true, and what can be sustained by a hundred witnesses.

The "spiritual wife" doctrine I will explain, as taught me by Elder W____e, as taught by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Elder Adams, William Smith, and the rest of the quorum, &c., &c. It is as follows: -- Joseph had a revelation from God that there were a number of spirits to be born into the world, before their exaltation in the next; that Christ would not come until all these spirits received or entered their "tabernacle of clay;" that these spirits were hovering around the world, and at the door of bad houses, watching a chance, however dishonorably, of getting into their tabernacle; that God had provided an honorable way for them to come forth -- that was, by the "Elders of Israel" sealing up virtuous women, and as there was no provision made for woman in the scriptures, their only chance of heaven was to be "sealed up" to some Elder for time and eternity, and be a star in his crown forever; that those who were the cause of bringing forth these spirits would receive a reward -- the ratio of which reward should be the greater or less according to the number they were the means of bringing forth.

This, Mr. Editor, is the substance of the "Mysteries of the Kingdom," in as few words as I can use to explain it. That it is calculated, with a little sophistry, to delude the "faithful" weak-minded, is self-evident. They reason thus. That God is no such being as the scriptures would seem to represent, and the sectarian would believe; that woman was made for man, and those seeming jealousies of the Almighty, represented in the bible, were for the blinding of the Gentiles, that they might not indulge their propensities which God gave them, without his express permission. Thus, if a child steals an apple (for which he has a good appetite) he sins: but if the father gives him the apple, there is no sin in eating it. The members of the "spiritual" brotherhood and sisterhood are bound to keep it secret from the world and those of "little faith," and if found out, to defend each other to the last. They are at liberty to use the grossest slander and falsehood to terrify into silence those who dare oppose them. They all solemnly disavow in public; but the proof is now so palpable and self-evident, That they must father it.

I as one, can solemnly prove before any court of justice, that the doctrine was taught me; and as for its being most scandalously and unblushingly practised in Boston, Lowell, New York. Philadelphia, and its outrageous doings in the "Holy City" of Nauvoo, I shall prove by unimpeachable witneses. I challenge thew to disprove. it, if they can, and I shall bring such a torrent of proof as will be a caution to the Eucledians of "this day and generation."

Is this a doctrine to be countenanced by men whom human nature has left with one spark of honesty or common sense? Forbid it Nature's God! Whilst I have an arm to raise, a voice to speak, or a pen to write, I will not see my fellow beings swindled, deluded, brow-beat, slandered, abused, by villains under the mask of religion.

Why, let me ask, has Parley P. Pratt, charged Elder Adams, in public print, of swindling the saints, teaching false doctrines, "sealing people up" to eternal life? ("spiritually,") &c. &c. Let the saints answer it. Why did Joseph give Elder Adams the "sealing power," even to preaching the spiritual wife doctrine publicly? Why did Elder Adams read his "commission" from Joseph in Suffolk Hall, Boston, giving him power and "keys" above the Twelve? Answer that, and let Elder Adams answer for himself -- no quibling. Why did not the "first Presidency" call Elder Adams to trial and cut him off, as they have hundreds of others in like circumstances? Is not there something more than natural in this, if philosophy could find it out? Yet, with all this evidence before their eyes, the saints will still uphold this spiritual-wife ignisfatuus. "Oh! SHAME, where is thy blush?"

"The holy hypocrite is the most destructive serpent that can assail the happiness of the human family. Under this mantle of Church power he can work a greater mischief than all the villany that parades society at large. -- Like the mole, he winds his way unseen even to virtue's fair citadel; and while you (having charity) think all secure, lays your fair fabric in ruins; but you are nothing the wiser -- the victim is held under bonds; fear of the world's exposure, and remorse of conscience, is half-stifled in the promise of greater reward, by the FALSE TEACHINGS Of these unsanctified caitiffs in the sight of God, than her true and faithful or betrothed husband could give her. Woman! as you value your fair fame, your peace of mind, and every thing that is dear to you, turn with horror and distrust from the outlines of a religion and the teachings of men whose actions insult your ears and understanding. Shun it and them as you would a draught of poison distilled from the deadly night-shade or black hemlock. Aye, more; for one would surely kill you, whilst the other would make you drag out a miserable, despised existence, worse to the feeling heart than a thousand deaths."

And ye men, who boast of the likeness and nature of your God, prove ye are not "dolts and fools by ignorance made drunk;" prove that "God has extended the saints' understanding;" that ye can "see as ye are seen, and know as ye are known." Do consult the common sense that nature has given you, and turn with a blush from the things ye are -- jackall to lions of iniquity. Do this, and I will feel more rewarded if I can but save one fellow being from the fangs of these detestable serpents of bigotry and intolerance.
                Respectfully yours,
                                           HENRY ROWE.
Portland, Feb. 3, 1845.


A gentleman from Nauvoo, informs us, that the great mass of the population of the city is in a state bordering on starvation. There is no business going on, and no means of obtaining subsistence, only by charitable donations from the richer classes. Subscriptions are passing thro' every city for the relief of the poor, & every day baskets are carried around to collect provisions for the starving. Thefts from the Rigdonites are numerous as ever, notwithstanding the 400 police. Indeed, this police is a protection to thieves, rather is made up of thieves in great part, who when out at night, ostensibly for protection of property, can the more successfully purloin and hide it.   Warsaw Signal.


Our readers are all aware that the city of Nauvoo is divided into two factions: the Rigdonites and Twelveites -- the latter being the most numerous and by far the greatest scoundrels. The Twelveites in order to force the Rigdonites into measures, commenced a system of pilfering, which became so oppressive, that some of the Rigdonites could no longer stand their losses and either left the city or renounced their faith. Amongst the latter class, a William Marks, who being a man of property, sustained heavy losses by thefts, and on account of the unsettled state of his business, could not leave the city. -- He, therefore, published a note a few weeks since in the Neighbor, renouncing Rigdon -- joining the Twelve, and exhorting all with whom he had any influence to do likewise. A few days after this, all his stolen property was returned. His harness, he says, was buried while absent. Now we call this decidedly rich; but it is of the same class of cases, with that reported by Mr. Keegan, in another column; where a saint's cow was stolen by mistake, and an equal amount of beef and hide returned upon finding it out, with a note of apology, stating that the thief thought it was gentile beef,   Warsaw Signal.
(By what authority the editor intimates that these persons in Nauvoo whom he calls Rigdonites, are scoundrels we know not, and presume that he has none.)

The Pittsburgh Morning Post, of the 10th inst., says: -- The New York Prophet, a Mormon paper utters some direful threats against the democrats because the Legislature of Illinois repealed the Mormon city charter. He promises that the Mormons will all vote with the shigs in 1848, and defeat the democratic candidate for President. If Mr. Clay should be the next whig candidate, we may expect to see many interesting letters pas between him and his Mormon friends, and we would not be much surprised if -- to make assurance doubly sure -- some of the most ardent whig leaders should become Mormon prophets.

Parley P. Pratt prays that he may never have the spirit of the saints at Pittsburgh, (apostates from the plurality wife system.) Parley, you put me in mind of a very strong sectarian in New Hartford, N.Y., when he could not reply to Mormonism, said to the saint with whom he was conversing, "well Mr. S. if I am wrong, I hope God will keep me wrong, and damn me for being wrong." -- Your prayer Mr. Pratt, may be answered.

For the Messenger and Advocate.

Brother Bennett: -- Realizing the necessity of discharging every duty, that in the day of days, blood may not be found upon our garments, I propose for the benefit of the saints, to investigate the matter of Pres't. S. Rigdon's trial of Sep. 8th 1844.

To do so understandingly, the reader should have the Times and Seasons, and book of Doc, and Cov. before him -- while we proceed to consider the general features of the trial, as to legality, and propriety. What I mean by legality is -- according to the law of the church, as contained in the book of Doc. and Cov. and what I mean by propriety is according to common law -- common justice -- and common sense; after which I propose to examine the Testimony in detail.

We assure them that the act of expulsion passed against President Rigdon is void, upon principles of law; because, 1st, the high council acted without a first president. See Book of Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 5, par. 5. 2dly, the high council was not lawfully organized, Sec. 5, par. 7. 3rdly, the law was not complied with in Sec. 4, par. 8. 4thly the council was called by persons gaving no authority to do so at a stake of Zion, Sec. 3, par. 12. The twelve travelling high council thus acting in the office, and not under the direction of the first presidency. And, 5thly, because the charges against President Rigdon were not substantiated, as will appear when we come to examine the evidence in detail.

We say also, that the decision is void upon principles of common law, common justice and common sense. Upon the principles of common law a citation should be issued by a person competent to try; accompanied by a copy of the charges, which was not the case in this instance.

2dly. The witnesses were incompetent: "a mad man or an idiot, when subject to frequent recurrence, are incompetent witnesses." -- See Roscoe's Crim. Evd. 96.

3d. For reasons stated in Gibb's Evd. 139.

4th. It is a general rule that a person who is to be the gainer or looser in the event of the cause in which he is called to give evidence is incompetent, and cannot be examined," 2d. Hawk P. C. 46, and 1st McNully's Evd. 53. Upon principles of common justice, because the most shameful efforts were made by the twelve and their associates, to forestall public opinion, by inflammatory speeches, both in public and private. Characterized by the most outrageous falsehoods, and violent denunciations. Meetings were called in different parts of the city, at which persons were engaged, privately filling the minds of the people with the poison of prejudice. And upon principles of common sense the decision is void, because the same persons who accuse President Rigdon, denounce him, also prejudged him, by first withdrawing the hand of fellowship, then appear as witnesses, and pleaders against him, thus usurping the perogative of the high council, and then, to "cap the climax" of their hypocricy and inconsistency -- after having, as they said, actually cut President Rigdon off -- (cut themselves off) the twelve send Orson Hyde to St. Louis, who, through Brother William Small, offered in behalf of the twelve, that every thing which had been said against President Rigdon, should be removed, if he, President Rigdon, would come back and council with them. Void, we repeat, because the witnesses were permitted unrestrained to abuse and insult the character of President Rigdon, before the high council and the people, showing plainly two things. 1st. That the high council were unacquainted with, or regardless of their duties, and also that the witnesses were incompetent, rendered so by anger and prejudice.

And lastly void!! because the whole affair was a most ridiculous burlesque, upon civil jurisprudence, and insulting to reason and common sense. Now for the charges and evidence. The reader will please remember that we take their own report of the trial, and although many things which transpired at the time have been by them suppressed, but we will judge them by their own account of this shameful affair. Here the reader is referred to the Times and Seasons, October and November, 1844.

We commence with Brigham's testimony in par. 2, after an almost singular application of "much every wat," (by the way Brigham is singular, much every way you can fix him: it is said that on a certain occasion in Missouri, he took a most singular fancy to his wifes night-dress) he winds up by enumerating six or seven parties, the twelve forming the seventh or last. In par. 3, attempting to amalgamate some of the parties, he tells a most malicious falsehood, and that, too, under the solemn obligations of a witness, by saying that the adherants to the Book of Mormon, Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and will form a party in contradistinction to the adherants of President Rigdon, as the first president. Par. 4. Brigham commences doing business for the benefit of L. Wight, J. Emmet, and others, which, though rather a wholesale business, he may be right for aught I know, but the inference intended in the remark relative to L. Wight, is false, and he knew it to be so at the time.

I cannot stop to notice all the irrelevant matter contained in B. Young's testimony, but the fact that he has travelled months with blood in his shoes is too good to be forgotten., but what his inveterate sore has to do with President Rigdon is more than I can imagine.

Page [648], opened with a virtual admission that President Rigdon is the first president of the church, however this admission is followed by the assertion that President Rigdon had ordained men to be prophets, priests and kings. Note, if the admission is good for any thing the ordinations were good and proper, because, 1st, the first president had already ordained persons to the same effect, as will appear by Elder Marks' testimony. And, 2d, because but a president can ordain a prophet. As long as the twelve will admit that S. Rigdon was the first surviving president, so long we may safely admit the fact of the organization of the "School of the Prophets." but if they back out of the admission which, from their inconsistency, we may expect, then we rest our case on the 85 section of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants: --

"And again verily I say unto thy brethren, Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, their sins are forgiven them also, and they are accounted as equal with thee in holding the keys of this last kingdom; as also through your administration the keys of the school of the prophets, which I have commanded to be organized, that thereby they may be perfected in their ministry for the salvation of Zion, and of the nations of Israel, and of the Gentiles, as many as will believe, that through your administration, they may receive the word, and through their administration the word may go forth unto the ends of the earth, unto the Gentiles first and then behold, and lo they shall turn unto the Jews: and then cometh the day when the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the house of Joseph, of the gospel of their salvation."

As this organization appears to be the burden of all the testimony, we wish the reader to observe that it can have no bearing whatever upon the charges, for the reasons above stated. We now present to the reader the charges, which will be found on page 649, par. 2. as follows: --

"Elder Rigdon has not conducted himself like a man of God, he has not conducted himself like a man of God, nor a counsellor to the first presidency, since he came here from Pittsburgh." As to the 2d part of the charge, we say, had President Rigdon degraded himself so much as to have taken council of that twelve-headed, would-be presidency, we would most freely have confessed him guilty of the first part of the charge, for what honest man, to say nothing of a man of God, would have associated with so desperate a set of men, the whole question then for consideration is, has "President Rigdon conducted himself like a man of God since his return from Pittsburgh?" Not at Kirtland, not at Missouri, but for the last three weeks? Brigham finished his testimony by repeating. "Elder Rigdon has ordained persons to be prophets, priests and kings." And introduced Orson Hyde, who testified to a long rigmarole of what happened to him in New Haven and elsewhere.

2d item, That President Rigdon attempted to ensnare the people, and allure their minds by his flowery eloquence, (note) what to do O. H.? Good or Evil? According to your own testimony, President Rigdon repeatedly said, that he did not wish to divide or injure the people, St. Paul might be damned for the same thing if it had happened to be a damnable offence.

3d item. Orson Hyde says that the church has twelve heads; that Joseph appointed them. Though this proves nothing against President Rigdon, yet it proves one of two things -- either that Orson Hyde testified falsely, or that Joseph transgressed the commandment of God. See Book of Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 14: --

"And this ye shall know assuredly, that there is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he be taken, if he abide in me. -- 2. But verily, verily I say unto you, that none else shall be appointed unto this gift except it be through him, for if it be taken from him he shall not have power, except to appoint another in his stead: nd this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teachings of any that shall come before you as revelations or commandments: and this I give unto you, that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me. For verily I say unto you, that he that is ordained of me shall come in at the gate and be ordained as I have told you before, to teach those revelations which you have received, and shall receive through him whom I have appointed."

4th item. Orson Hyde further saith, "I will now give some testimony, which has been handed to me of what Elder Rigdon has said," (without giving names) goes on to say "One of Rigdon's party said to a brother, &c." in the name of common sense what kind of testimony is this upon which to damn a man in time and eternity, to deliver over to the buffetings of Satan? Shame! shame!!

5th item. Page 650, par. 4, Times and Seasons: -- "We know by the spirit that this was in Elder Rigdon's heart." Tis nonsense to try the shame of a blasphemer.

6th item. "Elder Rigdon threatened to turn traitor." Note, to bring iniquity to light is a virtuous act, to bring to light a good thing is no less virtuous. And the fact of their fearing exposure accounts for this same witness's journey to St. Louis, before mentioned. Orson Hyde proceeds with his testimony about things which happened in Missouri, some six years before; but in his remarks about things which happened in Missouri, it is most singular that he omitted all mention of certain affidavits put forth about that same time for the specific benefit of the saints -- now we ask the reader what has been proven by these two witnesses against the character of President Rigdon as a man of God? We feel that every candid person who examines the evidence, will reply nothing, but one thing that can be alleged against President's Rigdon's character as a man of God. But they do prove one thing, viz. that the act of expulsion is void, for the reasons before enumerated, I, Parley P. Pratt dives at once 15 or 16 years into the past, and wading with gigantic strides up to the present, says, "I, Parley P. Pratt, invited Elder Rigdon to a council at Brother Taylor's, called by the twelve, but Elder Rigdon excused himself on account of company," further saith, "that Elder Rigdon gave an appointment for the next Thursday, to transact important business for the church," but that seven of the twelve thought proper to interrupt the business of the meeting, further saith "that Elder Rigdon pledged himself to support the authorities of the church, as now organized, and that no other business except the regular prayer meeting should be attended to; but I took the liberty to inform the people that no business would be attended to except the regular prayer meeting." So far I, Parley P. Pratt's testimony proves, (if it proves any thing) that President Rigdon did conduct himself like a man of God, and as the president of the church, but that the twelve who were present behaved like ruffians. The rest of I, Parley P. Pratt's testimony is made up of burlesque, falsehood and nonsense, about the Maid and her Milk Pail, Gladin Bishop, Queen Victoria, &c. admitting, most reluctantly, however, that President Rigdon had declared that he would do nothing to divide or injure the church. This proves no unrighteousness in President Rigdon, unless, indeed, I.P.P.P. goes by the Irish rule of contraries, which seems to be the one adopted by the twelve, when referring to the Book of Doctrine and Covenants on the motives of President Rigdon. That is, when President Rigdon says, that he does not want to divide the church or injure the people, by their (the twelve's) rule he must be a most abominable sinner. Here endeth I, Parley P. Pratt's first lesson.

O. Hyde re-appears, and continued his testimony in relation to a circumstance which occurred 2850 odd years ago, to one of the greatest adulterers that we have any account of -- Exit.

A. Lyman testifies that what the twelve have said is correct. That they have told their minds and acted upon it. Very important testimony if one could believe him. -- See second common sense reason. -- Witness further saith, or rather asks a variety of questions -- a singular position for a witness truly -- and further saith many nonsensical things, too numerous and too foolish to be edifying to the reader. However, as it is a curiosity, the reader is respectfully referred to page 654-5 of the Times and Seasons. He finishes his testimony with the old story about Kirtland, and what a dead man had said.

Elder John Taylor. -- As Elder Taylor is the only witness against President Rigdon, who seems to be governed by the rules of evidence, which should govern a witness, his remark in relation to what had been said before is the more singular; we have already said that no evidence sufficient to censure, and much less to condemn the first president, was adduced upon the trial, and we repeat, that up to the commencement of Elder Taylor's remarks, the attempt to criminate President Rigdon was a perfect burlesque upon testimony. Elder Taylor first asks a question in relation to President Rigdon's mission to Pittsburgh, and answers it himself in the negative. Now, we ask, could Elder Taylor, he living in Nauvoo, be personally acquainted with what President Rigdon was doing in Pittsburgh? Well, ought Taylor to testify to a fact which he did not know? Certainly not. Now we do know that this part of Taylor's testimony is false. And can prove it false by many witnesses.

Now, what confidence can any man place in the testimony of one, who when under the solemn responsibility of a witness testifies to a fact, the truth of which he could by no possible means know? The assertion that President Rigdon had ordained to the office of prophet, priest, &c. we do not deny; but that President Rigdon does not hold that office himself we do deny, and all that is said about priests ordaining elders, &c. is evidently intended to mislead. Who does not know that prophets, priests and kings were ordained under the hands of Brother Joseph? See p. 666. And does not Elder Taylor know that President Rigdon was called by the God of Heaven, to be equal with Brother Joseph in holding the keys of this last kingdom. See Book of Covenants, Sec. 86. If President Smith could ordain to these offices cannot President Rigdon? But to proceed. Elder Taylor says, some people think these things small matters, but it was for transgression of this kind that Satan was cast out of heaven. But what did President Rigdon do, Mr. Taylor? Get drunk? No. Steal? No. Commit adultery? No. What then? For resisting authority! For resisting authority? Yes, gentle reader. Here then is the whole alpha and omega of this great ado about not conducting like a man of God. The first presidency resisting the authority of the twelve travelling high councillors, who are to act under his direction. I have seen many attempts (and some of them most amusing ones too) to excell in impudence, but I give it up, this is decidedly the height of impudence.
J. M. GREIG.    
Brighton, Feb. 28, 1845.

P.S. The reader will please to remember that important circumstance, or rather unimportant, that we take their own report of the trial, and although many things which transpired after the trial of President Rigdon, have been suppressed by them, yet we are willing that they should be judged by their own account of this shameful affair. But in his remarks about things which passed in Missouri, O. Hyde, from some strange cause, forgot to mention certain affidavits, made in that state for the special benefit of the saints. How forgetful some people are.   J.M.G.

Note: The following is from Myrtle Stevens Hyde's 2000 Orson Hyde..., pp. 183-184: "September 10, [1844], Sidney Rigdon left Nauvoo to return to Pittsburgh, and Orson departed on the same boat, bound for Kirtland to get his family. Brigham Young asked him to warn the Saints of Sidney's underhanded intentions to tear down the Church. Orson should do everything possible to counteract the false rumors that Sidney would undoubtedly generate. A traveling Church member named Hollister would assist Orson. -- The day after leaving Nauvoo, on the steamer en route to Saint Louis, Orson found Sidney and, as a friend and with remembrance of his own time of trial and the strengthening help of friends, tried to convey the love and compassion that he felt for Sidney and the hope of his return to the Church. -- Sidney listened patiently, but with aloofness. In a condescending tone he replied, "My course is marked out before me, and I shall pursue it." -- Upon arrival in Saint Louis, Orson discovered, to his surprise, that Elder Rigdon's excommunication was already known. That evening, Wednesday, Orson preached. Sidney declined to attend. Orson reported this to Brigham Young the next day. He wrote, also, that the Saints in Quincy and Saint Louis were, "all warm for the Twelve." -- Elder Hollister had left Thursday morning on a "very swift boat" for Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. He carried letters from Elder Hyde, and would himself also warn Saints about Sidney. Sidney, the berths on the fast boat all taken when he inquired, would leave "on a very slow boat" that would go out Thursday evening or Friday morning. [13 OHyde to Editor, September 1844... The Prophet, November 1844; HC 7:270; OHyde to Brethren, 12 September 1844...] -- Orson preached again on Sunday, and Monday he discovered that Sidney had tried to thwart his efforts. That morning, a letter Sidney had left with the editor appeared in the People's Organ in Saint Louis. Sidney accused the Latter-day Saints, and particularly Orson Hyde, of trying to blackmail him. Orson promptly wrote his own letter to the editor, refuting Sidney's words. The editor published it also. -- Orson left Saint Louis and continued up the Ohio River toward Cincinnati. En route, September 19, he penned another letter to the Saints in Pittsburgh to strengthen his previous warning about Sidney Rigdon. [14 OHyde to Brethren, September 1844... Sidney Rigdon to Editor, and OHyde to Editor, September 1844, reprinted in The Prophet, 2 November 1844, from the People's Organ; OHyde to Robinson, 1844... The Return, April 1890, 253.] -- Orson eventually reached Kirtland, helped Marinda pack, and with her and the girls started homeward. Their traveling pleasure was marred somewhat by reading Sidney Rigdon's name in newspapers and scanning his slanderous words denouncing the Saints in Nauvoo. -- Orson continued to counteract Sidney's barrage. In Cincinnati, on October 21, he wrote a letter for The Prophet in New York City. "I have just heard from Nauvoo," Orson declared. "... [T]he people there are now settling down in a strong and heavenly union...." Orson added, about Sidney Rig-don: "He is going his whole length in lies and slander, ... charging the Saints in Nauvoo with things that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard.... Let not the Saints in the East be insulted by such a tirade of abuse and slang." -- Orson's mission of warning was about over by the time he and his family reached Saint Louis on their way home. Church members welcomed them. In a conference, November 10, Orson delivered two discourses. The people declared the conference "the best ... ever enjoyed by the Saints in this place." [15 "Sidney Rigdon," The Prophet, 9 November 1844; "Conference Minutes," TS 5 (15 November 1844):718-719.]"


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  March 15, 1845.                                 No. 10.

For the Messenger and Advocate

Mr. Editor, -- Having returned a few days since, from a visit to Lake County, Ohio, in obedience to the request of many of our old acquaintances, in that part of the country, we are inclined to give a brief sketch of our journey, which occupied a little over three weeks. In consequence of the bad condition of the roads, we were prevented from arriving as soon as we and our friends expected. In anticipation of our arrival at Kirtland, an appointment had been made for a meeting in the temple, on Sunday morning, the 16th of Feb. but the congregatidn had dispersed before our arrival, or a large number of them had dispersed. On our arrival we were welcomed by hundreds of our old acquaintances, with a warmth of feeling which clearly manifested that the ties of friendship were not broken. It had been upwards of seven years since we were in that part of the country, and great changes had taken place during our absence.

An appointment was made immediately on our arrival for meeting at candle light, and notwithstanding the night was very the roads exceedingly bad, yet the temple was filled. It will seat about nine hundred persons -- and we addressed a very attentive congregation, and probably as large a one as was ever gathered in that or any other part of the country, under similar circumstances. We made an appointment for the Tuesday evening following, and also the Thursday evening. On Tuesday evening again, to our great surprise, the house was filled. We again addressed the people, and again on the Thursday evening following. On Thursday evening we gave the history of Nauvoo, and the events that led to the death of the Smiths, which, of course, we traced to the introduction of the spiritual wife system; for all that know any thing about it, that it was the introduction of that system which led to the death of the Smiths, and that if that system had not been introduced, they might have been living men to-day. We had a fair opportunity of setting before a large congregation the operations of that system, and its effect on the people of Nauvoo; showing that it was the inlet to all the corruptions which followed. Such as bogus money making, counterfeiting, stealing lying, perjury, and a train of abominations. We set before the people the plans used by the devotees of this system to conceal their iniquity from public view -- their lying and perjuries, to ruin the characters of innocent persons, in order to hide their corruptions from the public eye. The people there had heard of all these abominations, but were not satisfied, and were very anxious for us to go there, that they might know the truth of these reports. We think we can say with confidence that the people were all satisfied, and expressed to us great indignation at a people capable of such enormities.

An unexpected circumstance took place that evening, it was the arrival of brethren William Law and William E. McLellan, from Hampton, Rock Island County, Illinois. Brother Law addressed the congregation for some time, setting forth what he knew about the people and the affairs of Nauvoo; some of which were new to us. He settled the question forever on the public mind, in, relation to the spiritual wife system, and the abominations concerning it. As Joseph Smith and others had attempted to get him into it, and in order to do so had made him acquainted with many things about it that we never knew before. The whole combined put the matter at rest, and the public mind was quieted, and all doubts removed.

The next Sunday we lectured again in the temple to a large audience. The week following we received a request from the citizens of Painsville, to go there and deliver a lecture in that place, accordingly we went, and addressed a large and respectable congregation there. During the week we received a message from some of the citizens of Cleveland, informing us that if we would accept an invitation from the citizens of that place, and lecture there, we would receive it from some of the most respectable inhabitants; with this request we were unable to comply.

We continued our lectures in Kirtland, and at the close we organized a church, and Hiram Kellogg was appointed presiding elder. During our stay there were lectures delivered by Dr. Samuel Bennett, and brethren Law and McLellan, all of which tended greatly to enlighten and settle the public mind.

We need not say that there were prejudices removed, for we did not find any to remove; the people were open, and willing to hear, and we received the kindest treatment at the hand of all with whom we had intercourse. The tongue of slander was still, and the voice of reproach was not heard. We found good feelings, and feel as if we left the same.

There was some nestling by a little band of spiritual wife folk; they felt as if their darling system of religious libertinism was rather roughly handled. They had several secret meetings, and passed some resolutions to be published in the spiritual wife papers at Nauvoo, and Phenias H. Young went his way with them. John Young, one of their number, expressed himself, as we were informed, in one of their spiritual wife meetings, to this effect, that he would rather go to hell with that system, than to heaven with the one we taught. We think, for the honor of truth, his choice was a good one.

Many things which we learned while there, has left little doubt in our mind, that the Lord is working on the hearts of the people there, by making known to them the things that pertain to salvation, and by stirring up their minds to investigation.

If we may be at liberty to judge, we think the prospects before the church at Kirtland, are as flattering as any church we have organized. The deep interest taken in out meetings by many who never belonged to any church, and the feelings they expressed on the occasion, portends well for the prosperity of the church there, as also the many in and about that place, who, at former times have belonged and still believe the doctrines as we do, and who feel a deep interest in their dissemination; but in consequence of what they believed to be corruptions, having gained so strong a hold on the hearts of many, they stood still; but we think many, if not all of them, will unite with the church there, and we think the prospect now is, that Kirtland will not much longer be called a city forsaken, but she will yet be a place of praise.

The change in the town of Kirtland since, the winter of 1838, (the time we left) is not greater than the change on the feelings of they people. At that time we left Kirtland, under cireumptences calculated to try the feelings of any person capable of feeling. Public prejudice was running high, and the spirit of opposition exceedingly bitter, and so violent that our peace was entirely destroyed, but on out return all was calm -- all was quiet -- all was courtesy and kindness. The hand of friendship was extended, and every office of kindness was tendered to as to make our visit desirable and our stay pleasant, that any could ask.

We received many solicitations to again visit the place, and many were desirous that we should go there and spend a part of our time at least, if not make it the home of our family. All of which are under advisement.

Pittsburgh, March 15, 1845..    
Brother Bennett,
     I have been a constant reader of the Messenger Advocate from commencement in this City, and I have occasionally read the Times and Seasons published in Nauvoo, Ill. There is a very wide difference of opinion between the conductors of those two papers and their contributors as to the person or persons to whom the first Authority or first presidency of the church of Christ rightly and legally belongs, since the death of Joseph Smith. I think enough has been said in your papers, to forever settle the matter in the minds of all those who desire to know the truth on this subject, for the sake of THE TRUTH. There are those however who are disposed to cavil and misrepresent, in order to blind the minds of the unsuspecting. -- I feel disposed to trouble you sir: with a few remarks relative to this subject, giving you some of my history, and some items connected therewith.

I united with the church of Christ, and was baptized by Hyrum Smith in Jackson co. Mo. August 1831. A few days thereafter, in conference I was ordained an Elder, and in company with him traveled through to Kirtland, Ohio, preaching by the way. We reached there on the 18th of October, and on the 25th I attended a conferance in Orange Township where I first saw Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, &c. During this conferance myself and nine others were ordained to the High Priesthood. Then I went home with Joseph Smith and spent some weeks with him. In the spring of 1832 I removed to Jackson Co. Mo. which was then, among us, generally called Zion. In the fall of '33, I shared largely in the persecutions and injuries which the church sustained in that Co. in consequence of mob rule. -- In '34 Joseph Smith with, several hundred men arrived in upper Mo., in order to assist in regaining their rights. Affecting but little, the company was disbanded and many returned to their homes. In a conference in Clay Co., held on the 8th of July 1834, I was chosen to accompany president Smith to Ohio, where he then lived. On the 14th day of the month of Feb. '35 a general was called in Kirtland during part of the revelation given in Fayette N. Y., 1829, relative to the choosing of twelve apostles was taken into consideration, and it was determined that the time had come for them to be chosen. I acted on that occasion as one of the secretaries of the confersance, and being chosen, I had to record my own name among the number of the twelve. On the 27th of the same month, in a conferance, Orson Hyde and myself were chosen to act as the secretaries of that quorum, and we were required to keep a record of the most important matters touching the ministry &c. of those Apostles. Now for the bereft of your readers, I wish in quote some items, from this Apostolic record kept by Hyde and myself. -- During the above council president Smith prophesied that -- if we would be careful to keep such record, it would be one of the most interesting and important ones ever seen." During this interview he proposed this question. "What importance is there attached to the callings of the twelve Apostles, different from the other callings and offices of the church?" After some observations by others Joseph Smith in his official capacity, gave the following desission [sic], viz:The Twelve are called to be a traveling high council, (not stationary) to preside over all the churches of the saints, among the Gentiles, where there is no presidency established. They are to travel and preach among the Gentiles, until the Lord shall command them to go to the Jews. They are to hold the keys of this ministry -- to unlock the door of the kingdom of heaven unto all nations, and preach the gospel unto every creature. -- This is the virtue, power and authority of their apostleship, amen." I wish to make one more quotation from the record of the twelve. Kirtland, May 2, 1835, a grand council of all the presiding authorities of the whole church was assembled, Joseph Smith in the chair. After the council was opened, he arose and made many observations, and among them the following. Now I want all your readers who have any doubts respecting the duty, calling, or power of the twelve to preside to hearken; Joseph Smith's words as authority are often quoted by those who think the twelve can legally preside in Nauvoo. Listen and I will give you his own words, taken verbatim as he delivered them, as Elder O. Hyde and myself placed them in the record of the twelve. The original copy of which, is now in my possession. But now for the sentiment, here it is, "The twelve apostles have no right to go into Zion, or any of its stakes, where there is a regular high council established, and there undertake to regulate the matters pertaining thereto: but it is their duty to GO ABROAD and regulate and set in order a11 matters relative to the different branches of the church." One more sentence he uttered immediately following the above viz: "No standing high council has authority to go into the churches abroad and regulate the matters thereof, for this belongs to the twelve."

The twelve at Nauvoo certainly never consult their own record, but if they ever do read it, they cannot believe it. For if the they did they never would, having no more than apostolic authority, try to regulate the afairs of Zion in the stake at Nauvno. They must and do know that they are acting out of their place -- above their authority.

If after they pretended to cut off presidents Law and Rigdon, who with Joseph Smith constituted the first presidency, they had gone to work and appointed three of their own number and ordained them to the first presidency, "by revelation," then filled up their vacancies in their own quorum, and in that attitude presented themselves before the church and the world, there would have been some semblance of the time authority and church government that is presented in the pattern in the book of Covenants. But as they now present themselves at the head -- TWELVE HEADED they violate the order in the book of Covenats. They go contrary to Joseph Smith's own instructions, as recorded in their record of their own proceedings.

What conclusion according to the above must we form concerning them, and all those who adhere to them? It is inevitable. They are fallen! are fallen!! And brethren you need not wonder if they have or do "become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

From the day that the church was first organized with the various presiding authorities, up to this day, I have always considered that according to the book of covenants, that church could not exist without a first Presidency, and that that first Presidency was the head of the church. So the twelveiets understand it. But the tug of war is, how many individuals compose that presidency or head? I will here venture an assertion, that no intelligent man or woman who ever belonged to that church during Joseph Smith's lifetime ever thought, that, that quorum, of first presidency or head could have more than three individuals in it at a time. Now if it is true that when we cut the head off from the natural body -- the body dies. Just so true it is that that part of the church who set aside the head or first presidency, consisting of three through whom the Lord said, "he would give his oricles to his church," must inevitably die. The head contains the brain, which is said to be the seat of the mind. It also is the seat of the senses. -- Take away the head, and then sensation and intelligence is gone.

Brethren do any of you wish to be members in a body or church, which has neither intelligence nor sensation? I can say I do not. If the twelve at Nauvoo had authority to set aside the first presedincy, consisting of three and become head themselves, then they should have placed a quorum of three or some other number below them, in order that there might be the same number of quorums in the church. But that would not mend the matter, and I can not see how can help the out of the difficulty into which they have voluntarily plunged themselves, by their own free will. They have rejected the first presidency, and have (Pharisee hike) assumed Moses seat for themselves. The question to my mind is clear that no church is the church of Christ according to the pattern given in the book Covenants Sec. 3 unless it has a quorum of three -- and only three, as a first presidency. Any part or branch of that church assuming a different form of government, or placing themselves under a different set of authorities is not the church of Christ, is not addressed by any revelation in that book. The revelations, directions, and promises contained there, were given to a church who were under the immediate presidency or presiding authority of THREE. Hence I said they of Nauvoo were fallen. And as they did not like to retain God in their knoweledge, he has given them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. "God has given them up unto vile affections." As president S. Rigdon's claims to the first presidency have been so ably set forth in the Messenger and Advocate, I will now only add a few things farther on that subject.

He became personally acquainted with Jos. Smith in December 1830, and from that to this, has sustained a very different the church of Christ from any other man in it. Joseph had translated the book of Mormon by the gift of inspiration from God, had done a good work in that; and also in organizing the church; and being only a youth and the Lord knowing the many temptations to which he would be subject, and also knowing the experience, and the integrity of Elder Rigdon's heart said to him in a revelation, cov. sec. II, par. 4."I have sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph: and in weakness have I blessed him, and I have given unto him the keys of the mystery of those things which have been sealed, even things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming, if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead, (not twelve others,) wherefore watch over him that his faith fail not." "Watch over him." I ask, watch over whom? Who received the command? the important command, to be the Lord's watcher? and that too over the Lord's prophet. I answer, the man to whom the Lord said "now I give unto thee a commandment that thou shalt baptize by water, and they shall receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, even as by the apostles of old." And of whom it is said in the book of Covenants page 408, speaking of Sidney Rigdon, "he shall LIFT up his voice again on the mountains and be a spokesman before my face." Here are some of the greatest promises and privileges ever delivered to man, since the world began -- "A SPOKESMAN BEFORE MY FACE." Watch over him that his faith fail,not, lest he fall!! But if (Joseph) transgress and fall another will I plant in his stead.

Much more might be said on this subject, but I will here introduce some important queries. What man now living has had the most extensive knowledge and experience in the church of Christ, since the year 1830? -- The year of its birth. Who is it that has presided jointly -- shall I say equally with Joseph Smith, in all its councils, in all its general assemblies? Who wrote the most revelations at the seer's mouth? Who had a vision of the glories of the eternal world, and of the sore torments of the wicked, and gazed upon them jointly with Joseph Smith? Who sat day after day, month after month, and year after year, and assisted in translating the old scriptures by the power of inspiration, and by that labor accumulated a fund of intelligence concerning the things of God, surpassing any man now living? Who is it, on whom the Lord suffered the heavy hand of affliction to fall and abide for years in Nauvoo, that he might neither loose his priesthood, nor yet go into those abominations for which the Lord caused the overthrow or downfall of that man who, if he had been faithful, would have stood at the head of the kingdom of God Almighty, when Jesus made his second appearance? And finally, who is it to whom the Lord has opened the heavens and shown the pattern upon which his kingdom should be organized; and the principles by which it must be governed, in order to be prepared for the events that are coming on earth, and in order to bring in everlasting righteousness. To fill the world with peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost? Yes, who is it that with every power and faculty of his soul, publicly and privately, opposes every species of iniquity, usurpation and violation of the laws of God and man, in the church or kingdom of God, and who recommends to the saints by all his teachings, and by his daily examples to work righteousness, and righteousness only, in order to be redeemed? I answer distinctly and emphatically that man is President Sidney Rigdon. I feel my interest identified with his, and I feel also to stand by him in all righteousness before God, while he stands as a man of God to plead with the world.
W. E. McLELLIN.      

No circumstance has occured since the days of the advent of Jesus Christ, more remarkable in its character, than the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. More than fourteen years have elapsed since this singular record first emerged from its hiding place, divulging the secrets of generations long since gathered to their fathers, and proclaiming the commencement of a series of stupendous events, affecting intimately every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, under the whole heaven.

Although there is no kind or degree of evidence wanting, which is usually admitted sufficient to establish the truth of any record of whatever kind; indeed we venture to say, it possesses characteristics peculiarly its own, which indelibly stamp upon its pages, the impression of eternal truth; yet it has hitherto failed to excite that deep and general interest, which the intrinsic importance of its contents demand. We are not at a lose to determine why it is so. This may be aptly styled the artificial age. The opinions, the manners, the pursuits, nay even the religion is made for show; men dare not think without a preceptor; it would indeed be at the eminent hazard of the thousand and one diverse systems of truth, should men once get it into their heads that they were permitted to exercise a little thought. An unnatural morbid sentiment prevails, which effectually blocks up the avenues, to the most valuable and exalted field of human investigation; in the attainment of that intelligence, which can only satisfy and fill the aching void, of the immortal spirit that is in man. "The Bible contains all that is necessary for our salvation." The canon of scripture is full." These are the maxims of a race of zealous religionists, who propose to evangelize the world, and bring about the devoutly to be desired condition of things, when all shall know the Lord, from the least unto the greatest. We do not impugn their motives; but we altogether disallow the adequacy of their proposed plan of accomplishing the object. The means are not equal to the end. Is it not a fact that sects and parties are multiplying annually, amongst Christians; we mean those who profess to believe sincerely in the divine authenticity of the Bible, and that it contains all that is necessary for salvation. In the name of all that is reasonable, then, we ask, how is it possible that men shall all see "eye to eye," by the full canon of Scripture contained in the. Bible? Solve me this problem.

It is because we believe that all scripture given by inspiration of God it profitable, and because we receive the testimony of the Bible as verily true, we reject the anti-Christian and absurd notion, that the cannon of scripture is complete. At least thirty inspired records are mentioned in the Bible; which are now not known to be extant! So that if the Bible contains all that is necessary to salvation, these were superorgatory works of inspiration, and Peter did not understand the matter when he declared they were all profitable. Those who hold the maxim that the canon of scripture is complete in the Bible, also hold another maxim equal in absurdity with it, and a palpable contradiction in itself to the other two. The Bible is the only rule of faith and practice. The Bible contains all that is necessary for salvation, and if nothing is to be believed that is not found in the Bible, how came either of these erroneous dogmas into existence? Certainly neither of them are found in the Bible. So far from it, the whole genius and spirit of that inspired record, is diametrically opposed to the imposition of such a moral incubus. If there is any principle taught in the Bible, it is that God never had a people existing on the earth, whom he acknowledged, that he did not reveal himself to them, made known to them his will, and poured upon them the spirit of inspiration. It is a virtual rejection of the Bible, to say that it contains all that is necessary to the salvation of man. It is in effect saying that the Bible is unworthy our credence. Amos deplares, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets." Solomon says, "Where there is no vision the people perish!" David says, "Truth shall spring out of the earth." John, in his sublime history of future events, shown him by the angel says, "I saw another angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell upon earth; to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people." The Bible, in short, contains a string of prophecies and promises, with regard to a future glorious epoch in the history of the human family, when God shall reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth; and it is by that means alone that the knowledge of God can ever cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.

What then is the Book of Mormon? It is a true record of a branch of the house of Israel -- of the inhabitants of this continent; to whom the Savior personally appeared and administered, after fulfilling his work at Jerusalem. Know ye not how he told the Jews, "other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring in;" at this time, "that there may be one fold and one shepherd." You will observe it was a branch of the house of Israel to which he there refers, for he distinctly says, "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The Redeemer's mission, then, had respect to another branch of the house of Israel, not of the Jewish fold. The Book of Mormon relates, what that mission was, and how it was accomplished. It is an additional evidence of the truth of the gospel, or God's plan of saving men, in contradistinction to all the systems invented by men or devils. To the honest inquirer after truth, it is therefore of greater value than the riches of the whole world. It is surrounded by a thousand testimonies of its truth, and the best of all is, it leads those who follow its direction to the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world;" to the fountain of all wisdom and knowledge, that they may drink deep of the waters of life, and be satisfied; that they henceforth live "holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners."

We shall revert to this subject again.


...The Psalmist says, 103:62, the Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. Psalm 89:142, Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne. From the above quotations we understand, first, the God, in his character, is unchangeable; which brings me to this conclusion, that the gospel that was preached unto Abraham, as spoken of by Paul. Gal. 3, was the same that is preached by those having authority in the present age of the world. The believing and practising of which will save a man in the kingdom of God. And, in the second place, we learn that he executeth judgment for all the oppressed. I now ask if it is not a system of oppression to lead a man, standing at the head of a family of interesting children, into a covenant to obey every revelation or every order coming from a certain source, asking no questions, and in a few days after, one of his daughters to be demanded as a wife for a married man, and not a question to be asked by the father. I have come to this conclusion, that every thing coming in the shape of a commandment or revelation, purporting to come from God, whether given by the mouth of man, woman, or child, and which in itself is in the least caculated to sever the bonds of affection, which bind man to his fellow-man -- husband to wife, parents to children, and which in itself is calculated to sap the foundation of that union which binds and cements the family circle together, and which in its nature must have a tendency to create jealousy, envy, strife and fraud, and to bring anarchy and confusion upon a body of people. Such a revelation, I say in my opinion, is not from God, or God has not revealed himself in his true character in former revelations, and to prove this position shall be the burden of this subject. Truth being my object, I shall appeal to the law and to the testimony in that day when our first parents came forth from the hands of their creator, he made use of the following strong but beautiful language. See Gen. 2:24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. Now, it is very evident from this saying of the Lord, that he did not even admit of the possibility of a subsequent command being given, which would have a tendency to sever that union. We will also listen to the, teachings of Brother Paul Upon this subject for a low moments -- Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved, the church, and gave himself for it -- Eph. 5:30, and in the 31 verse repeats the word of the Lord as contained in Gen. Again in Paul's first letter to Corinth, 7:2, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every Woman have her own husband. 3d verse, Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence. What is this Paul says? Husbands (in the plural) love your wives, not husband (in the singular). But to place this isubject beyond all possibility of controversy, he says, and let EVERY woman have her OWN husband. Now, says the polygamist, Paul did not see down through the dark vista of time, the good things that were in reserve for us. No, the delightful state of things never entered the head of little Paul, notwithatanding he ascended into the third heavens, and saw things which were unlawfull for him to speak. Ah, says little Snow, Paul was a granny! Yes, echoes W. W. Phelps, and so is Sidney. What! Brother Sidney had a view of the third heavens (See Doc. and Cov. page 346) and yet it did not enter your head, no more than it did brother Paul's, that a man should have from ten to five hundred women, married or not married to them. Why, Paul, you must have made mistake, some how or other, when you said, let every woman have her own husband. Query, Could a woman have her own husband if he was held as common stock by five or ten women?

Sisters, did you ever think of this? Would not this be a co-partnership concern, to all intents and purposes? I will now quote from Doctrine and Covenants, page 148: Thou shalt not lie. He that lieth and will not repent shall be cast out. Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and, shalt cleave unto her and none else; and he that looketh on a woman to lust after her, shall deny the faith, and shall not have the spirit. And if he repent not shall be cast out. Thou shalt not commit adultery; and he that commits adultery, and repenteth not, shall be cast out. But he that has committed adultery, and repents with all his heart, and forsaketh it, and doth it no more, thou shalt forgive. But if he doth it again, he shall not be forgiven, but shall be cast out.

Again, on page 264: Verily I say unto you, as have said before, he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her; or if any shall commit adultery in their hearts, they shall not have the spirit, but shalt deny the faith, and shall fear. Wherefore I the Lord have said, that the fearful, and the unbelieving, and all liars, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and the sorceror, shall have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Verily I say, that they shall net have part in the first resurrection.

On page 174 there is a principle laid down well worthy our consideration. And if he or she shall LIE, he or she shall be delivered up unto the LAW OF THE LAND.

On page 262, the Lord, in speaking to Martin Harris, says as follows: -- And again I command thee, that thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. But, says the objector, this revetation was binding upon him only to whom it was given. To this I reply, what is binding upon one, as a rule of faith,is binding upon another.

We will now review what we have above written. It would appear that the liar shall be cast out if he repents not. And it is also very evident that a man, according to the word of the Lord, is bound to love his wife -- not wives -- with all his heart, and if he ever looked upon another woman to lust after her, shall deny the faith, and shall not have the spirit. Here I anticipate an objection, which is this, the twelve at Nanvoo, and their adherents do not look upon the marriage contract as being binding, except the ceremony is performed by one posseesing the sealing power. To this objection I, answer -- Why then did God give the commandment so far back as the year 1831, for the sealing power was not then given, and why did he say he that committeth adultery the second time shall not be forgiven. And even him that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall not have the spirit. Ah, say those men, with eyes full of adultery, it does not mean what it says, or, at any rate, we are a royal priesthood -- a chosen generation; it is for us to offer up spiritual sacrifices; for unto us pertaineth the blessings, and the promises, and beside all this is committed unto us the fullness of that priesthood. So that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. So that if R. should take a notion to H.'s wife in his absence, all that is necessary to be done is to be sealed. No harm done, no adultery committed; only taking a little the advantage of rights of priesthood. And after R. has gone the round of dissipation with H's wife, she is afterwards turned over to S. and thus the poor silly woman becomes the actual dupe to two designing men, under the sanctimonious garb of rights of the royal priesthood. H. by and by finds out the trick which was played off upon him in his absence, by his two faithless friends. His dignity becomes offended, (and well it might) refuses to live with his wife, but to be even with his companions in iniquity, takes to, himself three more wives. Kind reader, be not startled at the above recital of facts, I received the account from one who said he was acquainted with the facts. But to return to our subject, we quote again from Doc. and Cov. page 174 -- And if he or she shall lie, he or she shall be delivered up unto the law of the land. And on page 334 -- Therefore I, the Lord, justifieth you and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law, which is the constitutional law of the land. And as pertaining to laws of man, whatsoever is more or less than these cometh of evil.

What is this the Lord has been saying? Answer, We are to befriend, or in other words to sustain the laws of the land. Question. Am acting in accordance with the laws of the land, by committing adultery. Am I not committing adultery if I have a wife, and have a carnal connection with another woman or women? And by so doing am I not violating the laws of the land? The Lord makes use of still stronger language than the above, and is more to the purpose. Doc. and Cov. page 194 -- For he that keepeth the laws of God has no need to break the laws of the land. Wherefore be subject to the powers that be, until he reigns, whose right it is to reign. I would now ask those pretended friends of the law of God, if they really believe the above quotations to be the word of God? If you answer in the affirmative, I would further ask, by what authority do you make the word of God of none effect, by practising polygamy, and that in its worst forms, and lying by the wholesale to cover up your deeds of darkness?

In the Book ofMormon, page 133, the Lord speaking by Jacob saith, Wherefore I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old. Wherefore, my brethren hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord, for there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife, and concubines he shall have none; for I the Lord God, delighteth in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts. And on the 132 page, in speaking of David and Solomon, makes the following declaration, Behold, thus saith the Lord, this people begin to wax in iniquity: they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David and Solomon his son. Behold David and Solomon truly had any wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord.

What is this he saith? Why, a man shall have but one wife, and concubines none, for this reason -- and its one of the best of reasons -- he delighteth in the chastity of woman. What do we gather from this? Why, we learn one important fact at least; if a man has ten wives, nine of the ten are unchaste women. Moreover, if it was an abomination in the sight of the Lord for David and Solomon to have more than one wife, it was and is an abomination in his sight for others to have more than one. Hold, not so fast, say our friends in the west, do you not see that the Lord speaks this to the descendants of Joseph, upon this continent in that age of the world? And not only so, if you will read a little further you will hear the Lord say, by the mouth of his servant Jacob, "For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things."

It is needless for me to say more, as it is a subject well understood by all those who are at all acquainted with the contents of the Book of Mormon, that the system of having more wives or concubines than one, as practised by the authorities standing at the head of the APOSTATE church at Nauvoo, is predicated upon the word of the Lord to Jacob, as above quoted. And that there has been a revelation given to the church, or part of said church, we readily admit. According to this revelation every high priest is entitle[d] to the modest number of ten wives. Furthermore it is a principle of exaltation. Now, that the sealing power has been committed to certain men in the church supposing we admit, yet in order to make that principle effectual and valid to the sight of heaven, it must he done in accordance with the economy or laws, of God. For instance, supposing that in the month of March, 1844, Joseph Smith, by virtue of the power vested in him, delegated the sealing power to B. Young, H. C. Kimball, and others; on the 27th June following Joseph Smith is called upon to yield up his spirit into the hands of him Who gave it. Now, as the church of Jesus Christ is organized with prophets and apostles, for there must needs be a first presidency according to the order of the kingdom. Sidney Rigdon, according th the Book of Covenants, being the legitimate (and the only one) spokesman before the face of the Lord, to lead his people, but is not acknowledged in his place and standing by Young and Kimball, they placing themselves at the head. Now, with these facts before us (for I believe them to be such) I would ask, in the name of the Lord, what is their sealing power worth? As God lives! and as my soul lives, under these circumstances, I would not give the balance of two blue beans for it, fur that very moment they, by their folly and wickedness, rejected the Lord's prophet, that very moment God rejected them with all the powers he had delegated unto them, "so mote it be."

We will now turn our attention to an investigation of the merits of the above revelation. It is a fact undenied by the leaders of the above system, that that revelation was given for the ostensible purpose of raisins up seed unto the Lord.

The writer of this article was a resident of the city of Nauvoo [one] year, and during that time I never heard of more than three or four births having taken place there for which no fathers could be found. I then believed, in the honesty of my heart, that these were similar cases to many others that take place in all other cities. I think it very likely, however that a certain Mrs. T. living some forty miles from Nauvoo, may be able to throw a little light upon the above subject, for it has been told me by those who say that they had it from her own mouth, that she has had as many as sixteen girls at one time at her house, for the purpose of procuring abortion. I ask, in the name of humanity, is this the way to raise up seed unto the Lord? To say nothing about the number who are guilty before God of a certain sin, for which the Lord slew a certain individual for, in a former age of the world, recorded in Gen. 38:8-10.

There is a certain feature embodied in that revelation, to which I invite the attention of every honest man and woman. It is this: -- David did not sin in the case of Uriah, save in the death of Uriah. And Hyrum Smith did say -- this I can prove from the beat testimony -- that Solomon did not sin in having many wives and concubines, but that his sin consisted in worshipping their heathen Gods.

What does all this go to prove? In the first place it proves that God never gave that revelation, because it carries a lie upon its face to begin with, or the words of Jacob, as contained in the Book of Mormon, page 133, are not the words of God, because he has declared emphatically that God was displeased with David and Solomon, and that these things were an abomination in his sight. Secondly, I contend that if the revelation was really from God, and they believed it to have been given by him for the purpose of raising up seed, there would no violent nor artificial means be made use of, for the purpose of thwarting nature in her course. If thesisters of this church would read the Book of Mormon and Book of Doctrine and Covenants more than they do, and withal be prayerful and humble before the Lord, they would find less time to listen to the teachings of these men, who have beyond all manner of doubt, made a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.

John says, Hereby we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments; and be that saith I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. In the New York Prophet, under date Feb 22, there is an article over the signature of P. P. Pratt, at which I wish to take a glance. Now, I would like to talk a little to brother P. for be is my father in the gospel. Brother P. do be honest, and tell us candidly, are you wrongfully accused of practising palygamy? Have, or hare I not written the truth, as set forth in this article, in the presence of that God who will judge the world in righteousness? Do you not know that I have stated facts in this letter to which you are knowing? Did you not teach the system of polygamy in Salem, Mass. and John E. Page was called upon, to settle it, when there? to say nothing about how much the Sundial has taught and practised it himself, according to his own confession? Keep mum, John, you are in the occupancy of a glass house. And now, brother Parley, as to bogus making, I would ask you one or two questions. Can you tell me what that powerful press, with a long lever, is intended for, or to what use it has been appropriated, in the room in the N. W. corner of Theodore Turley's brewery and gun-smith shop, in Nauvoo? And what use that crucible was put to, standing on a small furnace in one corner of said room? I once made free to ask Mr. T. to what use that lever was put, and he said it was to "mash" fingers and toes under. But, to he candid, if I did not know better, I should think it was to mash (make) heads under. And just now I would like to ask brother Turley a question. Pray where did you get that five dollar counterfeit bill from which you passed upon me about three days before I left Nauvoo? Can you answer that question, Brother Turley? Now, brother Parley, I wish you would take little time, and answer some of my questions, but I pray do not all it all foul and malicious falsehoods, for we that do know better will not believe you. There is one declaration of brother P.'s worthy) of notice. He says those that publish and those that patronize the Messenger and Advocate, their object is to procure the murder of all the men, women, and children of the saints! Stop, not so fast, brother Parley, do you not know that I have three daughters in that devoted city, Nauvoo, so that I am satisfied in my own mind, that the above charge is as destitute of truth as it is void of common sense. Not but that brother P. is a man possessed of good common sense, but he makes a wrong use of it sometimes. For instance, you have essayed to take hold of the rudder of the ship, instead of being employed in trimming her! Don't forget the rocking boat, brother Parley! And do you really aim at innocence, virtue, and truth? if this be the truth, why then do you teach one set of principles in public and teach different principles in private, and practice them too? You KNOW, as God lives, this is TRUTH!

You further say, if the Saints at Pittsburgh had any sense of law or justice left, to say nothing of mercy or humanity, they would prove the saints guilty, and only destroy them according to law.

I would ask you another question, Did you know tha tbrother German, formerly of New York, has been driven to insanity in consequence of his wife Susan having left him? Did you know that I saw said Susan leave Cincinnati, on my way to this place in Nov. last, in company with G. J. Adams, for Nauvoo? Did you know that I occupied said Adams' berth on board the steauler the two nights I remained in Cincinnati; but where he slept I did not SEE? Question, Did or did not your quorum send a man out to preach after the high council at Nauvoo had cut him off from the church, upon his own confession, and the testimony of a young woman from Jersey, formerly from New York, she having the fruit of their illicit intercourse in her arms at the time? This man is now considered to be in good standing among you, and is now, I believe, preaching in the east, and is since married to another woman, but refused to marry the object of his deception. She said that he had promise to marry her. This was Sparks! Does not the Book of Covenants expressly say, that all contracts of marriage shall be held sacred and inviolate? Your own family told me of a young woman that was set completely beside herself in consequence of a disappointment of the above nature; but out of respect to the young woman I do not give her name. The man, who is a high priest, is still in good standing in the church! Such fellows should be treated with contempt by every, honest man and woman.

In conclusion, I would say, that whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are honest, and whatsoever things are in accordance with the pure principles of eternal truth, let all these be held up in broad relief, for the examination of all mankind, for truth will bear its own weight. The principles of eternal truth require not the covering of falsehood to sustain them. And that man who resorts to stratagem and falsehood for the purpose of imposing his principles upon virtuous females, loading astray the honest and unsuspecting into bye paths and forbidden paths, bringing ruin and disgrace upon whole families. These are they that are sons of Belial. They may talk about their sealing power, and the fullness of the priesthood being committed unto them, and their having women sealed up to them, (the apostles) for the purpose of exalting them to kingdoms, principalities, and powers!

SISTERS! I tell you, as God lives, your sealings are calculated to bind the fetters of darkness upon you, and to bring you down to the chambers of death! I call upon you therefore, in the name of the Lord, to break asunder from the bands that bind you, to this system of things. Believe their teachings no longer, and frown such men from your society. For those are they that cannot become saviours upon Mount Zion! These are they that cannot be numbered with the one hundred and forty and fourr thousand, these are they that cannot stand to see the Savior come, these are they that cannot of have part in the first resurrection, these are they that must suffer the torments of hell. I therefore exhort every honest man, woman, and child to come out from among them. I, also, in the name of the God of my fathers, call upon the husband of my daughter, Wm. Pitt, in the city of Nauvoo, to come out of her, and bring with him his wife and my other two daughters, and God will bless you, for the Lord, not me, has spoken this word, In a word I call upon all my eastern friends, living in and about Nauvoo, to come out of her. Among those that stand foremost of my friends, are John Wollf and family, and Albert Gregory and family, L. R. Foster, and Dr. John Bernhisel.

After the close of the conference in this city, I hope to visit my old friends in the city of New. York, if advisable. And I pray my heavenly father to bless the saints, and preserve them from the power of those who are seeking your eternal destruction.
                       I remain yours, &c.
J. GIBSON DIVINE.                    
Pittsburgh, March 24, 1845.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  April 15, 1845.                                 No. 11.



"Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God, hath no need break the laws of the land: wherefore be subject to the powers that be, until He reigns whose right it is to reign, and subdues all enemies under his feet" -- Book of Cov. § 18, ¶ 5.

The above text, which is taken from the book of Doctrine and Covenants of the church demand the strictest attention of all who profess to be members of the church of Christ. They were written particularly for their use and benefit, and in every respect suited to their present and future condition, be that as It may. It is said in the book of Marmon, that the Lord had this goverment established for the purpose of building his church undo its protection, or words to this effect; clearly intimating that the laws and institutions of the government were every way suited to the end for which they were intended.

If our text has any meaning at all, it establishes one fact beyond controversy, that such are the laws of this land, that in order to obtain salvation, it is not necessary to break them; that they are of a character that every duty can be performed and requirement complied with, that is in any way connected with our salvation, without violating, in any degree or trampling on the political institutions of the country.

When the Lord says that he organized or caused political institutions to be organized for a particular purpose, we have all confidence that they were every way calculated to obtain the end for which they were instituted, and when, by after revelation, he says to those, for whose benefit he said he had caused them to be established, and after the church had been organized by special direction from himself, that is order to keep his commandments, they (the church) need: not break the laws of the land, we feel ourselves at liberty to believe, that there is nothing pertaining to the salvation of that church or people, which renders it necessary for them to violate the laws of the land, and that every violation of the laws of the land, is uncalled for. In this case the language is very expressive, that those who keep his commandments, need not break the laws of the land. He does not say that those who profess to keep his commandments, will not break the laws of the land; he only says they need not do it. The same as to say that there is nothing in his commandments that bring men into collision with the laws of the land, and if they do violate them it is not by virtue of his commands that they do so; for as far as keeping his commandments are concerned, they would not have driven them to such a necessity.

It is worthy of remark that the sayings in the Book of Mormon, were written before the church was organized. Thus authorizing the people who believed the book to believe that, if on the belief of that book, and according to the things contained in it, they should be organized into a church, they could do it in a country, and among a people, where the Lord had previoasly prepared a code of laws suited to the upbuilding of the cause in which they were engaged. Query, was this a false expectation or was it not? Or did the Lord, in causing the laws to be framed, do it for the purpose of causing those who believed the Book of Mormon to be persecuted? And those persecutions to be brought on by reason of the commandments of the Lord compelling those who obeyed them to break the laws? To obtain this object the Lord need not have given himself much trouble, to have had a special government formed for this purpose, any government would have answered his purpose. But to suppose this would only be to insult the Deity.

When the Lord said that he had given freedom to this nation, and caused the government to be organized so as to make it a place suited for building his church, he could have but one meaning, and that was, that in this land he could build his church, without being brought into contact with the municipal laws of the country; and this view of the subject is put for ever at rest by the words of our text. We are here told that the commandments of the Lord do not come in contact with the laws of the land, and no man who keeps them need break the laws. From the above view of the subject, we learn firstly, that every commandment which renders it necessary to break the laws of the land in order to keep it, is not of God, or it was not given for salvation. And, secondly, that those who obey such commandments, are not promoting the things of salvation.

No fact we think can be plainer to those who believe in the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants of the Church than the first position we have taken. Should it be admitted that the laws of this country, where the Lord has cast our lot, and where he has commanded us to build his church, were in opposition to the laws of God, so as to subject those who keep the laws of heaven to punishment, we should like to know why it was that the Lord said be had caused this government to be established for the express purpose of having his church built up in it, or under its protection....

But our text comes happily to our relief, and declares that no man need break the laws of the land, in order to obey the religious institutione of heaven, the same as to say that the political and religions institutions of heaven were not in opposition to each other, and he who obeyed the religious institutions of heaven, had as good a right to the protection of the political institutions, as those who obeyed the political institutions only. But let us suppose for a moment, that the Lord does give a commandment that is in violation of the laws of the land, and cannot be kept without breaking them, and what then becomes of our text! In that case need a man break the laws of the land in order to keep the laws of God? Judge ye, and what becomes of the truth of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and of the Book of Mormon, and when they fall, what becomes of the church? -- all perish together.

Hence we conclude, and we think justly too, that any commandment or revelation that comes, in the last days, which is in opposition to the laws of this land, is not of God, for God cannot contradict himself, or else he ceases to be God, or else it is not given for salvation.

But some may say the Lord gives revelation to be only for a limited time, and then they are superceded by others. However true this may be in other cases, it cannot be in this for the difficulty in the Book of Mormon gets into our way, that the Lord organized this government, or caused it to be done, for the purposeof building his church in it, and should he ever at any time give revelations cnmmanding his people to do things which are in oppotition to the laws of this land, he would impeach his own character.

View it in what point of light we can, and it amounts to the same thing, that as soon as there comes a commandment from the Lord, which is in opposition to the laws of the land, there is an end to both the Book of Marmon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants; and as long as we believe these to be of God, so long shall we believe that any commandment coming, it matters not who from -- prophet, apostle, revelator, or seer, that cannot be kept without breaking the laws of this land, is not of God, unless it is given in wrath, and intended to be a curse to those to whom it is given.

Our second position, we think, is not less manifest. That those who obey such commandment or commandments, do not promote the things of salvation by so doing.

It will not admit of controversy to suppose that any revelation which is not of God does in any degree promote the salvation of any. In relation to revelations in general, as given in the different ages of the world, a few words may not be amiss. There are things said on this subject which is of importance for all to know, who believe in prophets, and revelators, in these last days....

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  May 1, 1845.                                 No. 12.


Of a Conference of the Church of Christ, held in the city
of Pittsburgh commencing on the 6th and ending
on the 11th of April, A. D. 1845.


Wednesday Morning, 9 o'clock, April 9.      
Conference met agreeable to adjournment, and was called to order by Austin Cowles, president of the High Priests Quorum, the first presidency not being present, the morning was spent in singing, prayer and exhortation, until the usual hour of adjournment. Conference then adjourned until 2 o'clock.

Wednesday Afternoon, 2 o'clock.      
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by Austin Cowles; the first presidency of the high Quorum entered and took their seats. President Rigdon arose and read Hymn on page 104. "Arise, arise, with joy survey," which was sung by the conference.

After which, President Rigdon said, since the commencement of this conference, I have had one unceasing desire, deep, and intense, that was, to have the matter forever put at rest, whether God would accept our work. -- The Spirit whispered me this morning to set apart some brethren, and consecrate them to God, in a room in my own house, which I did; (which was the reason I was not with you this morning,) and after the washing and anointing, and the Patriarchial seal, as the Lord had directed me, we kneeled, and in solemn prayer we asked God to accept the work we had done; during the time of prayer there appeared over our heads, in the room, a ray of light forming a hollow square, inside of which, stood a company of heavenly messengers, each with a banner in his hand, with their eyes looking downward upon us, their countenances expressive of the deep interest they felt in what was then passing on the earth; there also appeared heavenly messengers on horseback with crowns upon their heads, and plumes floating in the air, dressed in glorious attire until, like Elisha, we cried in our hearts, "the chariots of Israel, and the horsemen thereof;" even my little son of fourteen years of age saw the vision; and gazed with great astonishment, saying, that he thought his imagination was running away with him, after which we arose and lifted our hands to heaven in holy convocation to God, at which time, it was shown an angel in heaven registering the acceptance of our work, and the decrees of the Great God, that the kingdom is ours, and we shall prevail; my anxieties therefore, in relation to our work in organizing the kingdom, and the acceptance of that organization, by our heavenly Father, is now forever at rest.

Elder Wm. E. McLellin, then arose and bore testimony to the manifestation of the power of God in the heavenly vision; he then gave the substance of a revelation given in the morning, relative to the opening ceremony of the consecration; after which he kneeled and dedicated the conference by prayer. He then arose, and said, brethren, I wish to say some things to you which will benefit you on the present occasion, he set forth in a clear manner, the principles which constitute the fulness of human happiness, giving much important instruction in relation to it.

President Rigdon then proceeded to ordain Hiram Falk and Curtis Hodges to the office of High Priests. After which several bottles of oil were presented and consecrated to the Lord.

The quorums then proceeded to the holy consecration by washing and anointing. Elder J. M. Cole, washed the quorum of the Twelve, and President E. Robinson the Presidents of the High priests quorum, who were anointed by President S. Rigdon. The washing and anointing continued to the hour of adjournment, when conference adjourned by singing and prayer, till to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

Thursday, April 10, 9 o'clock, A. M.      
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by president Austin Cowles, after which the first presidency and high quorum entered, when the conference was opened by singing an hymn.

The president then addressed the conference on the subject of covenants, setting forth upon what principle it was the hearts of the fathers were turned to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, showing that this power belongs to the kingdom of God alone, and also, the necessity of having the kingdom of heaven organized in addition to the church, in order that this covenant of binding the hearts of the to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers might be entered into, before God, that the way of the coming of the Savior might be prepared, and that the whole earth might not be smitten with a curse when he comes. And also, upon the Priesthood which pertains to the kingdom of God, shewing its relation to the heavens and also, to the earth, setting forth the power of that priesthood on relation to the salvation of the fathers who have died before, and of the children who should come after; and without that priesthood, no person who now lives, or who have lived before, or who shall live hereafter, could be saved.

He spoke of baptism for the dead showing that it was of no avail, unless the persons being baptized for the dead, should maintain their integrity and power before God, until they obtained the priesthood of the kingdom, and through that priesthood bare off the kingdom triumphant, and through these means present themselves before God triumphant, with their dead with them. And unless they did that they would be cut iff, and perish, and their dead with them.

Elder Joseph M. Cole then kneeled and dedicated the Conference by prayer, during which prayer, at a fixed period, the right hand of each member of the Conference, was lifted to heaven, and a solemn covenant, by which we bound ourselves and families to God, was pronounced, which was sealed by a loud amen, by every individual. After which an hymn was sung, and the Conference proceeded to the washing and anointing of the rest of the quorums.

President Rigdon then proceeded to ordain Austin Cowles, president of the high priest quorum, to preside over the councils of the whole church, in the absence of the first presidency; and to be the first president unto the church, in his absence.

The president then ordained Solomon Rumfield an elder in the church.

The hour of adjournment having arrived, and the washing and anointing not yet completed, after a few remarks by president Rigdon, the conference adjourned to 2 o'clock this afternoon. Benediction by Austin Cowles.

2 o'clock, P. M.      
Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and opened by singing, and prayer by president S. James.

Thursday, April 10, 9 o'clock, A. M.      
The washing and anointing was continued, until all the official members present were anointed. After having finished the anointing, president Rigdon read a hymn which was sung; after which all the quorums took their seats in proper order, to receive their Patriarchial seal. The Patriarch then proceeded to place his Seal upon their heads, sealing upon them all the promises and propheseyings pronounced upon them, during their washing and annointing, commencing with the quorum of the Twelve; next in order cames the presidents of the Stake of Pittsburgh, and the High Council. After these quorums had received their Patriarchial Seal, the Conference adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Benediction by President S. Rigdon.

This was the afternoon of the great fire which desolated our city. While we were thus organizing the Kingdom of our God, and consecrating the officers thereof, to the Most High, our city was fast laying in ruins by the violence of fire; and our friends and neighbors in the midst of sorrow, distress and confusion, were flying for their lives, amidst the ragings of the devouring elements, to places of safety, and leaving their all to perish in the common ruin. In the closing prayer, for the adjournment, president Rigdon presented before the Lord the deep distress and great calamity which was then befaling the inhabitants of the city; presenting before the heavens the widow and the fatherless, and the sufferings and deep afflictions that were overwhelming our city; praying God to stay the violence of fire, that our whole city be not laid in ruins -- in which prayer the Conference joined with all the feelings of their soul. During this prayer, an escort of heavenly messengers that had hovered around as during the time of this Conference, were seen leaving the room, the course of the wind was instantly changed, and the violence of the flames were stayed, and our city saved from an entire overthrow.

Friday morning, 9 o'clock, April 11,      
Conference met pursuant to adjournment. -- President Rigdon read a hymn from page 147. "How oft in sweet meditation my mind," which was sung. Prayer by President Cowles.

The President said this Conference is drawing to a close, and the most solemn part is now coming; which is that of covenant making. We have covenanted with each other; it is now our our duty to covenant with heaven. To complete The victory of this Kingdom, we must bind the heavens by a covenant. It is the power of this Kingdom to bind the heavens. From the earliest period of the history of God's dealing with men, there was one promise handed down from generation to generation, that whenever there were any people found on earth, who would obtain and organize the Kingdom of God, God promised to that people, that he would bear them off triumphant, with the Kingdom they had organized, and with it give them all things.

In all past time, God bound men on earth, but now, by virtue of the promise which God has made us, respecting his Kingdom, we must turn aroiund and bind the heavens, the the promises which God has made us, respecring his Kingdom, may be fulfilled upon our heads, inasmuch as we have obtained the power, and organized the Kingdom of promise.

In explanation of this covenant by which we bind the heavens, let me ask a question: Upon what principle did this Kingdom come into existence? It was by one man alone, -- between him and his God, where there was no eye to see him, or ear to hear him, but that of Jehovah's alone, decreeing in his heart in the presence of God, and calling upon heaven to witness the decree, that if the kingdom of promise, spoken of by Daniel did not come into existence on this generation, it should not be the fault of him who now presented himself before the heavens for this purpose; and who now was in the presence of God, decreeing before the heavens in his heart, and ready to do the will of his God, whenever made known, thus binding the heavens to that promise, to set up and organize that kingdom; after which he declared to the heavens, that if they would send to him at the time appointed (which was the 6th of April, 1845,) the persons necessary and sufficient to organize that Kingdom according to the pattern which he had received; and that he would use such persons for that purpose, as the Lord might send him, let them come from what nation or kindred soever they might, as the Spirit of the Lord might designate; leaving the whole work in the hands of God, so that it might be done according to his will. According to this covenant, thus made with the heavens, and this bond wherewith the heavens were bound, you are here from almost every part of the United States, and Europe; strangers to each other in the flesh, of different religious opinions, each one for himself declaring, "the Lord had sent him;" many of you not knowing for what, until you came; and few, if any, understanding the great object for which you were sent: the you may understand why it was the Lord operated upon your minds to come hither, we have given you the account of the foregoing covenant before our God, the result of which is, the organization of the kingdom of promise, of which you, individually, form a part.

Now, brethren, it becomes your privilege to bind the heavens, by a similar covenant, that this Kingdom, in your hands, may triumph; each one for himself, presenting himself before God, withe uplifted hands to heaven, declaring in the presence of God, the holy messengers, and one another, at the same time decreeing in your hearts before God, that if this Kingdom does not triumph and prevail, according to the promise made through the prophet Daniel, it shall not be your fault, thus binding the heavens for a fulfilment of the promises made, concerning it. After which the covenant was entered into before God, by all standing on their feet, with their hands lifted to heaven, while the president pronounced the covenant, which was sealed by the loud amen, of every individual.

We have another covenant to make, that is solemn, sublime, and grand. It is to bind the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, that when the Lord comes, the whole earth may not be smitten with a curse; and we may secure our line of progenitors and descendants, from one end of the line to the other. It is an established principle in the kingdom of heaven, that those whom God has chosen to be ordained to be kings and priests unto himself in his kingdom, have the right before God, to bind the heavens in solemn covenant, to perfect their salvation, to secure unto them the salvation of those whose salvation is necessary to perfect their own; and without which their own salvation could never be perfected.

In order to make this covenant, each one for himself must stand before God, with his hands lifted to heaven, and in the presence of God, as a king and priest unto God, express before the heavens, his will and desire, in relation to his fathers, and his, and their descendants, and ask God to seal in the heavens this promise and this blessing, to be fulfilled upon their heads, when the redemption of the purchased possession shall come; thus binding the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers; by which covenant, we bind heaven and earth rogether; for unto this end was the dispensation of the fulness of times established, that all things in Christ, might be gathered together, whether things in heaven, or things in earth, which dispensation of the fulness of times is the same as the dispensation, of the kingdom spoken of by Daniel; which dispensation, God in his infinite mercy, has been pleased to give unto us, and we, under his direction, have now organized it.

A few explanations with regard to this covenant, before entering into it. When those whom God has caused to be ordained to this power, will, in righteousness before God, to have any thing done for their own salvation, or that of their fellow-men, expressing that will before God, they bind themselves to observe all the laws and institutions of heaven that God has appointed and ordained to carry that will or desire into effect. And when they do this, the heavens are bound to fulfil this desire upon their heads; and secure unto them the thing thus willed, in righteousness. -- Nothing could could be a higher insult to the heavens, than for the authorities of the kingdom of God to stand before him, and there, in the solemn attitude of the servants of God, will, before him, that a certain thing should be done for their own salvation and that of the world, and then violate all the laws and ordinances of heaven, appointed for carrying the said will into effect. Such an indignity as this, could not fail of bringing the judgments of God upon their own heads. An example of this we have in Nauvoo, never to be forgotten. There is a people professing to have power before God to enter into covenant with him, and when they do so put at defiance all the appointed ways of heaven, to carry into effect the covenant or covenants they make with their God; and in consequence of these insults and indignities offered to the heavens, death has made ravages in their midst; mobs, in dispite of all their covenants to the contrary, overcome, and slay their great ones; and in dispite of all their pretended power with God, threaten destruction and entire overthrow of their city, which, if they repent not, will speedily come upon them, and no power can prevent it. And if that city is ever overthrown, it will be because they thus insult the heavens, and trifle with the God who made them: "for if God be with them who can be against them." Let these be ensamples unto you, that when you make covenants before your God, you may observe to do all the laws and instructions pertaining thereunto; that your covenants may be fulfilled on your heads, and that nothing pertaining thereunto shall fail. Unto this end, you m,ust learn to put far from you all evil, and remember in all things, to work righteousness, hence forth and forever.

After which, the covenant was entered into by each individual standing on his feet, with his hands lifted to heaven, while the president pronounced the covenant, in the presence of God, and it was sealed by a loud Amen, of every member of the kingdom.

The president then proceeded to give an item of law, by revelation, to regulate the conduct of the members of this Kingdom, in relation to each other, to wit: that if any member of the Grand Council should disturb the deliberations of the council at any time while conducting their business, by being under the influence of a bad spirit, thus shewing that he had not kept himself in all righteousness before God, and the council should be called upon for a vote of condemnation of the spirit manifested by said member, if any member of the council believing the brother to be under the influence of a bad spirit, but out of sympathy, for fear of the evil that might befall the brother, should refuse to vote in condemnation of the spirit manifested by the offending brother, such person, or persons, shall be cut off, and be no longer members of said grand council, for thus "saith the Lord," in order that his kingdom may be preserved in righteousness before him, and satan have no place in it; therefore, brethren, let this be a solemn warning unto you, that you keep yourselves in all righteousness before God, that no foul spirit have any dominion over you, henceforth and forever.

The president then said, I am determined when we come to the end of our consecrations, to present the kingdom to the heavens spotless before God, and say Father, receive it, and bear it off triumphantly, for it is thine. We have moved cautiously since we commenced. Brethren, let me alone to-day. Let me go forward as the Lord directs, and no evil spirit shall have dominion over us, or prevent us from accomplishing the great object before us; I have confidence in you brethren, that you will do so. Be patient, until we get all the machinery preparede and put together, every wheel in its place, with all its parts oiled, and then we will set it in motion, and God will make it roll through the earth in majesty and in great power, until the glory thereof shall fill the whole earth.

Several sisters who had been baptized, the evening previous, were confirmed and withdrew.

President Rigdon then proceeded to ordain Stanley G. Flagg, and George Richards to the High priesthood; and said it was the privilege of the sons of the members of the grand council to be ordained and set apart to the High priesthood.

President S. James spoke of the order of our moving forward, that now it was a mental struggle, but the time will come, when it will be otherwise. He drew a figure of the officers of an army, each moving and acting in his proper place, is the way by which they prevail. Be careful brethren, in this kingdom to each one speak only in his proper place. -- Let God counsel through the proper channel, and all will be well.

The conference proceeded to finish their consecration, by washing and anointing. -- During the consecration, president Rigdon ordained Edwin Stafford to the office of an Elder. After having finished the consecration, the president read a hymn on page 145. "The great and glorious gospel light," &c. which was sung by the conference.

Wm. E. McLellin then arose, and related to the conference the substance of a revelation given to himself and Joseph M. Cole, on last evening, while in their room at the house of president S. Rigdon, after having offered up solemn prayer to God, which was relative to the bones of the said Joseph M. Cole; it having been shown in a previous vision, that brother Cole should be slain before the coming of the Savior. The revelation had required on the part of brother McLellin, that he should enter into a covenant with brother Cole to carry his bones with him, as the bones of Joseph were carried out of Egypt, until the kingdom of God should meet Jesus upon mount Olivet; that there, his bones might, with the bones of his brother and namesake, who was carried thither out of Egypt, come forth together in the morn of the resurrection, to partake in the triumph and glories of the kingdom of God....

The Book of Mormon was then received as the word of God, by the unanimous vote of the Conference.

The Book of Doctrine and Covenants, as received by the General Assembly of the Church, on Kirtland, Ohio, in August, 1835 was received by the unanimous vote of the Conference, as a revelation from God, and law to govern his church.

The Conference then stood upon their feet, with their hands lifted to heaven, and received the holy convocation, presenting the covenants which they had entered into, before God, and all the work they had done, asking God to register it in heaven, and place his seal of approbation upon the great work they had done before him; which the Lord did, and bore testimony by his Spirit, that he had accepted their work, and placed his seal upon it.

Elder J. M. Cole then related to the Conference a vision of heaven, shown to him last fall, giving a history of all the important events which shall transpire in the world until the Savior comes.

Conference adjourned to meet in tis city, on the 6th of April, 1846.
SIDNEY RIGDON,                
Wm. E. M'Lellin,
Joseph M. Cole,
George W. Robinson,


Note: Although Sidney Rigdon does not disclose the details of how the Kingdom of God on earth began to "come into existence," it is reasonable to assume that the "one man alone" he speaks of in his address was himself, and that the event he refers to occurred some years prior to 1845. A close inspection of Rigdon's other preserved comments my prove some additional clues, as to when and where he placed this event in his past history -- certainly it must have been prior to his excommunication at Nauvoo during the summer of 1844. Rigdon says of this remarkable event: "It was by one man alone, -- between him and his God, where there was no eye to see him, or ear to hear him, but that of Jehovah's alone, decreeing in his heart in the presence of God, and calling upon heaven to witness the decree, that if the kingdom of promise, spoken of by Daniel did not come into existence on this generation, it should not be the fault of him who now presented himself before the heavens for this purpose." providing that the event here recollected was not a total fabrication, concocted by President Rigdon in April of 1845, the earlier time referred to may have predated Rigdon's baptism as a Mormon; otherwise, it is not easily explainable how he could leave out the name and office of the "holder of the keys to the last dispensation," Joseph Smith, Jr.


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  May 15, 1845.                                 No. 13.


...the Lord is with us, in deed and in truth, he is multiplying those testimonies, by confirming the word with power. -- The Lord: is revealing daily to his servants the doctrines of the kingdom, giving line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, until their hearts are rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory. No men have ever gone into the world, to proclaim the gospel, having stronger evidence that the Lord was with them, since the day of pentecost, than have the elders who attended the conference in this city, They find the Lord continually with them to counsel, direct, and confirm; and tho' that sink of corruption, at Nauvoo, has left their name as a reproach to us, the Lord's chosen, yet even in this we rejoice, knowing as we do, that the scriptures must be fulfilled, and the testimonies of the prophets, written aforetime, must all be accomplished, it only adds to our rejoicing to see them fulfilled on us; for thereby the Lord shews unto us that we are his chosen.

While the saints are thus rejoicing their ears are saluted, as might be expected, with the howlings of the sinners and the wailings of the hypocrite. Well did Isaiah say, "the sinners in Zion are afraid, fearfulness has surprised the hypocrite." This is literally fulfilled our eyes, we hear of dread, dismay and horror from the Mormon papers at Nauvoo and New York; every advancement made by the kingdom of heaven, brings from these papers a burst of horror, fearful of being murdered; the cry of murder, and murderers is sounding forth from them, in language that cannot be mistaken; -- surely the words of the prophet are fulfilling, the sinners in Zion are afraid, fearfulness has surprised the hypocrite; for it were the sinners in Zion that were to be afraid, and it were the hypocrites that fearfuless was to surprise; then let the New York Prophet, and the papers at Nauvoo go forth, and proclaim the true character of their people to all nations, and let the world know that the prophecies are fulfilling. That the sinners in Zion are afraid, indeed, and that fearfulness, has, of a truth, surprised the hypocrite. Not so with the righteous; for them the wilderness and the solitary place are to be glad, and the desert blossom as the rose." The voice of God to the righteous is, "rejoice ye righteous for the Lord will redeem Jacob his people, and Israel his chosen; fear not for thy maker is thy husband, and thy redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, the Lord of the whole earth shall he be called. Fear not then, Jacob, neither be thou dismayed O Israel, for the Lord thy God will be with thee, and deliver thee.

The people in Nauvoo claim for themselves, to be the Zion of God. Who was it that was to be afraid in Zion? Sinners. Who was it that fearfulness was to surprise? The hypocrite. So then Mr. Prophet, and Mr. Times and Seasons, you say you are afraid, and you say fearfulness has surprised you. Who are you? Isaiah being judge. -- Sinners -- Hypocrites.

The Editor of the Gazette, in this city, has favored us with a passing notice in his papers of the 7th and 8th inst. for which we owe him an acknowledeement, granting him the privilege of his own peculiar style, which. we think is a sufficient rebuke to him, with all honorable men, without our noticing it.

He has however, said some things which we think he certainly did not intend to say. He surely did not intend to say that the church of Christ was a more dangerous institution, than the Mormon institution at Nauvoo, because they did not believe in polygamy, the divine right of lying, and in insubordination to the laws of the land, though he has said it; or, at least, that is the only inference we can draw, from what is said, as that is the mark of distinction between us. This we believe he did in haste, without due consideration, and we are not disposed to avail ourselves of his want of proper care and attention to what he said; believing that after proper reflection, if he did not intend to say so, he will certainly recall it.

If the Editor really wishes to indulge himself in his manner of expression, we will let him have his liberty, and he may enjoy it. We can only say, as to "fanaticism," "heresy," "impious mumery," let God judge between him and us; but we shall think, till otherwise convinces that they were made in haste and without due consideration, and that on proper reflection he will be disposed, as an honorable man would to recall them.

What he has said in relation to the notice we took of the fire in our paper, which desolated our city, deserves a notice from us. The Lord either did stay the flames or he did not: if he did not, then, indeed, the citizens of Pittsburgh must be in the estimation of heaven, in a state of corruption too great to admit of divine interposition in their favor, and surely then our religion could not make them any worse. If the Lord did stay the flames, it was because some people sought this deliverance at his hand; for he says concerning his people that he will be sought of them, that his mercies may be bestowed upon them. We consider the citizens of this city are indebted to the great God that our whole city was not laid in ruins; and if our heavenly Father did interpose in our behalf and stay the flames, he did it by sending heavenly messengers for that purpose, for such has been his manner of dealing from days of old...

Why the Lord did not stay the flames sooner than he did, we leave to him who holds the floods and flames in his hands, and makes them ministers of destruction at his pleasure. We believe when the spirit of God dictates to the people of God to pray for any judgment to be stayed, that that prayer will be answered. He commands men to pray always, as their reasonable duty, and leave the event with God, but when his spirit calls upon his people to pray for a particular thing, at a particular time, that prayer will be answered. Such was the case in the instance alluded to.

We greatly rejoice then that God was entreated in behalf of our city -- the flames stayed, and our whole city not laid in ruins.

In his paper of the 8th inst. we think the Editor has done injustice to the religious public; his words are as follows: "Too little attention as been paid to this heresy by the religious public." All persons acquainted with the facts, will exonerate the religious public from the charge of negligence and want of attention in the case complained of. We know of no effort that could be used, that has not been used to stop the progress of this church; we hope the edior will take this back, also, and so do justice to the religious public.

For the Messenger and Advocate.

Mr. Editor.
    Forasmuch as many have taken it in hand to write a declaration of those things which they most surely believe, it seemeth good to me also to write concerning some of those things, which in a special manner concern the human family in the last days....

God hath declared by his prophets, that the salvation of Israel shall come out of Zion, when the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.... But where is it written? Isaiah said: I will place salvation in Zion, for Israel my glory. See Psalm 7."Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad." The prophets and apostles have informed us that God has a new covenant to make with the house of Israel. Paul tells us that covenant shall come out of Zion. The prophet Micah informs us that the law shall go forth [out] of Zion. The Lord by the prophet Jeremiah says: 31st chapter, 31st, 32d, and 33d verses, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake. although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." By this, we are informed, that he will put his law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts.

Now, kind reader, judge ye, will God make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and perform all that he has promised; and yet have no prophets upon, the earth to receive his law and carry it to the House of Israel? Jeremiah, 16th chapter, and. 16th verse: "Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks." But, to our subject of the location of Zion. See Isa. 51st chapter, 9th,, 10th, and 11th verses. "Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away."

By the above we learn that God will dry up the great deep and make a path in the sea, for the redeemed of the Lord to pass over on. Again, it proves that Zion is [on] the opposite side of the great deep, from the place where they will be redeemed. We understand the redemption means the resurrection of the body, for short of it no man can be redeemed. See Romans, 8th chapter and 23d verse. "And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." If the holy apostles groaned within themselves waiting for the redemption of the body, then they are not yet redeemed, nor will [he] until the first ressurection. Also, 25th verse: "But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."...

We have proved that when the Lord shall build up Zion, he will appear in his glory; and we have proved when he appears in his glory, he will redeem his saints. And when they are redeemed, they will return and come with singing unto Zion on the path God makes for them in the sea. Now if we can identity the place he will come to at his appearing, we shall know it is the opposite side of the great deep from mount Zion. The first testimony we shall bring, you may find in Acts 1st chapter, 11th and 12th verses: "Which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath'day's journey." See also. Zech. 14th chapter and 4th verse:"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove to the north, and half of it toward the south." See also, 13th chapter and 6th verse: "And one shall say unto him, what are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends." By the above have quotations, we proved that when he appears he will come and set his feet upon the mount called Olivet, east side of Jerusalem. See also Book of Covenants in the Appendix. "Wherefore prepare ye and go ye; go ye out to meet the bridegroom, for behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him, for behold he shall stand upon mount Olivet." Then will be fulfilled the parable of the ten virgins. The kingdom of heaven organized with the daughter of Zion, where the first dominion comes, will go forth to meet the bridegroom and attend the marriage supper of the Lamb.

We have shown it by the word of the Lord, that the redemption will take place at the coming of Christ. We have also proved that he will come to the mount called Olivet. See Joel, 3d chapter, 1st and 2d verses: "For behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captiviy of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land." By this last quotation you will see that all nations will be gathered to the mount called Olivet: at the foot of the mount is the valley of Jehoshaphat, where Christ will plead with the nations of the earth, and separate the goats from the sheep. We have proved by the word of the Lord, where the redemption will take place; and we have proved a part of God's people will return to Zion on the path he makes for them in the sea, when he dries up the great deep, after they are redeemed, with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads. By the foregoing quotations, we have learned that the great deep lieth between mount Olivet and mount Zion. Isaiah said the redeemed of the Lord shall raturn to Zion. Kind reader, ask yourself whether any person can return to a place they never left!

Having ascertained to a certainty, that mount Zion is located somewhere on the opposite side of the great deep from Jerusalem, the reader by this time may be ready to enquire where is a continent of land sufficiently large to hold one hundred forty and four thousand, besides a great multitude which no man could number. We shall refer our readers to the 18th chapter of Isaiah and first verse: "Wo to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia." Well, Isaiah, what do you wish to have us understand about a land having the resemblance of wings beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, that sendeth swift messengers by the sea? 3d verse: "All the inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye." Where is the place this trumpet shall be blown? Joel has answered this question. 2d chapter and first verse: "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain." The ensign shall be raised and the trumpet blown in Zion, according to Joel and Isaiah, where the present shall be brought to the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, the mount Zion which Isaiah saw beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. Now, reader, place yourself where Isaiah dwelt among the Jews, and then look for a land which is according to the above description, and you may look a long time and leave the continent of America out of your geographical researches before you will find it.

Having located, or rather ascertained, that the continent of America is prophetically called mount Zion, we shall now introduce our subject for a text. See Isaiah, 28th chapter and 22d verse: "Now therefore be ye no mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth." God has a consumption decreed that shall overflow with righteousness. It is not a consumption of pestilential diseases only, but a consumption of the nations of the earth. When the Lord works, who can hinder? See Isaiah, 28th chapter and 21st verse: "For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wrath as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work: and bring to pass his act, his strange act." But where will he begin to get a starting point? We shall quote to John; he was eziled for his religion, and saw a glorious vision, and one like unto the son of man who told him to write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. The things he had seen, was the first part of the vision; the things that are, was to the seven churches in Asia, Rev. 4th chapter and 1st verse: "After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which said, come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter." It would be very natural for John to enquire concerning the power that had banished him there, and while in the vision the Lord showed him the end of that power. See Revelations, 17th chapter, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th verses: "So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abomination and filthiness of her abomination: and upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus...


Dear Bro. Bennett: --
    In the New York Prophet, of March 29th, there is an article published over the signature of the individual whose name stands at the head of this; the article referred to is headed Beware of Imposition! the caution, I canfess is a very salutary one, and one with which I am well pleased. I also rejoice that P. P. Pratt has been led by the influence of some spirit, to give me so high and exalted a recommendation, for I do assure you, my dear Brother, that I do esteem it a much stronger and better recommendation, than the following which I received from under the hand of B. Young, and W. Richards, on the same day that I took my line of march from that city of corruption,

CITY OF NAUVOO, Nov. 4th 1844.    
To whom it may concern -- This is to certify that, our beloved Brother, James Gibson Divine, is hereby called and authorized to go on a mission to the State of New Jersey, and to preside over the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, in the 8d Congressional District of said State, in company with Brother Ezra, T. Benson, who is to take the Presideney of all the church affairs, in said State. -- We, therefore, give unto this our beloved brother his letter of recommendation, as being worthy the fellowship and esteem OF ALL SAINTS. Given under our hand and seal the day and year above written.
    Brigham Young, President of the Twelve,
                                  Willard Richards, Clerk.

The Savior said, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established, he also says, blessed are you, when men shall revile, and shall speak all manner of evil of you, falsely for my sake, for so persecuted they the Prophets. Now the point I have in view, to reach, in the recommendation given me by P. P. Pratt, is this, he says that Elder Divine has dissented from the church and joined hands with a band of apostates, at Pittsburgh, who stand in direct connection with Sharp, Col. Williams, the Laws, Fosters, and Higbees: now Parley, you know in your very soul, when you made the above declaration, that you were guilty of trying to palm an imposition upon the SAINTS, and not Elder Divine; and for the information of every honest man, and woman, I would say that the Kingdom of heaven has been organized, in this place, in accordance with the pattern, shown Br. Rigdon, from the Heavens, designated by revelation, and that organization accepted, by him, who is Lord of lords, and King of kings; but not one of the above named individuals are in the Organization, and neither are any of them members of the Church of Christ, so that you knew, at the time you penned that article, wherein you saw fit to couple my name in common with my brethren, among the above named persons that you were about publishing a tissue of misrepresentations as black as your own heart, and as the major part of your quorum is corrupt. You continue by saying, that it is a peculiar trait in the character of these disenters to practice deception and hypocracy, and to palm themselves upon the branches of the Church, as members of the very Church they are seeking to destroy. Oh, Parley; oh, shame where is thy blush: really it would appear that Parley's senses are fast taking leave of him. Pray, sir, how any of my eastern friends, where your humble servant has labored from time to time during the last six years past, can you gull into the belief that when I appear among them I am recommending myself as a member of the Church at Nauvoo? I answer not one; for they know by this time, that I claim to hold no affinity with such men. I therefore wish it to be distinctly understood that we have separated ourselves from the apostate Church -- and that every individual, whether he is from Nauvoo, or from the islands of the seas, or from any other place, must repent of all his sins, and be baptized for the remission of the same, otherwise, he or she cannot have part in the matter.

Parley appers to be very uneasy, lest I should visit the churches in New Jersey -- and that I should deceive the Saints in that section of country, where may labors heretofore have principally been confined; he is careful to warn them not to receive me. Now in this I do rejoice, that in all my ministerial labors I have taken especial care to set a good example to those among whom I have been called to preach; by laboring with my own hands, and also to commend myself to the consciences of all men, by a virtuous walk and chaste conversation, so that notwithstanding Parley's warning the Saints to beware of Elder Divine, I know many will rejoice to see him again, and the more so to hear him speak of the sublime truths, which God has been pleased to reveal onto his servants, within the last few months. This is not egotism in me, neither am I boasting, but I thank my God that I dare speak the truth without shame or remorse. Yes! Parley warns the Saints not to receive me, until I make satisfaction, and thereby be restored to confidence again -- now I wish to look at this matter a little: -- oh! confidence -- what does this mean! To keep your brother's secrets locked up in your own breast -- so; that if "I (Parley Pratt) have been guilty of a misdemeanor, by violating any law Of the land, or of God; if in my weakness, I have made an attack upon the virtue of my neighbor's wife (although I was unsuccesful) don't speak of it." Poor Parley, how weak you Were. To be plain, I warn Parley accuse me of telling lies, or I shall take the liberty of shewing him a certificate, from under the hands of a certain sister; for I hold this maxim to be good, that a Preacher of the gospel of Christ should do nothing that he is ashamed of, should it be known to all the world.

A word to Parley abut consistency, and I will bring my letter to a close. In another part of the same paper, over, his (Parley's) signature, is there an article headed, "Strange Inconsistency," he says; we frequently hear of debates, respecting the subject of who should head the Church, whether the Apostles (apostates) or Mr. Sidney Rigdon: and winds up his close, logical, reasonings, by saying, therefore, I never investigate, or agitate this question with any person. This is giving a reason of the hope that is within you, witness to it. Why sir you are ten times worse than a professed Infidel; for an Infidel is willing at all times, to back up his theory, by the power of logic and reason; but I, P. P. Pratt, an Apostle, and one of the twelve horns of the Church (as it is called) at Nauvoo, having been duly commissioned, and qualified, as a part of the hydra-headed monster, to preside over and take the head of all the Chureh affairs in the eastern states, will never debate the question, whether I have in reality any authority or not. Oh! consistency, whither hast thou fled? Now Paul says, prove all things, and hold fast that which is good; but Parley says, prove nothing, and hold fast to as many wives as you can get. Solomon says, if you take a fool and pound him in a mortar, with a pestel, among wheat, yet will his folly not depart from him. I well remember the time when Parley was prepared to discuss this principles of Mormonism, either in public or private, either by day or by night, and never flinched from the task, but rather courted the opportunity: how is it then? has Mormonism undergone a change! are not the principles of the Church of Christ the same now that they were ten years ago? I repeat my motto, as contained in the ninth number of the Messenger and Advocate, he that will not reason is a bigot, he that cannot is a fool, and he that does not is a coward. I say therefore, if you know that you are occupying the station that God has placed you in, viz; to fill the station of the First Presidency of the Church of Christ, and at the same time, to fill the quorum of the Twelve, bring forth your strong reasons, and shew us from such testimony as the Church of Christ have always been able to adduce, to prove any principle that she held forth to the world, for a "thus saith the LORD;" and I for one shall feel myself bound to receive it: but your "Strange Inconsistency," is no argument in your favor. Indeed, I am astonished at any man, possesssing a thimble-full of common sense, to believe your testimony, appertaining to the right of the First Presidency of the Church of Christ, without examining the subject himseIf. There were two things which transpired in Nauvoo, which led me to an examination of this subject: -- in a conversation I had With Orson Hyde, he told me that if I did not know who had the right to lead the Church; it was time for me to get re-baptised, and get the spirit of truth, and that would lead me into all truth: the other was about two days before I left Nauvoo, when Brigham Young came to my house, and asked me to give him my two daughters (one about nineteen, the other about seventeen) to be be wives; which positively refused, and at the same time offering me two good women In exchange for them; I suppose what he meant by good women, was such as had gone the rounds of dissipation. I told this lion of adulterers, that I wanted but one wife at a time, and begged the right of getting one of my own choosing. I laid this matter before the Lord, in accordance with Hyde's recommendation, and have been shewn by vision, and the testimony of the spirit, that the Twelve at Nauvoo, yourself included, are Apostates, and that President Rigdon is the Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Kingdom of God.   GIBSON DIVINE.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  June 1, 1845.                                 No. 14.


In reading the public journals of the day, we find that they are laboring under mistaken notions about the Church of Christ, organized in April last, in this city, and thereby are liable to do us injustice. It appears to be the impression that the Church of Christ is a branch, or some way connected with that abandonedly corrupt Mormon institution at Nauvoo. No greater mistake than this can exist. The Church of Christ has no relation to them, nor connection with them, more than it has with any other society. The Church of Christ utterly denies their authority, receives no members from that body, only as they receive them by baptism, on the confession of their faith and repentance. Neither is the Church of Christ composed of those who belonged to that sink of corruption. There are of those, in the Church of Christ, who were connected with the "Latter Day Saints;" but who utterly refused to have any part with that branch in Nauvoo, after the introduction of their base system of polygamy, which was followed by a system of lying, perjury, and coining4 and counterfeiting, &c., and is fast terminating in open collision between them and the authorities of the country.

There are many who belong to the Church of Christ that never belonged to the Church of Latter Day Saints." The Church of Christ in her eclesiastical organization, is the same as the Church of Christ was, before the existence of the Church of "Latter Day Saints."

The Church of Christ is not chargeable, in any way, with the abominations of the Nauvoo, corruptions, any more than the Methodist or Presbyterian Church would be, if on the confession of their repentance towards God, they should receive of those that belonged to that body into their church.

The organizations of the Church of Christ and of that nondiscript in Nauvoo, are dissimilar in every essential particular. That is a thing after its own likeness, and has no foundation for its order in any revelation that God ever gave to man; and unless it is "the abomination which maketh desolate," spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, standing where it should not, that is, as the Church of Christ, we must leave the world to say what it is.

In relation to the various branches over which it tries to hold a controlling influence, as soon as those who love the truth among them, become acquainted with the true state of affairs at Nauvoo, they forsake them: and many of them come to us, and seek admission into the Church of Christ, and are always required to enter by the door of baptism. In consequence of this, we have more knowledge of their corruptions than any other people could have. Many of those to whom they have revealed their secret iniquity, expecting them to partake in it, on finding out their true characters, have left them immediately, and come and joined the Church of Christ, and put it in possession of facts of such an awful character, as to make humanity blush, and we think we speak advisedly, when we say that the time is not far distant when every person who is in any way connected with them, who respects truth and decency, righteousness and good order, and before whose eyes is the fear of God, will seperate from them, whether in Nauvoo or elsewhere, and let the corrupted and corrupters share the fate that awaits them.

We ask the editors of our city, and all others who desire that the true state of the case, as it is in relation to the Church of Christ, and the Mormons at Nauvoo, should be known to the world, would give the above one insertion in their paper, and thereby correct the public mind, that justice may be done us. -- We would also request the members of the Church, and its traveling elders to get this copied into as many papers as they can.

Notes: (forthcoming)


Vol. I.                                 Pittsburgh,  June 15, 1845.                                 No. 15.

SERMON  No. 2.


... When we speak of creation, we speak of it at a point where it is tangible; where the mind can conceive of it. In the history of creation given by Moses, we cannot conceive of it till he reached the creation of man; at this point we can understand him, and the mind can conceive what he says, and then looking back on what he has said, with the idea given us in the creation of man, there is a ray of light over the whole subject. He says that God formed a body out of the dust of the earth, and, after he had formed it, he put a spirit or life into it; of this we can conceive; we can conceive of God forming a body out of the earth, and we can conceive of his putting spirit into it, and of its then having life. Here is the point at which the history of creation becomes intelligent, and, with the idea Moses gives us in relation to man, we can form some idea of creation. We can conceive of God forming and fashioning matter so as to render it a habitation of spirit, and of his putting spirit into it when it is thus formed, and making one subservient to the purposes and benefit of the other for eternity; two things which originally were separate, being united, and be made mutually beneficial to each other forever; but to conceive of God making either out of nothing, is quite a different thing.

The only conception we have of creation, is the uniting of body and spirit, and the forming and shaping of body for this purpose, and hence we learn that man is a combination of spirit and body, either of which is capable of a separate existence; but a spirit separate from body, is not man, nor body separate from spirit, is not man; but the two united form man.

A query now suggests itself. Did the spirit which inhabits this body, exist before it was in the body? And if so, was it intelligent? That the spirit can exist without the body, and when separated from it, is so plain1ly taught that no believer in the Bible will attempt to deny it, and, that it is capable, of exercising all the rational faculties is equally certain. We have a singular account given us by the Savior, that puts this forever at rest. See Luke 16th chapter, from the 19th verse to the close of the chapter, to which we would direct the attention of the reader. The conversation here related, was between two disembodied spirits, Abraham and the rich man; by this conversation we learn much about spirits when separated from the body. They are capable of conversing with each other, of being. tormented, and comforted, and they also take with them, in their disembodied state, the recollection of things which took place while in the flesh, in this world; they retain the knowledge of their family relations, and carry with them the family affections and their desires for the welfare of their father's family, and, in their disembodied state, desire the salvation of their relatives which they have left to this world.

...If our spiritual existence was the effect of creative power, we do not know it, and whether the great Creator formed them out of nothing or something, are matters of pure conjecture with all who pretend to talk about it, or whether they exists on the same principle he does, are matters which can only be settled by revelation; for every thing else about it which any may pretend to know is conjecture only.

One thing is certain that the highest and greatest of all existences has his existence independently of creative power; no man will dare say God created himself out of nothing or that he is the effect of creative power in any way; but has his existence independently of it, and the mind can as easily conceive o all other existences having their existence on the same prnciple as it can conceive of his having it; that man is the effect of creative power is not doubted, that is, the combination of body and spirit, but that the spirit is the effect of creative power is quite a different thing. That creative power is exercised in uniting body and spirit together, is a matter admitted by all; but that either of them were made out of nothing by creative power, is what no man on this earth understands: and if he says so, he does it without conceiving of it in the smallest degree. Here is the place where conjecture is made to supply the place of revelation. Endless are the conjectures of men in relation to our spiritual existence. Some say the spirits of all were created in the six days; others that they are created as there are bodies prepared for them. Some have one conjecture and some another, and this because there is a blank in revelation on this subject; and men say they are fully satisfied that it will always remain so, and that all revelation has ceased forever; notwithstanding the extent of the field here unexplored, and which never can be explored only by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Our bible begins our history with, the union of body and spirit. The whole eternity before that period remains in darkness and silence, and yet, men have revelation enough; They want no more: they are ignorant of one of the most important points in relation to their own history, and their own existence, and yet they are contented; they have got enough, yes and their salvation depends in their estimation on their remaining in ignorance; and wo to the messenger that God would send to give them any more light about themselves; he would be a hiss and a byword in every mouth; an object of reproach and contempt among all.

Such seems to have been the condition of the world since the fall, and In consequence of people always having revelation enough, in their own estimation, and wanting no more, and not only wanting no more, but refusing to have any more, the world to this day is in ignorance of itself: man knows not his own history; cannot tell from whence he is and whither he is going, nor never can without more revelation, and yet he says he needs no more; but though he needs no more revelation, he finds it necessary to supply the place with conjecture, and make up the deficiency with immagination's wildest flight: but any thing to satisfy the mind. But a man whose mind is not bounded by some prejudice, nor holden under bonds by some ignorant religious creed, seeks rest only in knowing the truth, and understanding things as they are; himself as he was, is, and will be. When he takes up the bible to search after his own history, where does it begin? in the mesne of eternity; a vast eternity existing before he was fashioned into man, and all silence and darkness; except a few allusions which can no more than arouse his curiosity, and strange, the religion, through which he expects to be spved, forbids his search into his early esistence, and places the hiss of the world, and the seal of damnation on his head, if he dare inquire at the hand of his God respecting it.

Who can contemplate his own history without desiring, deeply desiring, to have more revelations? we answer none, only those those religion has veiled their hearts, and made them insensible to every desire capable of enobling the character of man, whose devotion is heightened by ignorance; and whose religious theory degrades and beastatises the feelings, and one who considers ignorance his only passport to glory, Such can set and sing Psalms, and talk of heaven, and of having their hearts changed; and of their being; born again, and knowing their redeemer lives, while they forbid one ray of light to enter their hearts, or one enobling thought to pervade their breasts; forbid the heavens to reveal the true character of man to them, or open one new page in his history.

There is not one candid reflecting mind, among men, but at the time of his sober reflection, would desire to have the dark places in his history lighted up, and it were not for the influence his religion has on his mind, would as sure as he believed in a God, seek to him for intelligence...



John informs us that these kingdoms growing out of the Roman empire, shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them. Daniel tells us these ten kingdoms shall be consumed by the kingdom the God of heaven shall set up; therefore, we understand that the Lamb, and his chosen and faithful ones, constitute the kingdom that Daniel spoke of. But in answer to the grand query, from whence do they come? see Isaiah 5:26. "And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:" See also chapter 11: 12th v. "And he shell set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth."

Where is the far country where the Lord will raise up an ensign to the Nations; ands hiss unto them from the end of the earth? It is at the place of the Mount Zion, on the land shadowing with wings which Isaiah saw beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, where the Lord will cause an ensign to be raised, and a trumpet to be blown, and call upon all nations to see and hear. Having identified the place, where the Kingdom of God was to be set up according to the words of God, we shall endeavor to follow its course and examine some of its fruits. It is evident that after the kingdom of Heaven shall have overcome the kingdom spoken of by Daniel and John, and their dominion taken away, they will bow to the standard and come out from Babylon and come under the banner of the kingdom. See Rev. 18 ch. 4 verse. "And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." After God has called his people out of Babylon he tells them to reward her, even as she rewarded you. See 6 and 7 verses, "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.

"How much she hath glorified herself, and lived, deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." John give us a description in the 17th and 18th chapters of the Revelations how old Babylon shall be destroyed, Isaiah gives us a similar description. See Isaiah 13 ch. commence with the first verse. "The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amos did see." How did this burden commence? See 2nd ver."Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they, may go into the gates of the nobles." How is this kingdom organized? See 3d ver. "I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones, for mine anger is not upon them that rejoice in my highness." What place in Zion will this organization take place? 4th v. "The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people: a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of the nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the hosts to battle." How will the Lord of hosts muster the host of the battle? the answer is in the third verse, by commanding his sanctified ones. From whence do they come? 5th ver. "They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land."

Now reader, place yourself where Isaiah was, at Jerusalem, then look for Isaiah's far country, and see if you do not find it on the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, where Isaiah said the ensign should be raised, and trumpet blown. After the Lord has caused an ensign to be raised, or banner to be lifted up on the high mountains in a far country from Jerusalem, and a trumpet to be blown, and call upon all nations to see and hear, what follows? see Isaiah 13th chapter, from the 6th to the 22nd verse inclusive.

"Howl ye: for the day of the Lord is at hand: it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: And they shall be afraid; pangs and sorrow shall take hold of them: they shall be in pain as a woman travaileth:. they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. -- Behold the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold: even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee to his own land. Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shell be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished....


As matters of fact may always be told with safety, when they are of such a character as to do good and not evil; we will chronicle a matter of fact, which has taken place in relation to us and our present residence in this city.

Thirteen years ago, at a time when we were in this city under circumstances calculated to render what we then were told doubtful, it was told to us, that we should live in this city, and do a certain work here pertaining to the kingdom of God; a work that must be done in this city and could be done no where else. We lived at the time in Kirtland Ohio. After our return to Kirtland we declared the thing openly knowing the source from whence we received it. There are many in Nauvoo who well recollect what we then said, as Brigham Young, Phineas H. Young, and a number of others, called to our recollection, at the time we were leaving Nauvoo, for this place, what we had declared, in a public council in Kirtland, in relation to what would take place in this city; and reminded; us of the fact of our then saying, we would be sent to this city to do a certain thing pertaining to the kingdom of God.

B. Young, in particular said to us, in remarking on it, what a singular thing it was that the Lord should have revealed to us the fact of our returning to this city to live, and afterwards to send us a direct different course, with no probability of the thing revealed ever being fulfilled; but, says he, the object the Lord had in doing so, was to prove you, and see whether you would be faithful and true to him in life or in death, and having found, you faithful, he now sends you to do the work he revealed to you, you should do in your native land. The above conversation, was had in May of '44, the month previous, to our leaving Nauvoo with our family for this city. But no sooner did this said Young find that we were going to set our face like flint against the corruptions of Nauvoo, than his mind changed. It was the above alluded to communication which caused us to say to Mr. Hyde, on board the steam boat at St. Louis, that our course was marked out, twelve years before that time, and the promise then made is fulfilling as fast as time can fulfill it, and all the falsehoods invented and published in Nauvoo by apostates, cannot make the promise of God of none effect. So that we fear them not, neither regard them, knowing as we do that their corruption will be answered on their own heads.

There has not been one week since our stay in this city, that there has not something taken place which was promised us in the communication as above; and wo! to Nauvoo and her corruptions when the Lord fulfills his promise in the full to us. We have known a long time that Mr. Hyde could not, if heaven acted on the principle of even handed justice, be saved, and have part in the firsr resurrection. This we published a number of years ago, publicly, on the stand at Nauvoo, as all know. We now know that if God is a God of justice, he cannot be saved. From the time of his perjury in Missouri the decree went forth that he should not have part in the first resurrection. And though he said to us, that it was the fear of being killed by the mob. that caused him to commit the perjury. All this might be true; but Esau lost his salvation and priesthood for a much less crime, and could never get it afterward, though he sought it with many tears.

We are not surprized that Mr. Hyde should try to destroy us, any more than Esau should seek to destroy Jacob. We always expected this at his hand, knowing, as we did, that God has placed a seal upon his head, that cannot be taken off; the truth of which will appear in the morning of that day, if not before, when the Lord will distribute rewards to the just.

M. N. K. Whitney and others can testify to the truth of what we say on the subject of our being in this city. Men must be in a condition not desirable to act as the apostates at Nauvoo are acting, and if we had no other evidence of their apostasy than the ignorant course they are pursuing in relation to us, this would be sufficient. Here the Lord is doing what we declared openly thirteen years since he would do; fulfilling a promise made to us; which promise he could not have fulfilled, unless he had sent us to this city, under the very circumstances under which we came. Nor could he have fulfilled his promise, unless the people of Nauvoo had apostatized from him and the very things taken place there which have taken place. These were all necessary to the fulfilling of the promise made to us thirteen years ago.

We can say of the promise made to us as is said of Jeremiah when it was said "the word of the Lord came to him" so it was with us "the word of the Lord came to us," without seeking it, at the time, or without having done it at any time respecting the thing manifested by it; but it came, and, the Lord is fulfilling it before our eyes, and we rejoice greatly and will rejoice, for the Lord of a truth is faithful to his promises and though it tarry long, it will come and nothing on earth or in hell can prevent it.

How vain are human efforts when they are wielded against God. Here we are in perfect peace and quietness, and the promise of the Lord made to us, thirteen years ago, is being fulfilled, and nothing can hinder it, while in Nauvoo they are lying, howling, and foaming like a tiger in a net, but all dies away in the distance, and the cause of truth moves on as steadily as time in its course, and as undisturbed as nature in its movements.

The Nucleus, that the Lord showed us we should form in this city, has been organized, around which all the righteous of the earth, according to the promise, should centre, and our eyes are beholding the promise verified; the sound has gone forth, the righteous are gathering, and the saints are rejoicing, in the hope set before them, and though it has been but two months since the organizing of the kingdom, hundreds have entered in and are entering continually. To those who have corrupted their way before the Lord, we say "Go to now, and weep and howl for the miseries which are coming upon you," your corruptions are eating you "as doth a canker," your priesthood his rotted, as a garment," and your righteousness as rags, and as filthy garments that are moth eaten, and it cannot hide your shame. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, shame will cover you; reproach will follow you, "your refuge of lies," will not hide you, and your "agreement with hell will not save you."

God has looked upon you, and beheld your shame; your abominations are a stink in the nose of Jehovah; your "turning things upside down," will not avail you. The storm of wrath is gathering, and it will burst on your heads as the whirlwind, and desolate you as the pestilence. Your city shall be desolated, for your inheritances are defiled under you. -- Your "mouths are full of cursing and bitterness, the poison of asps is under your tongues, with your lips you utter deceit and falshood."

When the righteous rejoice you shall be in sorrow, when they are full you shall be hungry, when they are clothed you shall be naked; the day of your visitation draweth nigh, and the hour of your destruction is not slumbering; "death and hell are moved from beneath to receive you at your coming," and everlasting shame shall cover you forever and ever.

Notes: (forthcoming)

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