![]() Vol. XIII. Fredonia, NY, Wed., January 1, 1834. No. 41. ![]() The Mormon mystery developed. -- Doct. [P.] Hurlbert, of Kirtland, Ohio, who has been engaged for some time in different parts of this state, but chiefly in this neighborhood, on behalf of his fellow townsmen, in the pursuit of facts and information concerning the origin and design of the Book of Mormon, which, to the surprise of all in this region who know the character of the leaders in the bungling imposition, seems already to have gained multitudes of believers in various parts of the country, requests us to say, that he has succeeded in accomplishing the object of his mission, and that an authentic history of the whole affair will shortly be given to the public. -- The original manuscript of the Book was written some thirty years since, by a respectable clergyman, now deceased, whose name we are not permitted to give. It was designed to be published as a romance, but the author died soon after it was written; and hence the plan failed. The pretended religious character of the work has been superadded by some more modern hand -- believed to be the notorious Rigdon. -- These particulars have been derived by Dr. Hurlbert from the widow of the author of the original manuscript. -- |
COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. ![]() Vol. XXIII. Buffalo, NY, Tues., April 8, 1834. No. 1168. ![]()
From the Painesville Telegraph.
The undersigned Committee appointed by a public meeting held in Kirtland, Geauga co., Ohio, for the purposes of ascertaining the origin of the Book of MORMON, would say to the Public, that when met as directed by said meeting, it became a subject of deliberation whether the committee without violating the spirit of that instrument which declares that "no human authority can in any case whatever control or interfere with the rights of conscience" could take measures to avert the evils which threaten the Public by the location in this vicinity, of Joseph Smith Jun. otherwise known as the Mormon Prophet -- and who is now, under pretence of Divine Authority, collecting about him an impoverished population, alienated in feeling from other portions of the community, thereby threatening us with an insupportable weight of pauperism. The committee were of opinion that the force of truth ought without delay to be applied to the Book of Mormon, and the character of Joseph Smith, Jun. With this object in view, the Committee employed D. P. Hurlbut to ascertain the real origin of the Book of Mormon, and to examine the validity of Joseph Smith's claims to the character of a Prophet. The result of this enquiry so far as it has proceeded has been partially laid before the public in this vicinity by Mr. Hurlbut -- and the Committee are now making arrangements for the Publication and extensive circulation of a work which will prove the "Book, of Mormon" to be a work of fiction and imagination, and written more than twenty years ago, in Salem, Ashtabula County, Ohio, by Solomon Spalding, Esq., and completely divest Joseph Smith of all claims to the character of an honest man, and place him at an immeasurable distance from the high station which he pretends to occupy. |
![]() Vol. I. Buffalo, NY, Wed., July 23, 1834. No. 6. ![]()
The Mormon War. -- We learn by the following article, and others in other papers corroborating it, that violence & bloodshed may be expected in Missouri, between those fanatics, who seek to put down their superstitions and delusions by force of arms. -- Pittsburgh Adv. |
![]() Vol. XV. Fredonia, NY, Wed., March 25, 1835. No. 2. ![]()
![]() Vol. XV. Fredonia, NY, Wed., July 22, 1835. No. ? ![]()
AN ANGEL. -- The Magazine and Advocate says, that while the Mormon Prophet, Jo Smith, was in Ohio, engaged in proselying people to the faith of the "Golden Bible," he sought to give additional solemnity to the baptismal rite, by affirming that on each occasion an angel would appear on the opposite side of the stream, and there remain till the conclusion of the ceremony. The rite was administered in the evening in Grand River, near Painesville, not by the Prophet in person, but by his disciples. In agreement with the prediction of the Prophet, on each occasion a figure in white was seen on the opposite bank, and the faith of the faithful was thereby greatly increased. Suspicions as to the incorporeal nature of the reputed angel, at length induced a company of young men (unbelievers of course) to examine the quality of the ghost, and having secreted themselves, they awaited its arrival. Their expectations were soon realized, by its appearance in its customary position, and rushing from their lair, they succeeded in forcing it into the stream, and although its efforts at escape were powerful, they succeeded in bearing it in triumph to the opposite side of the stream, when who should this supposed inhabitant of the upper world be, but the Mormon Prophet himself! -- Rochester Republican. |
![]() Vol. XV. Fredonia, NY, Wed., Aug. 12, 1835. No. ? ![]()
Mormonism has broken out in Boston, and there is talk of the yellow fever there also. A preacher at Julien Hall is propagating the former, and foul cellars and putrid hides are doing what they can in spreading the latter. -- New-York Sun. |
![]() Vol. XV. Fredonia, NY, Wed., Sept. 2, 1835. No. ? ![]()
Joe Smith the Mormon prophet, has bought three mummies, and has discovered that they are the bodies of Joseph (the son of Abraham,) and King Abimeleck and his daughter. They are now carrying them about the country with which to gull poor human nature. |
![]() Vol. XV. Fredonia, NY, Wed., Nov. 4, 1835. No. ? ![]()
Mormons. -- A correspondent of the "Miami of the Lakes" gives a short description of the Temple of Mormon, or as it is called, the "Temple of the Lord," in Kirtland, (eleven miles south east of Pennslyvania [sic],) Geauga county. It is a stone ediface, 58 feet 8 inches by 78 feet 8 inches, two full stories high, with dormer windows in the roof, which give it a singular appearance. For the size and peculiar construction of the "Temple," and the addition of the extra eight inches each way, the leaders of this infatuated people give no reason, but, as they tell their followers, that the Lord gave the direction. The house is rather an expensive one, the writer adds, built by the poor people, who, in their delusion, follow Joe Smith and Rigdon. |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, Wed., June 26, 1836. No. 15. ![]()
The following Tale was written for the New England Galaxy, In one of those rough and secluded towns, situated in the heart of the Green Mountains, is a picturesque little valley, containing, perhaps, something over two thousand acres of improvable land, formerly known in that section of the country by the appellation of The Harwood Settlement... |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, July 1, 1836. No. ? ![]()
Mormon Emigration. -- Our citizens have noticed for several days past, an unprecedentedly large number of traveling wagons, drawn principally by ox teams, and loaded with women, children and household goods. Often 10 or 12 have been seen in company, all of which were rigged and equipped with wonderful uniformity. We were not aware, until informed two or three days since, that they were the persons and property of the emigrating Mormons, from their head quarters in Kirtland, bound to Missouri. Not far from 1a thousand persons, we are told, have thus departed on their pilgrimage during the last 4 or 5 weeks. Their movements are all directed by their prophet, Smith; and they look forward to a rest beyond the Mississippi, which they express no expectations of attaining except through strife, and it may be blood. -- |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, July 27, 1836. No. ? ![]()
Another War Brewing. -- The 'Far West,' published at Independence, Missouri, says that information has been received from Kirtland, Ohio, through various channels, of another movement among the Mormons, to obtain possession of the 'promised land,' and to establish their Zion in Jackson county, the scene of their former disastrous defeat. -- They are said to be arming to the number of 1500 to 2000, and to be making their way, in detached parties, to the 'debateable ground.' The 'Far West' also states that the people of Jackson and their friends in the surrounding counties are taking effective measures for resistance, and will teach Joe Smith, the modern hero of revelation and rags, that the world is not rolling backward either in knowledge or chivalry. -- |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, August 10, 1836. No. 21. ![]()
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at Richmond (Missouri) to his friend in Philadelphia, dated July 8, 1836: |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, January 4, 1837. No. ? ![]()
Mormon Bank. -- A Bank with a capital of four millions of dollars, is about to be established at Kirtland, Geauga, the head quarters of the sect known as the Mormons or Latter-day Saints. We have just received an extra from the office of the Messenger, printed at that place, giving the proceedings of a meeting of the Stockholders. At this meeting fourteen articles for the regulation of the "Kirtland Safety Fund Society Bank" were adopted. We have not learned whether the Capital Stock has been subscribed; or whether they have ever applied for a charter. -- |
![]() Vol. I. Black Rock, NY, January 6, 1837. No. 48. ![]()
The President of the Bank of Monroe, Michigan, has published a card contradicting rumors injurious to the character and credit of that institution, and asserting the perfect solvency of the Bank. The reports have been traced to one or two individuals who had personal motives in getting them in circulation. |
![]() Vol. ? Fredonia, NY, January 18, 1837. No. ? ![]()
Mormon Money. -- We published an article from a Cleveland paper, a short time since, intimating that the Mormons at Kirtland, Ohio, were about commencing banking operations. A day or two since a one dollar bill of this kind of money was seen in this village. It was signed as President by Joe Smith. Cashier's name we did not learn. We have always understood Joe to be a staunch Jacksonian man, but it seems he kicks out of the traces a little in going for the small bills; and as we presume he has no bank charter, he appears to be independent of legislative enactments. Probably he has had a vision, from which he derives his banking authority. |
![]() Vol. I. Black Rock, NY, January 20, 1837. No. 50. ![]()
NEW REVELATION -- MORMON MONEY. -- During the past few days an emission of bills from the society of Mormons, has been showered upon us. As far as we can learn there is no property bound for their redemption, no coin on hand to redeem them with, and no responsible individuals whose honor or whose honesty is pledged for their payment. They seem to rest upon a spiritual basis. Aside from the violation of the statute rendering them void, and of course the notes given for them, we look upon the whole as a most reprehensible fraud on the public, and cannot conceal our surprise that they should circulate at all. For instance, the large letters engraved on the bills appear, on a casual examination, to read like a bank's bill, and the unsuspecting would in the hurry of business, take them as an ordinary bank bill. But on scrutiny it will be found that previous to the word "Bank" in capital letters, the word "anti" in fine letters is inserted, and after the word "Bank" the syllable "ing" is affixed in small letters also, so as to read in fact, in stead of Bank, "antiBANKing." We do not object to private or company banking, as a system, provided it is done upon a system and made safe, but we consider this whole affair a deception, and are told by a legal gentleman, that there is still in force a section of the statute affixing a penalty of one thousand dollars to the issuing or passing unauthorized Bank paper like the present. It is a kind of radicalism that would flourish better in Michigan than Ohio. -- Gaz. |
![]() Vol. II. Lockport, NY, Jan. 27, 1837. No. ? ![]()
![]() Vol. III. Buffalo, NY, February 13, 1837. No. 36. ![]()
MONROE BANK AGAIN. -- If it be true, as has been said, that a bank's reputation is like that of a woman, once suspected it is gone forever, then the credit of the Monroe Bank must be pretty effectually annihilated by this time. If all is right why do not the proper persons come out with an official expose of the affairs of the Institution? Until satisfactory evidence is laid before the public that the Bank is perfectly solvent, the bills should be refused absolutely by every one. The editor of the Miami of the Lake says that having some of this money, and finding that no one would take it, he was obliged to return it to the gentleman from whom he had it. |
![]() Vol. II. Black Rock, NY, February 17, 1837. No. 2. ![]() From the Monroe Times -- Extra. BANK OF MONROE. -- With much satisfaction we announce to the public that the stock of this institution, having changed hands, is about to be increased to $500,000. |
![]() Vol. XVI. Fredonia, NY, March 3, 1837. No. ? ![]()
Another Mormon Bank. -- The Mormons of Kirtland, Ohio, have purchased the stock of the Monroe Bank, in Michigan, and have appointed new officers in it. |
![]() Vol. II. Lockport, NY, March 17, 1837. No. 29 ![]()
THE JEWS AND INDIANS. -- M. M. Noah, of New York, delivered last week, a lecture before the Mercantile Library Association of that city, the subject of which was the evidence of the American Indians being the descendants of the last tribes of Israel. How far he succeeded in convincing his auditors of the proposition he attempted to prove, we are not told -- but his lecture is spoken of as eloquent and inhenious. A fact has since been stated by the New London Gazette, on authority of a letter from Fort Gibson, Arkansas, which, if true, may furnish the lecture with a rare argument. The writer says, "It has been supposed that the Indians are of Jewish origin, which appears somewhat confirmed by their late emigration, nine men have gone before the emigrants ever since they left the old nation, and one of them has carried some thing like the Ark of the Covenant, or the tables which Moses brought from the Mount. White men are not allowed to see them, but an old negro says, that they have two brass plates about 16 by 6, with letters engraved on them; probably the commandments. The person carrying them has not been known to speak to any one upon the road; and in his manners he has been as solemn as the grave. It is said, that the plates are cleaned once a year by a person who attends to no other business. I shall endeavor to obtain further information on this highly interesting subject." -- |
![]() Vol. III. Buffalo, NY, March 24, 1837. No. ? ![]()
NEW REVELATION -- MONROE (MICH.) BANK. -- This Bank, which has been in bad odor for some time past, and has been vibrating in the balance, as the varying reports have affected its credit, has at last, according to the article below, taken from the Cleveland Daily Herald of the 18th, refused to redeem its bills: |
![]() Vol. XVII. Fredonia, NY, March 29, 1837. No. 2. ![]()
Monroe (Mich.) Bank. -- This Bank, which has been in bad odor for some time past, and has been vibrating in the balance, as the varying reports have affected its credit, has at last, according to the article below, taken from the Cleveland Daily Herald of the 18th, refused to redeem its bills: |
![]() Vol. II. Lockport, N. Y., June 2, 1837. No. 40. ![]()
TO THE PATRONS OF THE DEMOCRAT. -- My connection with the paper closes with the present number. Protracted ill health, principally, induces this withdrawal, and would have dictated such a course some time since, if personal interest, and inclination, had alone been consulted. I keave it with the best wishes for its success, and not without a due sense of the gratitude I owe in common with my associate, for the liberal patronage that has been extended to it. The paper commenced under many disadvantages, but I have the gratification of leaving it, in a more prosperous condition, in the enjoyment of a more substantial patronage, than has hitherto been bestowed upon any newspaper in the country. |
![]() Vol. XVII. Fredonia, NY, June 7, 1837. No. 12. ![]()
A Mormon Fugitive. -- That noted Mormon, Sidney Rigdon, who held forth to a gaping multitude in this village a short time since, it appears was then making his escape from justice, having been much more free in shelling out the bills of the pretended Mormon Bank at Kirtland, than he was in giving any thing in exchange for them. The letter which we give below is contained in a correspondence published in the Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph by request, the Editor thereof premising that he cheerfully complies with the request, "in order that the public may properly understand what is going on among the Prophets and High priests of the "latter day saints." |
![]() Vol. XVII. Fredonia, NY, June 14, 1837. No. 12. ![]()
A Prophet in Limbo -- The Mormon Prophet, Jo Smith, has lately been arrested in Geauga county, as an accessary to an attempt to murder an unbeliever in his golden humbug. It seems that Jo had a revelation that a certain sceptic in the neighborhood of the "Holy Land" deserved martyrdom, and soon found a couple of his followers stupid and wicked enough to obey his ministrations. -- They were foiled in their attempt to shoot the individual; quarelled with the Prophet, and are now exhibiting this fiend in the garb of a "Latter day Saint," in his true character. So says report. -- Cleve. Herald. |
![]() Vol. II. Lockport, N. Y., June 16, 1837. No. 42. ![]()
Trial of Jo. Smith. -- It will be recollected that the Mormon prophet was recently apprehended at Painsville, on a charge of attempting to take the life of one Newell, by inducing two individuals of his "faith and order" to lay in wait for Newell, near his dwelling in order to shoot him. |
![]() Vol. XVII. Fredonia, NY, July 19, 1837. No. 18. ![]() (From the N. Y. Evening Star.) Mormons. -- These crazy fanatics have their grand tabernacle at a place they call Kirtland, 5 miles from the shore of Lake Erie, and 30 miles from Cleveland, and count no less than 4000 persons under their leader, Joe Smith. They have been lately joined by a shrewd literary person, named Sydney Rigdon, formerly a preacher of the doctrine of Campbell. He is the Grand Vizer to Smith; and under their decision a banking house has been established, of which Smith is president and Rigdon cashier. The issues have been about $150,000. The bank failed. They have several mills on their property. The houses are small, including the prophet Joe's. The temple is a beautiful building of rough stone, three stories high, about 70 to 75 feet square. Each of the two principal apartments holds twelve hundred persons. The joists of the interior are supported by six fluted columns. Each apartment contains six pulpits, arranged, gradatim, three at each end for the "Aaronic priesthood" and three at the other end for the "priesthood of Melchisidec." The slips are so constructed that the audience can face either pulpit, as may be required. In the highest seat for the "Aaronic priesthood" sits the reverend father for the prophet; the next below is occupied by Joe, and his prime minister, Rigdon. The attic story is occupied as school rooms, five in number, where the various branches of English, Latin, Greek and Hebrew languages are taught to a great number of students. The actual cost of the temple is not known, but is estimated at not less than $60,000. |
![]() Vol. XVII. Fredonia, NY, August 16, 1837. No. ? ![]()
Besides several arrests that have recently taken place elsewhere, we have a case in our own vicinity to record. Eben'r Webber was arrested near Silver Creek on Saturday last, and brought to this village for examination, on a charge of passing counterfeit money. He passed a $10 bill of the U. S. bank which was proved to be counterfeit. He also had a quantity of Mormon bills from the mint at Kirtland, Ohio, some in sheets unsigned, and some signed ready for distribution. He was held to bail for his appearance at court. There are, no doubt, others engaged in this business in this county, and it is believed that he could have brought considerable iniquity to light had he been disposed; as it is he probably will go clear. |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., Sept, 8, 1837. No. 2. ![]()
THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. -- M. M. Noah, in an able lecture on the subject of the North American Indians, has advanced many facts and arguments in support of the hypothesis that they are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. It is undeniable that many of their customs and religious ceremonies exhibit a marked affinity to the Jewish doctrines. From the remote period at which these peculiar tenets must have been inculcated, and from the necessary wear of customs and language in so great a lapse of years, any striking similarities between the two races cannot be supposed still to remain. But such as they are, many coincidences have been adduced favoring the supposition, and other facts of the same tendency may be drawn from sources which have not yet been so fully investigated. |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1837. No. 17. ![]()
"Michigan Banks" again. -- With our last week's paper before him, and with our distinct declaration of unshaken faith in most of the banks of Michigan, Mr. Spalding has the illiberality to repeat his assertion that we have manifested hostility to the "Banks of Michigan!" -- We again repeat, that with but a very few exceptions, we believe the banks of Michigan are safe... But if Mr. Spalding believes as we do, why, as a broker, does he depreciate Michigan money, by joining other brokers and shavers in exacting a discount of from 12 to 20 per cent, almost indiscriminately?... |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1838. No. 26. ![]()
Trouble among the Mormons. -- We learn from a source to be relied on, that the Mormon society at Kirtland is breaking up. -- Smith and Rigdon after prophesying the destruction of the town, left with their families in the night, and others of the faithful are following. The 'Reformers' are in possession of the Temple, and have excluded the Smith and Rigdon party. An exposure of the proceedings of the Society is in course of preparation by one Parish, a former confidential secretary of the prophet Smith. -- He has the records, &c. in his possession. -- |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., June 27, 1838. No. 44. ![]()
==> "The Rev. robber Schermerhorn." -- Niagara Courier -- The editor of the Courier used to call in his Priest Craft Exposed, all Reverends, "robbers!" He now discriminates. |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1838. No. 49. ![]()
Mormons. -- The congregation, made of the infatuated followers of those who have been scoundrels, from the day of the finding of the gold bible in a sand hill, near Palmyra, up to the present writing, and their journeying, have broken up their quarters at Kirtland, Ohio, and are now on their way to Missouri; in number about 500, traveling in 57 wagons and pitching their tents at night. We speak with some severity of these impostors; -- we know the originators of the rsacally concern, and have known families of respectability, and in very easy circumstances, ruined by Joe Smith and his associates. In two instances within our knowledge, worthy females, too intelligent to look upon the affair except in derision, have been onliged to join the vagabonds, rather than submit to the disagreeable alternative of parting with their children, and (what should have been considered a much higher crime,) their infatuated husbands. |
![]() Vol. III. Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1838. No. 50. ![]()
From the Orleans Republican.
As unbelief exists in the minds of some of the Federal Whig party in these parts respecting the late blow-up in the Young Men's State Convention, we give below the statement of Mr. Stanton... Mr. S. has been all the way to Lockport to attend an abolotion convention, where he found good times and good friends -- especially in Lyman A. Spalding, author of 'Priestcradt Exposed,' 'Plain Truth,' and other Infidel publications -- and where, by himself, some of the Reverend Clergy (!) and other gentlemen, 'the subject of --> POLITICAL ACTION' was duly entered into and discussed... |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1838. No. 2. ![]()
The Mormons again making war. -- The St. Louis, Missouri, Gazette of the 17th, contains the following under date of Buffalo City, Missouri, August 11th. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1838. No. 8. ![]()
The Mormon War. -- The St. Louis Republican of the 19th, says: |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1838. No. 9. ![]()
The Mormon War. -- The St. Louis Republican of Oct. 1st., says that the Mormon war is now at an end, and that nothing now remains but for the people of Missouri to pay the expenses of it which amount to at least 50 or 60,000 dollars. |
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, Oct. 31, 1838. No. 9. ![]()
MORMON DIFFICULTIES. -- We did suppose that this war, alike disgraceful to all parties concerned, was at an end; but the present prospects are otherwise. We learn by a gentleman who came passenger in the steamboat Kansas, on Saturday, that when at Mormon town, above the mouth of the Grand river, he saw about two hundred mormons armed and prepared for conflict. About eighty wagons, containing a number of families had just arrived at the village. The passenger states that some of the citizens of the adjoining country had given notice to the Mormons to leave the country and that if they did not go by Saturday, the would be driven off. The Mormons had refused to go, and were expecting every day an attack from their opponents, whom they represented as about equally strong with themselves. It, however, was the opinion of our informant that both parties dreaded a conflict, and he thought it most likely that nothing serious would grow out of the excitement. -- St, Louis Republican. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1838. No. 10. ![]()
Later from the Mormons. -- A letter in the St. Louis Republican of 11th inst., dated Glasgow, the 7th inst., states that the Mormons are in the town of De Witt, six miles above the mouth of Grand River, well armed, and so strong that a mob of about two hundred persons from the counties of Carroll, Saline and Chariton decline attacking them, though such was their purpose at first. The Mormons are likely to be augmented by numbers from their own town of Far West, in Caldwell county. [They] declare that ever since they have been driven from place to place, and that they had determined, every one of them, to die on the fround. |
![]() Vol. XVIII. Fredonia, NY, Nov. 14, 1838. No. 14. ![]() MORMON MEETING. ==> NOTICE is hereby given to the Priests and People of Fredonia village and the vivinity, that Elder B. Brown, will preach a discourse on the Resurrection, at the Stone School House on Friday evening next. Nov. 14, 1838. |
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, Nov. 17, 1838. No. 10. ![]()
MORMON DIFFICULTIES. -- By the following letter from the St, Louis Republican, it apears that all trouble with the Mormons is for the present at an end. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, NY, Nov. 21, 1838. No. 13. ![]() MORMON WAR IN MISSOURI.
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, Nov. 28, 1838. No. 13. ![]()
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
It is said that these fanatics have 800 efficient men under arms, and that their numbers are daily increasing. The Governor of Missouri was raising a force of 2500 men, which, under the command of General John B. Clarke, had already marched for the field of battle. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, NY, Dec. 5, 1838. No. 15. ![]() LATEST FROM THE MORMONS. Just as our paper was going to press, we received a communication from General Lucas, giving the stipulations of the treaty made by him and the Mormons. It will be recollected that we stated that Gen. Atchison and his staff returned home, having considered himself virtually ordered from the field by Gen. Boggs; who consigned the command to Gen. Clark of Howard county. Gen. Lucas was in command of the troops previous to and at the time of the surrender of the Mormons. The matter was entirely settled before the arrival of Gen. Clark. |
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, Jan. 2, 1839. No. 18. ![]()
THE MORMONS. -- We are gratified to find that the friends of justice in Missouri are bestirring themselves to put some impediments in the way of those who would persecute the Mormons with unmitigated severity and injustice. A memorial asking percuniary aid for the Mormon women and children of Caldwell County, Missouri, was laid before the State Legislature on the 31st inst. "It appears," observes the Louisville Journal,"that the homes of many of the Mormons in that county have been burned down; that about 60 Mormon men, all of them married, have been arrested and imprisoned, 40 killed, and 100 compelled to fly to escape the vengeance of the citizens, and that 200 women, most of whom had small children, are thus left destitute, with no food to keep them from starvation, and no shelter to protect them from the winter storms. We trust that the State, through her Legislature will promptly do what she can to repair the foul and cruel wrongs perpetrated by her citizens." -- N. Y. Sun. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, NY, May 1, 1839. No. 36. ![]() Extract of a Letter dated WESTERN MISSOURI, Feb. 24th. |
![]() Vol. IV. Lockport, NY, May 22, 1839. No. 39. ![]() THE MORMON BIBLE. The Boston Recorder of last week contains the following singular development of the origin and history of the Mormon Bible. It accounts most satisfactorily for the existence of the book, a fact which heretofore it has been difficult to explain. It was difficult to imagine how a work containing so many indications of being the production of a cultivated mind, should be connected with a knavery so imprudent, and a superstition so gross as that which must have characterized the founders of this pretended religious sect. The present narrative, which independent of the attestations annexed, appears to be by no means improbable, was procured from the writer by the Rev. Mr. Stow [sic] of Holliston; who remarks that he has "had occasion to come in contact with Mormonism in its grossest forms." It was communicated by him for publication in the Recorder. |
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, May 22, 1839. No. 38. ![]()
THE MORMONS. -- The St. Louis papers announce that Joe Smith and other Mormons, detained as prisoners on various charges growing out of the late war with them, recently made their escape, and when last heard from, were at Quincy, Illinois. In that war the Mormons were "sinned against," and Gov. Boggs may consider the matter well settled for him, by the last movement of the "Mormons." |
![]() NS. Vol. I. Lockport, NY, July 31, 1839. No. 48. ![]()
THE MORMON PERSECUTION. -- A good deal of interest has been excited at Cincinnati in behalf of this persecuted sect, and a public meeting has recently been held, at which one of the number gave a history of the sufferings which they have recently endured in Missouri. In the report of the proceedings of the above meeting, as given in the Cincinnati News, it is stated that they were ruthlessly driven from their homes, their property destroyed, the women and children forced into the woods, without shelter from the inclemency of the weather of January, where they roamed about till their feet became so sore their enemies tracked them with foot-prints of blood. |
![]() Vol. I. Lodi, Cattaraugus Co., Oct. 10, 1839. No. 40. ![]() From the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Sentinel. The Mormons. -- The Missouri papers say that Gov. Boggs is about to [demand of] the Governors of Illinois, Iowa, and Wiscon, in which States they have [fled], the persons of the Mormon leaders. A hard [life] appears to attend those deluded people. After having been robbed and plundered and many of them murdered in Missouri, for no other reason than that their oppressors [meant to obtain?] possession of their improvements, those who could escape fled into the neighboring States and Territories for the preservation of their lives and they are now to be demanded by the Missouri authorities, and tried for alleged offenses against her dignity! The dignity of a mob -- of a band of robbers and murderers! Let those who were connected in the Mormon riots deserve no milder name. They should be delivered up, into the hands of justice, instead of the defenceless victims of their cupidity and oppression. |