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1827 Meeting Uniontown Fayette Co., PA |
4. Brethren Brownfield, Estep, Frey, Seymour, and French, were appointed a committee, to arrange the business for to-morrow. Adjourned, till to-morrow 9 o'clock.
Saturday, September 1.
At 9 o'clock, agreeably to appointment, the Association convened, [and] after singing and prayer by the Moderator,
proceeded to business.
5. Resolved, That the fifth article of the Constitution of the Association be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: It shall be the duty and privilege of every church in union with this body, to send representatives with a letter addressed to "The Redstone Baptist Association;" stating the time and place of the meeting of the Association; their faith, by refering to the regular Baptist Confession of Faith aforesaid, or give such other view of their faith and [practice] agreeing therewith, as will be satisfactory to the Association, their number baptized, received by letter, dismissed, excluded, deceased, and total number remaining since the last session; and enter all difficult cases, that cannot be settled in the church according to good order, by way of postscript or query at the bottom or on the back of the letter, with the name of the clerk of the church signed thereto, which shall only be read before the session. 6. Resolved, That the following section, be a part of the Constitution [of the] Association. If any church be suspected of departing from the doctrines or discipline of this Association, as set forth in the confession of Faith, and book of discipline adopted by this Association; it shall be competent, for any church in the fellowship of this Association, to make a representation of such departure, to the Association, stating the same in writing, and requesting an investigation thereof; upon which, the Association shall proceed to consider the complaint. and if it shall appear to be well founded, shall make out a copy thereof, and cause it tobe delivered, as early as possible, to the church complained of, and appoint the next meeting of the Association for the hearing of the parties. 7. A circular meeting, appointed by request, at Indian Creek to [be] commenced on Saturday before the 3rd Lord's day in May; brethren Brownfield and Seymour to attend. 8. The church at Little Redstone, being destitute of preaching, brother Brownfield agrees to preach to them, on the 5th Lord's day in September, brother J. Patton, on the 3rd Lord's day in December, brother Frey, on the 2d Lord's day in April, and brother French, on the 5th Lord's day in June. 9. Resolved. that the letter preparing by brother Brownfield being unfinished, the circular letter published in the Minutes of the Franklin Association, Kentucky, 1826, and prepared by Elder S. M. NOEL, D. D. [be adopted by this Association, and published in the Minutes of this year. 4 10. Appointed, the next meeting of the Association to be held at [the] Baptist meeting-house at Turkeyfoot, Somerset county, Pa. to commence on the Friday preceding the first Lord's day in September, precisely at 11 o'clock A.M. 11. Request, from the church at the Forks of Cheat, for [ministry] supplies. Whereupon, the following brethren agree to visit them; W. BROWNFIELD, on the 4th Lord's day in October; JAMES FREY on the 2d Lord's day in June; and WILLIAM FRENCH on the 3d Lord's day in July. 12. Appointed, brother French, to preach the introductory Sermon for next year, and in case of failure, brother Brownfield. 13. Appointed, brother JAMES ESTEP, to write the Circular Letter for next year. 14. Appointed, brother French, to superintend the printing of the Minutes, and distributing them to the churches. 15. Brethren, P. Sturges, M. Nixon and E. Jones were appointed a committee., to appoint persons to preach on the Lord's day; accordingly, brethren J. Thomas, J. Estep, and J. Frey were appointed. Adjourned, till to-morrow 10 o'clock.
[ 5 ]
Creeds, formed or enforced by the civil authority, are usurpations, leading to persecution and to despotism; while those formed by voluntary Association of Christians, enforced by no higher penalty or sanction than exclusion from membership in the society, are not only lawful, but necessary, in the present state of the religious world. To deny to any religious society the privilege of expressing their views of the Bible in their own words and phrases, and of denying admission to those who reject their views, is a violent interference with the rights of conscience -- it is tyranny. -- It is to subjugate the many, with all their interest, right and happiness, to the dictation of one or a few -- the very essence of tyranny. By a creed, we mean an epitome or summary exhibition of what the Scriptures teach. Are we to admit members into office, are we to license and ordain preachers, without enquiring for their creed? Shall we ask them no question in regard to principles, or doctrines? Shall we receive, license and ordain candidates, upon a general profession of 6 faith in Christ; requiring of them this only, that they agree to take the Bible for their guide? Can we do this, and still expect to preserve the unity, purity and peace of the Church? There are but two methods [for] admitting members into office. It must be done either with or without respect to a Creed. We cannot conceive of any third method. [If a] Church rejects a candidate because he holds Sabellian, Arian or [Socinian] principles, she then has respect to a Creed -- She insists upon [her] interpretations of the Bible, upon fundamental points. She does [not deny] him the liberty of interpreting the Bible for himself; this would be usurpation -- it would be tyranny. But while he contemns and [rejects] her views of the Bible, she claims to herself the right of denying to him her fellowship. She tells him, that her interpretations of the Bible, touching doctrines, considered cardinal, are settled. -- In other words that her creed is fixed, and that his hostility to these well settled principles, disqualifies him for membership in her body. If this be an unwarrantable exercise of power, the result is inevitable, that the Church is constrained to receive into her bosom, and cherish with her fellowship those whom she must esteem her worst enemies; the enemies of [truth]. Yes, without respect to a Creed, she is reduced to the cruel necessity of harbouring under her wings the vilest heresies that now disgrace [the] Christian name. Can she do this, and incur no guilt? Can a Church. a New Testament Church, keeping the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of peace and love, be found in that miserable Babel, composed of Trinitarians, Unitarians, Hutchinsonians, Universal Restorationists, [Reily---] Universalists, Destrovetionists, Swedenborgians, Mystics, Dunkards, Jumpers, shakers, and all others who profess to take the Bible for their guide? Is there communion between light and darkness, fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness, concord between Christ and Belial? If the modern adversaries of all Creeds and confessions should [say] that they will not go thus far, that they will not admit into the Church, and much less into the ministry, or rather the bishop's office, one holding Socinian principles, they evidently yield the question. They admit that in the present state of things, it is both lawful and expedient to have a Creed. They cease to oppose the principle of requiring subscription to a creed; or they merely oppose in theory, what they [adduce] in practice. For if they can make one article to exclude a Socinian, they may make another to exclude the Arian, and a third to exclude the Pelagian, and a fourth to exclude the Armenian [sic - Arminian?], &c. &c.; adding article to article, until they get as many as they conceive the exigencies of the Church require. We have not forgotten, that one of our churches not long ago, in her wrath against all Creeds, protested against the Confession of Faith, with forty-two articles, and published it. A memorable instance of anti-creed inconsistency, of which sheherself became quickly convinced, and honestly retraced her steps. but not without injury. It is one thing to oppose the principle of requiring a subscription, to a summary of leading principles; it is quite a different 7 [---] thing to oppose the principles contained in that summary. And those who would refuse membership, or office to Socinian, or Universalist [---], by their act, admit the necessity of a creed; and in reviling this principle the revile themselves. If they regard consistency and truth, they will no longer denounce what they are pleased to term an odious "array of creeds and confessions." They will no longer be found associated with Latitudenarians and Heretics, who have been the [immutable] foes of confessions in every age of the church, from her infancy to this day. They will cease to despise a remedy, merely because it has not healed every malady, cured every disorder. For the same [----] they might pour contempt upon the Holy Bible. They will cease to fight against Scripture, sense and reason -- against the experience of the Church of God, in all ages, which speaks volumes upon this subject. Before the adversaries of creeds can boast of having gained any thing in this controversy, it devolves upon them to do, what we apprehend cannot easily be done; they must exhibit some method, scriptural and practicable, of excluding corruption from the Church, without a creed. * It is in vain to say, that the Bible is sufficient for that purpose; for [these] corruptions grow out of false and spurious interpretations. And according to their plan, each one is allowed to interpret [for] himself; to place his own constructions upon the Scriptures. It [----es] to the Church, the right to interfere in these "matters of conscience." Their Church can only concern with the actions or morals, [----] with the faith or principles of its members and Bishops. Whether [they] be sound or unsound in the faith, is a question upon their plan, [reserved] for the day of judgment. In such a church, there surely will [be no] unity and purity, worthy of all admiration and great harmony [----ing] from that charity which throws her mantle over multitudes [of -----s], great and small. We do not propose to enquire how long, or how short, a church covenant, or creed shall be. Nor will we examine now, into the merits or [---cts] of any existing summary of Faith. These questions do not enter __________ * An objector may ask: Will you let a delinquent have recourse to [the] whole Scriptures? Answer. Yes, certainly; but let him tell us frankly, and fairly, [that] he understands the scriptures. A delinquent might have recourse [as his] defence, to the whole scriptures, and yet believe and teach damnable heresies. He might wrest the Scriptures to his own destruction, [as] blind guides seldom perish alone. They draw others into the ditch. [Let] an honest man repeat a passage of Scripture in the very language ]of] inspiration, still he wants to tell how he understands, and what [he----] is his Creed. If Creeds are unlawful, then there is an end to preaching, praying, singing and conversation; except in the language of scripture. He who believes in transubstantiation, and he who denies it, [must] both say, "this is my body," and give each other the right hand of fellowship, when their religious opinions are as different as light and darkness. 8 into the present controversy. Is it lawful and expedient for a Church to adopt any articles of Faith, whatever, as a test of union and a fence against corruption? This is the enquiry to which the attentionof the christian world, has been recently summoned, and to which we respond. We are not concerned to enquire, whether this creed should be written or unwritten; whether it should be registered only in the minds of the members, or for greater certainty recorded. Our practice evinces that we are not disposed to leave a matter so essential, to the well [be---] of a church, to the uncertain recollections, to the vague and very [---] impressions of individuals. A nuncupative creed, is not calculated to quiet disturbances or to exclude corruption. If we use a religious [test] at all, we should be honest and independent enough to avow it; and to exhibit its principles, in our pulpit ministrations, as a tribute to [truth] and candor, which every christian church owes to other churches, and to the world around her. Our confessions are human productions, they may all require remission, and be susceptible of ammendment; but to erase them from [our] practice, is to make a tremendous leap into chaos; into the awful vortex of Unitarianism. It has been said, that to adopt a creed as a religious test, is to supercede the Bible, and to make a human composition instead of it, a standard of Faith. That when we do this, we offer a public indignity to the sacred volume, as we virtually declare either, that it is not infallible or not sufficient." In reply to this, we use the language of a distinguished divine, who in a few words has exposed its fallacy, and swept it from the arena of ecclesiastical controversy. "The whole argument which this objection presents, is founded on a false assumption. No Protestant ever professed to regard his Creed, considered as a human composition, as of equal authority with the Scriptures, and far less as a paramount authority. Every principle of this kind, is with one voice disclaimed by all the Creeds, and defences of Creeds, that have appeared in ancient or modern times, so far as we are informed. And whether, notwithstanding this, the constant repetition of the charge, ought to be considered as fair argument or gross calumny, the impartial will judge. A Church Creed professes to be deduced from the Scriptures, and to refer to the Scriptures for the whole of its authority. Of course, when any one subscribes it, he is so far from dishonoring the Bible, that he does public homage to it. He simply declares by a solemn act, how he understands the Bible, in other words, what doctrines he considers it as containing. In short, the language of an orthodox believer, in subscribing his ecclesiastical Creed, is simply of the following import: While the Socinian professes to believe the Bible, and to understand it as teaching the mere humanity of Christ; while the Arian professes to receive the same Bible, and to find in it the Saviour represented as the most exalted of all creatures, but still a creature; while the Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian make a similar profession of their general belief in the Scriptures, and interpret them as teaching a doctrine far more favorable to human nature, and far less honorable to the grace of 9 God, than they appear to me really to teach. -- I beg the privilege of declaring, FOR MYSELF, that while I believe with all my heart, that the Bible is the word of God, the only perfect rule of faith and manners, and the only ultimate test in all controversies; it plainly teaches as I read and believe, the deplorable and total depravity of human nature; the essential divinity of the Saviour; a Trinity of persons in the Godhead; justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ; and regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Spirit, as indispensable to prepare the soul for Heaven. These I believe to be the radical truths which God has revealed in his word, and while they are denied by some, and frittered away, or perverted by others, who profess to believe that blessed word, I am verily persuaded, they are the fundamental principles of the plan of Salvation. Is there in all this language any thing dishonorable to the Bible, Any thing that tends to supercede its authority, or to introduce a rule, or a tribunal of paramount authority? Is there not on the contrary, in the whole language & spirit of such a declaration, an acknowledgment of God's word, as of ultimate and supreme authority; and an expression of belief in certain doctrines, simply, and only, because they are believed to be revealed in that word? Truly, if this is dishonoring the Scriptures, or setting up a standard above them, there is an end of all meaning, either of words or actions. But still, we are asked, "if the Scriptures are not plain and easy to understand? Can we make them plainer than the author has done? Why hold a candle to the Sun," &c. This objection amounts to nothing, while the fact remains undisputed, that thousands who profess to [believe] the Scriptures, by their false and spurious glosses, do virtually [---y] the radical doctrines contained therein. The lamentable fact, that [the] enemy (even now,) comes in like a flood devolves upon every religious society, who would bear witness to the truth, the imperious duty, of lifting up a standard for truth. Let those who oppose the use of Creeds, answer these questions. Has the Head of the Church made no qualifications necessary, for the admission of members into the Church? Has he made no qualifications necessary for admission into office? Has he established no tribunal on earth, to judge these qualifications! Is an Arian, Socinian, or Universalist qualified for either membership or office? Can it be said they [are] not without respect to a Creed? Strip the point in issue of all the [sundry] guise, which the ingenuity of modern times has cast over it, and there is scarcely room for controversy. The common sense of every [man] revolts at the idea of assembling in the same church, and around the same board, every thing that now bears the name of Christian; [or may] bear it, who consider the worship of Christ abominable idolatry; whom an Apostle would pronounce accursed; whom he would not suffer you to receive into your houses or bid God speed. Even in [his day] there were some who preached another Gospel, and there are many such yet. Are you to welcome these into your communion? Has the spirit of inspiration, any where suggested, that the Church of Jesus Christ, is made up of this mixed assemblage; this heterogeneous 10 group of conflicting elements? Is this the body of Christ fitly joined together and compacted? And what becomes of those heresies, which the Apostle pronounced damnable? Must these too, be embraced and cherished in your fellowship, and affections? Must those who maintain the true Gospel, walk together in Church fellowship, with those who are accursed for preaching another gospel, and who espouse damnable heresies? Is this the New Testament plan? If you say, (as doubtless you will,) that it is not that such a Society would not be the Church of Christ -- the result is this: If there be any divine warrant for a Church (in this day,) there is a divine warrant for a Creed, as a test of union and bond of fellowship, a fence against error, and a shield against that system of restless innovation, which esteems every novelty an improvement. What shall be its dimensions, its height, or depth, its length or breadth, is not now the topic of enquiry. But one thing is certain, it should be large enough to meet the exigences of the Church, by preserving [it] while in the wilderness, exposed to trials, in peace, purity and loyalty. And it should be small enough, to find a lodgement in the heart of the weakest lamb, sound in the faith. When we cease to "hold fast the form of sound words," we cease to strive together for the faith of the Gospel; we cease to contend earnestly, for the faith once delivered to the saints. The churches of Jesus Christ, who would shine as light unto the world, amidst the darkness of surrounding corruption, must [expose] to the eyes of each other, and all around, that "good confession," which they are commanded to profess before many witnesses. Upon [this] interesting subject, the history of near eighteen centuries should admonish us. To live, as a society, without a Confession of Faith [has] been often attempted -- but we have yet to be informed of the first instance of its succeeding. We understand that the Congregational churches of Massachusetts, have made the dangerous experiment, [and] like those who have embarked before them in the same presumptuous enterprise, they have fallen a prey to dissention and heresy, to a degree equally instructive and mournful. Some suppose that a new order of things is about to open on the church, bringing as great a change as ever marked the progress of the Redeemer's kingdom, in any preceding age. In this new and undefined prospect, they seem to themselves, to see the approaching prostration of most of those fences, and the dissolution of most of those ties, which have heretofore been regarded as indispensable to the maintenance of unity and harmony, in the family of Christ. We consider it time enough to provide for this new order of things when it shall arrive. Were [these] religious societies to give into that quixotic scheme, which proposes proposes to [disemble] and amalgamate them into one church, while they retain their [various], conflicting, & opposite views of the Bible, this era would be [ne----] unprecedented, & unparalled. But who, or what could dwell in this nondescript community? It is possible, that genuine Arianism, which belives in two Gods, a greater and a lesser one; and in two Creators, one supreme, and the other subordinate, might dwell there. That [modern ------ism], the votaries of which affect to call themselves "rational Christians," who deny our Lord's divinity, and the distinct personal existence of the Holy Ghost; the doctrines of original sind, and the 11 [advent]; who discard the belief of the miraculous conception, and the [worship] of Christ, in which they outstrip the Tuscan Apostle, Faustus Socinus himself. These might dwell there: and the Socinianism of the deepest dye, which ridicules the very idea of the existence and agency of the devil; of the spirituality and separate existence of the soul; of an intermediate state between death and the general resurrection; and of the eternity of future punishments; all this might dwell there. And [also] the disciples of Robert Sandeman, who believe that the whole benefit of the work, finished by Christ in his death, is conveyed to men, only by the Apostolic report concerning it, * that every one who understands this report to be true, or is persuaded that the event actually happened, as testified by the Apostles, is justified, and finds relief to his guilty conscience. That he is relieved by finding their report to be true; that the event itself, which is reported, becomes his relief, so soon as it stands true in his own mind, that all the divine power which operates on the minds of men, either to give the first relief to their consciences, or to influence them in every part of their obedience to the gospel, is persuasive power, or the forcible conviction of truth; and of course [they] have no use for the Holy Spirit in this business; -- all these might [possibly] dwell there; those who have made Ship wreck of the faith; [are] tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine; [and] who consider erroneous views of the plan of salvation quite innocent or unimportant, who have sunk into the state of chilling indifference to gospel truth; and suppose all contending for its essential and distinguishing doctrines, useless or perhaps criminal; all those may be [-----] there. But what conscientious Christian, who has received the truth as it is in Jesus, who scorns to compromise away his principles, [and] aspire to a name and a place in this Church, without a Creed; [in a] Babel confederacy. Beloved Brethren. -- Be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; be strong in the Lord, in the power of his 12 might, by a continual reliance on him for protection, support and assistance; put on the whole armour of God, which is the fulness of Christ, and in the graces of the Spirit is provided for every believer, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. By prayerful, vigorous, ardent and persevering efforts, labour to strengthen and draw closer the bonds of union; strive to hold on your way, turning neither to the right hand, nor to the left, esteeming it your highest honor and happiness, to be employed as humble instruments in building up that kingdom, which is from generation to generation. Pray for the coming and enlargement of God's kingdom, for when it shall be fully come, the whole earth shall be filled with its glory; wars shall cease unto the ends of the earth; the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under whole Heavens, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. Then shall the bride, the Lamb's wife, look forth as the morning, clear as the sun, fair as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners. She shall come out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, leaning upon her beloved, and shall dwell in peace -- Till then, she must try the Spirits, while sailing through sea of conflict and tribulation. Brethren, let us be admonished and encouraged by the voice of the Spirit unto the churches. These things saith the first [to] the last, which was dead and is alive; I know thy works, tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich,) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give to thee a crown of life. Amen. N. B. The writer suggested, that he was indebted to Dr. [Miller for] some of the leading views in this letter, expressed in his own language.
S. M. NOEL, Moderator.
Note: See Alexander Campbell's editorial, in the Christian Baptist for Aug. 6, 1827 for a critical response to Dr. Noel's essay. Noel replied to Campbell, in another "circular letter" to the churches of the Franklin Baptist Association, published in their Minutes for 1830. |
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1828 Meeting Baptist Meeting-House Somerset Co., PA |
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1829 Meeting Mount Moriah Fayette Co., PA |
MINUTES OF THE Redstone Baptist Association HELD IN THE M O U N T M O R I A H C H U R C H, FAYETTE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA. SEPTEMBER 4, 5 AND 6, 1829. Greensburgh. F. A. WISE, PRINTER. 1829. |
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1830 Meeting Indian Creek Monongalia Co., VA |