Abelard Reuchlin (pseudonym) The True Authorship of the New Testament (Kent, WA: self-published 1979) |
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Originally, this explanation was designed solely for Jews -- for the purpose of preventing their conversion to Christianity. It was not intended for Christians nor other non-Jews. No exclusivism was intended; rather, concern for the faith of others. The purpose of this booklet was to inform Jewish-Christians and Jewish-Jews of the true account of the creation of Christianity. In the first century A.D., Jews were 10% of the population of the Roman Empire. Today, after 1900 years of suffering persecution, forced conversion, exiling, murder, and finally the Holocaust, the Jews are but 1/4 of 1% of the world's population. And today Jews are being attacked by modern versions of the age-old problems. Firstly, there are a number of groups of what are called "Messianic Jews" or "Hebrew Christians" or "Completed Jews," whose leaders are engaged in the twofold business of (1) collecting money from Christians, their churches, and their Christian organizations, and (2) using the money thus collected to evangelize the more confused and/or unsophisticated of their Jewish brethren into changing their religious affiliation to become Christians. Secondly, still today other "Christian" groups continue to manipulate their readers and listeners by preaching hatred toward Jews. Some attack Jews by attacking the State of Israel. They claim the Holocaust was a lie created by Jews to justify Israel. They continuously present the account of the 1967 wartime attack on the USS Liberty, with their cry of Jewish "conspiracy." Other groups claim that they, white Christian Americans, are somehow descended from the Northern Ten Tribes who were carried off by Assyria in 720 B.C.; and that they, and not Jews, are modern-day Israel; and that Jews are Satanic rejecters of Christ and have no right to exist. All this is done in the name of Christ (while the money continues pouring in)! This hatred toward Jews seems reasonable to many only because 1900 years of stereotyping Jews has conditioned popular thinking to its acceptance. The hatred was deliberately created by the authors of the New Testament, as this booklet shows. Thirdly, our Arab cousins have seized upon the world-wide negative image of the Jews to likewise manipulate for power. They and their Communist spends 50% of friends dominate the UN so that it its total time attacking Israel by every conceivable excuse. Many Christians (as well as Jews) have wondered at this continued manipulation of hatred. Christians have also wondered at just why the Jews did reject Jesus. They have doubted the Jesus story; but there were no answers available for their questions. Many have been clearly pleased to obtain and read this explanation. Therefore, it is to seekers of truth of all possible persuasions that we respectfully submit the information in this booklet.
A Challenging Proposal -- If any group or person should feel its sincerity and/or honesty is being unfairly attacked by this booklet or should wish to challenge this thesis, we stand ready to publicly debate on the issues: (a) the actual authorship of the New Testament, and (b) the proof that leaders know this great secret and use the information (which is code) in their writings. _________________________ How to Obtain Additional Copies -- send $5.00 per copy requested to the sole distributor: the Abelard Reuchlin Foundation, P.O. Box 5652, Kent WA 98064. Reuchlin, Abelard. The True Authorship of the New Testament. Bibliography: 1. Rome, Roman Empire, Roman History, Jewish History, Church History, Christianity, Religion, Calpurnius Piso, Flavius Josephus. ISBN 0-930808-02-9
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Copyright © 1979 by Abelard Reuchlin
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The New Testament, the Church, and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso) 1 family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it -- Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys all the disciples, apostles, Paul, and John the Baptist -- are all fictional. The Pisos created the story and the characters; they tied the story into a specific time and place in history; and they connected it with some peripheral actual people, such as the Herods, Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, etc. But Jesus and everyone involved with him were created (that is, fictional!) characters. In the middle of the first century of the present era, Rome's aristocracy felt itself confronted with a growing problem. The Jewish religion was continuing to grow in numbers, adding ever more proselytes. Jews numbered more than 8,000,000, and were 10% of the population of the empire and 20% of that portion living east of Rome. 2 Approximately half or more of the Jews lived outside Palestine, of which many were descended from proselytes, male and female. 3 However, Judaism's ethics and morality were incompatible with the hallowed Roman institution of slavery on which the aristocracy fed, lived and ruled. They feared that Judaism would become the chief religion of the empire. The Roman author, Annaeus Seneca, tutor and confidant of Emperor Nero, suggested in a letter to his friend Lucilius (a pseudonym of Lucius Piso) that lighting candles on Sabbaths prohibited. 4 Seneca is later quoted by St. Augustine in his City of God 5 (although the quotation does not exist in Seneca's extant writings) as charging that: "the (Sabbath) customs of that most accursed nation have gained such strength that they have been now received in all lands, the conquered have given laws to the conqueror." The family headed by Seneca's friend, Lucius Piso, was confronted with an allied problem more personal to it. They were the Calpurnius Pisos, who were descended from statesmen and consuls, and from great poets and historians as well. Gaius Lucius Calpurnius Piso, the leader of the family, had married Arria the younger (from her grandfather's name, Aristobulus). This made Lucius Piso's wife the great-granddaughter of Herod the Great. Repeatedly, religious-minded Judaean zealots were staging insurrections against the Herodian rulers of Judaea who were Piso's wife's relations. Piso wished to strengthen his wife's family's control of the Judaeans. The Pisos searched for a solution to the two problems. They found it in the Jewish holy books, which were the foundation both for the rapid spread of the religion and for the zealots' refusal to be governed by Rome's puppets. The Pisos mocked, but marveled at, the Jewish belief in their holy books. Therefore, they felt a new "Jewish" book would be the ideal method to pacify the Judaeans and strengthen their inlaws' control of the country. About the year 60 A.D., Lucius Calpurnius Piso composed Ur Marcus, the first version of the Gospel of Mark, which no longer exists. He was encouraged by his friend Seneca 5a and assisted by his wife's kinsman, young Persius the poet. Nero's mistress (later his wife) Poppea was pro-Jewish, and Nero opposed the plan. The result was the Pisonian conspiracy to assassinate Nero, detailed in the historian Tacitus. But this attempt failed when he aborted the plot. Instead, Nero had Piso and Seneca and their fellow conspirators executed by forcing them to commit suicide. He exiled Piso's young son Arrius (spelled "Arius" herein), who appears in Tacitus under several names, including "Antonius Natalis." 6 Nero sent young Piso to Syria as governer. That post also gave him command of the legions controlling Judaea. His own "history" records his service in Judaea in the year 65 under the name of Gessius Florus, and in 66 with the pseudonym Cestius Gallus. THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 2 This Arius Calpurnius Piso deliberately provoked the Jewish revolt in 66 so he could destroy the Temple in Jerusalem -- for the Jews were unwilling to accept his father's story and thereby become pacified by it as was intended. 7 However, his 12th Legion was caught by the zealots in the Pass of Beth Horon and almost lost. Nero's reaction was to exile him instead to Pannonia, to command a legion there; and to send Licinius Mucianus to serve in Syria, and Vespasian to Judaea to put down the Jewish revolt. Then in 68 Nero was assassinated by his own slave Epaphroditus 8 -- who unknown to his master was young Piso's lackey. Galba became emperor and named Piso's cousin, Licinianus Piso, 9 as his intended successor; but Galba in turn was soon overthrown by Otho. Otho was then overthrown by Vitellius -- at which point Piso and his friends began to flock together against the latter. The Pisos and Vespasian and Mucianus and Tiberius Alexander (Philo's nephew) all joined ranks behind Vespasian to seek to overthrow Vitellius. 10 Arius Calpurnius Piso was still commanding the 7th Legion in Pannonia 11 (Austria-Hungary), and Vespasian sent him (now appearing in Tacitus with the name Marcus Antonius Primus 12 south across the Alps to overthrow Vitellius. Meanwhile, the main body of Vespasian's legions marched overland under Mucianus from the east towards Rome. Piso succeeded in defeating Vitellius' army and secured Rome for Vespasian. 13 Mucianus arrived and promptly sent him to Judaea to help Titus at the siege of Jerusalem. He did so, and in 70 they assaulted the city, then the Temple, burned it, slaughtered many thousands, sent thousands more to slavery and gladiatorial combat and death. Then, Arius Calpurnius Piso wrote, in sequence, the following: Present Gospel of Mark 75-80 C.E. Gospel of Luke (with help of Pliny the Younger) 85-90 C.E. In the gospel story he inserted himself by playing the role not only of Jesus, but of all the Josephs, as well. He particularly enjoyed assuming the identity of Joseph. Wishing to create a Jewish hero, a savior, in fictional form, he (and his father before him), felt the identity of a second Joseph secretly, but very aptly, fit them. For their name Piso had the same four letters, rearranged, as the four Hebrew letters (Yud Vov Samech Fey) which in that language spelled the name Joseph. Thus they saw themselves as the new Joseph. That is why so much of the story of Joseph in Egypt is secretly redone and inserted into the gospel story of Jesus.
The Jesus figure which Piso creates is a composite. He inserts redrawn elements from Joseph in Egypt and other Jews of the Bible; elements from Essenic writings; and characteristics of various pagan gods. Piso plagiarized the Hebrew scriptures. Especially, he loved and borrowed freely from the prophet Isaiah, whose 44th chapter was most helpful. Piso's idea to make Jesus a god to whom to bow, worship and pray came from Isaiah 44.17; and the idea to make himself as Jesus’ creator/father, a carpenter -- and the idea for Jesus' cross -- came from Isaiah 44.13. He makes Jesus' career "fulfill" a multitude of verses from the Hebrew Bible -- many of which verses were never intended to be fulfilled by any messiah (annointed ruler) at all. Later, he and his family create hero number two, Paul, and have him fulfill in Acts those things which they forgot to have Jesus fulfill in the Synoptic Gospels. Still later, Jesus fulfill yet additional "prophecies" 3 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT in the Gospel of John, and in the writings of the church fathers. The "prophecies" fit Jesus for the same reason Cinderella's slippers fit her feet. The Jesus story was deliberately written in such a way that it would fulfill the prophecies. In addition to creating Jesus in literature, Piso created for himself another famous literary role, that of a purported Jewish general and then historian: Flavius Josephus. As Josephus, he contended he had bravely led his fellow Jews in the war in defending Galilee against the Roman invaders! However, like Jesus, Josephus came only in literature, that is, in Piso's own writings. Under his fictional name of Flavius Josephus he also wrote, during these approximate years the following: Jewish Antiquities (Jewish Archaeology) 75-80 C.E. His purported autobiography entitled Vita in Latin (which would be Bios in Greek) -- which is also fictional 85-90 C.E. Contra Apionem 103-105 C.E. Piso is known publicly in history only under his pen name of Flavius Josephus. He does not appear as Arius Calpurnius Piso. His true identity is decipherable only by reconstruction. With his father's death at Nero's hands in 65, the Pisos vanish from public Roman history. For the next 73 years they are busy writing the NT and tightening their power over the known world; but they appear only under alias names. They reappear as a family with Piso's grandson Antoninus as emperor in 138, and are thereafter known chiefly as the Antonines -- but not as the Pisos! II. THE JEWS REJECT THE STORY -- HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN AND HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT (John 1.11) (remainder of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 4 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) III. THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS -- "LET GOD BE TRUE, BUT EVERY MAN A LIAR..." (Romans 3.4) The main authors of the New Testament books were Arius Calpurnius Piso (Josephus); his son, Fabius Justus; his granddaughter's husband, Pliny the Younger; and his son, Julius. Following is a list of the actual authorship of each of the books of the New Testament:
THE CHURCH FATHERS. Between 100 and 105 additional Christian books were already being done -- by the same authors who were finishing the New Testament itself. Julius wrote an epistle as Clement of Rome. Pliny wrote a number of epistles as St. Ignatius. Proculus wrote one as St. Polycarp. By these writings, the authors were installing themselves, in their own time, as the legitimate successors of the apostles Peter and Paul who had supposedly written in the middle of the past century. This facade entitled them, as they now went among their new believers, to be the legitimate propagandizers and interpreters of the Christian writings. THE SEPTUAGINT. Father, too, was busy. Piso was amending the Greek Septuagint. In his gospels he had strengthened his story by misquoting places from the Hebrew Scriptures. He changed language in the Septuagint to make it conform with the NT misquotes. That way, there would be an alleged "correct" translation of the Hebrew Scriptures with which the NT quotations agreed. THE APOCRYPHA. Piso wished to create a strong foundation on which to place the new faith. So between 100 and 115 he recreated the story of the "400 lost years" of Jewish history. He did this by also writing most of the 14 books of the Apocrypha, including Esdras, I Maccabees, Judith, Tobit, Bel and the Dragon. By making Jewish history brave and glorious, the empire's peoples would more readily accept it as their own history and become the new Israel. THE WRITINGS OF ARRIAN. Later, between 130 and 150, Arrian (Arrianus, longer form of his grandfather's name Arius) would emulate him. He would use Piso's pseudonyms of Flavius and Barnabas. And he would compose, in addition to Hebrews, many Christian books: The Shepherd of Hermas, Barnabas, the Didache, Martyrdom of Polycarp, Epistle to Diognetus; as well as 24 volumes on Roman history; an account of Alexander's campaign into India; the writings of the purported astronomer Ptolemy; and the lecture notes of Epictetus, his Stoic instructor (whom he created!). IV. THE NUMERICAL CODE SYSTEMS -- PUTTING TWO & TWO TOGETHER & GETTING 22! (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE NUMERICAL CODE SYSTEMS 6 (page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) 7 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 8 (page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) 9 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE NUMERICAL CODE SYSTEMS 10 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) The Pisos used the numbers all through the New Testament -- in various ways, again and again. Piso teased that even "the very hairs of your head are all numbered!" (Mat. 10.30) There were no copyright laws then, and their use of code was like copyrighting their work. That way, no future authors could steal the honor which they wished for their memories forever, by claiming, even secretly, that the great work was theirs. But then, Piso's oldest living son, Julius (who was John as a little boy in the Synoptic Gospels), became angry at the family. As Julius Severus, he had just destroyed Bar Cochbah in the year which is now 135 C.E. (A.D.). But instead of rewarding him, his surviving brother Justus and Justus' friend Emperor Hadrian, who was under his thumb, had named sister Claudia's son Antoninus to succeed Hadrian. Julius felt his own grandson should have been chosen successor instead. 7 But Hadrian even specified that his own nephew and grandson should be emperors after Antoninus! So in 136-137 Julius retaliated by writing Revelation, and in it turning the number-code against the family. He ridicules Pliny, who was number 27, by making the beast in Revelation 13.1 (14 and therefore his own father!) have 10 horns, 7 heads, and diadems, which total 27. He makes his own dead father into the dragon, who acts for 42 months (Matthew 1.17; 3 x 14, that is Jesus)in Revelation 13.5. The seven angels have seven plagues (a total of 14!) in Revelation 15.6. He is most vicious toward his father in Revelation 13.18 8 by saying the number of the beast was 666. 600 (which was Xristos by the initial system) plus 66 (Flaovios Iospos by small numbering). That is, daddy and his creation, Christ! Some ancient manuscripts have this as 616, but the result is the same. For 16 is P by the sequence system, and P stood for Piso. So 616 is Piso plus Christ! In that same verse, Julius derides his father yet another way. That involved a fourth numerical code system: regular (not "small") numbering in words and entire phrases. The total of the phrase introducing the number of the beast ("and his number is") 11 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT was made to be 1,702 in regular numbering, so that when 666 was added to it, the total was 2,368; and that was the identical total, also in regular numbering, of the 9 names Jesus Christ. Each was 2,368! 9 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) V. SOUNDS, ANIMALS AND ALLUSIONS -- "FOR SUCH MEN... THROUGH FAIR SPEECH AND FLATTERING SPEECH DECEIVE THE HEARTS OF THE GUILELESS" (Romans 16.18) In addition to their use of the various number systems, the Pisos also used a variety of other methods of code. They used sounds including "pur" from Calpurnius, "pour" from Kalpournios (the spelling of the name in Greek), "pass" or "paz" from Piso's fictional name, which was spelled Iosepos in Greek (no historian ever mentions that Josephus spells his name with a "p" instead of an "f" in Greek; for they, too, are Inner Circle members). Other sounds used are "shur," from Genesis 49.22, in which Joseph appeared as a fruitful bough with its branches running over the wall; and "wall" there being in Hebrew shut. Also, shy which was Aramaic for "gift" and alluding to the great gift, Jesus, which Josephus created. Also, animals were and are used as allusions to Josephus: 1. The CAMEL. Camillus was the Roman general who destroyed Veil, capital of the Etruscans and until then an obstacle to Rome's expansion on the Italian peninsula. Piso saw Jerusalem -- with its Temple, which was the heart of Judaism -- as the new Veii; hence, he was the new Camillus or Camel. Examples in the Gospels are the camel and the needle, the gnat and the camel, and the camel-hair garment of John the Baptist. When we reverse the order of the first two letters of Iosepos and add the name of that city, the result is "Oy Veii!" 2. The LEOPARD or PANTHER. A symbol of the goddess, Cybele, which also was composited by Piso into the Jesus figure -- was the panther. This is source of "puss and boots," "cat with nine lives," "many ways to skin a cat." That was also why Jesus was called ben Pantiri. 3. The HORSE. Piso, with its letters rearranged and an extra "p" added, becomes ippos in Greek, which is horse. The horse's mouth and its donkey, lead a horse to water, horse laugh, etc. The Second Coming or the Rapture, which is Humpty's fall, is when all the king's horses won't put him back together again. 4. The COCK or CHICKEN. A priest of Cybele and Attis was called a gallus in Rome, because the Gallus was the name of the river in western Turkey from which area the Romans stole that particular pair of gods. Gaul, specifically Provence, was where the Pisos had estates. And gallus meant a chicken in Latin: "Before the cock crows, Simon Peter, you will deny me three times." That was why Tur Malkah was destroyed through a cock and a hen. Also, Jesus as a hen gathering her chickens in Mat. 23.37, cock and bull, cocksure, cock of the walk, peacock, poppycock, and the chicken (Piso) on whom we put our sins (instead of the Temple he destroyed with his 24 SOUNDS, ANIMALS AND ALLUSIONS 12 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) VI. THE FAMILY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT -- "I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE" (John 10.30) The Pisos claimed descent from Calpus (Kalpos in Greek) whom they claimed was the son of Numa Pompilius, successor of Romulus who founded Rome. The Calpurnian clan descended from Calpus; and the Pisos were the most prominent family in the Calpurnian clan. Changing the "a" to "o" produced kolpos, which was Greek for bosom. That is why Lazarus was in the bosom of Abraham in Luke 16.23 and why the only begotten Son was in the bosom of the Father in John 1.18 and why the beloved disciple leaned on Jesus' bosom in John 13.23. That is also why, after the Resurrection, Jesus met "Cleopas" (Luke 24.18) and a Mariam is (wife) of "Clopas" (John 19.25). Piso and his sons and Pliny move through the NT under various names. In the gospels, starting with Matthew, Jesus (Josephus) has basically only three disciples: John, James and Simon Peter. All the other nine disciples are shadowy alter egos of these three. The three are really his three sons, Julius, Justus and Proculus, inserted into the first gospel when still little boys. In addition, his fourth son, Alexander, appears as the fourth but less important disciple, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. The New Testament mentions 9 different Simons (plus 2 Simeons); and 6 different Jameses; and 9 different Johns; and 6 different Judases. Most of these were honorable insertions of Piso's three sons (Julius played the Judases as well as the Johns). When Piso plays Joseph, the three main disciples are his three real sons -- and Jesus is his literary son. Then when Piso plays Jesus, his sons become Jesus' brothers. Thus, Jesus has four brothers (Matthew 13.55) who are really Piso's four sons including Alexander. 13 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Father plays all the Josephs. First he is Joseph the carpenter, later he is Joseph of Arimathea who buries Jesus. Joseph the carpenter drops from the story when Jesus starts his ministry -- because Piso cannot be in the story as two main roles simultaneously! -- then Joseph reappears after the crucifixion to bury his literary son! Then in Acts of the Apostles, he reappears as Joseph the Levite, whose name is quickly changed to Barnabas (Acts 4.36). Thus, he plays both the Son (Jesus) and the Father (Joseph the carpenter, and God). Father and Son were in fact one -- each was Piso. Shakespeare described the double identity in Pericles, Prince of Tyre. In its great riddle, supposedly alluding to incest, but actually to Piso's double role, Shakespeare wrote: "He's father, son, and husband mild..." 1 And in As You Like It, he wrote, "One man plays many parts..." 2 In Acts 19.29 and 20.4, written by his son Justus, Josephus is inserted under the name Aristarchus and is a companion of Pliny who appears under two of his actual names, Gaius and Secundus! It was appropriate that Piso have the pseudonym Aristarchus, for Aristo was the name of Plato's father. Similarly, it is as Titius Aristo that Josephus entered Roman jurisprudence. Under that name he was a famous Roman jurist cited in Justinian's Digest centuries later. In the New Testament, Piso is also Aquila, which meant eagle; and Prisca or Priscilla is his wife. His wife's true name was Boionia Priscilla or Procilla. She also appears in II Timothy (written by their son Justus) as Lois. Fittingly, she appears literature as superman's wife and Timothy's grandmother. Justus was his father's main successor. When Justus and his father started the writing of Acts, Justus played Paul, the hero, as his father had created and played the role of Jesus. (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE FAMILY AND IN THE NEW TESTAMENT 14 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) VII. THE CREATION OF THE CHURCH -- "...SOME AFFIRM THAT WE SAY 'LET US DO EVIL THINGS THAT GOOD THINGS MAY COME.' (Romans 3.8) As the years after 70 rolled by, the Jews continued rejecting the story. Piso's successive versions became increasingly anti-Jewish. But still he was prohibited by the Vespasian emperors from taking the tale to the non-Jews. Then in 96 he and Pliny assassinated Emperor Domitian, 1 second son and last survivor of Vespasian. Nerva became emperor, named the Pisos to his council, and allowed them to do what they pleased. The family began writing the Acts of the Apostles. For thus far they have a hero who says he comes only to the lost sheep of Israel and who hesitates to scatter his bread to the dogs. They need a second hero, one whom Jesus will instruct from Heaven to open the new Faith to the non-Jews, Justus will start that story and create and play the part of the new spokesman, Paul. The vehicle for the transformation of Paul from persecutor to apostle is his remarkable vision (all in the story!), which in turn rests on his experience in observing the stoning of Stephen. The robes of the witnesses to the stoning are even laid at Paul's feet (Acts 7.58)! 15 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT The martyrdom of Stephen is a posthumous honor to Stephanus, the slave of Domitilla, Emperor Domitian's niece, who had helped kill the emperor in Rome 2 just before the writing of Acts. He becomes the gentle Stephen, whom the Jewish mob stones (Acts 7.58-59). But Acts does not state he died but only that he fell asleep (Acts 7.60), for he was in fact killed in Rome by those not involved in the plot who rushed in (presumably Domitian's bodyguards). Two years later in 98, Nerva dies and Trajan becomes emperor. He was married to Pompeia Plotina. Her true name was Claudia Phoebe. 3 She was Piso's daughter. The family now ruled the world. Acts was soon finished, and the Epistles were being written. Between 100 and 105, while they were writing the NT Epistles and the Gospel of John, the Pisos were creating the embryonic church. Justus, his father, Pliny, their family, friends, and their slaves traveled about Bithynia, Pontus, and the province of Asia (all in what is now Asiatic Turkey), and the Greek cities, and later Alexandria and elsewhere, to create the churches and to gather the slaves and poor people into the new faith. As the public writings under Piso's name of Josephus (coupled with the Synoptic Gospels) are the method to find him as the creator of the Jesus story -- so are the writings of Pliny (both the public and the private ones) the method to glimpse the creation of the Church. From the letters of Pliny, 4 one can unravel the members of the Piso family under their various pseudonyms and can notice the comings and goings of the family across Bithynia and the adjacent provinces. From the letters of "St. Ignatius," 5 which are also by Pliny, one can see him writing to the various family members and friends as they start the first churches. Pliny created the first churches in Bithynia and Pontus commencing about 100 -- once Acts of the Apostles was completed. But that was not his first tour of duty there nor did his tour cover a mere few years ending about 112, as is presumed from his public writings. He was in Pontus and Bithynia repeatedly between the years 85 and 112. The method to deduce his many tours is the appearance of his pseudonym, Maximus, repeatedly -- with various second names -- in his public letters. From his letters 6 he appears as Terentius Maximus, procurator for Emperor Domitian in Bithynia; and he was there even back in 85-86 as proconsul under the name, Lappius Maximus. 7 All the careers of various people named Maximus -- each of which was Pliny -- appear in his own public letters. This leads us to the source of the first name of Pontius Pilate. He in fact was named merely Pilate or Pilatos in Greek. He was only Pilate when Philo of Alexandria discussed him about the year 45 in his writings. He mentioned him only in connection with the incident of the shields. Pilate remained merely that in the first two gospels, Matthew (ch. 27) and Mark (ch. 15). Only in Luke 3.1 does Pilate acquire the additional name Pontius. That was because in 85-90 Pliny was assisting Piso writing the third gospel, Luke. So Piso honored him by adding the name Pontius -- which was a variant form of Pliny's province Pontus -- to Pilate's name. For Pliny had already been serving a term as governor there. Later, twice more Pilate is called Pontius Pilate: in Acts 4.27, written after 96 by Justus; then in I Timothy 6.13 (which Pliny himself wrote about 105). The family also slipped into Acts, in connection with the purported travels of Paul and others, mention of Pontus (Acts 2.9) and of Bithynia (Acts 16.7). Piso, as a (fictional) Jew named Aquila, is born in Pontus according to Acts 18.2; and the first verse in I Peter mentions believers in Pontus and in Bithynia. Pliny's letters show that Justus too was in Bithynia between 96 and 98; he was proconsul there under the name Tullius Justus. 8 Piso also shows his presence in these provinces -- and also via Pliny's letters. As Claudius Ariston (form of Aristo), he was the leading citizen of Ephesus. 9 That was the chief city of the province of Asia, located southwest of Bithynia. As (Flavius) Archippus, the philosopher, Piso had been honored by Emperor Domitian; the emperor THE CREATION OF THE CHURCH 16 "commended" him to Pliny (Lappius Maximus) in Bithynia; 10 and he ordered Pliny (Terentius Maximus) to buy him a farm near Prusa. 11 And the people of Prusa voted him, as Archippus, a statue. 12 Dio Chrysostom, Bithynian orator and philosopher, addressed the city assembly of this same Prusa in Bithynia, lauding Diodorus -- but with equivocal meanings. 13 Diodorus meant the gift of god, by which Dio meant Piso! Starting shortly after the year 100, and as they were finishing Acts and writing the epistles, they were traveling about the provinces. They pretended to be present-day apostles and bishops, the successors of the apostles Paul and Peter, who they explained had lived and written a half century before. While Pliny pretended he was Ignatius, Justus was Justinus, Julius was Clement of Rome, Proculus was Polycarp, and Julianus (Justus' son) was Papias. They were reading for the slaves and poor people who were the new believers, the Synoptic Gospels, Acts, and also the Pauline Epistles which they were just finishing. But they were explaining that these had been written back before the middle of the prior century. However, Christianity was not done in a corner -- as the words attributed to Paul in Acts 26.26. The intelligent of that day, the literate and upper classes, both in Rome and in all the conquered provinces around the empire who profited from Rome's rule and supported it -- knew what was occurring. About the time that Justus and his father and Pliny were starting the first churches in Bithynia, Dio Chrysostom, in Bithynia, grumbled: "... surely you have noticed what some of our booksellers do? ...Because they, knowing that old books are in demand since better written and on better paper, bury "the worst specimens of our day in grain in order that they may take on the same colour as the old ones, and after ruining the books into the bargain they sell them as old..." 14 By the year 110, the NT including the Pauline Epistles was substantially finished; all the books had been written except Revelation and Hebrews. There had been difficulty with some Roman writers. Valerius Martial, although using pseudonyms for the Pisos, mocked and derided them m as he did most everyone else in Rome's aristocracy other than Emperor Domitian. His closeness to the emperor permitted this. But after Trajan's accession in 98, Pliny graciously paid for Martial's passage back to his well-deserved retirement in his native Spain. 15 Juvenal the satirist, too, criticized the Pisos (under their various pseudonyms, of course). In his 16th Satire, which he addressed to Gallius (a form of Piso's pseudonym of Gallus), he grumbled at the privileges enjoyed by Rome's legions. Later the Pisos' successors would truncate his writings, appropriately at the 60th line of his said 16th Satire. Other writers were cooperative, for there was peril in noncooperation. No one wrote unless he was permitted by the emperor. The latter and the aristocracy were the financial patrons of the writers. Thus, Statius the poet had written admiringly to the various members of the family during Domitian's reign. Later, after the year 100, appeared the writings of Plutarch. Piso was his patron, and the family were his friends. He was not 100% convinced, but he was cautious. He wrote: "...after dinner even common unlettered people allow their thoughts to wander to other pleasures...They take up conundrums and riddles or the Names and Numbers game." 16 The "names and numbers" game was called in Greek Isopsepha. The total values of a name's letters was equated with the total letters of another name. That was precisely what the Pisos were doing with small numbering. And that is what Plutarch was hinting at! By the year 115, the success of the Pisos's creation seemed assured. Thus far, only Josephus himself had dared to historicize Jesus, and that only in a brief paragraph, the Testimonium Flavianum in his Jewish Antiquities about the year 90, plus a brief mention of the purported death of Jesus' brother, James. Of course, Philo of Alexandria who died about 45 C.E. and who wrote until after 40 and mentioned Pilate in connection 17 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT with the incident of the Roman shields 17 -- did not, nor could he, make any mention of Jesus nor the Christian story. Now the family had other writers place Jesus and Christianity in prior history. First, the Pisos used their friend Cornelius Palma, the jurist. Writing under the name Cornelius Tacitus between 115 and 120, he mentioned Christ and said he had founded the Christians and had been crucified by Pontius Pilate; and also detailed that Nero had caused Christians to be torn by dogs and burned on crosses. 18 Then Suetonius Tranquillus, too, historicized Nero's persecution, with the mere statement that punishment was inflicted on the Christians, "a new and mischievous superstition;" 19 and elsewhere said that Emperor Claudius (who ruled 41-54) had expelled the Jews from Rome for constantly making disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus. 20 Suetonius was historicizing the story appearing in Acts of theApostles (18.2) that Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. But perhaps he was hinting at the identity of him whom he was honoring with this account. For he deliberately this time misspelled the Christus name with an "e" instead of an "i." Although he wrote in Latin, perhaps his intent was to make the spelling in Greek with the "e," total in small numbering therefore 26, and hence the same as KP by the sequence system -- instead of it being 22 if spelled normally as Christus (Xristos). Suetonius Cooperated Perfectly. For his name was a pseudonym for his true name, Titus Antoninus. He was Claudia Phoebe's elder son and Piso's grandson. Piso had taken him into his home and reared him when his father Rufus died about the year 93. In the year 138, he would become emperor and then do further writings under his pseudonym as Church Fathers. First, he wrote as Tatian. He said that the poor were enjoying Christian education gratuitously. 21 Thus, the family had instituted free Christian schools to assist them in converting the poor to the new Faith. Then "tranquil" Antoninus became "Irenic" when he created and wrote as St. Irenaeus, Church Father. In Irenaeus Against Heresies, he deliberately again misspelled Christos -- this time as Chreistos. 22 For this way it totaled 27 in Greek. Thus he could honor Pliny as he had honored his grandfather. VIII. HOW TO FIND JOSEPHUS AS THE AUTHOR -- "I AM NOT OF THIS (THE) WORLD" (John 17.14, 16) (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) HOW TO FIND JOSEPHUS AS THE AUTHOR 18 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions)
Having studied the first three gospels, one then begins to read Acts of the Apostles and attempts to continue tracing Josephus and his sons, in their various literary alter egos, through the story. But he encounters a problem. The names start to be Roman. And new people, not pseudonyms of the family, begin to appear, such as Gaius, Secundus, Cornelius and Timothy. 19 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) IX. THE PROOF THAT JOSEPHUS WAS REALLY CALPURNIUS PISO -- "FOR NOTHING IS HIDDEN, EXCEPT TO BE REVEALED, NOR HAS (ANYTHING) BEEN SECRET, BUT THAT IT SHOULD COME TO LIGHT" (Mark 4.22). By now, the reader should well understand how Josephus was found to be the author of the Jesus story in the Synoptic Gospels -- that he was the Joseph writing himself in as the father, and as Jesus, and writing his three sons in as the three main disciples. And because Josephus was not born until the year 37 C.E., the effect was to prove Jesus a fictional alter ego of Josephus. And the reader will have understood, too, the proofs that Calpurnius Piso inserted himself and his family repeatedly, by numbers and other methods, into the gospels, and that he apparently was Josephus. But the reader will still wonder how the transition was made -- how does one, realizing Josephus created the story, come to the conclusion that he was in fact Calpurnius Piso? There is a great mystery in the figure of Flavius Josephus. Here is a supposed descendant of Hasmonean royalty who according to his own writings, after apparently defending Galilee and its town of Jotapata bravely, flees to a cave; 1 and then after his companions commit suicide, himself surrenders to the Romans 2 -- and is spared! 3 This was even though, during the siege of Jotapata, Josephus had his men pour boiling oil down upon the Romans and boiling fenugreek over the Roman assault planks. 4 Yet when he ultimately surrenders to the Romans, they do not instantly lift his head. For he prophesies: "You will be Caesar, Vespasian; you will be emperor, you and your son here." 5 Therefore, allegedly Vespasian merely imprisons him while he waits to ascertain whether the prophecy will be fulfilled! Then the emperors house him for some 30 years in Rome 6 while he writes Jewish history books in addition to the gospel stories! And he marries his granddaughter and his children (as decipherable from Pliny's letters) into the Roman aristocracy! Truly, the "cat with nine lives!" The letters of Pliny referred to above will be helpful once again. They, along with the writings of Josephus and those of the Roman historian Tacitus (all presently obtainable in Loeb Classical Library editions) are the chain which ultimately leads one to the true identity of Flavius Josephus; and in the process, also reveals the portrayal of Josephus as the Jewish general captured by the Romans, to be entirely fictional. JOSEPHUS WAS CALPURNIUS PISO 20 In Pliny's letters that particular one of the various identities of Josephus in which he is Pliny's wife's grandfather is Calpurnius Fabatus. And soon we find the name Calpurnius again. In Josephus' The Jewish War, he inserted himself as Cestius Gallus 7 when he was the Roman general who provoked the Jewish revolt. For he saw himself as gallus, the priest or midwife of the new god he was creating, Jesus. Soon, in The Jewish War, Cestius Gallus has an assistant, Caesennius Gallus, commander of the 12th Legion. 8 But he is still Gallus -- that is, Josephus. Then Caesennius Paetus appears as governor of Syria; 9 but because he is still Caesennius, he is still Josephus. Moreover, the name Paetus seems familiar. It had appeared in the writings of the Roman historian Tacitus, as Thrasea Paetus, Stoic philosopher, killed by Emperor Nero about the year 65. l0 In Tacitus, a few pages earlier, 11 Nero also kills the leader of a group of conspirators who plot his life. The leader is named Calpurnius Piso. Somehow he seems to resemble Thrasea Paetus. Could they be identical? Moreover, the name Calpurnius reminds one of Calpurnius Fabatus, which was Josephus' name in Pliny's letters when he was Pliny's wife's grandfather. At this point the following steps quickly occur: 1. One checks a Latin classical dictionary and finds the famous Calpurnius Piso family. 2. From a Latin dictionary, one also finds the source of the Piso name, as "pistor," meaning one who "ground," or a miller or baker. He then thinks of the many allusions to the baker and is caught up on the trail of bread crumbs. 3. He, thus, realizes that Josephus was a Calpurnius Piso. 4. The conspirator Calpurnius Piso of about the year 65 appears to have perished in fact, and not merely in literature in Tacitus' Annals Book XV. But Tacitus explains that others of the conspirators are exiled or given immunity. These including "Natalis" (Nativity?) -- whom Tacitus described in as being "the partner of Piso in all his secret councils." 12 Likewise "Montanus" (the mountain?) "is spared out of consideration for his father" 13 when Thrasea Paetus is killed. 5. One recalls that Josephus appears in Judaea a year later as Cestius Gallus. 6. Then one realizes that: (1) Josephus was the son of the condemned conspirator, Calpurnius Piso, and was himself also a Calpurnius Piso; and (2) many others have, themselves, previously followed this same trail of bread crumbs. This, then, is the method of learning that Josephus was really Calpurnius Piso! That is, unless one happens to be an evangelist and has already been so informed in seminary or by another evangelist! It now quickly becomes apparent that Josephus was not an expatriate Jew who created Christianity in order to subvert or improve Rome; rather, he was a Roman who was Jewish only technically, because his Roman father had married a descendant of the Herods. His actions were in order to spread the power of Rome and particularly of his own Calpurnius Piso family. Thinking of Josephus as a Roman and not as a Jew, one then realizes his native language was not Hebrew nor Aramaic but Latin and Greek. One begins to think of those various numbers used by him in his writings in terms of code in the Greek language. Then, if he begins to work through the Greek alphabet, he finds the various numerical equivalents of the letters; and, ultimately, he may unravel Piso's various numerical code systems. X. THE INNER CIRCLE -- "FOR NOW WE SEE YET IN A MIRROR IN A RIDDLE, BUT THEN FACE TO FACE..." "(I Cor. 13.12) This knowledge has always been the play-thing of the (Non-Jewish) intellectual theological, and political establishments of the world, who have always used it for population control. Yet still today, almost no Jews know anything about this subject nor that our ancestors' coded responses to Piso's creation are scattered all through our ancient writings and ritual. 21 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (this page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE INNER CIRCLE 22 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) We all know of famous evangelists who claim they had visions from the Lord at the age of 14 or 16! Fictionalized rewrites of the hidden career of Piso/Josephus appear in the "lives" of Apollonius Of Tyana and of Judah Ben-Hur, the Judaean price who was galley slave Number 60 until he was adopted by the Roman admiral to become "young Arrius!" Inner Circle allusions -- in numbers, names, and various types of clues and hints -- are all through the world's literature. The Gesta Romanorum, Decameron, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Rabelais, Tolstoy, Milton, Spencer, Tennyson, Thackeray, Kipling, Stevenson, Poe, Burns, Browning, Noyes, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, ad infinitum. As just one example, the poem which introduces Alice in Wonderland mentions Prima, Secunda, and Tertia. These are feminine forms of three of our old friends! Also read Kipling's story, The Bisara of Pooree: -- Besorah was the Hebrew word for glad tidings (Gospel in English), Pooree was an allusion to Mr. Poor! Sherlock Holmes' very last words to Watson in the very last story were "Some day, Watson, the true story may be told." Long before, in The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare prophesied: "Truth will come to light...in the end truth will out" (Act II, Scene II). Today Inner Circle numbers and other allusions appear not only in books and stories but also in motion pictures, television and advertising. The Inner Circle continues inexorably to expand. It was Piso himself who made possible all this deciphering and all the resulting allusions to his secret work. The New Testament is decipherable only because in addition to being a mass murderer and the greatest writer and fabricator who ever lived (I give the devil his due, as did his son Julius in Revelation 13.18), Piso was the world's greatest egotist. He could not resist piling clue after clue and code system after code system into the NT. He also repeatedly mocked his own work. In Acts 13.6 (total 19) he and Justus inserted a false prophet named Barjesus (son of Jesus, i.e., Justus!). In II Cor. 12.16, Justus, writing as Paul, boasted that he was crafty and took the believers in by deceit. This knowledge was not intended for the average person but only for those somehow privileged to be members of this Inner Circle. In C. S. Lewis' The Inner Ring, (which appears in his book, The Weight Of Glory) he wrote: "But your genuine Inner Ring exists for exclusion. There'd be no fun if there were no outsiders. The invisible line would have no meaning unless most people were on the wrong side of it. Exclusion is no accident; it is the essence." 1 Piso's system, and later variations of it by means of new holy books such as the Quran, Das Capital, Mein Kampf, the Book of Mormon (with its additional created lineage of the tribe of Joseph) has always been the ideal method with which to control people. Piso, his family, and friends were Stoics -- until they created Christianity and changed into the Church Fathers. Stoics believed that people are motivated by, and controllable through, fear and hope. Piso's creation continued that method. Always the Jews have been available as the repeated scapegoat for those who led, or wished to lead, the common folk -- just as Piso, himself, made the Jews the scapegoat forevermore in his story, because their ancestors refused to accept it: "His blood (be) on us and on our children" (Matthew 27.25). Those Christians (certainly not loving Christians by today's standards) who have been professional Jew-haters have loved using Inner Circle allusions when spreading hatred against Jews: 23 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) The issue for Jews is not whether Jesus was an imposter nor whether or not he was framed (and if that were the issue, perhaps a Jew could rationalize -- and we are excellent at rationalizing -- why people have hated us for 1900 years). Rather the leaders of the world have always know that this was a fictional story, with a fictional hero and fictional characters; and they have inflicted 1900 years of hatred and murder, playing God, because they knew their story was made up and, therefore, doubted God's very existence at all. Piso's successors long accused "the Jews" of killing Jesus (and of continuing to reject him -- which was tantamount to killing him again!) when in fact Piso himself had killed him in his own story. Cock Robin's death was self-inflicted! Onto the myth of deicide, the world's leaders had their poets and writers add such other hateful lies against Jews as the slanderous accusations of Host-desecration, the blood-libel, the Wandering Jew fable, the well-poisoners, and more recently the international bankers. The Jew became to Christian folklore and the popular mind the embodiment of Satan. 6 By painting the image of the Jew as evil and as cursed by God, the leaders were able to: (A) Explain why the Jews had rejected and killed Jesus and still then continued unwilling to accept him. (B) Explain why the Jews were still then being treated so badly. (C) Have and utilize a convenient object on which to divert the dissatisfaction of their peoples. (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) THE INNER CIRCLE 24 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) When the Catholic Church at Vatican II was debating to what degree it should exonerate the Jews of the charge of deicide, President Nasser of Egypt sent to the Church a manuscript arguing against the exoneration. The manuscript was 600 pages in length. As to the Communists -- Karl Marx was a student of Bruno Bauer in a Berlin University. 11 Bauer was the only Bible scholar who ever openly wrote that the NT arose from the synthesis of the ideas of Seneca and Josephus 12 (although, for whatever reason, omitting mention of Josephus' father). He also believed (correctly!) that Jesus was a creation by the composer of the Gospel of Mark. 13 CP are the initials used for Communist Party. Three Cs and a P appear as the Cyrillic initials for the USSR. Pointedly on the 60th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, that country sent greetings to the American people. It also mentioned, in boasting of the accomplishments of Soviet medicine, that a woman had been revived after appearing for 24 hours to have been dead! Today, some of our Jewish brethren who were formerly atheists have "found" Jesus; and they, too, have gone into the evangelism business. Messianic Judaism, the great balloon hoax of the 1970's, knows much of this information. Jews are being lured from their own religion by people for money and ego and because the enticers do not believe -- as Piso, himself, did not believe -- in God. Otherwise, they could not peddle what they know is not true. (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) 25 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT "O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and (things) wherein (there is) no profit. Shall a man make gods unto himself, they (are) no gods?" (Jeremiah 16.19-20). "Thus, saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it (shall come to pass), that ten men, out of all the languages of the nations, shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you; for we have heard (that) God is with you." (Zechariah 8.23). "And the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve Him, and to love the name of the Lord...Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer...for my House shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations" (Isaiah 56.6-7). XI. THE TRUTH MAKES FREE -- "IT IS NOT INCUMBENT UPON YOU TO FINISH THE WORK, YET YOU ARE NOT FREE TO DESIST FROM IT" (Pirkei Avoth II.21). Since Piso's day, each few centuries have seen repeated holocausts against Jews. And herein possibly lies a meaning from the recent Holocaust. Jews can only be free of Piso's story and of the Anti-Semitism it has fostered, when they acquire POSitive PERception -- insight into the creation of Christianity. Only with that knowledge can they effectively struggle against attempts to eliminate them physically by holocausts or spiritually by craftiness and guile (II Cor. 12.16). The Chazal totaled the commandments at 613. They were willing to use 600 inconspicuously as part of the total. But they openly used the number 13 in order to show their deliberate rejection of 14 and of Piso whom it represented. Commitment to Jewish survival has recently been wisely urged as the answer to the recent Holocaust, and the 614th commandment. 1 But in addition, when Jews know and remember why this and all the other holocausts occurred, will this truth, in the words of John 8.32, in fact make them free. Free -- of Piso's story!
The citations and quotations from the ancient writers herein are from the Loeb Classical Library editions of their works. These include Flavius Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Valerius Martial, L. Annaeus Seneca, Virgil, Philo, Tacitus, Suetonius, Juvenal, Dio Cassius, Plutarch, Dio Chrysostom, Historia Augusta, Apostolic Fathers. The Loeb Classical Library are printed in England by William Heinemann Lid, and distributed through co-publisher, the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. These can be ordered through general bookstores. New Testament quotations are from the following editions: New American Standard Bible New Testament Reference Edition, Foundation Press Publications/The Lokman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. 1963. The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, The Nestle Greek Text with a Literal English Translation, Second Edition, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1972. References to the Koran are to the English translation by George Sale, published by Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., London, England. I. THE GREAT SECRET -- (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) FOOTNOTES 26 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) II. THE JEWS REJECT THE STORY -- 1 Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War, VII. 252 2 Ibid VII.400 3 Ibid 11.447; VII.275,397 III. THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT BOOKS -- (no notes) IV. THE NUMERICAL CODE SYSTEMS -- 1 Hall, Manley P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, An Encyclopedia Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, 20th Edition, Philosophical Research Society Inc., Los Angeles, Calif., 1975. page LXV ff. 2 Ibid, page LXIX ff. 3 The spelling Piso was the family name in Latin. In Greek it was Peison, whose letters totaled 29 in small numbering. Infrequently, Piso used 70 (in Mat. 18.22, and Luke 10.1, 17) which was a total of 41 and 29, to allude to himself; but rarely did he use 29 alone. For usually he and his family thought in terms of the Latin spelling, Piso, but with the Greek numerical equivalents, whose letters totaled 19. It should be noted, however, that Psalm 29 was chosen for singing each Sabbath at conclusion of Torah reading. 4 An answer to Piso's secret use of 41.6 appears in the Erev Yom Kippur hymn Ya'aleh. In it, the three words in the first column were inserted because they totaled 41; and the four words in the third column were chosen because they totaled 46! 5 Philo of Alexandria and the Septuagin had for Moses' sister also used the Greek spelling Mariam (assuming the spelling in Philo had not been changed from Miriam by Piso or his successors). But Aria with an "m" added on each end did aptly fit as the name of Piso's fictional wife. 6 Jewish War III.316, 406 7 See Dio Cassius LXIX.17 (1), which is volume 8, page 455. 8 In which he also mocks Judaism, because 13 and 18 were two of the main numbers of the Jewish religion. A Jewish response was to commence the singing of Psalms 113-118 on holidays. 9 Michel, John, City of Revelation, Ballantine Books, NY, 1972, page 163 10 Historia Augusta (Scriptores Historia Augusta), Life of Hadrian, XV.8 11 See Dio Cassius LXIX.17 (1), volume 8, page 455. V. SOUNDS, ANIMALS AND ALLUSIONS -- 1. Josephus had inserted in his Jewish War a tower he called afekou, where he said Jews had assembled, only to flee on the advance of Cestius Gallus (11.513). The same sound, afiku, in Aramaic, meant "you shall cast out." And adding min to it happened to produce the same sound as the Greek afikomin, a form of afikneomai which meant "to arrive at," "come to," "reach." Another form appears as afiketo in Romans 16.19 with the meaning "came" or "has come abroad." VI. THE FAMILY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT -- 1. Act I, Scene I, 68. 2 II.7. 3 ss5 and 427. 4 s 336. 5 s 340. 6 s 36. 7 s 186. 8 ss 177-178. 9 ss271,294. 10 Ante-Nicene Fathers, Wm. B. Eerdman's Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1973, volume 1, chapter 117, page 258. 11 Tacitus, Dialogus De Oratoribus, Volume I (of Tacitus), page 231. 12 Plutarch's Lives, Romulus, Modern Library, Random House, NY, page 25. 13 Virgil, Aeneid, II.694. VII. THE CREATION OF THE CHURCH -- 1 According to Dio Cassius (LXVII.17.1-2), the assassination was supervised by Parthenius. That name contains the letters Pius, which was one of the names, used to describe the Pisos. Parthenius used Maximus (which was Pliny's pseudonym) and Stephanus as assassins. Also, Apollonius of Tyana, the fictional Piso/Jesus, mounted a rock at Ephesus and urged on Stephanus (Ibid. 18.1-2). And Domitian had lived 44 years, 10 months, and 26 days; and had reigned 15 years and 5 days. The numbers totaled 100 -- KP! 2 Supra 27 THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 3 She appears as "our sister Phoebe" in Romans 16.1 ; as Claudia in II Timothy 4.21; and as Claudius Ephebus in I Clement LXV.1. He appears as Pudens in II Tim. 4.21 (the same verse as his wife); and as Fronto in Ignatius' Epistle to the Ephesians II. 1. Their marriage -- she as Claudia Rufina and he as Pudens -- is praised by Valerius Martial (IV. 13). Emperor Trajan's public name was Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajan (Dio Cassius LXVIII.3 (4). Rearranging the letters of Ulpius produces one of his fictional names, Lupus. 4 The Biographical Index at the end of Pliny's letters is very helpful in interrelating, and hence deciphering, the various names and identities. 5 These are published in the Loeb Classical Library series, in Volume I of two volume set entitled Apostolic Fathers. 6 Pliny, X.58.5 7 Ibid, X.58.6 8 Ibid, X.58.10 9 Ibid, VI.31.3 10 Ibid, X.58.6 11 Ibid, X.58.5 12 Ibid, X.60 13 Dio Chrysostom, 51st Discourse, Volume IV, page 327 14 Ibid, 21st Discourse, Volume II, page 283 15 Pliny, III.21.2-3 16 Plutarch's Moralia, Volume VIII, Table Talk, V. 673 17 Philo, The Embassy to Gaius, Volume X, 299-305 18 Tacitus, Annals, XV.44 19 Suetonius, Nero 16.2 20 Ibid, Claudius 24.4 21 Address of Tatian to the Greeks, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1975, ch. 32, vol. II, page 78. VIII. HOW TO FIND JOSEPHUS AS THE AUTHOR -- (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) IX. THE PROOF THAT JOSEPHUS WAS REALLY CALPURNIUS PISO -- (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) X. THE INNER CIRCLE -- 1 C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory and other addresses, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1977 pp 64-65 2 Ausubel, Nathan, The Book of Jewish Knowledge, Crown Publishers Inc., NY, 1964, page 499 3 Ibid page 487 4 Ausubel, Nathan, Pictorial History of the Jewish People, Crown Publishers Inc., NY, 1955, page 255 5 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1968 edition, volume 2, page 84 6 See Trachtenberg, Joshua, The Devil and the Jews, Harper Torchbooks, Harper and Row, NY, 1977. Helpful in creating this image was Jesus' pronouncement to the Jews, "You are of (your) father the devil" (John 8.44). 7 Hay, Malcolm, Thy Brother's Blood, Hart Publishing Co. Inc., NY, 1975, pp 3-4 8 Parrinder, Geoffrey, Jesus in the Qur'an, Oxford University Press, NY, 1977, page 16 9 Encyclopaedia of Islam, E. J. Brill, Leyden, 1908, volume 1, page 793; volume 3, pp 506-507 10 Budge, Wallis, Sir E. A., Amulets and Superstitions, Dover Publications Inc., NY, 197B (paperback edition) page 441 11 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, 1974, Macropaedia, Karl Marx, Volume 11, page 549 12 Schweitzer, Albert, The Quest of the Historical Jesus, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., NY, 1968 (paperback edition), page 158 et al 13 Smith, Homer, W., Man and his Gods, Grossetts' Universal Library, Grossett and Dunlap, NY, 1956, page 190. XI. THE TRUTH MAKES FREE -- 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., The Jewish Return to History etc., Schocken Books, NY, 1978. THE TRUE AUTHORSHIP OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 28 (this part of page not transcribed, due to copyright restrictions) ![]() |
Transcriber's Comments
![]() Professor Revilo P. Oliver characterized the authorship of The True Authorship of the New Testament, by saying that the booklet was "written by a Jew who uses the pseudonym Abelard Reuchlin, and published by the Abelard Reuchlin Foundation in Kent, Washington." Why such an anonymous writer would have chosen the name "Abelard" (reminiscent of the Christian monk, Petrus Abaelardus), Dr. Oliver did not say -- but perhaps Abaelardus' final words ("I don't know") might be viewed by some as a renunciation of Christian beliefs. Nothing more is known of the writer, except that John Duran is somewhere cited as his disciple. There appears to be no formal documentation on file for the organization, incorporation or accreditation of the "Abelard Reuchlin Foundation." |